77.5% Teen Mage in Teen Wolf / Chapter 31: Ch. 31 Blackout

บท 31: Ch. 31 Blackout


Keep in mind that romances aren't final. So if MC decides to date someone you don't agree with I still recommend sticking around. And if he breaks up with someone, it doesn't mean they won't get back together.

Also, let me know your magic suggestions. Whether it's new spells/incantations or new ways to use his old magic.

I can't thank you all enough for reading this so:

Back to the story!


Floating around Myrddin's room is a dumbbell weighing 15lbs.

He could lift more, but right now he is doing more of an endurance test than finding his max.

The reason he's doing this is because of that feeling he had just before he cast 'Fulmen'. It seems to have advanced his magic a little bit.

Now, aside from working on his magic, Myrddin is also doing some research about werewolves. And what he finds isn't all that great. And it's the usual full moon, silver, transformation, and whatever else you would be able to find on google. But there isn't anything super helpful.

Myrddin doesn't ignore the fact that Friday night is the night of the full moon either. If he wasn't planning on going to the party before, he would definitely be going now. He doesn't want to play babysitter, but he doesn't want to find out that an entire party of teenagers were brutally mauled to death just down the street and he could have done something to help.

"So… does that mean that the beast was the alpha? Or does every werewolf become part wolf like that? Why does there have to be so many lycanthropy quirks in so many different works. Do they actually have the option of going full-wolf like in Twilight? And if there are werewolves, does that mean that vampires, mummies, wraiths, mermaids, and other creatures exist? I need to find something that can help me learn about the unnatural side of this world. I hope there is a book about all these different types of creatures" Myrddin mutters.

After a few more minutes of useless searching the web he takes out his notebook and begins transcribing his newest findings in it. He switches between 6 different languages as he writes. There's no point in letting someone find his notebook and knowing about all of his experiments. And he needs to write them down so that he can look back at them in the future to potentially find a pattern or something to help him when he reached a wall.

He hasn't been able to practice his other types of magic. He's kind of under house arrest via his mom. She doesn't want him passing out somewhere else, which he understands. But it just means that Caval will be out there alone for a while. But Caval is used to being alone, like he is, so maybe that's a good thing.

Speaking of Caval, Myrddin was wondering if that coyote cave was Caval's or not. And he was able to deduce that it wasn't. Mostly because there were tracks of many coyotes of various sizes. Likely a family of them that is starting a new pack. So that's why Murddin believes Caval's den is further in the Preserve. Maybe he can go there? Would make it easier for them just chill without needing to worry about getting rained on. But for now it's like Caval is specifically keeping him outside and away from the den.

Not wanting to do nothing, he switches gear and pulls out his wand. He continues to move his left hand around to keep the weight in the air, but he can take measurements with his right hand. If he wants to make a holder he needs measurements. It'd be convenient if he could just summon it instantly when he needed it, but that would be too easy.

The rest of this night he spends just relaxing and spending time with his mom. Something he hasn't done in a while.


Myrddin wakes up to a vision the next morning. He's standing in some dark alley while it lightly rains.

Suddenly a guy on a bike goes zooming down the street at the end of the alley. Myrddin could have sworn it looked like a horrified Isaac.

Myrddin watches as a car pulls up a minute later and an older man walks out and calls out for Isaac, his son.

Myrddin turns towards where the man is looking down the alley and sees a silhouette. And it has a fucking tail!

Lizard man gets spotted by Isaac's father and pursues the man. Isaacs dad gets in the car but it's futile as the creature completely rips the door off the car and proceeds to rip the man apart.

It was such a horrifying and brutal scene and Myrddin couldn't watch all of it. He tried to look around for any indication of what the day was. And that's when he sees Isaacs dad's phone in the cup holder as it receives a text.

Myrddin can't see the text but the date shows up. And it's only in a few months.

The vision ends with the lizard-man dashing away at a ridiculous speed, leaving the man to die alone in the car with his blood everywhere.

After Myrddin is freed from the vision he sits up with wide eyes as he pants and looks around his room. Reaching over to a notepad and pencil, he writes the date down with the words 'lizard man' written on it.

