67.5% Teen Mage in Teen Wolf / Chapter 27: Ch. 27 Favorite Pen

บท 27: Ch. 27 Favorite Pen

Myrddin arrives at school early and wanders over towards Finstock's classroom.


"Sup coach?" Myrddin smirks as he walks into the classroom.

Bobby looks up from revising his class notes. "What happened to the formality from yesterday? Whatever, get your ass over here Merlin"

Myrddin walks over to his coach and stands in front of the teacher's desk. "Yes coach"

"Gettin some mixed signals… I'm sure the ladies love that" Bobby comments as he pulls out the pay book from a locked desk drawer. "Now here it is. Remember, memorized by Friday. Or at least get as close to memorized as you can get. Some of the idiots don't know the plays but the ones that play know the majority by heart"

"Memorized by Friday" Myrddin takes the packet. "And I got a pair of cleats. And I even got some of the other equipment as well"

"Oh? Glad to see you're taking this seriously. Now what's your real name son?" Finstock sits back in his seat.

"Myrddin Wyllt"

Bobby looks at Myrddin like he's stupid. "You know identity theft is a serious problem these days right? Stop fucking around and tell me your name"

Myrddin pulls out his wallet and shows his 2 very different ids. "I've gone through this so many times coach. By the way, did I thank you for stopping Jackson last year?"

"You…. What the fuck have they been feeding you to go from THAT to THIS and can I have some? God DAYUM! This is either the craziest thing I've ever seen, and I watched you practice yesterday, or this is gonna be the best prank anyones ever pulled on me. And if this is a prank I gotta ask who made the fake id because that looks real as shit" Finstock can't believe this is the same Myrddin who Jackson nearly killed the first day of school a year ago. His brain feels like it's short circuiting.

"Not a prank coach. I'm the same Myrddin who had his hair dyed red at homecoming" Myrddin opens the play book and glances through the pages.

"At this point… I don't even care. If they catch your identity theft then I never knew about. Now if you don't have any questions get outta here. You're beginning to make me wish I work out more by just standing there" Bobby flips to the next page of class notes.

"Just one I think. Where do I turn in the money?" Myrddin puts the playbook in his backpack.

"Give it to the athletic director. He should take care of things from there. Whenever you get it you can give it to him before practice and by the end of practice you'll be an official, player that paid, member of the team" Finstock responds lazily

Myrddin walks out of the classroom. "Will do. Thanks coach. See you at 2:35"

He walks down the halls towards his Advanced Anatomy class.

*Bump* *Swoosh!*

Something, or someone, bumps into Myrddin's back as he walks towards his class. He turns around and sees the girl he loaned his pencil.

Allison just bumped into somebody and dropped her folder full of papers. "Crap. Sorry about that" She says without looking up while crouching down and beginning to pick up her papers.

Myrddin kneels down and helps her. "What's with all the papers? Are you that eager to use my pencil?"

"Wha-?" Allison looks up and sees Merlin helping her. "Oh, totally. Best pencil ever"

"I know right? That one was my favorite" Myrddin collects the papers and stands up.

Allison gets her papers straightened out and looks at Merlin. "WAS your favorite? By the way, here. I brought my own today" She fishes his pencil out from her bag and hands it over.

"Glad to know you aren't a pen stealer? I thought you left the practice a little early yesterday to avoid me so you didn't have to return it" Myrddin hands the papers over while he takes his pencil back.

"No, my mom just came to pick me up- Wait, we're you watching me yesterday?" Allison comes to a realization.

"Watching is kinda strong in this scenario. I'd say I took a couple glances every now and then. So, you're a part of Lydia's clique? Must be exciting" Myrddin moves their conversation to the side of the hall and Allison follows.

"Lydia's clique? I guess I am? I don't know. I just moved to town yesterday and it's still undecided if she's just befriending me to make fun of behind my back or if she genuinely wants to be my friend. Hard to tell with the types of girls like her" Allison moves a lock of her hair behind her ear while she gives a nervous smile.

"I'm sure Lydia's genuine, this time. But you're new to Beacon Hills? That's funny because I moved here a year ago basically. Where were you from before this place?" Myrddin smiles as he remembers it's already been a year. But then he wonders how long it'll be until they move, it should at least be a while since his dad is coming to live with them in a few months for a few months.

Allison looks a little surprised as her smile grows a little. "I was in San Fransisco for a little bit. My family moves quite a lot. Where were you living before Beacon Hills?"

"Immediately before coming was LA for a week and before that was Miami for a week. Those were the quickest but my stay here in Beacon has been the longest. My family also moves a lot, but I'm never told why" Myrddin recounts.

"You don't get told why? I'd probably demand an answer at some point. My family moves often because my dad is a security consultant and licensed fire arms dealer to local police departments" Allison shoves her folder in her bag to not have it spill again.

Myrddin laughs a little. "Haha. Sounded like you've practiced saying that plenty of times"

Allison blushes a little. "That's probably because I have…"

"So what is all that paper for? It's not lined so I'm going to assume an art class?" Myrddin changes the topic.

