40.81% Reborn As Papa Silva / Chapter 40: F U!

บท 40: F U!

Edited By: IWillFixHer

The pitch black sky of the Clover Kingdom was just now starting to brighten as sunrise neared, it was the early morning. 

Two people wearing brown cloaks over their nightgowns, satchels by their side, and nothing but bed slippers on their feet flew on top of a Water Eagle magical construct over the noble realm.

Naturally, these people were Sebastian and Acier.

Acier let out a tired yawn, and looked to her husband sitting beside her before giving him a poke on the cheek and asking in mild irritation.

"Sebby, where are we going?"

Acier was knee deep in some of the best sleep of her life. She had presumed that it was some unspoken courtesy or common sense to let her sleep in, yet Sebastian had shaken her awake at an ungodly 5 in the morning, which, given their long talk, meant she had only gotten about 5 hours of sleep last night.

If it had been anyone else but Sebastian who had tried to pull something like that on her, she would have probably sent them flying with a finger flick. She would at least give Sebastian a chance to explain himself though. 

Sebastian gave Acier a gentle look, and smiled softly. "You need some fresh air. Laying on a bed for a year isn't healthy."

Especially for someone who's mental health is already not in the best place. Sebastian thought inwardly. 

Sebastian knew little about psychology, but he was pretty sure most therapists recommended their clients to take walks, get connected with nature, and have a change of setting to bring some variation into their dull-scheduled lives, on repeat. 

Acier raised a brow, unimpressed, and asked dryly, "That may be true, but that doesn't mean that I need to be out and about before even the morning birds start chirping."

Sebastian at least had the dignity to look sheepish and apologetic. 

But he didn't regret it, he was certain this would be good for her, getting a change of scenery. Although Acier Silva wasn't as much of an unbound and unfeathered spirit, like her feral disciple Mereoleona, because she was bound by her family, her duties as a magic knight captain, and her status as royalty.

She was still called the Dancing Princess of the Battlefield for a reason though. She needed space to move, and shouldn't have been cooped up in a room for a year, especially when she was healthy enough now to move around again.

"Ahhh-haaaa…" Acier stretched her jaw wide, inhaling a deep breath before letting out another tired yawn. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she repeated her question.

"Where are we going?"

Sebastian chuckled and pointed downwards, "We're already here."

Acier raised her brow and followed the direction of his finger, pausing as she scratched her cheek in confusion.


Raque; a beach town in the Noble Realm of the Clover Kingdom. Strong mana made it hot year round, turning it into a prime resort and tourist attraction in the nation.

Particularly amongst the nobles and magic knights. 

Sebastian nodded, and the eagle began to descend, calmly.

Acier was anything but calm, as she hissed at her husband. "Hey, hey, what are you doing?!"

Sebastian halted the eagle and gave her a confused look, scratching his head. "Landing, what does it look like?"

Acier's forehead throbbed, as she leaned in and whispered harshly, "I can see that, I mean why?!"

Sebastian cocked his head in bewilderment, "What do you mean why? We didn't come to a beach to just admire it from above, did we?"

Acier's face flushed red in embarrassment and fury, as she noticed Sebastian's sly smile, and realized he had been playing dumb.

Grabbing him by the collar and jerking his head, so that they were face-to-face, she spelled it out for him, as she pointed downwards.

"Although it's early morning, there are still a few people out taking a walk. What are we going to do if they see me?!"

And what's wrong with that? 

Acier could see the unspoken question spelled out on Sebastian's face, causing her to bite her lip, as she retorted in indignation.

"What's not wrong with that?! I, Acier Silva, am supposed to be practically a corpse lying on my deathbed right now, not relatively healthy, and certainly not fit enough to be out and about!"

Acier couldn't understand why her husband was suddenly acting so reckless after being the voice of reason and caution. Till now, he had kept her recovery classified, even to the majority of their household, and now here he was, risking exposing it to the entire kingdom.

Acier Silva was not some nameless person. The masses, especially the vast majority of nobles and magic knights, could recognize her by her appearance. 

And when they did, they would talk, and then it would spread throughout their entire kingdom; that the same Acier Silva who was expected to be buried underground in a casket any day now had made a miraculous recovery.

And that would be fine if it was the truth, but the problem was that her treatment wasn't even done! And her enemies and House Silva's enemies amongst the nobility and royalty were all schemers. There was no way they wouldn't pick that up! 

