57.14% Vast Sea Visualization / Chapter 48: Memorable Second Feast

บท 48: Memorable Second Feast

Narcissa Malfoy's fingers tightened around the stem of her wine glass as she looked over the faces assembled in the opulent drawing room of Malfoy Manor. The air was thick with tension, the flickering light from the fireplace casting ominous shadows on the walls. Her husband, Lucius, sat at the head of the long table.

To his right, Corban Yaxley lounged in his chair as his cold eyes glittered with anger. The Carrow siblings, Alecto and Amycus, huddled together with their expressions a mirror of cruel eagerness. Thorfinn Rowle's massive frame seemed to fill the space while his arms crossed over his broad chest. And Walden Macnair, his face twisted in a perpetual sneer, toyed with his short wand.

These were the Dark Lord's most loyal followers. The remnants of his inner circle. And yet, as Narcissa's gaze flitted from face to face, she couldn't help but wonder how deep that loyalty truly ran. With their master reduced to a mere wraith and his power diminished, how many would stand firm in the face of adversity? How many would risk their lives, their fortunes, for a cause that seemed increasingly hopeless?

Lucius cleared his throat, drawing the attention of the room. "My friends," he began with his voice smooth as silk, "we find ourselves in a most precarious situation. The Dark Lord has suffered a setback, one that threatens the very foundation of our cause."

Yaxley leaned forward with furrowed brows. "Setback? That's putting it mildly, Lucius. The Dark Lord was exposed and captured. And all before the eyes of witnesses at Hogwarts itself."

Alecto Carrow let out a hiss of contempt. "The Potter boy was there. We all know it was his doing, one way or another."

Narcissa suppressed a shudder at the mention of the child's name. Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-lived. The person who had somehow been present both times the Dark Lord had faced defeat. It was unthinkable. A boy, barely old enough to hold a wand, being the common denominator in the Dark Lord's downfall.

Lucius held up a hand, silencing the muttering that had begun. "Yes, the Potter boy's involvement is...concerning, to say the least. But we must not jump to conclusions without proof. The Dark Lord will rise again, and we must be ready to stand at his side when he does."

Rowle slammed a meaty fist on the table, rattling the crystal glasses. "And how do you propose we do that, Lucius? The Ministry is already moving to permanently destroy what's left of the Dark Lord. We're running out of time."

Macnair's eyes glinted with malice. "I say we take the fight to them. Show them what happens when you cross the Death Eaters." 

Amycus Carrow nodded eagerly, a cruel smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "Yes, let's find out what the boy knows. Make him talk, by any means necessary."

Lucius, ever the pragmatist, shook his head. "We cannot afford to be reckless. Attacking the boy now, without understanding the truth behind his involvement, would be foolish. We need more information."

Yaxley's lip curled in a sneer. "And how do you suggest we get it? The boy is under constant protection. Dumbledore's forces watch him like hawks."

Alecto leaned forward, her eyes glittering with a hungry light. "There are ways around that. We have people who can get close to him, learn what he knows."

Narcissa's heart skipped a beat. Her mind flashed to Draco, her beloved son. He was nearly the same age as Potter, and already caught up in the machinations of their world. The thought of him being used as a pawn in their deadly game made her blood run cold.

Lucius must have sensed her unease, for he shot her a warning glance before turning back to the group. "We will explore all options. But we must be cautious. The last thing we need is to draw unwanted attention to ourselves."

Rowle snorted. "Caution? The Dark Lord is out there, weak and vulnerable. We should be taking action, not cowering in the shadows."

Macnair nodded as his eyes glinted with a feverish light. "Rowle is right. We are the Dark Lord's chosen. His most loyal servants. It is our duty to restore him to power, no matter the cost."

Yaxley's voice cut through the growing tension. "We cannot afford to be divided. Not now. The Dark Lord's survival depends on our unity, our strength. We must put aside our differences and focus on the task at hand."

Lucius nodded, his gray eyes hard as flint. "Yaxley is right. We must present a united front. The Ministry, the Order, they will seek to exploit any weakness, any fracture in our ranks. We cannot give them that opportunity."