He goes to his computer and turns it on. He doesn't bother to grab a shirt and just tries to relax in his shorts. Sure he found a dead body and fought a werewolf. But he hasn't watched a person get cut up and die before.

Google doesn't help him much. It just talks about some old and weird Japanese stories that don't match what he's looking for. Not a single bit of useful information after 20 pages of Google.

He ends up driving to school alone, trying to forget the brutal murder he just watched. The lizard-man was just as fast or faster than this full werewolf beast he's gotta deal with right now.

At least his classes go by smoothly.


Last class on Friday

"You… are looking better than yesterday" Erica mimics what Myrddin told her earlier in the week.

"Thanks. I think I'm past whatever was holding my mood down yesterday" Myrddin is joined my Erica as they both sit against the wall.

"Are you ready for the scrimmage? Y-you're playing… M1?" Erica asks unsure if she remembered correctly.

Myrddin smiles and nods. "You got it right. And I'm looking forward to playing. Will you be watching?"

Erica looks to the side away from him. "Y-yeah…"

"That's great. At least I'll actually know someone rooting for me in the stands" Myrddin hangs his down a little.

"Wont your mom be cheering for you?" Erica looks back to Myrddin and sees a conflicted smile on his face.

"She's busy with work. Every now and then she has to present her designs to some big-wigs. She wanted to come but these meeting are rather rare and very important. But knowing you'll be watching is more than enough for this scrimmage" He smiles at her.

Erica blushes hard and gets up. "I… we… the class will be starting soon!"

Myrddin pushes up off his right knee and stands up. "What is it today? Volleyball?"

"I think… it's a free day since it's our first Friday…." Erica tries to hide her face by slightly turning away from Myrddin.

The big gutted teacher sits down on the creaky foldout chair. "Alright! Everyone's here today so that makes things easy! Run for your 5 minutes and then the rest of class is yours! Just play nice so I don't have to step in! Now get your feet moving!"


"So which school is coming here?" Myrddin asks Danny while they practice a little before the scrimmage actually starts. The other team won't show up for a while since they have to travel here after school.


Danny misses the ball by inches yet again. "Damn, thought I had that one" He mutters and stands up while resting his stick on the grass. "I'm not sure specifically. Heard it was some school a few towns over. I think coach plans on making this a morale booster more than an actual scrimmage but who knows"

"Who cares who they are. We're gonna kick them back to where they came from" Jackson takes his shot and Danny manages to catch it.

"Guess all our practicing is getting me somewhere Myrddin" Danny cheerfully says while tossing the ball back to Jackson. "Oh come on Jackson, you weren't even trying and you should be happy your best friend, and goalie, is getting better"

"Whatever" Jackson huffs.

They continue practicing, with Jackson treating this like some competition. Which he continues losing.


"Good job guys!" Coach compliments the team after a slaughter. After the first quarter the other team's morale was beaten so badly that when the second line went in they also had an easy time scoring. "Now don't let this go to your guys' heads alright? This doesn't help us get closer to the playoffs. The real games start next week! So enjoy the tonight and weekend, but don't do any illegal shit ok?! Because not even I can help you when it comes to the law. Now get outta here and go enjoy tonight's victory you bunch of apes!!"

The team cheers and dispersed from the meeting spot behind the net.

Myrddin stands up and gets slapped on the back and shoulder by some teammates who run past him and congratulate him on his performance during the game.He played as a mid-fielder so he was able to play offense and defense.

Scott and Jackson also played midfielders so the other team had little to no chance from the get-go. And Danny was able to stop basically every shot they were able to make with the exception of the occasional weird shot. Like if a ball bounced off the ground, it was hard to judge where it would bounce to.

Now Myrddin is free and goes over towards the bleachers. But as he gets closer he can't see Erica. And she isn't hard to pick out from a crowd, not for him. Plus he has his enhanced vision that should be able to find someone he is looking for relatively fast.

He looks at the bleachers of cheering people. A few of them are cheering for him and chanting his name. But all the sounds get distorted as he doesn't see anyone he knows cheering for him. Even after all that has changed, it's like nothing has changed for him at all. He's standing on the field with his teammates, but he's standing alone.


