Looking around the temple, Madara could imagine how beautiful this place was on its prime, right now small snowflakes were already falling, it seems that it's the beginning of the winter.
'10 years.. assuming that Aang awakened precisely 100 years after the beginning of the war, I can presume that right now is around 90AG, perhaps 89AG, or 91AG… well who cares..' looking around he felt melancholy 'to think that such peaceful place was the target of a genocide.. god damn Roku why did you think that everything would be alright just by faceslapping Sozin and leaving like that… Sozin was a monster, but you had your fair share of the blame for all of this.. how naive you were.. I can accept Aang, he is just a kid but you were a grown man..' sigh 'I wonder what Kyoshi would've done in your place…'
Walking through the corridors of the temple, with his hand sliding through the walls, seeing and feeling the engravings in each wall 'Hard to believe that i came to an animated cartoon world' chuckles 'no one would believe me if I manage to go back.... not that I want to go back'
He walked for hours, sightseeing and exploring every room available to him, most of the rooms were locked behind doors that required airbending to open, even if he could force them to open he wouldn't do it, he had nothing to gain by destroying such historic place.
His goal on the southern air temple was a simple one, a calm place devoid of people so he could train in peace, the temple itself was in ruins but there were plenty food and water sources all around, this place housed hundreds of monks back then, its impossible that they didn't have natural resources nearby.
'I can't stay for long.. in a year at most, my clothes wont fit me anymore and I will be forced to go out.. one whole year in seclusion i think i can handle it.. i will have enough time to get my firebending going.. I also don't know exact dates, I know Katara's mom is already gone by now but… what about Iroh's son? if I save him, would Iroh fight for the throne? Probably.. would he win? That's tricky, Ozai will already have the royal court under his leash, that and the current fire lord's death timing was a bit too convenient, wasn't it? Almost like it was pre-planned.'
"Variables, too many variables.. but then again, I am not here to save the world.. that's the Avatar's job, I'm here to track a reincarnator.. its just that… knowing that I can prevent good people from suffering tragedies while doing nothing leaves a really bad taste in my mouth.. fucking butterflies." Sigh 'for all I know saving Iroh's son might prevent him from giving up the crown, a possible civil war would start and it would help destabilize the Fire Nation and slow down the invasion a bit.. but.. on the long run? Ozai will probably win, he is ambitious enough to defend his claim and ruthless enough to play dirty, and if Iroh actually go against him I doubt Ozai would spare his brother.. hell even his father might've died by his schemes.. and without uncle Iroh many things will change for the worst, the more I interfere with certain key events… more and more the responsibility will fall on my shoulders, I don't want to be the one facing Ozai to end the war, that's the Avatar's fucking job!'
Looking around he spot many place with natural resources, from vegetables and fruits to clean water sources, looking at his mirror image on the water he wasn't shocked by what he saw. his height was a bit over 4ft tall, his long black mane was quite short, around shoulder length but already covering half of his face. Sharp black eyes that displayed wisdom and curiosity.
'Would you look at that.. I might grow up to be a lady-killer in the avatar world.. I mean.. considering how easy fucking Sokka got girls all over him.. I don't think I will suffer at all!'
Satisfied with what he saw and his discoveries he turned around and kept exploring the abandoned temple.
Reaching the main training area of the temple he spotted something that he completely forgot standing right on the center, his Gunbai, an exact replica of Madara's, he couldn't help but grin as he walked close to it 'this is way to big for me right now, I can't wield it with a child's body, I wouldn't even be able to walk properly with it attached to my back.. better keep it safe inside the temple until then, no one comes to this place anymore otherwise people would've looted the old firebenders armors scattered all over this place, they could go for a decent price anywhere.. its wartime and resources are finite, its not even easy to reach up here without a flying bison or technology' he grabbed it with both hands and carried to the corner of the training room.
"Now.. its time to learn how to dance.."
Days passed, the snow started to get heavier and heavier, no more grass could be seen covering the outdoor grounds, only a white layer of snow.
Bursts of fire exploded through the training grounds as young Madara kept punching, kicking, spinning, jumping, his body was young but he had peak Madara's combat experience, he just needed to adapt his firebending knowledge to his already developed fighting style.