Alecto's lips twisted in a mocking smile. "Pretty words, Lucius. But what of action? What is our plan?"

Lucius leaned forward with his elbows resting on the polished wood of the table. "We will gather intelligence. Learn all we can about the Potter boy and his connection to these events. We will reach out to our allies, both within the Ministry and without. And when the time is right, we will strike."

Amycus's eyes glittered with anticipation. "And the boy? What of him?"

Lucius's expression hardened as his voice dropped to a low, dangerous whisper. "When the time comes, we will deal with Harry Potter. One way or another, we will discover the truth behind his involvement with the Dark Lord's downfall."

Narcissa's heart clenched, a cold dread settling in the pit of her stomach. She knew that tone, knew the dark promise it held. Her husband was a man of many faces, many masks. But beneath the veneer of civility, the polished charm, lurked a ruthless, calculating mind. A mind that would stop at nothing to achieve its goals.

The room fell silent, each of the assembled Death Eaters lost in their own thoughts. Images of the past, of the dark days of the war, flashing behind Narcissa's eyes. The screams of the dying, the acrid smell of dark magic, the terror that had gripped their world like a vice.

Could they really go back to that? Could they plunge their society once more into the abyss, all for the sake of a master who had fallen twice at the hands of an unknown power?

She looked to Lucius, searching his face for some sign of doubt, of hesitation. But she saw nothing but certainty in his eyes. He had made his choice, cast his lot with the Dark Lord. And she, as his wife, his partner, was bound to follow.

Rowle broke the silence as his deep voice rumbled through the room. "What of Snape? Can he be trusted?"

Lucius's lips thinned and annoyance showed subtly on his face. "Severus has always been loyal to the Dark Lord. He will do what is necessary."

Yaxley's eyes narrowed and his tone became skeptical. "But he's close to Dumbledore. Too close, some might say."

Alecto sniffed, her nose wrinkling in disdain. "Snape is a half-blood. His loyalty will always be in question."

Narcissa bristled silently at the insult, a spark of anger flaring in her chest. Severus was a friend, the godfather to her son and a trusted ally. To question his devotion was to question the very foundation of their cause.

Finally, Lucius spoke again. "Enough. We will not waste our energy on baseless speculation. Severus has proven himself time and again. We will not entertain doubts about his loyalty."

The Carrows exchanged mutinous looks but remained silent, unwilling to challenge Lucius directly.

Macnair leaned back in his chair as his fingers drummed restlessly on the table. "So we just wait? While the Ministry prepares to destroy the Dark Lord once and for all?"

Lucius's expression hardened. "I did not say that. We will watch, and we will act. But we must be smart about it. We cannot afford any missteps, any rash actions that could jeopardize our plans."

The room fell silent once more, each of the assembled Death Eaters weighing Lucius's words.

Finally, Yaxley spoke. "And what of Dumbledore? He will not sit idly by while we make our move."

Lucius's lips twitched, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "Dumbledore is a formidable adversary, it's true. But he is not invincible. He has weaknesses, blind spots. And we will exploit them."

Alecto leaned forward with her eyes glinting in a hungry light. "The old fool has always had a soft spot for the Mudbloods. Perhaps we could use that against him."

Lucius leaned back in his chair with his fingers steepled beneath his chin. "An interesting proposal. One that bears further consideration. But we must be careful. If we overplay our hand, if we push Dumbledore too far... it could backfire on us."

Yaxley's eyes narrowed with a skeptical tone in his voice. "You think the old man would risk open war? Over a few Mudbloods?"

Lucius's expression hardened and his voice dropped to a low, dangerous whisper. "Dumbledore is many things. A fool is not one of them. He knows the stakes, knows the price of failure. And he will do whatever it takes to protect his interests. Even if it means sacrificing others along the way."

Lucius rose from his seat. "We will continue this discussion at a later time. For now, we have work to do. Each of you knows your role, knows what is expected of you. Do not fail the Dark Lord."

