Beacon Hills Preserve later that night
Somewhere deep in the Preserve a boy with messy black hair and green eyes is looking down at a large coyote with bright blue eyes. It's dark out and the animal and boy are just staring at eachother. The coyote is sitting down while the boy has his arms crossed and looking at the coyote.
Myrddin is trying to figure out what this coyote is. It has to be magic or something. "Caval. How did you heal my back?"
"Auuurrr?" Caval tilts its head and yips.
"Hey! Don't give me that! You know what you did. Now explain yourself" Myrddin points at the big coyote.
This morning Myrddin woke up with his back fully healed and no bruise in sight. He couldn't think of anything that could have caused this. And it's not like he awakened some hidden power because his cheek, stomach, and shoulder still hurt. So the only thing he could think of that would do this is Caval's torture via 1,000 licks.
At first he was worried about it getting infected or something, even though it's not an open wound. But in 100 years he wouldn't have expected it to heal within like a day. Sure a dog and a person's saliva has healing capabilities, but it's also more likely to get infected by doing so. Like how if you have a wound in your mouth it would heal quicker than if it was on your finger or something. And licking a wound is mostly to clean out anything like dirt that might hinder its healing. That's why wild animals lick their open wounds, to clean them and help heal them faster.
But this is insane. It was a bruise. And it healed within a day or so.
"Arrroowwooo" Caval lifts its head up.
"I didn't say thank you" Myrddin brings his right palm to his forehead. "I want to know how this happened"
Caval just lays down with its front legs in front of it.
Myrddin begins walking back and forward in front of Caval. "I know talking to you won't help me. But I need to ask someone! I mean, this is crazy insane. There has to be a reason. But I can't think of one"
The coyote has no idea what is going on with this 'weird' human.
"But you should have seen Lydia's face when I pretended not to have it. I guess I just need to not show my mom the bruise is gone until it would have actually been gone and it should fine. But I also need to show her the video of my fight with Jackson before Gwen does. I'm surprised that little Devil hasn't found it or done it already" Myrddin continues to walk back and forth in the new clearing Caval brought him to today.
"Grrrrraaaawwwrrrrooooo" Caval growls out.
Myrddin crouches in front of Caval and narrows his eyes. "That was not me thanking you. I'm still not sure if I'm going to die from you licking me. You are full of germs and other things that can be very harmful to my immune system and body in general"
Caval moves it's head to rest on its front legs and look to the right. "Awwroo ooorawwwarooo"
Myrddin falls backwards a little bit and sits down. "Fine, until I get sick or die…" He takes out a little snack for Caval and holds it out. "… thank you. That bruise was rather annoying"
Caval takes the treat and devours it. Hidden in the treat, was some more medicine in disguise for the coyote.
Myrddin then turns around and lays down with his head next to Caval's.
The coyote then rolls onto its back to mimic Myrddin and lifts turns its head to look at the human who has fed it twice now and given it a treat.
Myrddin's left eye twitches. "Must you make fun of me?"
Caval plops it's head down against the ground and keeps its back on the ground. It looks out into the woods towards where Myrddin's feet are pointing.
Without anything else to do, Myrddin takes his phone and begins to read one of his downloaded books. He also has music playing that fills the forest night full of tunes.
Myrddin told his mom what actually happened to his face and was able to talk with her after she calmed down. But then he showed her the video of the fight and she got worked up again.
She wanted to storm into the school and dish out some punishment. Mainly at the school itself because this was kept from her and she didn't hear anything about this. She also wanted to get the kid, Jackson, who hurt her baby boy in a lot of trouble.
However, Myrddin somehow got her to calm down. It's not like the school was open right now anyways. He explained that he and Jackson are now friends and they hangout together with Lydia and a few other random people.
Obviously Ada was off put at first, but with a lot of convincing she calmed down. And Myrddin showed her the texts he and Jackson sent back and forward. It was mostly about when to hangout or what was happening.
Myrddin used Jackson to get a little insider information about the school and he also shared some information that he happened upon when he was in his advanced classes. It's like people share their secrets loudly in class on purpose in this school. He doesn't have super hearing or anything yet he can still hear people trying to whisper some secrets. Like how the lacrosse team Seniors and Juniors were making plans for practice on their own time. Myrddin merely suggested that Jackson can ask to join their private practices for some extra bonding and practice.
And if that meant that Lydia was left bored out of her mind it was just some bonus.
Just because Myrddin does some bad things doesn't mean he is actually a bad guy.
He also texted Lydia a small bit. He has some of the Senior and Junior 'Queen Bees' in his classes after all. Mostly because these girls are actually stupid and not pretending like Lydia.
He really wonders why people have such loose lips. Not an innuendo, definitely not. But they really just share secrets openly. Some are better than others, but even if he tries to ignore people they talk so loud that he can't help but hear them.
Now Gwen. She apparently has been thriving in Beacon Hill Middle School.
She apparently became 'Queen Bee' as soon as she arrived. Maybe it has something to do with the fact she doesn't need to pretend to be stupid and just is naturally an extrovert that has an endless craving for attention.
Turns out she had seen the video of her brother getting pummeled. But she just denied it was her brother entirely. And she was waiting to show their mom until the right time so she could screw him over the most. But she hadn't expected Myrddin to come clean before she could enact her plan.
She did manage to clean the house, but it was so huge. She hated cleaning the attic and basement. Even the pool was difficult to clean. But she could already envision the huge house parties she will throw in the future when her mom inevitably has to leave for work or what not.