He discovered that although his experience and knowledge regarding Madara's combat style and technique was flawless, he couldn't bring it to 100% effectiveness, he reached around 50 to 60% of it, why? His body, his stride was not long enough, he was not tall enough, the reach of his arms was not far enough, Madara's experience was based on a grown man's body, not a 8 year old child, while an adult Madara would need one step to reach his enemy he needed one and a half, it may not sound much but it makes a huge difference in actual battle.
For some reason he also noticed he had the habit of spitting fire through his mouth, he thought about it and came to the conclusion that it was because of the real Madara's experience in combat, back in the Naruto World, Katon was mainly through their mouths, he can recreate basically every Katon through firebending, but he is having problems with actual bending, his body and experience were not used to punch and kick fire, luckily, he had the Firebending knowledge from the voice to slowly fix that issue.
Regardless of knowledge it was hard, days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months, its not about being a prodigy, Madara was far above the standard level of talent of those so called 'prodigies', but everything takes time, its not just pushing the fire out, that was achieved on the first day, it was merging it with combat, it was control, finesse and muscle memory.
This is the avatar world, here power does not just 'level up', its less about raw power and more about your control over it, otherwise old Zuko would spam Azula's blue fire sinse it is a 'leveled up' version of regular fire, but he couldn't do it even after decades of training, why?
He assumed that Azula was born with a tremendous chi pool and instead of training to outlast her oponents with her chi reserves, she decided to burn double or triple the amount of chi to increase the intensity of the flames and destroy her oponents instantly.
'Heh.. thats quite like her isn't it?'
During his meals he ate simple vegetables and fruits that he found around the place, there was many sources of water available, so he could easily have enough to drink and even a small river to bath, he also used his firebending to hunt some birds that flew close enough to enter is reach, to be honest it tasted bland but he was enjoying life, for the first time he could sleep without having to keep an eye open for any calamity that the world decided to throw on him.
He took his time meditating during the sunrise before his training, and during the sunset right after. Bending was not just physical, it was spiritual as well, and he for sure knew he needed to calm himself down, living 30 years under fear of death leaves a mark on anyone psyche, he could finally calm down and search for his inner peace, perhaps this was Iroh's way, who knows.
He doesn't have a system to tell him in numbers his precise amount of chi, all he knows is what his body could endure by quantifying through time. At the beginning he noticed that after a healthy dinner, 8 hours sleep and a decent breakfast, he could keep practicing firebending nonstop for about 4 hours, that is a huge discovery and display how massive his chi pool is, 4 hours of constant firebending until his fire starts failing him, he never saw anyone in the show fighting for more than half an hour before feeling exhausted.
After one year of training his clothes could still fit him well, since they were quite loose to begin with, they are not dirty sinse he washed them constantly and never wore anything other than his pants during his training, but he knew that in a few months to half year at most he would need to go down, its better to go down while not looking like a clown wearing clothes that clearly doesn't fit him, he is Uchiha Madara now, have some dignity man!
Looking down he could see a sea of clouds covering the base of the mountain where the southern air temple was situated
Gulp. 'I really didn't think this through did i?' he started jumping around and started warming up his body while talking to himself "you can do it, you are Uchiha fucking Madara, just a big piece of rock won't stop you!" he first looked around for some rope but the few pieces of rope he found were not optimal in any way, he won't trust his life to that!
He slowly climbed down, subtle movements, always keeping in check if there was a loose stone to avoid.
'Easy now, theres no hurry, we have 9 fucking years we can take all the time in the world to climb down this bitch ass mountain..' he managed to climb down for about ten minutes until he lost his grip on the stone wall, he knew he fucked up! SHIT!
He closed his eyes preparing himself for the impact while screaming to the top of his lungs. Although he could soften the fall with firebending, or even use fire to glide back to the mountain Azula style, but he was not a native of this world, he was here for 1 year, as a 21st century person that was used to be screwed by the world in anything he ever tried, his first reaction was fear, but then after a few seconds he felt.. nothing.. just a gentle breeze, then he noticed, he was not falling! Opening his eyes, he saw something that made his brain suffer from lag. He was at the exact same place, he didn't fall a single inch, with both of his feet touching the stone wall, just like a true shinobi from Naruto World!
Madara then remembered what the voice said when he gave his final gift right as he entered the tunnel.
"THAT MOTHERFUC…!" he stopped himself from cursing, it was a very precious gift after all, who knows if the voice can hear him and just take his gift back as easy as they gave him, why risk it?!