The others muttered their assent. One by one, they filed out of the room, until only Narcissa and Lucius remained.

For a long moment, they simply stared at each other, the weight of all that had been said, all that had been left unsaid, hanging between them like a physical thing. 

Finally, Lucius spoke, his voice soft, almost gentle. "I know this is not easy for you, Narcissa. I know the sacrifices we have made, the sacrifices we will continue to make. But you must be strong. For Draco. For our family."

Narcissa swallowed hard. "I am strong, Lucius. I have always been strong. But this... this path grows darker by the day. We are talking about risking war once more. The Dark Lord has already been thwarted by a child not just once, but twice now. Even if we don't know for certain whether Potter was involved, this cannot be a coincidence."

Lucius's eyes flashed, a hint of anger creeping into his tone. "You think I don't know that? You think I relish the thought of more bloodshed? But we have no choice. The Dark Lord is our master. We've already not put in the effort we should have done to locate him when he disappeared eleven years ago, but now that he has appeared once more, we cannot abandon him. We cannot risk it."

Narcissa closed her eyes, a single tear slipping down her cheek. She knew he was right. Knew that they were bound to this path, for better or for worse. 

But as she sat there, in the flickering light of the dying fire, she couldn't help but wonder... at what cost? How much more would they have to sacrifice, how many more lives would be lost, before it was all over?

And in the end, would it even matter? Would their loyalty, their devotion, be enough to save them from the coming storm?

Only time would tell. And Narcissa feared that time was running out.


The morning light filtered through the high windows of the Gryffindor dormitory, casting a warm glow over the scarlet hangings and polished wood floors. Peter Pettigrew, in his Animagus form as a rat, peeked out from the safety of Ron Weasley's pocket, his whiskers twitching nervously.

He could hear the hushed voices of the first-year boys as they dressed. "Did you see the way Quirrell's face just...melted off?" Dean Thomas whispered with wide eyes. "It was like something out of a horror story."

Seamus Finnigan's sandy hair was messy as he nodded with enthusiasm. "And that smoke thing..." He shuddered. "I've never seen anything like it."

"Whatever it was, I'm sure Harry Potter must've done it somehow. Can you imagine what You-Know-Who might have done if he had remained in Quirrell's head? " Ron Weasley remarked.

A chill ran down Peter's spine at the mention of his former master. He had been there, in the Great Hall, when Quirrell's body had erupted into flames, when that chilling, high-pitched voice had echoed through the room. He had seen the dark, writhing smoke that had emerged, heard Voldemort's vow of vengeance before Dumbledore had trapped him in that weird sphere.

And now, whispers were spreading like wildfire through the castle, rumors and speculation about what had truly happened, about the role Harry Potter had played in Voldemort's downfall once again. Peter knew the truth, of course – he had been there, all those years ago, when the Dark Lord had fallen at the hands of an infant. But even he couldn't deny the strangeness of it all, the way Potter has been present both times the Dark Lord faced defeat.

A sharp rap on the door startled Peter from his thoughts. "First-years, let's move it!" a voice called out. "Prefect's orders – we're all to assemble in the Great Hall for further instructions."

The boys exchanged uneasy glances, but they knew better than to argue. As they filed out of the dormitory and into the winding corridors of Gryffindor Tower, Peter caught glimpses of other students with haunted eyes from the events of the previous night.

A group of fourth-year girls huddled together with hushed voices. "I can't believe Quirrell's really gone," one of them whispered. "He always seemed so...harmless."

Another girl shook her head with trembling shoulders. "But did you hear what that...thing said? About being You-Know-Who? What if it was telling the truth?"

As they descended the staircases and made their way towards the Great Hall, the whispers grew louder, the speculation more frenzied. Peter could feel the tension in the air, thick and cloying, like a heavy fog.

When they finally reached the Great Hall, the scene that greeted them was one of controlled chaos. Students from all four houses were gathered in tight clusters with fear clear on their expressions. At the staff table, the professors stood in grim silence with unreadable expressions.

