I sometimes throw together story ideas and see if they will inspire me. Most get recycled and replaced. Because my internet is down and I am trying to write on my phone this was an accidental upload. Currently brainstorming an accelerator fanfic but no idea whether of not I will be inspired to stick with it. Obviously the visible description is for the previous story I started but lost interest in and did not publish. Can't figure out how to delete accidental uploads on phone so adding this edit until I can properly delete them. Sorry for any feeling a bit of inspiration and being unable to use the computer and being left with Android phone sucks
Edit : And now that I have internet working again I find I can't edit the description here so I'll just leave this alone and create a new story for my brainstormed ideas that might or might not get taken up. It can't be helped I guess since I never meant to publish this as it was a messing around story to begin with. Oh well.
— ตอนใหม่กำลังมาในเร็วๆ นี้ — เขียนรีวิว