Gwen also got a few posters with her 'mean girls crew'. Justin Bieber being the most popular for some reason that Myrddin doesn't know and doesn't want to know.
All in all, Gwen is the new big fish in Beacon Hill's small pond. Which is basically the complete opposite of her brother who is sinking slowly and struggling to see at all. It's hard for him to fit in when he's new, got beaten up the first day, looks weak and frail, and is mostly in classes above his grade.
School for Myrddin goes by without anything worth mentioning happening.
He only answers questions when he's called on and stays quiet otherwise. Nobody really wants to be his partner for any projects so he just asks the teacher to do them on his own. Sometimes he's allowed to and other times he's not. And when he's not his partner isn't all that thrilled. The idiots that become his partner force him to do the project on his own, which he is happy to do since this way his grade doesn't suffer because of the idiot. And the people that actually use their brain try to do the project on their own or divide the work and try to steer clear of him as much as possible.
It's not like he's rude to everyone, but the video didn't paint him in the best light.
And obviously there is some bullying happening to him. But nothing too physical. Maybe someone slaps the books out of his hands or bumps into him down the halls. But for the most part he tries to avoid those people. It's just that he can't really predict who's going to do it so it inevitably happens.
His lunches are usually spent outside or somewhere secluded and quiet. And he doesn't tell anyone, even Scott and Stiles, where he has lunch. He doesn't need to be hanged up on randomly one day in one of his quiet and secluded spots.
Lydia and Jackson have seemingly calmed down. It was mostly after they realized how effective his plan is. And all they had to do was say they were hanging out with him. It's not like they're actually friends, it's more like a ceasefire for mutual benefit.
Myrddin also found out it was illegal to go into the preserve after dark. Even with this information, it doesn't change his plans.
And after a day or two Caval was fully healed from whatever happened to it. Yeah, he still hadn't found out what gender Caval is. You'd think it would be easy, but he simply forgets to check and it isn't a big deal.
His part time job is even better than he had initially thought. Aside from talking to the people who come in, he is mostly by himself after Deaton was done teaching him what to do. Myrddin also continues to read about animal care and various veterinarian books as well which made the process much smoother. He does paperwork, organizes supplies and paperwork, deals with the animals in the back. The last one is his favorite part. And sometimes Deaton has him help when he does procedures on animals too. Obviously he doesn't touch the animals, but he can hand Deaton various instruments or do basic tasks that Deaton doesn't have the extra pair of hands to do himself.
Remember when Deaton said he hired another high schooler? Imagine Myrddin's surprise when he found out it was Scott McCall. Not much right? Well Scott sure was surprised.
Scott had no idea Myrddin knew anything about animals. He mostly hears about Myrddin from Deaton though, not from Myrddin himself. Scott hasn't been able to really get to know Myrddin all that well. Sure Myrddin, Stiles, and himself text eachother but Myrddin is always busy with something else.
But they have managed to get together on a few occasions because of Stiles. He caught wind of Myrddin's address and paid him a surprise visit one day. Granted it was more like they paid his mom a surprise visit many times because they never found Myrddin in his home. But Scott and Stiles are stubborn, and Myrddin's mom is very persuasive to her son, and they were able to hangout in Myrddins room.
It wasn't the worst for Myrddin. It just cut into his time alone. But the 3 of them just hung out and did their own separate things sometimes.
But eventually Scott and Stiles end up stopping to try and hang out with Myrddin outside of school. They mostly just talk in the halls and text each other every now and then. Basically just frequent acquaintances, which Myrddin is perfectly fine with and is happy about. And it's not like it affects Scott or Stiles all that much either. They have lacrosse to keep them busy as it is.
When Myrddin goes to get an new pair of glasses he gets his eyes checked and it turns out they got worse… again. It's a recurring theme every year. When he was younger he actually didn't need glasses. They thought he had cataracts, which basically means his vision becomes more and more blurry as he grows older. (It's more complicated and serious but it's not important here). But when they have him glasses he was able to see so that isn't he case.
He gets his new glasses and leaves his old glasses in a case. He has over 10 cases with different glasses. He hasn't gotten rid of a single pair he's owned, even if they break. It's interesting to see them and how they changed over the years.
Ada gets more and more worried as the years go by. It hurts her to see her baby boy see less and less each year. And it's worse when she knows this will lead to blindness before he even graduates highschool. And she can't do anything for him. She has to just watch as Myrddin goes blind over the years.
For Myrddin this is just his life. He isn't happy that it is, but why focus on it. No matter what he does it will happen, so he should just enjoy seeing while he can. That's also a reason why he enjoys seeing new places and reading so much. Because eventually he won't be able to. Sure he learned braille, but that isn't exactly the easiest way to read.
On that note, he also knows sign language. It was just something he found interesting. One language that doesn't require hearing, and another written language that doesn't require sight. He obviously knows English, but he also knows other languages to varying degrees. But one of his favorites is Latin.
Since he's so ahead of school he plans to take extracurriculars when he is a Senior and Junior. Mostly because he will have already finished the core classes required to graduate by that point. He would just need classes like art or whatever else they teach. But he does hate that they require P.E. every year. But he doesn't mind since you have to actively try to fail this class to actually fail it. He's also glad that they aren't super strict like most other schools are.
But if he leaves in a year most of it doesn't matter anyway.
2465 words
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