And there, in the center of it all, stood Albus Dumbledore with his robes billowing around him. As the students took their seats, he raised a hand, and a silence fell over the hall.

"My dear students," he began. "I know you are all shaken by the events of last night. What you witnessed was...beyond anything you could have imagined."

Peter felt a shiver run down his spine as Dumbledore's gaze swept over the assembled students, his eyes lingering for the briefest of moments on Harry Potter, who sat at the Hufflepuff table with his friends.

"Lord Voldemort," Dumbledore continued, and a collective gasp spread through the hall, "has returned, in a form more terrible than any of us could have foreseen. He had taken possession of our own Professor Quirrell, using him as a vessel for his dark purposes."

Mutterings of disbelief and horror rose from the students, but Dumbledore raised his hand once more, and the hall fell silent.

"I know this is a heavy burden for you all to bear, especially those of you who are just beginning your magical education. But you must know this: Hogwarts is the safest place in the wizarding world, and as long as I draw breath, no harm shall come to you within these walls."

Peter could feel the weight of Dumbledore's words, the power behind them. He had always been in awe of the headmaster, even during his days as a student, when he had followed James, Sirius, and Remus like a lost puppy.

But now, as he listened to Dumbledore's reassurances, he couldn't help but feel doubtful. For he knew the depths of Voldemort's horror, the lengths to which he would go to achieve his goals.

And if the Dark Lord had indeed returned, as Dumbledore claimed, then no one was truly safe. Regardless of the fact that he was being contained by Dumbledore.

While the students began to murmur amongst themselves once more, Peter felt a strange sensation. A dull ache began to throb in the back of his mind, growing steadily more intense with each passing moment.

At first, he tried to ignore it, chalking it up to the stress of the situation. But then, a voice echoed through his thoughts, loud and insistent.

Transform. Transform now.

Peter's eyes widened in alarm as the voice reverberated through his skull, sending shockwaves of pain spiking through his tiny rat body. He tried to resist, to push the voice away, but it only grew louder, more insistent.


The words pounded against the inside of his skull, relentless and unyielding. Peter could feel his resolve crumbling, his resistance fading with each deafening shout.

And then, without warning, he felt his body begin to shift and contort, bones cracking and muscles stretching as he expanded outward, his rat form giving way to that of a full-grown man.

Ron let out a startled yelp as Peter's sudden transformation sent him and Dean tumbling to the floor, their limbs tangled together in a heap. Seamus stumbled backward with eyes wide with shock and fear.

For a moment, the Great Hall fell utterly silent, every eye fixed on the strange man who had seemingly materialized out of thin air. Then, a collective gasp rose from the students, and chaos erupted once more.

Dumbledore, his wand already in hand, stepped forward with narrowed eyes. "Who are you?" he demanded.

Peter opened his mouth to respond, but before he could utter a word, the voice echoed through his mind once more, louder and more insistent than ever before.


Peter's heart pounded in his chest as he felt his arm begin to move of its own accord, his hand reaching into the folds of his tattered robes for his wand. He tried to fight it, to regain control, but the voice was relentless, battering against his mind like a battering ram.


The words pierced through his skull, growing louder and more insistent with each repetition. Peter could feel his resolve slipping, his grip on reality growing thin.

And then, just as his lips began to form the second syllable of the Killing Curse, a force unlike anything he had ever felt slammed into him, knocking him backwards and sending his wand spinning across the stone floor.

Dumbledore stood before him, wand outstretched, his eyes ablaze with a fury emanating from his very soul. "Enough," he intoned sternly, and his voice was infused with a commanding power that sent shivers down Peter's spine.

Around them, the students screamed and scattered, their voices mingling into shouts of terror. But Peter barely registered their cries, because his entire being was focused on the man – no, the force of nature – that stood before him.

"You will speak," Dumbledore commanded. "You will tell us who you are, and why you have come here with such malicious intent."

Peter opened his mouth, but no words came out. He was trapped, caught in the inescapable gaze of the greatest wizard of the age, his mind laid bare for all to see.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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