42.35% Lord of Entertainment / Chapter 106: Unknown Assailant

บท 106: Unknown Assailant

(Arthur POV)

The sight of this Horn superstar, Caleb, filled me with disgust. His face showed no hint of remorse for what he'd done to Clint and Benny. The audacity of him bragging about his fame to me... Without hesitation, I closed the distance between us and planted my fist squarely in his face.


Caleb crashed into the nearby wall, crumpling to the floor.

"Wh-what?!" The demon beside Caleb sputtered, pointing a shaky finger at me. "Why did you hurt my client?!"

I fixed him with a cold stare. "And you are?"

"I-I'm his mana-manager, Veret!" he stammered, trying to sound brave.

"You'd better leave before I decide to do something to you too," I warned.

Veret gulped, glancing at the unconscious Caleb before locking eyes with me once more. He didn't need telling twice - he bolted, panic written all over his face.

I knew he'd probably go for help, but I didn't care. I wasn't done with Caleb just yet.

I approached Caleb's limp form and roused him with a light punch. "Gah!" He jolted awake, pain etched across his features.

"Rise and shine, sleepyhead. We're not done yet," I chuckled darkly.

"Why are you doing this?!" Caleb's voice trembled with fear and anger. "What did I do to you?!"

I flashed my vampire teeth in a cold smile. "Nothing. I just felt like beating someone today. Lucky you."

"Veret! Save me-" Caleb's cry died in his throat as he realized his manager had abandoned him.

"He left you to me," I informed him, my smile never wavering.

As Caleb's eyes widened in terror, I began the beating in earnest.

"Don't do it!"

"Please stop, I beg you!"

But his pleas fell on deaf ears. His shrieks of pain and agony filled the room as I exacted my revenge.

A few minutes later, I left Caleb battered on the ground. I made sure to leave him alive - I'm not a killer, after all. But I made damn sure he'd remember this lesson for a long, long time.


(3rd Person POV)

The next day, shocking headlines splashed across daily newspapers:

"Horn Superstar Caleb Diamond Found Battered in Penthouse! Manager Claims Noble Demon Assault!"

At news stalls, people buzzed with disbelief. "A Noble Demon attacking Caleb? Can we trust this?"

A nearby dwarf chimed in, "I'm skeptical of news lately. They've spread so much misinformation about the exiled prince's new film."

The newspapers' credibility had indeed taken a hit after their unfounded criticism of "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly." However, as more reputable sources corroborated the story, doubt began to waver.

At the hospital, journalists crowded around Caleb's battered form and his father, Police Commissioner Raff Diamond.

"Any leads on who might have done this, Commissioner?" a reporter probed.

Raff's eyes turned to ice as he spoke, "One thing's certain. I'll find that demon, noble or not, and see him behind bars."

His cold tone sent chills through the room. It was clear Raff was already plotting his revenge.

After fielding questions, Raff had his officers escort the press out.

He hoped the culprit would read the papers and quake in fear. Raff Diamond was on the hunt, and he wouldn't rest until he found his prey.

In the wake of Caleb Diamond's assault, news broke about his earlier attack on Clint and Benny, the rising stars from "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly." The public was in uproar, struggling to reconcile the image of their beloved superstar with these violent acts.

Media coverage was split. Some newspapers dismissed the allegations against Caleb as unreliable, while others reported them as fact. The Hellfire Agency's decision to press charges lent credibility to the accusations.

Fans found themselves torn. Caleb's devoted followers refused to believe their idol could be so cruel, clinging to supportive news outlets. Meanwhile, Clint and Benny's new admirers felt vindicated by Caleb's current predicament, seeing it as karmic justice.

At the Central Police Station, investigators briefed Commissioner Raff Diamond on their findings.

"From what we've gathered, your son did indeed assault those two rising stars-"

Raff cut in sharply, "Make sure this doesn't get out."

"Of course, Commissioner."

"Continue. What else?"

The investigator cleared his throat. "We believe there's a connection between the attacks. Shortly after Caleb beat those two, a demon infiltrated his penthouse and assaulted him."

Raff's brow furrowed. "Are you suggesting those rising stars took revenge on my son?"

"It's a possibility," the investigator nodded. "But there's more. Your son is involved in various... activities that could land him in serious trouble."

Raff nodded solemnly. He knew all too well the challenges of investigating his own son, whose shady dealings threatened to unravel everything.

"What about the demon assailant... Is it really a noble demon?" Raff asked, his voice tinged with concern.

The investigator nodded grimly. "I'm afraid so, sir."

Raff's frown deepened. "Are you certain?"

"Yes, Commissioner. The evidence supports it. He flew straight through your son's penthouse windows. The broken glass and marks on the damaged floor corroborate Veret's account. Our investigation confirms it was indeed a high ranking demon."

Raff sighed heavily, his hopes of an easier resolution dashed. Exacting revenge on a noble demon would be... complicated.

