80.55% Will of embers / Chapter 29: Chapter 29

บท 29: Chapter 29

Chapter 29

'Why couldn't I have been transported into someone from the Inuzuka's clan.'

That was the first thought that came to Hiruzen's mind when he arrived at Inuzuka's clan compound. It would have been a great life. Surrounded by cute, big, and fluffy dogs all day, every day would have been great. Even now, having one of the older dogs rolled over next to Hiruzen and letting him scratch his belly was so relaxing that he almost forgot himself and that he needed to act like the greatest shinobi of this generation.

Looking at a toddler surrounded by dogs made Hiruzen extremely envious. The son of the Inuzuka clan head was living the dream, while Hiruzen was stuck with the worst job in the world. Kiba Inuzuka had no worries and could play as much as he wanted before going to sleep on top of a fluffy dog.

"Firstly, let me express my condolences over your husband's death," Hiruzen said, averting his eyes from his dream and putting on a solemn expression. "I don't think I have personally expressed how sorry I am for the clan's and Konoha's loss."

"Hmph, that reckless bastard is lucky he died before I got him personally," Tsume Inuzuka was in her mid-twenties and had to put a hold on her career as a shinobi to raise her two children and handle her clan. Still, Hiruzen saw how her clan members respected her and held her in high regard. "What a fool runs towards a certain death and leaves his family behind?"

"A hero," Hiruzen replied without thinking.

"What good is a hero for the clan, for the family if he isn't around anymore," It was close to a year since the Nine-tails attack, but Tsume still hadn't processed her husband's death properly, and she wasn't alone in grieving the lost ones. That is why the hatred towards the nine tails was still prevalent. "Sorry, Hokage-sama, but I don't buy into hero bullshit. We live in a shinobi world, doing all kinds of fucked up things. There is no place for heroes in this kind of world."

"And yet they still exist," Tsume was a young woman with a lot of responsibility thrown at her, so Hiruzen didn't want to disagree with her, but he still held in his beliefs as that was the only true thing about him. "And it makes them even more impressive in my eyes. Like your husband, many died to protect what was dear to them."

"They died foolishly," Tsume replied. "He was only recently promoted to a Jonin. His impact on the fight was so little that the result wouldn't have changed if he went or not."

"As little as it was, I believe he saved many lives that day," This wasn't the reason he came to see the Inuzuka clan. Still, he felt it was his responsibility to comfort Tsume for her loss and prove that her husband did something great, even if Hiruzen himself had no idea what he could have done that night. "Don't hate him. If you want to hate someone, hate me. Hate me, despise me, and curse me; after all, in the end, I was the useless one who couldn't do anything to change anything that night."

"Hate you?" Tsume looked into Hiruzen's eyes. He had no idea what she found in them, but her expression softened. "It would be treason to do so."

"It would be a human thing to do so," Hiruzen responded.

"Why do you say such things?" Tsume asked, her wild nature returning with rage. "Why now?"

"Because you are hurting."

It was that simple. Hiruzen could see how much she was hurting through her eyes. Maybe it was because of his skill of insight, but he could see how much she was suffering, and he couldn't take it. Maybe if he were more coldhearted, he could ignore it and continue with his original task. But he wasn't coldhearted shinobi. He was just a normal man, put in this cruel world and trying his best.


"Huh?" Hiruzen tried his best to keep his solemn expression as he turned to Tsume.

"Don't underestimate me," Tsume's eyes were sharp and dangerous. "You come to my house before my son and dare to say I am weak and that I can't handle my pain. Hokage-sama, you are overreaching the bounds. I will not be treated like a ch…"

Losing loved ones, Hiruzen knew very well how it felt. After all, he lost everything. His family, his friends, his world. Everything was ripped away from him, even his own life. Nobody had any idea how much he wanted to cry and scream in anger, frustration, and pain. But he put on an act, the same act that Tsume Inuzuka was putting on. So, he knew exactly what was truly hidden under her expression.

"No one is around," Hiruzen said as he put his hand on top of Tsume's head, gently patting her. "Cry, curse, and scream as much as you want. You can always hide behind my shadow when it is too much."

Tsume's cries were quiet. She just lowered her head and let her tears roll off her cheeks. But surprisingly, she leaned into Hiruzen's hand. It was understandable. She couldn't show any weakness to her clan, her children, or anyone else. Only Hiruzen could see it. Well, with this, his plan of deepening his trust in the Inuzuka clan has probably succeeded, even if it didn't go like he wanted.

'Why couldn't I have been transported into someone from the Akimichi clan.'

That was the first thought that came from Hiruzen as he sat down with the Akimichi clan head by the dining table. It wasn't even a dinner, but the smell of various dishes and snacks prepared for him made Hiruzen's mouth water. But it would take far more for Hiruzen to break out of his character, even if the aroma of the coffee was getting to his limits.

