61.22% Marvel in Between Flesh and Steel. / Chapter 60: Machine Man 58 Arasaka's Satellite.

บท 60: Machine Man 58 Arasaka's Satellite.

The sleek black Villefort Alvarado glided smoothly through the bustling streets of the city, its tinted windows offering privacy to its occupants. Inside the luxurious executive class vehicle, Flint, the skilled driver employed by Alex Arasaka, navigated the traffic with practiced ease. In the backseat, Felicia Hardy, the COO of Arasaka Industries, sat across REV-X, which is currently disguise as Alex, a formidable creation under the control of its creator Alex Arasaka.

Felicia leaned forward, her eyes alight with excitement as she turned to address Alex. "Alex, I have some good news to share with you regarding our Militech Robots."

Alex, controlling his REV-X Terminator, replied to her with a smile, "Sure Felicia, what's the update?"

With a confident smile, Felicia began to explain. "The demand for our Militech Robots is experiencing a huge rise, particularly from buyers in various parts of Asia and other Western countries."

Alex processed the information, his digital mind analyzing the implications of this sudden increase in interest. "Interesting. What do you attribute this surge in demand to?" he asked, while internally thinking he now have eyes all over the world aside from Skynet. He could now easily determine if there is any threat or interesting things happening around the globe with the help of his Militech Robots.

Felicia nodded, her expression thoughtful. "It seems that our recent advancements in robotics technology, combined with the unparalleled capabilities of the Militech Robots, have captured the attention of governments and private entities worldwide. They recognize the potential for enhanced security and military capabilities."

Alex absorbed her words, considering the ramifications of this newfound interest in their technology. "While this surge in demand is certainly promising for our business, we must also remain vigilant. The widespread adoption of advanced robotics could have unforeseen ramifications within society and global security."

Felicia nodded in agreement, a warm smile gracing her lips as she met Alex's gaze with unwavering determination. "Absolutely! Our team our keeping a look out for any troubles that might happen. Any way we've come a long way, haven't we?"

Alex chuckled softly, a playful glint in his eyes. "Indeed we have, Felicia. Indeed we have. "

Felicia leaned back in her seat, her expression turning somber as she broached another topic. "Speaking of responsibilities, I have to tell you. My secretary, Natalie Rushman, suddenly resigned yesterday. It's left me in quite a bind."

Alex's eyebrows raised in surprise, a sympathetic frown creasing his brow. "I'm sorry to hear that, Felicia. Natalie was indeed a good asset to your team." While internally thinking he was the cause why she resigned, well she was a Spy from SHIELD so it won't work out anyway.

Felicia sighed, frustration evident in her voice. "Tell me about it. Now I have to scramble to find a replacement."

A mischievous twinkle danced in Alex's eyes as he leaned closer to Felicia. "Well, Felicia, if you're looking for a new secretary, I can make a robot with human features to help you out. Not only we can customize their look, but they will be more efficient specially if it concerns with computation and handling the company. They could definitely lessen your work load."

Felicia's laughter filled the car, a warm and genuine sound that echoed Alex's playful spirit. "Oh, Alex, you never cease to surprise me. But I think I'll stick to human secretaries for now."

Alex looked up from his tablet, a mock pout on his lips. "Too bad she left though, I was going to make her my personal secretary since you've been so busy handling Arasaka Industries."

Felicia's laughter rang out melodiously, her eyes dancing with amusement. "Oh, Alex, always the charmer. But I think Natalie's departure might be a blessing in disguise."

"Oh?" Alex raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Felicia's cryptic remark. "And why is that?"

Felicia leaned closer, a mischievous gleam in her eyes. "Well, let's just say I have my suspicions about your intentions, Mr. Arasaka. If your not careful you could end up in a scandal you know? Worse a huge lawsuit."

Alex chuckled, enjoying the playful banter with Felicia. "I assure you, Felicia, my intentions are purely professional." Showing a sly smile.

Felicia's lips curled into a teasing smile. "Yes yes, keep telling yourself that Mr. Arasaka."

As the Villefort Alvarado continued its journey through the city streets, Felicia and Alex delved deeper into their discussion, exploring potential strategies for managing the increasing demand for Militech Robots while safeguarding against potential risks.

In the midst of their conversation, Flint, the stoic driver, interjected with a pertinent observation. "Sir, we're approaching our destination."

Alex nodded, acknowledging Flint's words. "Thank you, Flint. Felicia, let's continue this discussion later. For now, let's focus on our upcoming meeting."