Myrddin is driving home after the game and listening to some music. He plans on taking a shower and then walking over to Lydia's party.

After he changed back in the locker room he was able to get out of the depressing groove he was falling into. And he also hears Scott and Stiles not so quietly discussing Lycanthropy. So his guesses are just confirmed even more.

How Scott didn't transform during the game? Myrddin leaves that to it not being nighttime yet and the moon not being out. It could be a few other things though. But a few guys on the other team might say that Scott has some freakish strength as they say on the bench the rest of the game after making contact with Scott.

"… as I was explaining. The design is more of a gothic style, as per your request the last time we talked. It's roughly…." Ada is still giving her presentation.

Myrddin can hear his mom from her office. He guesses that the old guys are being rude and fighting her at every turn. He goes ahead and takes his shower to freshen up before the party.

He wraps a towel around his waist and grabs his clothes while he exits the bathroom and walks towards his room.


Turning around, Myrddin can see the stranger living in his house looking to the side. "What is it? I've got somewhere I need to be"

"I just wanted to say… good game…" Gwen then turns and walks towards her room with her head held low.

Myrddin takes a deep breath and lets it out. If she thought that was enough of an apology or enough to make him forget all that she had done, she is in for a rude awakening. But it seems that she knows she's in the deep end with how she walked back to her room.

After a few seconds Myrddin goes back to his room and changes into some comfortable clothes.

Looking at his wardrobe he's got plenty of options. And he's not really feeling anything too bright color wise. So he goes with his signature color: black.

He throws in his dark gray shirt. Black jeans that are slim fit. And he grabs his black leather jacket. Shoving his phone and wallet into his pockets he walks out of his room and goes down the stairs. Once he gets to the bottom he goes towards the door and decides to go with a pair of black boots. They're more for fashion than hiking, but it doesn't really matter to Myrddin.

He walks out into the evening air and looks up at the orange sky that is rapidly changing to night. As he walks towards Lydia's house he puts his jacket on and enjoys the walk. It's been a while since he walked this way, sure he walked home from this way, but he didn't get to finish that walk.

When he gets 3 houses away he can already hear the music blasting. A question pops into his head: How do the cops not get called?

But that's not really his problem or concern.


Scott and Allison walk into the backyard of Lydia's house and see that the party is in full swing. People dancing all around the yard and in the house. A fire is going off to the side and some drunk teens try to avoid it like the plague.

And Scott spots a smoldering man off in the corner of the yard, barely illuminated by the fire. This man is Derek Hale. Both Scott and Stiles have talked to him earlier in the week when they were out looking for Scott's inhaler he dropped running from the beast.

"You okay?" Allison asks as she sees that Scott is staring intently off in the distance.

"What? Yeah. I'm fine" Scott weakly assures his date. And when he looks back at Derek, he's vanished. That corner of the yard is completely empty now.

Scott turns his gaze up at the moon that is slightly hidden by clouds. It's bright, and it is full.

Not wanting to just stand around, Allison grabs Scott's hand and gives him a bright smile. She can't help but adore that goofy grin he has when he sees her.

He takes her hand and follows her to the middle of the dancing crowd.

Allison puts her arms around his neck and they get closer and closer as time goes on. They lose themselves in the music and just enjoy dancing and trying to hold back their teenager urges. Scott looks to his right and sees Merlin- No. Myrddin, dancing with 3 girls who can't keep their hands off him.

And when Scott turns his head left he sees Jackson kissing Lydia's neck and feeling her up against the wall in the corner of the yard. But Lydia is just staring at him… or maybe Myrddin? Either way, she doesn't seem to be paying much attention to Jackson. But she does grab onto the back of Jackson's head and his shoulder.

Scott ignores his surroundings and looks down at Allison who has the most beautiful eyes he had ever had the chance to gaze into. He feels her hand on the side of his head teasingly pulling him ever so slowly closer. He can feel his heart racing….

But it won't stop increasing. It pounds in his chest as he grabs the back of Allison's jacket.