"God dammit, they could've told me! At least they could've left a note by the Gunbai like 'hey by the way, I gave you the ability to walk on surfaces!' that would've saved me so much stress and time! I bet I lost at least 10 years of my lifespan! I BET YOU DID THAT ON PURPOSE!"
And just like that another childlike scream echoed through the stone peaks of the southern air temple, with no one to hear it.
Running down the mountain with his Naruto-style run it didn't take long for him to see the base of the mountain 'At least my body remembered it.. god dammit man! Me, the almighty and imposing Uchiha Madara screaming like a child… good thing no one knows' he narrowed his eyes dangerously 'and no one will ever find out!'
Just to let you guys know, i know that Aang woke up on the 99th year and faced Ozai on the 100th year, but i do have the Avatar wiki right on the other monitor, Madara does not! lol, his knowledge won't be 100% spot on, he is a human and he wont remmember every detail.
About harem or romance i rather develop characters more first before even thinking about it, he probably will have some flings here and there but to settle down? that will probably take a while.
Through the forest that spreads bellow the Patola Mountain Range, the mountain range where the Southern Air Temple is located, the blurr of a 9-year-old Madara can be spotted.
Jumping from tree branch to tree branch to tree branch, he is smiling from one ear to the other. 'I knew it would be fun but damn, traveling like a Shinobi is awesome!'.
After a eight-hour long travel, he finally stops by the beach, caring on his back an improvised bag made with the old ropes he found at the temple, he would never trust those to climb up and down but using them to help him carry things, especially food, was more than a good deal.
Taking a deep breath, he sits down and puts what he was carrying on his back on top of a rock.
'Running through the forest for eight hours straight is quite exhausting, that and running down the mountain's surface drained my chi like crazy! Why can't they just add a manual to these things? Learning through experience isn't always pleasant!'
Sigh. "Eight long hours and not a sign of civilization, I REALLY didn't think this through, there must be a way out of this place that isn't a flying bison or a ship, I doubt I will find either of them around these parts and I don't know if I can run on water as much as I can run down the mountain, on Naruto those two did not follow the exact same rules, I feel that water walking will drain me way more, and the closest civilization is quite far away.. I'm already very tired.."
Looking around enjoying the view of the ocean during the sunset and eating some fruits that he picked on his way here.
"Not a bad life" he grins. "At least no civilization means I don't need to worry about being robbed while sleeping outdoors…"
After eating he found himself a comfortable spot to rest and used his firebending to light up a campfire to keep himself warm, since snow is starting to fall again, after that he sat down and leaned back on a rock. 'Tomorrow, I need to find a way out of this island otherwise I will have to go all the way back to the temple, I didn't find a single lake or river down here, luckily the fruits help me a bit with my thirst as well.' And just like that everything went dark and was welcomed to the dream lands.
On the next morning..
YAWN~ waking up and rubbing his eyes after stretching himself he looks around scanning the area with his sleepy eyes, looking at the sky he notices that is dawn and get himself ready to get up, that's when he hears splash sounds on the water.
Alarmed he looks at the sound direction and see something that bring a huge grin to his face.
"Yeah .. that will work… not only that, but it will be fun as hell!"
On the sea he spots a school of fish, not just regular fish but MASSIVE bright-colored Koi fish swimming freely on the water. 'Now that I remember, Aang had a favorite spot in the island to ride Elephant Koi, Ohhhh this will be really fun!'
Grabbing his makeshift bag and tying it to his back, he rushes towards the water.
'C'mon don't let me down.. I already ruined my image with the mountain debacle.. don't let me fail here surface walking!'
Without thinking twice, he jumps from the sand towards the water and it worked! 'HA! I knew I could count on myself!'
A joyous laugh could be heard as long black-haired child ran on the water towards the school of koi fish, once he was close enough, he jumped and used firebending through his feet to propel himself even further, landing directly on the back of a massive elephant koi.
"Hello there, my newest best friend, could you take me to Earth K-"
Before he could finish his request, the elephant koi launched itself at full speed towards the ocean, young Madara instantly grabbed the huge fins and used his Chi to keep his feet stabilized on the koi's slippery back.
He tried to sit down on the back of the koi but once he did the koi splashed around almost throwing him out, it seems that standing up had no issue but they didn't like when people sat down on top of them.
"Aye Aye Captain! I apologize."
And just like that a small school of elephant koi traveled through the southern sea, young Madara didn't know but those fish were actually migrating to Kyoshi island, those koi fish were one of the top export products from there.