After stepping out of the Villefort Alvarado, Alex Arasaka and Felicia Hardy found themselves greeted by the bustling activity of Doom's former spaceport, it has gone through a complete transformation looking more futuristic and is now called Translunar Spaceport.

Workers scurried about, attending to various tasks, while the towering structures of the cosmodrome loomed overhead. As they walked through the facility, nods of acknowledgment and respectful greetings followed in their wake, a testament to their roles as the owners of the spaceport.

Felicia glanced around, taking in the vast expanse of the cosmodrome with a mix of curiosity and intrigue. "So, Alex," she began, her tone laced with curiosity, "why did you decide to acquire this spaceport? And what do you plan to do with it?"

Alex smiled, adjusting his jacket as he began to explain. "Well, this spaceport offers a ton of potential for us. Think of it as our gateway to the stars," he said, gesturing to the towering structures around them. "We can use it for all sorts of things, from launching satellites to exploring new technologies."

Felicia nodded, impressed by the breadth of possibilities that owning a spaceport entailed. "That's certainly ambitious," she remarked. "But I feel like, this industry will only burn money and nothing more?"

Alex paused, considering his response. "That is true, but that's still the same in every business. You gotta burn money to earn more money. For starters, we are going to launch our own satellites into orbit," he explained. "We can't always piggy back ride at others satellite to manager our technology."

He continued, "With our own satellite in orbit, it would give us a huge advantage in terms of communications and managing our growing number of robots."

Felicia nodded, beginning to grasp the concept. "Got it," she said, a hint of excitement creeping into her voice. "So, what else can we do with this place?"

Alex grinned, enjoying her enthusiasm. "Well, we could also offer launch services to other companies," he continued. "That means we can make some serious cash by helping other people send their stuff into space."

Felicia's eyes widened at the prospect. "That's impressive and all," she remarked, not really impressed by the potential financial gains as she was more worried about the lost it can incur in the company. "But won't running a spaceport be, really complicated?"

Alex chuckled, shaking his head. "That is why we purchase Doom Industries, so we won't have to look for any personnel we just hired the ones already working here.," he remarked. "Since they are already an experience team, we won't have any trouble running the place" he added, flashing her a reassuring smile.

Felicia grinned back, feeling a surge of confidence. "Thanks, Alex," she said, feeling more excited about the venture with each passing moment. "I can't wait to see the launch of our very own satellite."

A few hours later, the spaceport hummed with activity as Alex Arasaka, accompanied by his team, made their final preparations for the launch of their groundbreaking communications satellite, Zea. The sleek, silver spacecraft stood proudly on the launchpad, on it is the satellite Zea attached like a huge circular buckler with a huge x in the middle and wings on each side. Its form is unique compared to other satellites during this time. Its surface gleaming in the sunlight as technicians bustled around it, performing last-minute checks and adjustments.

As the countdown to launch began, Alex took his place at the control center, his eyes fixed on the monitors displaying vital data from the satellite and the launch vehicle. He could feel the tension in the air, a mixture of excitement and nerves as they prepared to send Zea into orbit.

"Initiating launch sequence," a technician announced, his voice echoing through the room as he keyed in the final commands.

The first stage engines ignited with a deafening roar, sending tremors rippling through the launchpad as the colossal launch vehicle began its ascent. Alex's gaze remained fixed on the monitors, his mind focused on the intricate ballet of propulsion and navigation unfolding before him.

"Stage one separation," another technician called out, and Alex nodded in acknowledgment as the spent rocket boosters fell away, their fiery descent leaving a trail of smoke and flame in their wake.

Felicia watched in fascination as the launch vehicle continued its journey skyward, propelled ever closer to the edge of space. "It's incredible," she murmured, her voice barely audible over the roar of the engines.

Flint the ever-loyal body guard can't help but be amazed as well." Boss, this is incredible. Your very own Satellite floating above space!"

Alex smiled, his attention still riveted on the monitors. "Indeed it is," he agreed, his tone tinged with pride.

As the launch vehicle breached the upper atmosphere, the second stage engines ignited, their fiery plumes propelling the spacecraft even farther into space. With each passing moment, Zea drew closer to its destination, its sleek form cutting through the darkness of the void with purpose and determination.

"Status report," Alex called out, his voice calm but authoritative.

"Second stage burnout," a technician announced, and Alex nodded in acknowledgment as the final stage of the launch sequence began.

