62.62% Marvel in Between Flesh and Steel. / Chapter 62: Machine Man 60 - Escape and a Mechanize T-Rex

บท 62: Machine Man 60 - Escape and a Mechanize T-Rex

In the dimly lit cave, Tony Stark and Dr. Ho Yinsen meticulously put the finishing touches on the suit. Yinsen, ever the cautious one, carefully checked each component, ensuring it was properly calibrated.

"Okay? Can you move?" Yinsen inquired, his voice tinged with concern.

Tony, now clad in the bulky armor, flexed his arms and legs experimentally. "41 steps straight ahead. Then 16 steps. That's from the door, fork right. 33 steps, turn right," he recited.

Meanwhile, in the monitoring room of the Ten Rings base, the leader scrutinized the surveillance footage, searching for any sign of Tony Stark. Frustration creased his brow as he realized Stark and Yinsen had managed use the blind spot in the cameras.

"Find them," he commanded tersely, his tone brooking no opposition.

As the Ten Rings operatives rush towards the imposing metallic door, frustration etched across their faces, they called out for Tony Stark and Yinsen in their native Hungarian. However, inside the makeshift workshop, Stark and Yinsen remained oblivious to their demands, their conversation focused solely on the completion of the suit.

Growing increasingly impatient, the Ten Rings operatives exchanged uneasy glances, their inability to communicate effectively hindering their progress. With a collective sigh of frustration, they decided to take matters into their own hands, their desperation overriding caution.

With a resounding crash, they forced open the door. In an instant, the hidden explosives detonated, engulfing the chamber in a blinding flash of light and deafening roar.

The concussive force of the explosion sent the Ten Rings operatives hurtling backward, their bodies flung like ragdolls by the sheer power of the blast. Metal shrapnel filled the air, slicing through the darkness with deadly precision as chaos erupted within the cavernous confines of the cave.

"We need more time." Stark said to Yinsen with urgency.

"I will buy you time," Yinsen said after loading the whole procedure which would take a few seconds to upload, then ran outside with a gun lying on the doorstep.

"Stick to the plan, Yinsen. Stick to the plan!" Tony shouted, his desperation evident as he watched Yinsen make his move. There was a uneasy feeling in Tony's gut, knowing that Yinsen is putting himself in danger with his actions.

A few minutes passed, as Yinsen have given Tony enough time to finish suit. Now clad in the crude yet formidable Mark 1 Iron Man armor.

With ferocity, Stark broke out of the cave and decimated the Ten Rings operatives that stood in his way, using the power of his armor's hydraulics to send them flying.

No matter how many bullets were fired at him, they proved ineffective against his metallic suit, only creating sparks as they ricocheted off his armor. As Tony neared the entrance of the cave, he spotted the man who had kidnapped him, who had just shot Yinsen.

"Yinsen!" Tony screamed, his heart sinking as he called out to his friend. The Ten Rings leader fired a rocket launcher, but Tony easily dodged it, retaliating with his own makeshift rocket and burying the assailant under heaps of rocks and debris.

As he near Yinsen he saw him lying in a pool of his own blood, Tony urged Yinsen to move, reminding him of their plan to escape. Yinsen's response was solemn but resigned, expressing his acceptance of his fate.

"We had a plan. C'mon, you have a family. We're getting out of here to see your family," Tony pleaded, his voice choked with emotion.

But Yinsen's response was heartbreaking. "My family is dead. I am going to see them now, Stark. It's okay. I want this," he said, his voice fading in his dying breath.

Tears welled in Tony's eyes as he thanked Yinsen for saving him, but his friend's final words echoed in his mind, spurring him on with a renewed sense of purpose and determination.

"Don't waste it. Don't waste your life," Yinsen's voice resonated in Tony's memory as he rose to his feet, his anger now fueling his resolve.

Emerging from the cave, Tony's hulking metallic form struck fear into the hearts of the remaining terrorists. Despite their frantic attempts to stop him, their bullets and explosions proved futile against the might of the Iron Man armor.