Allison looks at the folder. "No, not an art class. Just a hobby of mine that I'll probably drop soon enough. I'm trying out drawing, before I get bored of it like the others"

"Oh? That's interesting. I haven't been very good at art in the past" Myrddin shrugs.

Allison's smile turns to a grin. "What is interesting is you playing lacrosse. You looked like a natural out there. Why didn't you play last year?"

"Ah, thanks. But that was my first practice of any sport. I didn't play last year because I wasn't physically able" Myrddin remembers his glasses and weak frame.

"What type of injury did you have?" Allison wonders what type of injury kept this guy out of sports until literally yesterday.

Myrddin rubs the back of his neck. "I had really terrible eyesight and I didn't look the way I do now. It was actually this summer that I put on some muscle and grew taller"

"Had glasses?"

"Yep, meaning I don't need them anymore. Crazy right? I was going to go blind before 18 but my body decided that it was going to throw me a bone and here I am now" Myrddin raises his arms a small amount.

"That sounds like one hell of a summer" Allison tries picturing a small Merlin with glasses and almost bursts out laughing.

"You have no idea. By the way, can I get your name before we split off? I'm Myrddin Wyllt, but I'm going by Merlin this year" He looks at the time and wants to not be late to Ms. Kendrix's class a second time. Although watching her be mad might be amusing.

"Ohhhh~. See, now Merlin makes sense. I was going to ask if you knew any magic" Allison teases. "I'm Allison Argent. It's a pleasure to meet you"

Myrddin shakes Allison's hand. "I'd say the pleasure was all mine but it seems about even here. I'll see you around Allison"

"See you Merlin"

Myrddin walks away.

And Allison awkwardly follows behind him.

Myrddin coughs into his hand as he blushes a little. "Erhem! I guess we were walking in the same direction before"

Allison wants to take a picture of Merlin's expression but withholds from doing so. "Yeah…"

They both continue walking until Allison gets to her English class where Myrddin says goodbye for real this time.

As he waves goodbye to Allison he can hear Scott and Styles within the classroom talking loudly about a wolf or something. Myrddin chalks it up to Scott's encounter with the beast.


"Glad you've decided to not make being late a habit for this class Merlin" Ms. Kendrix says as she sees Myrddin walk into her classroom.

"I usually try to be early, yesterday was because of a rough night" Myrddin gets to his seat and takes out the playbook as he begins studying it.

"Since you're taking this class you should know that 8 hours of sleep is the minimum required to stay in good health at your age, and I am a little surprised you are only a Sophomore" Kendrix says while writing on the board, but she can't even write above half the board.

Myrddin corrects her in his head. He doesn't technically need to sleep very long. 3 hours and he's all set. Probably due to his mana and healing. "I'm aware. And I'm a bit ahead of the others in my year"

"A bit? That's modest of you. I looked at your classes and grades from last year and the only other student that got close was a Lydia Martin" Kendrix goes on her tippy toes to try and write a little bit higher.

"Only her?" Myrddin watches Kendrix. "And should you really be disclosing information like that"

"The class rankings may not be public, but they are not private either" Kendrix gives up and writes the next question on the side.

"Mmm" Murddin goes back to his playbook.


"How was your lacrosse practice yesterday?" Erica asks, while walking up to Myrddin who was looking up at the ceiling.

"Hmm? Oh, hi Erica. It was great, I think. I don't really know what to think since I've only watched one game before yesterday" Myrddin looks at Erica and can tell she's already looking better than yesterday.

"Great is good…" Erica holds her hands behind her back and looks to the side. "Sorry about my mom yesterday…. She can be a bit… much"

"I can relate. My mom is sorta the same way. It's part of their job as a mom to try and embarrass us" Myrddin shrugs.

Erica lowers her head. "She certainly exceeded at that part yesterday…"

They're silent for a moment or two.

"You look better than yesterday, did you take your medicine? I didn't think it would happen so quickly" Murddin changes the subject.

Erica blushes. "I-I did. And this is just make up…"

Myrddin looks closer at her face. "Really? I can hardly tell. My mom might want some tips from you, she likes to go all out when my dad comes home"

"Comes home?" Erica mindlessly asks only to immediately regret asking such a thing.

"Yeah. He works over in London most of the time and only comes on some holidays. But as time goes on he has come home less and less…. Oh! But it's not like he doesn't want to come home. His job just causes him to be very busy. He comes home when he can" Myrddin tries to explain but ends up fumbling half way through and tries to recover.

Erica continues looking at the ground. "I'm sorry. I should have asked-"

"Your fine! If I didn't want to tell you I wouldn't have. Cmon, let's go sign in before we get marked absent or tardy" Myrddin changes the topic for Erica.

She had waited to the last minute to change again to avoid the other girls.


"Alright students!" The big bellied teacher booms. "Choose a partner before we get your baseline for a few things!"

Myrddin looks at Erica. "Before we buddy up, how good are you at counting? I'll be going for a highscore"

Erica gives a small smile. "If you can do more than I can count you're a superhuman"

"Guess we will find out won't we" Myrddin stretches his back.