And when they did, they would certainly do everything they could to foil her return to health. Acier knew her husband knew that, it was Sebastian who had been reminding everyone who knew of her return to health of that fact at every waking moment, so she couldn't fathom why her husband was, all of a sudden, risking to render all their hard work and secretive planning to heal her, meaningless. 

And for what, so she could get some fresh air? If need be, I can take a walk in our estate, in our private garden, where few could possibly see me! And even if they did, they'd be House Silva's servants, loyal servants, that wouldn't expose me!

Sebastian smiled fondly, before his expression grew serious, he put his hands on Acier's shoulders and sat up on his knees.

"Acier, do you trust me?"

"That's not a fair question." Acier bit her lip, and hung her head in complex sorrow. Because, even if she didn't, she would still say yes. Her 'obsession,' forced her to.

And even if that was not the case, asking such a question was like Sebastian suddenly growing defensive, rebuking her for questioning his character, when anyone else in this scenario would have been acting the same way.

Sebastian nodded his head in acknowledgment, and apologized. "You're right, sorry about that."

Acier's breath hitched, and she raised her head as Sebastian continued. "Let me be clear, even if someone sees you, and you're exposed, it wouldn't matter."

"...Why…?" She parted her mouth.

Sebastian responded with a question of his own. "Didn't I tell you about how Damnatio took the fall for what I did to his father?"

Acier nodded, as she furrowed her brows.

Sebastian smiled softly and whispered. "Do you think he would do such a thing for me, if we weren't in the same camp? If we weren't collaborators? Allies?" 

Acier's heart raced, as her eyes turned into circles. "Y-you mean…?"

Sebastian nodded. "Damnatio has known about your recovery for a while, yet House Kira has done nothing, because he himself, the patriarch of House Kira, is looking forward to it."

Acier paused, as she had a moment of realization. Although she wasn't too deeply acquainted with Damnatio, she knew his mother, and how those types of people worked.

Their actions were only influenced by judging one's worth. Acier Silva, alive, was more valuable to House Kira than dead. Because, if she disappears, the only one who could possibly keep someone like Julius or Conrad in check if they rebelled against the royalty was Ignatius, and even then, he was clearly a few levels below them. 

Sebastian looked up at the slowly glowing horizon, and continued. "Damnatio will ensure that neither House Kira nor it's vassals will interfere with your recovery. Ignatius will do the same with House Vermillion. Naturally, as the Patriarch of House Silva, I'll ensure that no one in the collateral lines will get any funny ideas, lest they want an early death. Moreover, right now, I'm the King's favorite. Augustus will naturally make his opinion on this manner clear by wishing you a speedy recovery. Not to mention Julius, Conrad, and all other captains would also be on your side."

"With all the pillars of the royalty and the magic knights looking out for you, you have nothing to worry about!" Well at least in the Clover Kingdom, Sebastian thought grimly. 

Acier wanted to agree, but that wasn't what she was really afraid about. She looked up at Sebastian with light tears straining her eyes. "But what about Vanica and 'her,' what if they find out?!" 

Acier bit her lip. Even though Megicula has yet to fully manifest in this world, as a supreme devil, the mother and progenitor of all curses, Acier feared she would curse her to death outright.

Sebastian read her unspoken thoughts like a book, and calmed her down. "If she-who-should-not-be-named was capable of doing such a thing, she would have already done so to attain the first sacrifice for her Malevolent Femncantation and manifestation ritual. Rather, she had to wear you down and make you rot away over a year because her strength in this world is too limited right now, and you're too strong for her to do so,"

"She-who-should-not-be-named isn't like her devil host and enjoys 'playing' with her food and prey that much. 'She' is cunning and calculating and would never risk you slipping from her grasp. The most she could do is start the process from scratch all over again, and it'd be pointless because, by the time she finds out, you'll already be healed."

"Not to mention if Nathan and Draven succeed, you'll be stronger than ever. She'd just be sending Vanica to her death."

Acier trembled, gritting her teeth, as she leaned in and rested her face into Sebastian's chest. Her voice was hoarse and tinged with a hint of fear. "But what if 'he', the man behind them, finds out?"

Acier didn't dare to say Julius, she couldn't, wouldn't accept that the mastermind and orchestrator of all this could be Julius himself. She would rather opt to believe in Sebastian's statement, that Julius was likely being controlled.

Sebastian wrapped his arms around his wife, and rubbed her back. "Acier…"

Acier nuzzled her face against Sebastian's chest, "...y-yes…?"