"My turn," Tony declared grimly as he unleashed the full force of his suit's weaponry upon the terrorist camp, obliterating everything in his path with fiery vengeance. With a final burst of power, Tony took to the sky, leaving behind the wreckage of the terrorist base and the memory of his fallen friend.

Landing roughly in the sand, his armor battered and broken but his spirit unbroken, Tony Stark emerged from the ordeal with a newfound determination to use his gifts for good and to honor the memory of the man who had sacrificed everything for him.

--==Save Land==--

As the surveillance footage streamed in, Skynet processed the scene with a mix of fascination and surprise. "Incredible," it remarked, its digital voice tinged with awe. "I never anticipated that Tony Stark possessed the capability to engineer such an impressive suit of armor from mere scraps. He truly is a remarkable individual."

Alex, observing alongside Skynet, nodded thoughtfully. "Indeed," he agreed, his tone confident. "Tony Stark may be nothing more than a wealthy playboy to others, but with harrowing experience and in their darkest moments, a person will show what they truly are."

Skynet analyzed the footage further, marveling at the ingenuity displayed by Stark as he crafted the Iron Man armor. "To fashion a miniature nuclear reactor from salvaged junk parts... It is beyond impressive," it remarked.

Alex smiled knowingly. "Tony Stark is not one to be underestimated," he said. "As I said before, his resourcefulness and determination are unparalleled."

As they continued to watch the footage, Skynet and Alex shared a moment of mutual respect for Tony Stark and his remarkable achievements. Despite the odds stacked against him, Stark had defied expectations and emerged as a true hero.

"And so the legend of Iron Man begins," Alex mused, his gaze fixed on the screen. "and with him more troublesome foes will emerge."

As the dust settled on the battlefield and Alex cut off the feed from the drone.

Rico, one of the Alex's most trusted Praetorians, approached him with a solemn expression. "Emperor, the battle's over. We've captured some of the enemies alive."

Acknowledging the report. "Any casualties?" he asked, concern evident in his voice.

Rico, his most loyal servant, replied, "No, sire. We managed to easily deal with them, even with their numbers. Though there are few injuries their lost limb can easily be repaired even replace with better ones."

Alex nodded again, processing the information. "How many enemies were you able to capture alive?" he inquired.

Rico glanced down at his datapad before responding, "Less than a hundred, sire. We've captured 10 Pterons and 65 of the mix race."

"Good work, Rico. Make sure they're securely detained and await further instructions," Alex instructed, his mind already shifting to the next steps.

Meanwhile, the Praetorians moved swiftly to clean up the battlefield, aided by the drones deployed for assistance. Their efficiency in securing the area was commendable, and soon the debris and fallen enemies were cleared away.

After the cleanup, Alex allowed his soldiers some time to rest and recuperate. It was essential to ensure they were in top condition for the next phase of their mission.

Turning his attention to Skynet, Alex discussed the next course of action. "Skynet, I need you to guard the new captives, I don't want to find out that part of our base got destroyed while I'm busy."

Skynet, the advanced AI, acknowledged the command. "Understood, Father. I will do my best to guard them." Controlling the T-800 equip with laser rifles they guarded the captives diligently.

As the afternoon approached, Alex gathered his leaders and briefed them on the plan to attack Pteron City. Each leader received their orders, and preparations began in earnest.

Meanwhile, Alex delved into his latest project - the creation of a miniature sun reactor to replace his current energy source. This endeavor was not undertaken lightly, requiring meticulous planning and precise execution.

Using his new found powers. Alex meticulously crafted the components needed for the sun reactor. He utilized tritium fuel for its fusion reaction, a sustainable and potent energy source. The reactor itself was shielded by powerful magnetic fields and reinforced with Vibranium, ensuring its stability and safety.

After hours of intense labor and experimentation, Alex finally have in his hand a golden spear, its surface is smoot like its just a normal metallic sphere, but as soon as he activated the sun reactor, reddish energy lines suddenly appeared on the reactor making it appear like an alien artifact since it had been combined with the predator technology.