Erica can feel the glares trying to kill her from the other girls in the class. "I guess so…"


Erica looks down at the numbers she's recorded for Myrddin. "Ok, so it's not higher than I can count. But it's much higher than I thought I would need to count… Are you really not a superhuman? These scores are way too high, especially compared to your scores at the end of last year"

"You improved as well Erica, I was surprised by your sit-up score improving so much" Myrddin smirks when looking at her scores. Her push-up scores haven't improved since he first helped record her scores the previous years.

"Don't look at them like that!" Erica snatched her paper and hands Myrddin his own.

"Sorry, sorry. I didn't mean anything rude by it. Just remembering your scores from last year" Myrddin takes his paper and looks over the scores. He's easily tripled most of his scores. But when he was so weak before it isn't surprising. He could probably have done one armed pushups and one legged squats better than most of the class doing regular pushups and squats.

Erica covers her face with the paper and turns around. "Please forget those scores…"

"You're asking me to forget something? That's harder than you would think" Myrddin cracks his neck.

"Don't need to be a smartass about it…" Erica grumbles.

"Would you be able to forget my scores from a year ago? After seeing my new ones I bet not" Myrddin tries to reason.

"I'd have probably remembered them even if you didn't improve…." Erica slumps her shoulders.

"Cmon, let's go turn these things in. At least you can watch me get yelled at for faking my numbers" Myrddin begins walking towards the teacher.

Myrddin ends up having to retake the tests in front of the entire class. But he does the same if not better this time because he's warmed up now.


After the class ends Myrddin goes into the locker room and grabs his lacrosse things and goes back out into the gym while he waits for Erica.

He gets a few strange looks. But it's mostly girls admiring him. He can't wear cleats in the school so he's currently in his socks.

"What are you doing?" Erica asks after she sees Myrddin holding his lacrosse helmet and stick.

"Waiting to walk you out before going to the field. What are you doing?" Myrddin looks at Erica in her usual baggy clothes.

"I was… actually planning on watching the lacrosse team practice. I heard they have a new player that is a wizard on the field this year" Erica smiles while looking to the side.

"Hmm. I also heard something like that. But are you sure you want to go?" Myrddin taps the stick on the ground gently.

Erica nods in confirmation. "I want to at least see one practice before a game"

"Then we should get going so you can actually grab a seat. They fill up faster than you'll think" Myrddin leads the way.


"Looks like you're lucky, a few seats are still open" Myrddin says as they walk towards the practice field.

"I guess so…" Erica steps up to the third row on the right side of the bleachers.

"I've gotta get going now, but enjoy the show. If you get bored you can just do some homework right?" Myrddin waves good bye before running off to the field.

Eric's watches his back as he runs off. "Good luck…" She whispers.

Myrddin waves his stick in the air slightly behind his back after hearing that. He runs up to Danny who is stretching. "Think I can get a few practice shots in?"

Danny smirks. "The day I can stop one of your goals is the day we never get scored on again Merlin"

"Then let's get to practicing" Merlin gestures towards the goal.

"Let's" Danny taps his stick against Merlin's chest before running towards his goalie spot.


Allison and Lydia go back to their same spots as yesterday and when they sit down they can see Merlin and Danny already practicing. It's more than a little onseided, with Merlin making every shot and Danny being just behind. But he's only just behind the ball every time which shows just how good a goalie he is.

"Looks like Myrddin is getting some early practice in" Allison doesn't see a certain cute boy staring at her.

Lydia looks at her new best friend. "Did you meet Myrddin?"

"So you know him to?" Allison asks back.

Lydia flips her hair. "I talked to him after their practice ended and it turns out I did know him before. But I didn't recognize him he changed so much. Your turn~"

"I… bumped into him before my first class this morning… literally. I dropped my folder full of paper and he helped pick them up. He's… not what I expected to say the least" Allison watches him make goal after goal and chat with Danny and a few other guys that went over to watch him.

"Hmmm~. What did you expect? Big dumb and handsome?" Lydia coos.

Allison shakes her head. "No. I expected him to be arrogant. And it turns out we have some things in common"

"What are those things?" Lydia inquires.

"Both our families move often. We both went to our first lacrosse practice yesterday. And we both have the same favorite pencil" Allison watches as Myrddin takes his helmet off and starts talking with the guys around him as Danny runs over and throws his arms around Merlin and another guy. The others join in and make it a huddle.

"Favorite pen?" Lydia then connects the dots from the previous day and remembers Myrddin is the one who apparently tossed a pen to Lydia before she got to school. But she doesn't understand why Allison would say that was her favorite pencil. When she goes to look at Allison she notices her attention has moved on to the McCall guy. "You're gonna be such~ a heartbreaker~"

"What?" Allison looks at her only girl friend in the school. She might be her only friend, unless you count Myrddin. She might count Scott but she hasn't even had a proper conversation with him yet.

"Nothing~" Lydia twirls some of her hair around her finger while she chews some gum.

Quade_The_Unknown Quade_The_Unknown

3,147 words

We’re basically at 1,500 Power Stones?!

Here’s another chapter for our work on this fanfic!

But seriously. Watch the fucking swear words!!!!

I can’t even respond if you guys swear.

And yes, damn is apparently not Christian enough for Webnovel

next chapter
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