"If it is a noble demon, we're in for a real challenge," Raff mused. "And I doubt those rising stars have the connections to sic a noble demon on my son."

The investigator hesitated before speaking. "But sir, what about the exiled prince, Arthur Morningstar? Maybe he-"

Raff's laughter cut him off. "Impossible. It couldn't be the exiled prince."

"But he is a Morningstar, sir."

Raff chuckled, though there was no humor in it. "Indeed he is, but that ex-prince reportedly can't even conjure a fireball, let alone fly."

The investigator nodded, chastened.

"Keep digging," Raff ordered. "Noble demon or not, we need to find him and understand why he attacked my son. And of course," his eyes hardened, "he must be punished for his actions."

As the investigator left, Raff turned to the window, his mind racing. A noble demon assailant complicated matters significantly. But he was determined to see justice - or was it vengeance? - served, no matter the obstacles.


In the Hellfire Headquarters office, Klein approached Arthur, who was overseeing auditions for their next project.

"Boss, did you hear about Caleb getting beaten in his penthouse?" Klein asked cautiously.

Arthur chuckled, not looking up from his work. "Yeah... Guess karma works faster than we thought."

Klein nodded, eyeing Arthur doubtfully. He recalled Arthur's earlier words: 'I'll make sure Clint and Benny get justice, one way or another.' He couldn't shake the suspicion that Arthur was involved, but quickly dismissed the thought. After all, the attacker was reportedly a noble demon who could fly - surely beyond Arthur's capabilities.

"Caleb's concert's been postponed because of the incident," Klein continued. "Serves him right, though."

This caught Arthur's attention. "He has a concert?"

"Yes," Klein confirmed. "Ticket sales haven't even started, and it's already delayed."

"When's it supposed to be?" Arthur asked, his interest piqued.

Confused by Arthur's sudden curiosity, Klein explained, "In a few weeks." he added, "The concert was originally scheduled for two weeks from now, but it's been postponed. Even though Caleb will fully recover in a few days, he won't be able to perform then—the police are still investigating who assaulted him."

Arthur nodded, his expression unreadable. "When tickets do go on sale, buy them all. Speak with my financial advisors to arrange it."

Klein's jaw dropped. "What? Why? You want to support that scumbag, boss?"

"Of course not," Arthur's smile turned cruel. "I want him to perform to an empty house."

Klein was speechless.

Arthur laughed, clearly pleased with his plan. "Imagine the headlines: 'No One Attends Caleb's Concert.' It'll be epic."

"That's... that's cruel, boss," Klein said, a note of fear in his voice.

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บท 107: New Genre: Grunge

(3rd Person POV)

"The Good, The Bad and The Ugly" continued its triumphant march, surpassing the hundred-million-dollar mark at the box office. While it dominated in Morningstar, Horn, and Thorn, its success in the United States of Empirica was nothing short of phenomenal.

The film's influence seeped into everyday life, with adults donning frontier-style clothing. Some towns in the Golden State seemed to have stepped back in time to the 1180s, echoing the era of Empirica's civil war and frontier age.

Meanwhile, the famous demon actor Damien Darkflame watched this unfold with growing regret. His arrogant behavior during the audition, expecting special treatment from the exiled prince Arthur, now haunted him.

He had dismissed Arthur's project, believing it wouldn't amount to much. The film's resounding success was a bitter pill to swallow.

Swallowing his pride, Damien penned a message to his elder brother Rupert in Horn Kingdom using an expensive communication scroll:

"Elder Brother - I deeply regret my arrogant behavior towards Prince Arthur. You were right; I should have shown humility and respect. I hope he'll consider me if he plans another big project. If he does, I'll wait in line obediently and give my all in the audition. I'd be content with any role, even if it's not the lead."

Thirty minutes later, Rupert read the message in his apartment. He sighed, shaking his head. "Looks like my stupid arrogant little brother finally learned his lesson the hard way."

Rupert understood Damien's change of heart. Watching "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly" become a blockbuster in mere weeks was a powerful reality check. He couldn't really blame Damien for his belated epiphany.

As Rupert pondered his response, he wondered if Arthur would give Damien another chance. In the cutthroat world of demon entertainment, second chances were rare. But then again, Arthur Morningstar had proven time and again that he didn't play by the usual rules.


In the newly built recording studio at Hellfire Headquarters, Arthur continued his efforts to shape James Blaze into a star. Despite his busy schedule with the upcoming film project and the Electronics Expo in Apple City, Arthur hadn't forgotten about the blonde demon with musical dreams.

James strummed an electric guitar, an instrument invented just a few years ago by jazz guitarists in Empirica. Its popularity was spreading, gaining traction in Empirica, Wales, and other music-loving kingdoms and countries, including Horn and parts of Morningstar.

As James played the melody from Arthur's music sheet, Leo and others in the room couldn't help but frown at the unfamiliar sound.

"Boss," Leo ventured, doubt in his voice, "are you sure this sound will be accepted? It seems... broken and unpolished."