"He probably already knows." Sebastian replied, causing Acier to abruptly freeze in his arms. Before she could react, Sebastian carried on.

"Yet he has done nothing, do you know why?"

Acier couldn't speak right now, all she could do was shake her head from left to right, against Sebastian's chest as an answer. She had no clue. 

"Because he couldn't care less." Sebastian continued on grimly. "Here in Clover, you might be a big shot, but the level at which he has set his eyes on, what he's looking at, there's no difference between you and some peasant who has just received their grimoire."

Acier raised her head up, and gave her husband a shaky look, forcing an ugly smile. "Aren't you supposed to be placating and coaxing me right now? Not insulting me?" Acier let out a weak chuckle.

Sebastian held her by the chin and forced her to look at him. "That's what I'm doing. It's precisely because of that, he will ignore you, and probably not even bother to let Vanica or 'her' know through his methods."

Sebastian wasn't lying, he recently realized that perhaps he's been too obsessed or intimidated by Lucius, thinking that every plot or hidden scheme had been done by his hands or manipulated by him in some way.

But that was bullshit. Lucius wasn't omnipotent or omniscient. Sebastian couldn't blame everything on him. And even if he could, and it was the truth, this was the same guy who had been arrogant enough to give Asta and Yuno a chance to grow despite Adralamelch having the perfect opportunity to kill them right after Lucifero's defeat. They had been far too injured and wounded to resist.

Not to mention most of the other powerhouses amongst the Magic Knights. Lucius could have easily gotten rid of everyone who could have even remotely posed a threat to his plans, but he hadn't.

As for Acier, well, she wasn't a singularity nor a flaw. Lucius would not attach nearly as much importance to her as Asta and Yuno. To Lucius, losing Acier didn't even count as a minor inconvenience, he could easily replace her with his soul magic and make the average peasant as strong as her when he started selecting paladins. 

Morgen was weaker than Acier before death, yet Lucius had made him stronger. It was just about purifying the right devils and bestowing their powers on certain people.

History was filled with mighty figures. Lucius probably only chose Acier to begin with for some sick satisfaction, to have her fight her family and kill them for his sake, just to stroke his ego. 

He didn't need Acier. 

Even if Lucius was somehow actually involved in Acier's downfall, it was just a little game he played on the side, not even a part of his chessboard. 

There was no way Lucius hadn't already foreseen Acier's survival, he had just ignored it because he wouldn't make any big moves until Lucifero's heart was in his hands. He had complete confidence that once he purified the King of Devil's power, nothing would matter in the face of his absolute strength.

No matter how much the timeline diverged from his initial predictions, he believed he could and would be able to handle it, and make the future he dreamed of. 

And if that was the case, Sebastian would accept it gratefully and be a bit more bold. He had no reason to keep his wife cooped up and suffer in that room any longer. It was time for the Steel Valkyrie to spread her wings and be free once more. 

Sebastian continued to lock his gaze with Acier, "And you will make him pay for that sorely in the future. You will get stronger, far stronger than anyone could have envisioned. And when the time is right, you'll sock him in the face. You will make him regret having let you live, and you'll pay him back for everything he's done to you and Nozel." 

Light tears trickled out of Acier's eyes, though Sebastian wiped them away as fast as they came. She laughed lightly, and smiled, "I want to correct you on something."

"Oh?" Sebastian raised his brow, as he continued to hold Acier steady by her shoulders.

Acier wrapped her arms around Sebastian's neck, and brought her face closer to his. "It's not me, it's we who will make him pay. Who will make her pay for what they did to your wife, and our son." 

Sebastian's eyes widened imperceptibly, and before he could react, he felt a familiar soft presence on his lips. But unlike last night, it wasn't drawn out, as Acier blushed and pulled away as quick as she had taken the peck.

The two rested their foreheads face to face, on one another, as the horizon shone even brighter. Noticing that, Sebastian whispered softly in her ear.

"Can we descend now? It's almost time, I don't want to miss it"

Acier's brows shot up slightly, as she looked around, "You brought me here to see the sunrise?"

Sebastian nodded, causing Acier's face to lightly heat up, and she fanned herself. How romantic! She inwardly squealed.

Taking a moment to compose herself, the Water Eagle landed swiftly on the sandy beach, attracting the attention of many passersby and those just now awakening with similar intentions as Sebastian.

