/ Fantasy / A.I.
Artificial Intelligence in Cultivation World
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Please review and rate my other original novels also
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เขียนรีวิวI don't know what happened maybe I skipped like ten chapters, (not likely) but around chapter 40 everything just gets FUBAR. I kept reading until chapter 60 to see if it would make sense at one point but it just kept getting worse, I highly recommend not readying this.
Bit lacking in death and destruction, chaos and bloodshed, or misery and sorrow compared to other creations of the author. Not that it's bad mind you. The problem is that the author seems to excel in painting scenes of torturous anguish yet he/she always comes a wee bit off on the subject of adding personalization to the ones on the receiving end of it. And as a result, there's a major disconnect between the world of the story and the readers comprehension of the events happening despite the author above average grammar and well executed usage of metaphors. A problem if this fiction is truly meant for the public's consumption. And if the author somehow sees this. Not for the aim to impose, but you have quite the potential in writing fanfics. I would recommend writing those instead, though don't if you have no desire to. For you see, the impression given off by a well established characters upon bending their knees or losing their head in a spontaneous fountain of red will more often than not, rattles the audience expectations thus engaging them in your work, as opposed to the more often than not weak impression imprinted on the reader by original characters put in those very same situation. After all, it is easier to visualize a familiar face being mauled to ruin, as compared to characters whose medium of personalization is constrained to a paragraph or two defining their vague features. That and the fact you could piggyback using the source material's plot and the pre-made world building. And so, my regrettably limited vocabulary has dried itself out within the expected parameter, i have no more words to give. Though suppose to avert certain outcomes. I should add, no offense.
Good 👍 great👍 amazing👍 incredible 👍 Good 👍 great👍 amazing👍 incredible 👍 Good 👍 great👍 amazing👍 incredible 👍 Good 👍 great👍 amazing👍 incredible 👍
I still do not start reading it but I do not find anything in the synopsis that says read me, in fact there is nothing in the synopsis say that you do not judge a book by its cover but if there is no cover? I read some positive comments so I'll give you an oppurtunity
Dont bother with this Trash i feel like i lost half of my IQ till now. But if your locking for a good method to destroy your braincells and dont want to use booze or smash your head aganst a wall then read this.
AI in a world of cultivation? But if this is a system story like all the others! what a disappointment. I thought an AI would possess someone from that world, not a system.
It is an average story, with some very disturbing scenes, and idiotic complexity added. At first glance, it was an interesting concept, but as it went on, it became a cluster fu*k of a story with no interesting concept to follow.
นักเขียน Immovable087
My 4th Novel lol ^_^ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------