"Everything's looking good, Mr. Arasaka," one of the technicians replied, his voice crackling over the intercom. "All systems are green across the board."

Alex nodded, his gaze never leaving the monitors. "Alright, let's continue with the second stage sequence," he instructed, his tone firm and decisive.

With practiced precision, the payload fairing separated, revealing Zea in all its glory as it prepared to enter orbit. Felicia couldn't tear her eyes away from the monitors, her excitement palpable as she watched the spacecraft's graceful ascent into the heavens.

As they watched the launch unfold, Alex couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. This was a milestone moment for Arasaka Industries, a testament to their dedication to innovation and progress.

As Zea disappeared from view, disappearing into the depths of space, Alex turned to his team with a smile. "Well done, everyone," he said, his voice filled with genuine appreciation. "We've taken a major step forward today, and I couldn't be prouder of what we've accomplished."

But as the cheers and applause filled the control center, Alex couldn't keep his grin from showing, knowing what the satellite he launch into space is really capable off. Not only does it contains a new housing for Skynet like a secondary home, it also houses a multitude of secrets within its shell.

With Zea now in orbit, it added a new layer of protection for Alex and his close friends. They would need to ensure its continued operation and maintenance, a task made easy with the drones and the advanced AI systems onboard.

With Skynet at the helm, Alex knew that Zea was in capable hands. And as he looked out at the vast expanse of space, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement for the possibilities that lay ahead.

While at the same time, his mind goes to the inefficient launch system of the rockets they are currently using. Not only is it costly and unoptimized, but it also has a chance of failure. So, he needs to create a new type of propulsion system, maybe like the one used in cyberpunk or the antigrav technology. As his mind digs deeper into the technology he can use, he disconnects from the Rev-X, letting Skynet take control of it. He now needs to focus on the matter at hand.

-= Back in Savage Land=-

The ground trembled beneath the relentless march of 500 soldiers, a coalition of Beastmen and Lizardfolk, led by the cunning Pteron, Nodon. The eerie glow of their torches cast an ominous hue on the surroundings, as their determined forces approached the perimeter of Alex's futuristic industrial base.

Nodon, a deceitful Pteron, barked orders to his mixed-race army, instilling a false sense of confidence. His sly words fueled their determination as they charged forward. However, unbeknownst to them, the base's defense system was already activated, anticipating their assault. The automated turrets, anti-air missiles, and plasma beams were ready to repel any intruders.

As the first wave of attackers, armed with Vibranium cold weapons and shields, rushed toward the base, they skillfully deflected the missiles with their resilient shields. Nodon, observing from a distance, barked orders, "Shield wall! Advance cautiously!"

The automated system, recognizing the Vibranium defense, adjusted its strategy. While the turrets continued firing bullets and missiles, the plasma beams came to life, targeting the attackers who seemed impervious to explosions.

"We can't hold the shields for long! The beams are too powerful!" cried one of the soldiers.

"Hold your ground! We must reach the entrance!" Nodon commanded, his false bravado concealing the growing unease.

Explosions echoed through the surrounding as the Sauron's army faced the overwhelming might of the automated defenses. The automated system, functioning with precision, targeted each attacker with lethal accuracy. Some Beastmen and Lizardfolk, despite their Vibranium protection, succumbed to the devastating power of the plasma beams and multitude amount of turrents.

Amid the chaos, a group of Pterons soared above, attempting to bypass the automated turrets. The sleek, predatory figures deftly dodged the missiles, only to be met with a hail of bullets upon their descent. Each bullet felt like a punch from an invisible force, disrupting their coordinated attack and sowing confusion among their ranks.

"Dodge the projectiles! We can't let them pin us down!" shouted the Pteron leader.

"I can't avoid them! We need more support!" cried another Pteron, struggling against the onslaught.

"No retreat! Press forward! The turrets can't track us all!" Nodon urged, desperately clinging to the belief that overwhelming numbers would secure victory.

In the midst of the skirmish, Nodon, with his wings outstretched, attempted to disable the energy barrier manually, showcasing false bravado. His slimy, manipulative nature revealed itself as he desperately tried to salvage the situation. Yet, a surge of energy repelled him, sending him tumbling backward.

"I'll disable their barrier myself! Cover me!" Nodon declared, his confidence faltering as the unseen force repelled him.

"He's trying to break through! Protect Nodon!" shouted a loyal Pteron.

"Something's repelling him! It's too strong!" observed another, realizing the futility of their leader's attempt.