"I apologize I couldn't prepare a better welcome for you, Hokage-sama, but your arrival was quite unexpected," Choza Akimichi was a joyous person who enjoyed his food. "Please don't be shy. My wife would be depressed if she thought you didn't enjoy her cooking."

"Then thanks for the food," Hiruzen replied firstly, taking a sip of heavenly coffee before getting into the light sweets. "I see that you have taken good care of your clan Choza."

"Haha, you flatter me, Hokage-sama," The Akimichi clan head had mastered a method to eat and speak at the same time without trouble. "But my clan wasn't hit as hard as the others, so we were lucky in that regard."

"Good to hear," Hiruzen was envious of how sincere and genuine Choza was; he didn't need to put on an act; he was himself. "And since I have accepted this delicious food, you can't be embarrassed and not tell me if something is troubling you."

Hiruzen felt sick that he hoped there was something that would trouble them. That is why he could help them and have a deeper connection with them. Nara, Yamanaka, and Akimichi were always close to the Sarutobi clan, but it didn't mean that Danzo couldn't get his hands on them. While Hiruzen was afraid that Shikaku or Inoichi would discover his intentions, he wasn't concerned about Choza that much.

"Well, now that you mentioned it, there is a slight problem with our business."

"If there is anything I can help with, I will do my best to do so."

"Well, it is a bit silly, but with all the new buildings rising in the village since the old ones were destroyed, our restaurants are starting to look old-fashioned, but rebuilding them would feel disrespectful to all those who have lost their homes."

"I see. It would seem like you are showing off your wealth when so many have lost everything and are just now getting back on their feet," Hiruzen quickly grasped Choza's worries. "Well, there is a simple solution to it."

"There is?"

"Necessity," Hiruzen smiled innocently. "We need new places for orphans to eat as their canteens are always overwhelmed. There was a shortage of places to eat for patients in the hospitals and in many other situations. It wouldn't be a problem if you donated your old restaurants for such a purpose, and nobody would complain about building new ones."

"That seems too little," Choza smiled brightly. "I will also provide with management and supplies. Leave it to me, Hokage-sama."

Hiruzen tried his best to hide his satisfied smile. He might apologize to Choza later on, but for now, he will use this situation to deepen his connection to him, and he will also milk everything he can from the Akimichi clan's wealth to secure better living conditions for the village residents. It was a big win for him.

'I am glad I haven't been transported into someone from the Uchiha clan.'

Looking at their rigid eyes following Hiruzen as he entered the clan head's residence, Hiruzen felt a chill run down his spine. It wasn't the first time he came into the Uchiha clan compound, but with his insight, he now could see more of the coldness that resided with them. It wasn't anything intentional from their side. They looked that way at everyone, even at their own. So, Hiruzen didn't take it personally.

"Stay outside, and don't let anyone interrupt me unless it is an emergency," Hiruzen told his ANBU guards as he entered Fugaku's house with his wife waiting for him at the doorway.

"It has been a long time, Hokage-sama," Her eyes were the only thing that was colder than her voice. "My husband is waiting for you at the study."

The Uchiha clan prided itself on a rigid lifestyle—more militaristic than anyone else's. From a young age, they were trained to be shinobi. To Hiruzen, this was more abusive parenting than training, but sadly, it wasn't his place to say anything about it. In Konoha, the clans were more self-governing than in other villages, and unfortunately, that kept them loyal to Konoha, and changing it would bring unforeseen consequences that Hiruzen wasn't ready to deal with yet.

"Itachi, check on your brothers and help your mother out," Fugaku sent his heir as Hiruzen entered the study.

"No, need," Hiruzen said. "He is your heir, and to me, he seems to be more than ready to listen to our talks and give his opinion on it."

"Very well."

The truth was, Hiruzen had had enough of Danzo. After securing most of the clans on his side, he was preparing to make a move on Danzo and the Root. But Hiruzen didn't know how to do it, so he thought it would be best to leave it to someone as experienced as Fugaku. Letting Itachi hear their talks would make Fugaku use less complicated words for Itachi to understand, and if Hiruzen made a mistake, he could say it was for Itachi's sake of learning.

'It was a test.'

That was the only reason Itachi could find in the Third's decision to let him stay in the study while the Third and his father talked. He had no other reason to be here, if it wasn't a test to him to see if he could understand the underlines of what was discussed. And Itachi was glad to stay and listen, especially if it meant he didn't need to help his mother to watch over Naruto and Sasuke.

It wasn't like he didn't want to, but he was tired of dealing with two hyperactive toddlers whose voice cords were more powerful than those of any adult. He loved his brothers, adopted or not, but he would take any opportunity to not deal with them; he was sure he would have more fun playing with them when their have more methods of communication other than screaming their lungs out.