Allison moves an inch closer to seal their first kiss-

"Ugh-!" Scott instantly turns his head to the side and closes his eyes like he's wincing in pain. "Tsss"

Allison watches as Scott hisses in pain and slowly back away from her. "Are you ok She puts her hand on his chest.

Scott grabs her wrist and pushes her hand away as he hunches over a tiny bit. "I'll… be right back"

Allison watches as Scott slinks through the crowd towards the house, leaving her all alone. She just stands there for a few seconds before following after Scott. She watches him ignore some of his teammates, and even his best friend Stiles. She walks out into the front lawn of the house and can only helplessly watch as Scott gets into his car and peel off down the street.

"Allison. I'm a friend of Scott's"

Allison turns around and sees Derek Hale with his hands in his pockets.

"That's funny, because so am I. And I'm a friend of Allison" Myrddin walks up in between the two.

Derek narrows his eyes at this kid. He's seen this 'Merlin' at practice and inside the party. "Why don't you go back and keep those ladies company Merlin"

"I'm sorry, you know my name but I can't remember us meeting. Who are you?" Myrddin takes his hands out of his pockets.

"My names Derek Hale" The slightly older looking guy greets as he steps closer to Myrddin.

"Myrddin Wyllt. What we're you gonna do with Allison?" Myrddin looks back at the girl.

"I can ask questions for myself you know" Allison walks up next to Myrddin and folds her arms over her chest as she looks at Derek, who is supposedly Scott's friend. "What did you want from me?"

"Just wanted to offer a ride home to Scott's friend" Derek's voice is deep and calm.

"That's kind of you, but I should be able to drive her home myself. Say, what grade are you in?" Myrddin looks at Allison who gives him a side-eye and he holds his hands up.

"If you're driving her home then I'll get going" Derek turns around and walks off.

Allison doesn't move until Derek gets in his car and drives away. "Bhaaa…" She sighs and her shoulders drop a little.

"Keeping the fear hidden?" Myrddin asks.

"I see why you do it now… So do you think that guy is really a friend of Scott's?" Allison hugs herself a little after that interaction.

"I don't know. But I think friend might have been a stretch of the word" Myrddin watches as Derek's car goes down the street opposite of Scott's.

"Whoever he was…. Thanks Myrddin" Allison gives him a small smile. "Hope I didn't interrupt anything?"

Myrddin smiles. "Nah, not really. Want to head back inside? I know you came here for a date with Scott, but that doesn't mean your night is ruined. After 2 more songs I'll drive you home, how's that?"

"That…" Allison's smile recovers almost to its full former glory. But she's still hurt by Scott leaving her so abruptly. "… sounds like a good idea"

Myrddin leads the way back inside and through the house.

Allison and Myrddin begin to dance. As they dance together the crowd around them pushes them closer together, but they don't mind. And after the second song Allison puts her arms around Myrddin's neck and tries to pull him in for a kiss.

Myrddin leans forward, but puts his head next to Allison's as he gives her a hug. "I'm not gonna be your rebound or option number 2. I understand that you're hurt by Scott leaving you, but I can't help in this way. If you need someone to listen and talk to, I'm your guy. Are you ready to leave?"

Allison presses her forehead against his shoulder. "I-… sorry. Yeah…"

Myrddin stands up and lets her go. "You aren't going to get all embarrassed and never talk to me again are you?"

Allison moves some hair out of her face, revealing a blush. "I promise not to never talk to you again at least…."

Myrddin stands up and rubs the back of his neck, a small blush on his face. "That's the bare minimum I was shooting for…"

As they both walk through the house Myrddin sees something that makes his blood boil.

In the corner of the room Gwen is slumped in a chair with two guys on either side of her. And Gwen is clearly drunk. Her eyes are barely able to stay open, and her face is flushed almost completely red. He wouldn't be shocked if she was slipped something.

"Myrddin? Where are you-?" Allison sees Myrddin abruptly turn and walk towards the living room.

"Gwen. Can you hear me?" Myrddin asks as he walks up to his sister. His blood absolutely looking for blood to spill. But he needs to make sure she's okay before he does anything else.

"Hey man! What do y-"

"This is my little sister. And she's 14 you dumbass. So shut your fucking mouth before you force me to close it" Myrddin glares at the guy on Gwen's left who tried to talk.