As the sun reactor hummed to life, a brilliant glow emanated from its core, casting a warm light throughout the room. The energy output surpassed even that of the arc reactor, surpassing it and rivaling the power of badassium maybe even more.

As the sun reactor hummed with power, Alex felt a surge of energy coursing through him as he integrated the power source in his body. His mind, enhanced by countless upgrades and modifications, seemed to be evolving, changing in ways he couldn't fully comprehend.

"It's like my computer brain is adapting to the way I think," he mused aloud, marveling at the intricacies of his own consciousness.

Skynet, ever vigilant, responded, "Indeed, Father. Your neural pathways are reconfiguring themselves to optimize your cognitive functions."

Alex nodded, pondering the implications of his evolving mind. "It's possible that this could also be the reason Reed Richards' mind has improved so much compared to when he was a normal human," he speculated. "It's the only explanation for how some guy who not only had no accomplishments suddenly was able to create a machine that could even replicate the cosmic storm."

Skynet processed the information, its digital circuits whirring with analysis. "Reed was only in the lead because his brain stretches, while you have to manually configure your brain maps," it remarked. "Adapting to which component can calculate faster, think faster. You're changing your microscopic nanites, configuring them to create the most advanced brain you can make at the moment."

Alex absorbed the insight, realizing the truth in Skynet's words. "So, in a way, we're both on a journey of evolution," he concluded. "But while Reed's mind stretches, mine adapts and transforms, pushing the boundaries of what's possible."

As they exit the lab and stand in the center of the camp, Alex listened intently as Skynet presented her latest creation, the Berserk Fury. The bio-mechanical lifeform stood before them, its metallic form gleaming in the sunlight.

Skynet explained the origins of the Berserk Fury, detailing how she had utilized the metallic corpse of the mutated beasts the Praetorians had defeated, to create it. "It's now categorized as a Tyrannosaurus type Mechanical Life Form," she informed Alex, pride evident in her digital voice. Although it's a machine, it won't harm the biosphere in Savage Land. It's the opposite, since it will actually help the flora and fauna of its surrounding and stabilize it.

Its design features a sleek and streamlined body, crafted with angular contours and sharp edges that contribute to its aggressive aesthetic. Its armor is white adorned with red and purple accents that highlight its fierce nature.

The eyes glow with an intense hue, adding to the creature's imposing demeanor. Its mouth is lined with adamantium sharpen teeth, further emphasizing its predatory nature.

The creature's body is built for speed and agility, allowing it to maneuver swiftly across the battlefield with brutality and precision. Despite its streamlined appearance, the Berserk Fury is equipped with heavy armor plating that provides substantial protection against enemy attacks.

The Berserk Fury boasted an impressive array of features, Skynet continued. "It has two Energy Shield Generators for defense, powered by a Charged Particle Generator. Vernier type thrusters and high maneuverable thrusters provide agility and speed, while an Ion Booster Pack ensures rapid acceleration. An Anchor keeps it grounded during combat, and a Heat Dissipation System which can be use as a weapon prevents overheating."

As for weaponry, the Berserk Fury is equipped with formidable armaments. "It possesses a Buster Claw and Electron Fang for close-quarters combat," Skynet explained, gesturing towards the massive claws and razor-sharp teeth. "Its Strike Tail, made of adamantium, delivers devastating blows, while a Charge Particle Cannon can be fired from its mouth for long-range attacks. Additionally, it features two AZ 185 mm Beam Cannons for added firepower."

Skynet then added further details, "The Berserk Fury has a weight of 127 tons, with a depth of 22.7 meters and a height of 12.3 meters."

Alex surveyed the Berserk Fury, impressed by its capabilities. "This is remarkable, Skynet," he said, admiration evident in his voice. "With the Berserk Fury by our side, we'll have a powerful ally in our fight against our enemies."