A light breeze passed, causing their hoods to blow over and reveal their faces, and when it did, many nobles and magic knights froze.

Noticing one person that definitely shouldn't have been here, that couldn't be here, caused their pupils to dilate in shock, as they pointed their fingers in hushed whispers. 

But Sebastian and Aicer utterly ignored them. They both took off their slippers and put them in their satchels before walking barefoot down the edge of the beach where the land met water, hands intertwined.

The spectators gaped speechlessly at what they were seeing, at the duo's retreating backs, as several onlookers couldn't hold back and scurried away to spread the news and gossip.

But no one dared to confront or disturb Sebastian and Acier themselves. 

The two enjoyed the feeling of light water tickling their feet, in rhythmic waves, as they slowly made their way to some huge beach rocks that cut into the ocean.

Climbing the rocks, they continued to walk to the edge of the rocky boardwalk before sitting down on the edge: with their heels dipping into the water. 

Their hands still clasped together, Acier laid her head on Sebastian's shoulder, and then it happened.

Night fully turned to day as a brilliant circular ball of radiant orange with a mix of red and yellow hues rose over the horizon, illuminating the Clover Kingdom.

The skyline became a messy blur separated irregularly by warm and cool colors, as the hanging gray above slowly turned blue, to reflect the crystal clear ocean. 

The gawking spectators had their attention shift from the couple to the sight, lost in a trance. Even stuck up nobles could romanticize and occasionally appreciate the beauty of nature. After all, this was one of the few escapes from their tedious and monotonous lives.

And they would relish it. 

Seagull-like-birds began to squawk, pigeon look-alikes coed, as diurnal wildlife began to wake and get on with their daily routines. 

The celestial body's burning mana made the already palpable heat more scorching. Sebastian and Acier self consciously coated themselves in mana skin to remain unaffected. 

Appreciating the view, Acier rubbed her head against Sebatian's shoulder. "It's beautiful."

Sebastian nodded and held their hands tighter, whispering, "After Nozel's and Dorothy's ceremony, we'll come here again. As a family."

Acier's eyes widened before smiling fondly. "For a vacation?"

Sebastian shook his head, "No. Just a trip. I have another place in mind for a vacation."

Acier, who's gaze was still transfixed on the sight, found her smile growing broader, as she asked in curiosity. "Where?" 

Sebastian shook his head once more, as he smiled softly. "It's a secret." For now, anyway.

Acier shifted her head to the side before pouting cutely at Sebastian. She pinched his cheek and moaned in light annoyance. "Still keeping secrets from me?"

Sebastian met her gaze, and chuckled. "Fine, then treat it as a surprise." After a moment, Sebastian added on, "I'll give you a hint, it's someplace you've always wanted to go."

Acier furrowed her brows, deep in thought. As the matriarch of a royal family, there were very few places she hadn't visited yet in the Clover Kingdom, and that wasn't because she hadn't been allowed to go there, it was because she had no interest in visiting them.

So, a place she wanted to go, yet for some unspeakable reason, she hadn't visited. This thought made her confused. She couldn't think of any in the Kingdom. Unless, Acier's eyes widened, it's not in the Clover Kingdom! 

A place she couldn't visit because life got in the way. The application period had been going on, and afterwards, she had become a wife, a mother, and a captain, with too many responsibilities to ever go again.

Acier's jaw slacked as she looked at Sebastian. "How did you get permission to go there?!"

The Heart Kingdom didn't casually let outsiders in. The only exception was for high nobility going for trips as students, refugees, or on diplomatic missions to build relationships.

You certainly couldn't visit just for the sake of a vacation, even if you were a person of high status. What did being royalty of the Clover Kingdom have to do with the Heart Kingdom?!

They could care less, only treating you with slightly more courtesy to not strain relationships between the two nations, but that didn't mean they would let you in their borders just so you could fool around. 

The Heart Kingdom was a peaceful nation, but not a naive one. Clover might have been rich in natural resources, but that was a drop in the ocean compared to the Heart Kingdom which was protected by natural mana. 

And the Diamond Kingdom couldn't invade the Heart Kingdom too often, simply because of the geographical distance and the Queen's Barrier engulfing the entire kingdom, making it hard to trespass casually. 

But that didn't mean other nations couldn't force themselves in if they truly wanted to, especially Clover, which had several houses who could use spatial magic. Very high level spatial magic.

There had even been some commoners and peasants popping up in recent years, possessing the archaic attribute. 