It was another calm afternoon on Kyoshi island, many fishing village people were already counting how much fish they managed to get for the day, the boats were already docked and everyone on the docks was already preparing to go home.
That was the plan for most of them except for the ones in Oyaji's village. By the coast many villagers were aghast while watching what I was coming towards their docks, a school of elephant koi!
Now, although they were famous all over the earth kingdom by their product, Elephant Koi was not a common catch, not at all, it was considered a luxury food all over the world, to put in perspective, that kind of fish was one of Beifong's family favorite dish, it was cheaper to buy a set of armor than buy Elephant Koi meat.
As uncommon as it was, what made it ever more shocking was the fact that there was a boy riding on the top of the koi in the lead!
As the school of fish drew closer and closer, more and more villagers arrived by the docks, old veterans that resided on the village already grabbed weapons, they were an isolationistic island, fearful of strangers and hated the fire nation to the core.
"Let me see, let me see!"
"Wooooo someone is riding the big fish! Someone is riding the big fish!!!"
"I bet I could do it better! Humph."
A bunch of kids were having fun watching the show, giggling, yelling and pointing fingers, the adults.. not so much, they were worried and prepared to strike at a moment's notice.
The crowd parted ways for a stout old man with a fluffy long beard and a … unique.. hairstyle, partially tied on a high ponytail and partially loose on the back, and a 'huge forehead'.
"Village leader, give us the order and we will strike as soon as that kid set foot in here!"
"That's probably a Fire Nation spy!"
The stout old man let out a sigh "Relax everyone, that's a kid.. spy or not we will have no problem in capturing and interrogating him"
He barely finished his sentence and other grown ups in the crowd started yell at each other
After roughly one minute they saw the school of fish stop moving towards the docks and the boy patting the big koi on the lead before he jumped towards the water, what happened next left everyone gawking with wide eyes, the boy started running on the water.. wait WHAT?!
"Wow.. he runs on the water?! That's so cool!"
"Can you do that better than him as well, Kelo?"
The kids went crazy and the adults brains stopped working.
"That's impossible…"
"Is he a waterbender or something…?"
The old village leader kept staring at the young boy running towards them on the water surface 'since when does the Fire Nation employs children from other nations? That's some scary possibility… anyone can potentially be a spy after all...'
Madara kept jumped towards the docks, he was very careful to never use his firebending knowing that anywhere in the world other than the Fire Nation itself, firebender wouldn't be welcomed at all.
He even openly used his water walking to give people the false impression that he is just a powerful waterbender and be more welcoming.
Knowing that as long as he kept his firebending secret he wouldn't have much problem socializing and meeting people from this world, very few places would be hostile towards him regardless just for being a new face around. That was the reason why he chose an isolated empty temple in the middle of nowhere, he could practice firebending away from the fire nation's watch and without being judged by the rest of the world.
"Phew that was exhausting.. at least they were quite fast.. I almost fell many times.." said Madara talking to himself while shuddering as he remembers the many times he almost fell off and was left behind, but now he is finally enjoying the feeling of stepping on land after so long, happy to have found a village! Proper food, new clothes, decent bath, and more importantly, a comfy bed to sleep!
But once he looked around and saw a massive crowd of villagers holding weapons, from swords to pitchforks, the first impression was of an angry mob hunting down a vampire or something .. 'What the fuck?' … but once he spotted the old man that look like the leader of the group and remembered who exactly that old man is, it finally clicked.
"Oh crap.."
Of all places he could've landed, of all villages and locations those damn fish could've taken him, it had to be the one place in the world that would shoot first and ask later just for being a stranger, regardless bending or anything else.
Kyoshi FUCKING Island!
"You gotta be kidding me.."
Its a smaller chapter, but i prefer keep my chapters related to specific parts the journey instead of breaking the scene in half and to add to a previous or future chapter just to fill word count, next chapter will be as long as the first 2.
By the way i want to explain the difference between a reincarnator and a transmigrator in my story
Transmigrator gets 1 wish, the 5 knowledge points are just an extra help so the person does not get lost in the world without even being able to comunicate, they 'spawn' in a specific location and with a pre-determined body, they are not naturaly born in that world, the wish and knowledge are their advantages.
Reincarnator gets no wishes, they will be born naturally, will have to grow, all that they keep is their past life memories, in this case they are not even guaranteed elemental bending powers, their main advantages are the connections they start with, having a powerful family background would be an example.
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