Arthur nodded confidently. "Of course. Trust my vision. James and I are creating a new genre in the music world."

"A new genre?" Leo echoed, skepticism evident.

Arthur smiled, then turned to James. "Take a break, James. Rest those fingers."

James hesitated, his dedication clear. "But I need to practice more - to be as good as you!"

"No doubt you will be," Arthur assured him. "But for now, let me borrow your guitar. I'll demonstrate again, so you, Leo, and the others can better understand the genre I'm aiming for."

James's eyes lit up, remembering his private session with Arthur in the office where he'd heard Arthur perform a strange yet captivating song. He eagerly handed over the guitar.

As Arthur positioned himself to play, the room fell silent with anticipation. Leo and the others leaned in, curious despite their doubts.

With a strum of his fingers, Arthur unleashed a sound that was raw and unpolished, yet strangely captivating. Though similar to James' playing, Arthur's playing carried a fresh, catchy quality that set it apart.

"Where do bad folks go when they die?

They don't go to heaven where the angels fly"

Arthur's voice, gritty and raspy, filled the room. The lyrics continued, painting a vivid, dark picture:

"They go down to the lake of fire and fry

Won't see 'em again till the fourth of July"

James' eyes widened in admiration, captivated by Arthur's unique vocal style. Leo and the others, initially skeptical, found themselves drawn in, unable to look away.

Arthur's performance was a rollercoaster of emotions - aggressive one moment, fragile and vulnerable the next, then softening unexpectedly. It defied their usual tastes, yet they couldn't help but listen, rooted to the spot.

Unconsciously, they began to mimic Arthur's movements - bobbing their heads, tapping their feet. The music seemed to possess them.

As Arthur repeated the final lines and let the last notes of the guitar fade, the room fell into stunned silence. Then, as if breaking from a spell, James began to clap, the others quickly joining in.

"Thank you, thank you," Arthur chuckled, waving off the applause.

Inwardly, he felt a surge of satisfaction. The {Grunge Vocal Style} skill he'd purchased from the system's music category had proven its worth. He'd just introduced a completely new genre to this world, and judging by the reactions, it was going to make waves.

Leo, still clapping, looked at Arthur with newfound respect. "So that's the new genre you were talking about, boss?"

Arthur nodded, a smile playing on his lips. "Yes. It might sound unpolished, gritty - but you'd be surprised how many people will connect with it."

"I can see why," Leo admitted, a slight blush coloring his cheeks. "Even I was captivated. I can't quite explain it."

Arthur chuckled. "That's the power of music."

Joseph, who had been quiet until now, spoke up. "What will you call this new genre, boss?"

Arthur paused, letting the anticipation build. "It will be called 'Grunge'."

"Grunge?" Leo repeated, his nose wrinkling slightly at the ugly-sounding name.

"Grunge will be the new genre where artists can express honesty," Arthur explained, his eyes alight with passion.

Confusion rippled through the room at the mention of 'honesty'. Only James, who had been privy to Arthur's thoughts on the genre, seemed to understand.

Noticing their bewilderment, Arthur elaborated. "In grunge, it's not about polished sound. It's about the raw honesty of the artist. They can lay themselves bare, without smoothing rough edges or making things pretty for the sake of perfection. It's about being real."

A hush fell over the room as Arthur's words sank in. James looked particularly inspired.

"In Grunge, it doesn't matter if you scream, whisper, or play a jagged guitar riff. People are tired of the fake, the glossy, the manufactured," Arthur continued, his voice cool but filled with conviction. "There's a saying, 'Honesty is the best policy.' We're going to introduce a music genre that embodies that truth."

Arthur's words resonated deeply with the group. While some struggled to grasp the full meaning, Leo, James, Joseph, and a few others seemed to understand the core message: 'Don't be a hypocrite. Embrace truth and honesty.'

As Arthur headed towards his office after the enlightening lecture, he encountered Rupert in the hallway. "Oh, Rupert. What's up?"

Rupert looked uncomfortable, clearly there on an awkward mission. He spoke on behalf of his younger brother, Damien, expressing the actor's regret and his desire to be part of Arthur's next big film project.

"Is that so?" Arthur mused. "He's always welcome to audition. But he needs to check his ego at the door and line up like everyone else. Can he do that?"

"Yes, yes. He promised he'll behave," Rupert assured, gratitude evident in his voice.

Arthur nodded thoughtfully. "I remember his last audition. It seemed like he wasn't giving it his all."

"He swears he'll do his best this time," Rupert said with a smile. "He's quite talented, after all. His fame isn't for nothing. It's just... it gets to his head sometimes."

"Fair enough," Arthur conceded. "Make sure he signs up for the audition soon. I'll be heading to Apple City for the Electronics Expo shortly, so time is of the essence."

Rupert's eyebrows raised at the mention of the Electronics Expo, curiosity evident on his face. But he knew better than to pry into Arthur's affairs.

As Rupert left, Arthur couldn't help but reflect on the situation. Damien's change of heart was interesting, to say the least.

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