Although Heart's most amiable alliance was with Clover, and they had signed a nonaggression pact, it didn't mean that they'd let their guard down.

For all they knew, Sebastian could be using this as an excuse to infiltrate their borders and set up some array or use some spatial magic too to summon and drop an army over their heads. 

Sebastian's smile grew more smug as he took a page out of Acier's book, and pinched her nose, "Now that is definitely a secret."

"Hmph, it's not like I care." Acier snorted like a tsundere, and turned her head to look back at the rising sun.

Sebastian smiled before speaking up. "You know what would make you feel better right now." 

"What?" Acier, tsked, in half-annoyance, half-bemusement. 

"Cursing." Sebastian answered, as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

Acier froze, removed her head from his shoulder and stiffly sat up, before turning her head to look at him, with a bewildered look.

Sebastian studied her confusion and elaborated, "I mean swearing-"

"I know what you mean." Acier dryly cut him off, before moving her tongue around inside her mouth to find her words. She mumbled with an incredulous tone, "How on Earth would that make me feel better?!" And why would you even recommend something like that?

Sebastian took her hand, and spoke softly. "Acier did you know that it's actually healthy and normal for couples to cuss one another out and fight." 

Acier stiffened, as Sebastian continued. "However, you being solely on the receiving end, and never lashing back at me is not healthy at all."

Acier inhaled a dry lump as Sebastian carried on. She started rubbing the back of her hand. "You're not afraid to tease me, to be playful with me, to joke with me, so why are you afraid of dishing out some insults of your own."

Aicer's mouth parted,"...because-"

"Because, you're afraid I'll leave you, I know." Sebastian cut her off, "But Acier, healthy couples don't try to be overly polite with one another. That's not how a husband and wife should act. That'd be like how two strangers would act. I want you to be- no I need you to be honest with me from now on. When you're frustrated with me, when you're furious with me, when you're angry, displeased, disappointed, I want you to tell me."

"I don't want to only hear from you when you're happy, while you just keep quiet at other times. That doesn't sit right with me. Don't be inclined to let your deepest darkest feelings stay bottled up, that is what's eating away at you. If you can smile when you're happy, you can frown when you're not."

Sebastian then put his hand on her cheek, and began to rub it, as he whispered. "Unless you tell me explicitly to get lost, and I can tell you're serious, I'll never leave your side. Understand?"

Acier was speechless, before giving him a weak smile. "Isn't this the part where the man says to the woman, even if you tell me to get lost, I'll never leave you?"

Sebastian shook his head, "Maybe if it were anyone else, I would. But you yourself saying those words is something I would want to hear the most."

Acier was breathless as Sebastian concluded softly with a complicated expression. "Because that would mean you had finally let go, and were no longer obsessed with me. That you had become independent." 

That act would be Acier finally drawing a line between Sebastian and herself, and moving on. What right did he have to deny her that and stick around like a creep?

Acier wanted to pull her hair in wry exasperation, "I've never heard of someone wanting to heal their relationship by breaking it."

Sebastian started tracing his fingers on her cheek. "Well it's only one option, hopefully you'll achieve closure in another way one day, and that you'll still give me the privilege of being in your life." 

Aceir clenched her fists, and before she could react, Sebastian took her hands in his own, and helped her stand up. The two faced each other on the rocks, as the waves and tide began to rise. 

"Now…" Sebastian began softly, "Let me hear those nearly 18 years worth of frustrations with me, that you've kept bottled up." 

"Unload them onto me."

Acier's gaze darted sideways, looking around in thought, pulling out those unpleasant memories. She then inhaled deeply, pushing through her hesitance and biting her lip. "No one's ever taught me to cook. My parents always made me stick to magic and kept me away from the kitchen. Even when I wanted to learn like Aurelia, no one gave me the chance and said that my only talent was fighting." 

Acier clenched Sebastian's hand tightly. "On our first date, that picnic, I worked really hard to make those sandwiches you know, having to secretly copy down recipes from the estate library; spying on my sister and the cooking staff to figure out what to do, and stealing ingredients from the kitchen. I worked really hard and you knew that, so you… you… you could've at least pretended to like them you jerk!" 

Sebastian blinked, of all the things his predecessor did that made him feel guilty, this had not really been one of them. Noelle took after her mother in more than one way. Noelle was canonically listed as the worst chef in the series, Acier hadn't been much better.