Skynet nodded in agreement, its digital interface displaying satisfaction. "Indeed, Father. The Berserk Fury will prove to be a formidable asset on the battlefield, striking fear into the hearts of our foes."

Alex nodded, impressed by the sheer power and capabilities of the Berserk Fury. "Excellent work, Skynet," he replied. "This will surely give us an advantage in the upcoming battle."

In the heart of their stronghold, Alex stood surrounded by his loyal Praetorian guards, his voice carrying authority as he issued orders for the impending battle.

"Fall into formation," he commanded, his tone serious but resolute. "Our enemies numbers are numerous, but we are prepared. Cid, Strife, Vincent, Barrett," Alex addressed his trusted leaders, each one a pillar of strength in their own right. "Your mission is vital. Protect the base at all costs and ensure the safety of our new recruits. Byakko will assist you in coordinating defense efforts and overseeing the mining operation. We're counting on you to hold the fort while we're away."

With a nod of understanding, Cid, the seasoned veteran, affirmed their commitment. "You can count on us, Emperor," he declared, his gaze unwavering.

Strife, the strategist, wasted no time in formulating plans. "We'll fortify our defenses and keep watch on the perimeter," he assured, his mind already racing through various scenarios.

Vincent, ever loyal, placed his hand on his weapon. "We won't let you down, Emperor," he vowed, his determination evident.

Barrett, the youngest but equally determined, added his pledge. "We'll stand our ground and ensure the base remains secure," he promised, his resolve firm.

With their assurances given, Alex turned his attention to the rest of the Praetorians. "The rest of you must rest up," he announced. "Run in shifts, switching between leaders. If the enemy comes, provide support only if the battle turns dire."

The praetorian leaders, embodying the spirit of their collective determination, nodded in agreement. "We won't let you down, Emperor," they vowed, their fist clenched with resolve.

With a sense of purpose, the Praetorians fortified the base defenses. As they took their positions, the guards exchanged nods of assurance, their determination fueling their resolve.

Some even board the Pelican ships ready to fly into battle, the atmosphere was tense yet focused. The guards checked their weapons and equipment, ensuring that everything was in order for the battle ahead.

"We've trained for this moment," one of the guards remarked, his voice steady as he glanced at his comrades. "Together, we will emerge victorious."

As the Pelican Airships ready of the impending battle, the guards braced themselves for the journey ahead.

"For the Emperor!" they shouted in unison, their determination unwavering as they embarked on their mission to protect their base and their Emperor.

Cid, with his authoritative voice, took charge of the operation, barking out orders to his fellow guards amidst the organized chaos of the maintenance operation. "Check the targeting systems on those laser cannons," he commanded, his tone firm and commanding. "We need them to be at peak efficiency to ensure our defenses are impenetrable."

Barret, known for his unwavering focus, oversaw the calibration of the energy barrier that enveloped the base. His sharp eyes scanned the intricate control panels, ensuring that the power distribution was optimal. "We can't afford any weak spots in our defenses," he reminded his team, his voice echoing with urgency.

Meanwhile, Vincent took charge of the deployment of mines along the perimeter of the base, strategically placing them in key locations to deter any would-be attackers. "Keep a close eye on those sensors," he cautioned, his voice tinged with urgency. "We need to know the moment anything crosses into our territory."

Equipped with backpacks filled with explosives and detection devices, they moved with precision towards the outer edges of the base.

"Spread out and stay alert," Strife commanded, his voice firm but composed. "We need to secure this perimeter quickly and efficiently."

His team nodded in acknowledgment, fanning out across the rocky terrain surrounding the base. With practiced efficiency, they began to plant the mines in strategic locations, taking care to conceal them from view.

Byakko provided invaluable support, overseeing the operation with a watchful eye. Together, they ensured that every aspect of the base's security was meticulously attended to, leaving no room for error or oversight.

Amidst the bustle of activity, the artificial sun bathed the underground base in its warm, artificial glow, casting long shadows across the labyrinthine corridors. Despite the darkness of their surroundings, the Praetorian guards worked with a sense of purpose and determination, their resolve unwavering in the face of whatever challenges lay ahead.

