In a futuristic world encased in magical domes to fend off mutant monstrosities, the gladiatorial arena is both entertainment and battlefield, where magical warriors vie for glory. Rafael, a bumbling janitor ridiculed for his seemingly useless powers, is unexpectedly thrust into the arena. When his dormant reality-warping magic awakens, Rafael’s life takes a turn as chaotic as his newfound abilities.
As Rafael rises through the ranks, his unconventional combat style and comedic missteps captivate the audience. However, behind the arena’s glamour lurks a sinister system controlled by the High Magi, an elite group manipulating gladiators and society. Rafael discovers the dark origins of his power and becomes the reluctant spark for rebellion against the corrupt system.
With a colorful ensemble of allies, including ex-gladiators, rebels, and outcasts, Rafael battles for justice, transforming from an unlikely hero into a symbol of hope, armed with nothing but chaotic magic and sheer determination.
เขียนรีวิวนักเขียน Jellomind
so far, i'm really enjoying the story! i'm a little sad i found it so early since there aren't many chapters yet, but that's just me. i'm excited to see where the rafael, the mop-boy, goes and can't wait for it to continue ;P