Frustration etched across his face, Nodon rallied his troops for a final, desperate assault, his false confidence now wavering. The remaining Pterons, Beastmen, and Lizardfolk charged together, attempting to overpower the defense system with sheer numbers.

As the attackers pressed forward, the entire base came to life, bathed in the luminous blue glow of the activated energy barrier. The artificial sun overhead intensified, casting a brilliant light across the cavern. The futuristic weapons unleashed a dazzling display of plasma beams and anti-air missiles, effectively repelling the attackers.

"We can't breach their defenses! We're getting slaughtered out here!" cried a desperate soldier.

"Push forward! Break through their lines!" Nodon insisted, refusing to admit defeat.

"It's impossible! We need to retreat!" pleaded a frightened soldier.

Nodon, realizing the need for a strategic approach, bellowed orders, directing some of his forces to use shields to protect themselves from the automated turrets. The shield-bearing warriors formed a protective wall, advancing cautiously toward the base under Nodon's promises of victory.

As the shielded warriors moved forward, the automated turrets continued their relentless assault. Bullets and missiles clashed against the shimmering Vibranium shields, creating a chaotic symphony of explosions and deflections. Nodon, observing from a distance, sneered at the defenders' futile attempts to repel his forces.

"Press forward! Their defense can't withstand our might!" Nodon commanded, his slimy voice echoing through the cavern.

Skynet, monitoring the situation, quickly analyzed the threat. "Father, Nodon is directing a hundred Pterons to focus their strength on the barrier. Their combined force is jeopardizing the energy stability of the barrier. We need to act swiftly."

Alex, seated on his floating throne, nodded in acknowledgment. "Let's see how far they can go first."

As Nodon continued to direct the shielded warriors, a hundred powerful Pterons joined the front lines, each displaying incredible strength. With Vibranium shields raised, they exerted their force, pushing against the energy barrier protecting the base.

"Combine your strength! Destroy the barrier and break through!" Nodon commanded, confident in the might of his Pteron forces.

The Pterons, their muscular forms straining with effort, pressed against the barrier with formidable strength. The cavern echoed with the collective grunts and roars of the powerful beings, as they hit the barrier with their weapons shaking it, their determination palpable.

Skynet alerted Alex, "Father, the barrier is under immense pressure. If they continue, it might collapse."

Alex, observing the situation, understood the gravity of the threat. "Skynet, initiate the countermeasure protocol. Let's give them a taste of their own strength."

In response to Alex's command, the base's defense system recalibrated. The energy barrier, sensing the external force, unleashed a powerful counterforce, repelling the Pterons with an energy wave. The shielded warriors stumbled backward, taken aback by the unexpected resistance.

"It's the sorcerer king! Be careful of his magic!" Nodon shouted, realizing the countermeasure had disrupted their advance even killing some of them in the process.

As the Pterons regrouped, Skynet reported, "Father, the countermeasure was successful. The barrier is stable, and their attempt to breach it has been thwarted."

Alex smirked, acknowledging the efficiency of his base's defense system. "Let this be a lesson. No matter their strength, technology can be a formidable equalizer."

Meanwhile, the Pterons, frustrated by their failed assault, regrouped under Nodon's command. He, however, refused to admit defeat, concocting another deceptive plan to break through the defenses.

"Prepare for the next wave! We will overwhelm them with sheer numbers!" Nodon declared, his deceptive charisma still holding sway over the Pterons.

As the surrounding echoed with the thunderous clash of forces, the praetorians base reverberated with the hum of machinery as Alex, seated upon his floating throne, surveyed the impending battle. Skynet, the logical and composed AI, stood ready to execute his commands. The artificial sun overhead emitted a steady glow, casting an ethereal light on the futuristic industrial base.

"Skynet," Alex's voice echoed through the command center, "prepare the army. We won't let these intruders breach our sanctuary. Open a small section of the barrier and the entrance. Let our praetorians and the new recruits show them the might of our unified force."

"Shouldn't we let the T-800 attack first?" someone questioned.

Alex replied, "No, I want to see how the Praetorians will deal with these barbarians."

Acknowledging the command, Skynet initiated the sequence. The blue energy barrier flickered momentarily as a small section began to recede, creating a controlled opening. Simultaneously, the entrance to the base slid open, revealing the organized ranks of the praetorians and the newly recruited warriors.