The guy on Gwen's right tries to stand up.


Myrddin doesn't waste any time and pushes him right back down onto the couch. "You move again and I'll make sure the next time you move it'll be to the hospital"

The guy looks like he wanted to say something but he smartly decides to keep his mouth shut.

Myrddin goes onto one knee. "Gwen. Hey, do you know who I am?"

Gwen's hazy eyes look at him, or the other 3 of him. "M-Myr…."

"Ok. That's good, do you know where you are? What you had to drink?" Myrddin lokks behind him and sees three red solo cups. "Which one of these are yours?"

Gwen points to the one in the middle.

"Myrddin? What's going on?" Allison finally made her way through the crowd.

Myrddin grabs the cups one at a time and smells them one at a time. He even can feel his mana move towards his nose as his sense of smell increases at least 10-fold. Which after it was already better than a normal humans, it was a bit ridiculous.

With his enhanced senses he should have been able to smell if anything was put in. But they smell exactly the same. And he can smell the surrounding drinks too. There doesn't appear to be any drugs slipped or mixed into them.

He puts the cups down and stands up. "This is my sister"

That's all Allison needed to hear to understand. She's actually surprised he has a sister. She figured he was an only child like herself.

"Gwen, can you stand up?" Myrddin points at the guy on the left who was about to try and run for it.

Gwen tries to sit forward to stand up but falls back and holds her head with her left hand. "D… Di…zzy…"

"What are you're names" Myrddin demands from the two guys.

"Look, we didn't know she was 14-"

"I won't ask nicely again. I'm sure your wallets will tell me after I punch your lights out" Myrddin takes a step closer.

"D-Dan…" "Gwenny~" "Matt"

Myrddin shakes his head. "Lie to me again and I'll follow through"

"Dave" "Gwennnnnny~" "Michael"

"If I ever see you talking with my sister again. Or hear that you talked to my sister. I make you wish you had just gone home and got tucked in by your parents early tonight" Myrddin threatens and grabs his sisters hands as he pulls her up to her feet.

"Upsies~!" She cheers with the little energy she can muster.

"I'm not dad Gwen" Myrddin remembers she used to always ask for upsies whenever their dad was able to come home. She had stopped asking that a few years ago when she grew too old for it.

"Upsies!" She demands as she doesn't even attempt to stand up.

"Fine, fuck it. But I don't want to hear shot when you remember this or see this recorded" Myrddin has to pick Gwen up and just Carrie's her like a princess. Since she's wearing a skirt there aren't many ways he can actually carry her. He'd much rather carry her under his arm or over his shoulder. "Cmon Allison. We have to walk over to my house anyway. It's just down the block a little ways"

Myrddin doesn't wait for people to make way for him and he just leads with his left shoulder as he nudged and pushes people out of his way. After 30 seconds people get the idea to move, but they also get the idea to take their phones out.

Allison takes her jacket off and puts it over Gwen's face. "Best to not have people see her like this"

Myrddin only gets stopped once near the front door. He not so nicely explained that this is his 14 year old sister and that the cops would be very interested in what was going on tonight and would have to get everyone's parents involved.

That alone nearly made everyone delete what they recorded on their phones.

"Sorry about this Allison. Can't believe my sister is this stupid…." Myrddin pauses before clenching his jaw. "Nope. Nevermind. I can totally think my sister would do something as…. God damn it!"

Myrddin seethes as he quickly walks back home.

Allison has to jog a little bit every now and then to keep up with Myrddin. "You don't need to apologize… I just hope she's alright"

"Oh, she's not fine" Myrddin looks straight ahead.

"What?! Then why aren't you running?!" Allison doesn't understand why Myrddin isn't trying to get his sister to his car and then to the hospital. Or calling an ambulance.

Myrddin looks down at Gwen's face. "She's not fine because my mom is going to kill her. Besides that she will be having a massive hangover tomorrow"

Quade_The_Unknown Quade_The_Unknown

4,394 words

800 power stones!!!

I don’t think I’ll be able to upload another today but if we reach 1,000 stones I’ll do at least 2 tomorrow

next chapter
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