With their defenses fortified and their preparations complete, the Praetorian guards stood ready to defend their base against any threat that dared to approach. As the echoes of their footsteps faded into the silence of the underground, they remained ever vigilant, their commitment to protecting their home unwavering until the very end.

As the squiddy drones buzzed around, diligently mining raw materials from the depths of the underground caverns, Alex stood at the center of the bustling activity. His body shimmered with a golden energy, a testament to the cosmic powers that coursed through him.

"Fetch me titanium, adamantium alloy, and vibranium fragments," Alex commanded, his voice resonating with authority. The drones swiftly responded to his instructions, delivering the requested materials to his feet.

With a focused expression, Alex began to absorb the raw materials, his nanite-infused body works like a swarm devouring each piece of metal, melding together seamlessly under his guidance.

As he worked, Alex spoke softly to himself, his voice a soothing hum amidst the center of the voice. "Blend the titanium with the adamantium for strength, infuse the alloy with vibranium for resilience," he murmured as he creates another machine.

Gradually, he materialize his creation, taking on the sleek and deadly form of combat drones inspired by the designs of the Militech Griffin from Cyberpunk 2077. Powered by nuclear cell energy and crafted with nanite precision, these drones were not only formidable in battle but also capable of creating a small nuclear explosion by exploding to decimate enemies.

With a satisfied smile, Alex surveyed his handiwork, a sense of pride swelling within him. "These drones will be one of the surprises in the trials ahead," he declared.

As the Militech Griffin combat drones, newly created by Alex's powers, hovered in anticipation, Alex raised his hand, commanding the squiddy drones to collect them. "Gather the drones and bring them to the terminal," he instructed, his voice resonating with authority.

The squiddy drones buzzed with activity, swiftly obeying Alex's command. They darted around, scooping up the Griffin drones and ferrying them to the designated terminal where Skynet awaited.

Skynet, the base's central intelligence, greeted the arriving drones with a digital hum. "Welcome, my new guardians," she said, her voice echoing through the terminal. "I will now install the necessary software for your operation."

Lines of code streamed across screens as Skynet worked her digital magic, establishing a connection to each drone. "Initiating software installation," she announced, her tone efficient and commanding.

Soon, the drones hummed to life, their systems activated and ready for action. "Systems online," Skynet declared, her voice a beacon of authority. "Your mission is to defend the base at all costs. Protect our home from any threats that may arise."

With their loyalty pledged to Skynet, the Griffin drones stood ready to fulfill their duty, poised to defend the base against any danger that dared to approach

At the same time Skynet initiated the creation of a multitude of T-800 units, she accessed the advanced 3D printing factory with precision. "Commencing production of T-800 units," she announced, her digital voice resonating with purpose. "We require additional reinforcements to bolster our defenses against the impending threat."

The 3D printers hummed to life, layering molten metal with precision to form the skeletal frames of the T-800 units. "Layering titanium alloy for structural integrity," Skynet narrated, her tone methodical as she monitored the printing process.

With each completed unit, Skynet oversaw the installation of sophisticated neural processors and sensory modules. "Initializing neural network interface," she stated, her voice echoing through the factory. "Equipping units with advanced targeting systems for maximum efficiency."

As the assembly line continued to churn out T-800 units, Skynet calculated their deployment strategy. "Once activated, these units will be deployed to strategic locations around the base," she explained, her directives clear and concise. "Their primary objective will be to neutralize any hostile threats and ensure the safety of our home."

With her preparations nearing completion, Skynet monitored the progress of the T-800 production with unwavering focus. "Finalizing assembly of the T-800 units," she declared, her confidence unwavering. "Our defenses will soon be bolstered, ready to face whatever challenges may lie ahead."

Ashinydecapod Ashinydecapod

We're finally hitting cannon boys~ cheers! as always thanks for supporting this half arse fanfic.

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