Rico, the walking arsenal, unleashed chaos upon the enemy ranks. His borg-enhanced body moved with lethal grace, delivering powerful punches that shattered limbs. Rockets mounted on his shoulders laid waste to clusters of foes, and his arm launcher fired grenades with devastating precision. The Mark 3 Lancer unleashed a hail of bullets, while the chainsaw bayonet cut through enemies like a hot knife through butter. As he rush to them, he shouts. "No fear brothers! For the Emeperor!"

Strife, the cyber-enhanced ninja, danced through the battlefield with calculated precision. His mantis blades whirred as they cut through the air, slicing through enemies who dared to approach. Strife's cybernetic enhancements allowed him to move with unmatched speed, delivering swift and lethal blows to any adversary unfortunate enough to cross his path.

Barret, the African American muscular powerhouse in Mjolnir armor, charged into the fray. An energy blast from his arm blasters created a massive explosion, reducing a group of Pterons to ashes and leaving a smoking crater in its wake. As he launches shot after shot, he said, "Get ready to feel the thunder!!"

Vincent, the marksman operated like a phantom on the battlefield, with a futuristic gothic vampire aesthetic, he picked off enemies with pinpoint accuracy. His sniper rifle emitted crimson beams, each shot finding its mark and eliminating threats from a distance. Vincent moved with a predatory grace, blending into the shadows before repositioning to take down his next target, he seamlessly switched positions, appearing and disappearing like a crimson shadow.

Cid, wielding a high-frequency spear, became a whirlwind of destruction. The spear twirled with deadly elegance, slicing through the enemy lines effortlessly. Cid's combat prowess and the enhanced capabilities of his weapon made him a force to be reckoned with on the front lines.

Shana O'hara, the she-devil, showcased incredible agility with her high-frequency sword. She danced through the enemies, cutting through shields and disarming foes before finishing them off with lethal precision. "May Gaia have mercy on your soul, because we the warriors of the emperor will not show mercy!" she screams, Accompanying her was a massive sabertooth tiger with Vibranium armor and an automated gatling turret, decimating any enemies that dared to approach.

Byakko, the white tiger beastman in the formidable predator killer armor, tore through the battlefield with primal ferocity. His adamantium bladed claws sliced through enemies like paper, while the shoulder plasma cannons sowed chaos in their ranks. As he lay ways to enemies he screamed, "No mercy for the weak!"

The praetorians followed behind, like a blue tide in massive powered combat suits, they advanced as an unstoppable force, laying waste to anything in their path with their huge laser rifles with chainsaw bayonets attached, they unleashed powerful energy beams that cut through the enemy ranks.

The enemies, armed with vibranium weapons, found themselves overwhelmed by the sheer might of the praetorians. While the newly anointed Praetorians uses their chainsaw sword to cut any adversary dumb enough to come close to them and at the same time their automated targeting system deal with the enemies from afar firing rockets and missiles to decimate them.

In the midst of the chaos, Nodon, the slimeball leader, attempted to rally his forces. However, Rico, ever loyal to his emperor, spotted Nodon among the chaos. With a determined glint in his cybernetic eye, Rico closed the distance.

Then multiple compartment opened up on Rico's body as a multitude of weapons from laser beams, plasma cannon, rockets even to sidewinder missiles release a devastating blow to the enemy. The enemies around Nodon fell like flies as Rico unleashed the full force of his arsenal upon them.

Cornered and desperate, Nodon faced the relentless advance of Rico. A barrage of bullets and explosives surrounded Nodon, leaving him with no escape. Rico's arm launcher fired a powerful grenade, and as the explosion engulfed the area, Nodon met his demise.

The battle reached its climax as the enemies dwindled in number. The praetorians, led by their leaders, stood victorious. The once-confident force of 500 invaders had been decimated by the coordinated might and advanced technology of Alex's army. The battlefield now echoed with the aftermath of destruction, and the base's energy barrier closed seamlessly, securing the sanctuary once more.

Amidst the battle, Skynet collected data and relayed information to her father. Alex who sat upon his floating throne, surrounded by five silver-armored Aerians acting as his protectors tend to his needs like loyal battle maids. Real-time reports displayed into his hud, reporting the incredible efficiency and coordination of the army he had created.


Last chapter for the week, not sure if I could post the usual 1 chapter a day next week.

I'll be busy out with family vaca/trip~ Cheers!

Ashinydecapod Ashinydecapod

See you guys next week! Thank you for supporting this half arse fanfic! Cheers!

next chapter
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