"So, it only leaves three clans within Konoha," Itachi's father brown furrowed. "Kurama is too small and doesn't have much influence at all, but their genjutsu skills are only second to ours. Aburame clan likes to stay out of everyone's eyes and prefers to close off. The biggest problem is the Hyuga clan. I loathe to say it, but the Hyuga clan does rival ours, especially with the twins working together to control the main and the side family. But either way, neither of these clans would betray Konoha."

"Betray, they will not," The Third replied. "But what if they don't see it as betraying? Danzo isn't a simple man. He knows how to instill doubt and change people's minds. My methods so far aren't regular, and I know that many might doubt my ability to lead the village. Danzo will use it to manipulate people to his side and against me."

Itachi didn't like what he heard. They discussed a civil war, and even though Itachi didn't think anyone would win against the Third, the war would bring too much destruction and death. He didn't want it. He hated the thought of it. Just imagining his brothers living in such a world made Itachi sick. But he said nothing, as he didn't have anything to say.

"One mistake on your part, and Danzo will strike that much is clear," Fugaku said. "So, in the end, we have two choices: you don't make even the simplest of mistakes, or we have to strike first."

"I am an old man with too much on my hands," The Third replied with a self-depraved chuckle. "I probably have already made many mistakes whose consequences will show up at any time. And sadly, I don't want to get rid of Root. It was my sensei's organization, and its value is too much for me just to disregard."

"There is no battle without casualties," Fugaku replied.

"Yes, but there is no place for unnecessary casualties in my battles," The Third said without leaving any room for disagreement. "The Root shinobi are Konoha's shinobi. I will not get rid of them because they might pose some slight inconvenience for me. But the Root will need a new leader after Danzo."

It didn't take much brain muscle to realize what the Third was offering to Itachi's father. But neither Itachi nor his father could believe it. The Third must have realized that the Uchiha clan was getting worse. The pride and arrogance of their strength let most of the clan members think they were the best in the village and that what the Third had given them was something they were entitled to have.

Itachi has experienced it firsthand. He was treated as a genius, even better than Shisui, and the adults put their expectations on him, burdening him to make sure that no other child his age would match him in strength or smarts. He was the proof and a tool that the Uchiha clan was using to prove they were the best.

Itachi hated that. So did his father, as he highly respected the Third and was furious about what some of the clan members would suggest. Itachi didn't know the details, but it was something outrageous. But what he knew was that the Uchiha clan thought they deserved more, more political power, more recognition, and more power.

Their arrogance grew so great that Itachi believed that no matter what the Third gave them, it wouldn't be enough to satisfy them. Even the title of Hokage would probably not be enough. The Third must have seen how the Uchiha clan looked at him, not with the respect he deserved but with a desire to use him for their good. So why would he still give more to the Uchiha clan?

"That too much responsibility to be left with me," Fugaku said. "There are more suitable people to take on that role."

It had to be a test. Itachi could tell his father was thinking the same, so he had no choice but to reject the offer. Even if the Uchiha clan would be furious with such a decision, as the clan head, Fugaku had to make his stance. For he was the strongest of the clan, and even if they hated his decision, they wouldn't be able to disagree with it.

"There might be, but there is no more suitable shinobi to take it than you. I don't care about others. I know what they will think and what you fear. To me, they don't matter, for you aren't just a Uchiha to me but one of the strongest shinobi, and I need you. So, let's stop this nonsense and start planning our next move."

A shinobi, not an Uchiha. Itachi learned something incredible today. He learned that the life of a shinobi is something bigger and more important than a name or politics. The scope of what third sees the shinobi system is a world apart from Itachi. And now he realizes that until he sees it as the Third sees it, it won't matter how much a genius he is; he will always be inferior to Shinobi like the Third.


Why does everything have to be stressful? He only suggested a new position for Fugaku; why did he have to react so strongly to that? Was he so worried about the council? Without Danzo they wouldn't disagree with Hiruzen anyway. Maybe Fugaku really didn't want the position? Well, that's too bad. Hiruzen wasn't going to take the position himself, so Fugaku didn't have a choice.

It was a long day, and Hiruzen thought he deserved some alone time, so he decided to visit Orochimaru. As of the late, Orochimaru was as silent as a wall. So, it was nice. He could relax for a bit. And Orochimaru probably was going mad by how much he has to see Hiruzen and know he can't do anything.

When entering the prison, Hiruzen should have realized that something was amiss. His insight didn't pick it up before it was too late. And by the time he saw Danzo waiting for him, Hiruzen didn't need insight to know he was fucked. Especially when he was surrounded by a dozen shinobi with weapons drawn and aiming for him.

A.N. Again, I'm sorry about the long wait. I have some problems with my PC and no time to fix it. Still, I am sorry I take such long pauses for every update. I just want you guys to know it isn't on purpose, just my bad luck. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the chapter and see you when I see you.

next chapter
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