If Sebastian wasn't a healing mage, he would've died of food poisoning, so naturally, he had agreed with Acier's parents, and let her know that, to stay away from the kitchen. 

Acier hasn't tried to cook a meal since. She had been deeply hurt. But, Sebstian wouldn't say that outloud, and nodded. "You call that an insult, that's barely a complaint, keep it coming!" He spoke coldly.

Acier gritted her teeth, "Do you think giving birth is painless you piece of shit?! It hurts like hell every single time! Even if you didn't come to my side to lend me emotional support, you could have at least stayed in the room and used your healing magic to keep me strong and healthy. I felt like I was dying!" 

"And?" Sebastian raised his brow.

"And is it so much to ask for a partner to help raise our children! For fuck's sake, Nozel has been more of a father to his siblings than you! You never held Solid and Nebra even once in your life, you asshole!"

Sebastian nodded, as Acier's face grew redder with fury.

"Although you have problems with my Grandfather for what happened to your parents, my Father had nothing to do with it. Is it so much to fucking ask to pay your father-in-law a visit during his death anniversary!"

"And, was it too much to ask to ignore my mother, who you didn't even let grieve in peace for a week after she became a widow, you bastard!" 

"Make me a sandwich? Make me a sandwich?! Did you really tell my sister to make you a fucking sandwich yesterday?!" Acier kicked Sebastian in the shin, causing him to grunt in pain.

"If you want a fucking sandwich, I'll make it for you or help yourself to the fucking kitchen. You're always complaining that the food is dry, half the time anyways!" 

You changed our cooking staff, like bedsheets, way too often!

Acier then grabbed Sebastian by the collar. "You're lucky Dorothy is such a lovely girl and has made Nozel the happiest I've seen him in a while! Or else I'd really want to cut your little brother off for that stunt you pulled, if you catch my drift!"

Sebastian felt a chill in his lower groin, as Acier continued. 

"And what was with that cool guy act when we first met, huh? Ignoring me like I was not worth your time and that you were bigger than life?! I'm Acier fucking Silva, you should chase me down, not the other way around! You should've been ecstatic that true royalty like me even took an interest in you!"

Sebastian blinked, okay now you're just being petty.

Acier didn't care, "And how the fuck did you manage to convince Nozel that tying his hair in a fucking rattail, is alright?! Even after 10 years, I still cringe seeing him like that!"

Acier then grabbed Sebastian by the jaw, giving him a look up and down. "Where the fuck do you get off, dressing so cool, while you're son is a walking fashion disaster?!"

Sebastian blinked again, honestly, I feel like this is more Nozel's fault then mine. Like seriously, has he never looked himself in the mirror and thought. 'This isn't it.'

Acier began to stretch Sebastian's cheeks. "And what's with playing favorites?! Huh?! Are Nebra and Solid not your children too?! Who do you think you are, going and projecting your failures and insecurities on Solid!" 

"Piece of shit!" Acier spit at Sebastian's feet making him cringe in disgust, but he didn't move. 

Acier continued for 10 minutes unloading years worth of displeasure on Sebastian, from his conduct in the household, to letting Lux talk to her at ceremonies, for being a dick to Conrad and other people who were trying to make this kingdom a better place, for only ever coming to see her when he needed something or had something to say. Her words were so unbearably crass and profane that her mother would have probably been scandalized and would have had a heart attack; hearing them come out of her "Angel's" mouth. Even it seemed she had her fill of venting eventually, as she stopped to pant tiredly.

It was good that the spectators had been avoiding them and watching them from afar, with the waves drowning out Acier's voice.

Maybe from a distance this scene seemed romantic or playful. 

Looking down at Acier, Sebastian wrapped his hands around her waist, and helped her steady herself. 

"Feeling better?"

Acier paused, before nodding with an awkward blush. "Mm-hmm." 

Sebastian grabbed her chin softly and locked her gaze. "And did I leave? Did I abandon you?"

Acier froze, before shaking her head. He was still here with her.

Sebastian smiled and spoke softly. "I'm proud of you."

Acier's pupils dilated, and before she could react, she could feel Sebastian's warm lips on her forehead; he then hugged her tightly.

Acier slowly returned the hug as she enjoyed the warmth, leaning her head on Sebastian's chest. The sound of his beating heart drowning out the noises from around them.

Acier wouldn't get over her unhealthy obsession with Sebastian in a few hours, but at least she was starting to make progress. 

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
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