56.52% The 100: AllFather / Chapter 12: Chapter 9: When the Hammer Falls.

บท 12: Chapter 9: When the Hammer Falls.

Day 6 on earth once the Mining team arrive at the Shuttle.

POV 3rd

Bellamy was just talking to Bran(#42) about the development status, when he caught site of Angus. Immediately he rushed towards him with Bran(#42) trailing behind

Bellamy: Angus I'm glad you are back, we have a bitch of a problem.

Angus: Whoa, slow your horses. I have only been gone what 2 days? What problem did you make for me.

Bellamy: We captured a grounder and he wont talk. He is up in the Shuttle. But before that let me introduce Bran, who took control of the construction around here, what do you think?

Angus: I think he is very Capable. It is a beautiful wall, I was really not expecting that, and the homes, good initiative.

Angus: Anyway, why did you capture the grounder?

Bellamy: When you were gone, I sent a team to gather water and another to hunt, this group I went with. Anyway, as we are out there, this Acid fog comes out of nowhere. This caused us to lose 2 people. After the fog went away, we found out Anne was missing, we ended up finding her tied up in the Grounders home. When Hailey went to untie her, the grounder stabbed her with a poisoned knife. 

Bellamy: Clarke was able to heal her, but we are unable to get the Grounder to talk.

Angus: alright, lead me to him. Wells, John come with us.

Up on the second level with the Grounder.

Angus turned to Bellamy after seeing the grounders appearance: Did you Beat him?

Bellamy: Yes, he refused to talk so I thought some pain would work, but I was wrong

Angus grimace: -- Fuck—Alright, Next time you go to interrogate someone come to me before beating them.

Angus, saw the grounder watching him. So, he greeted him by putting his right fist over his left breast and giving a shallow bow as Garzol had taught him.

Angus: Greetings. My name is Angus Craig. I am the leader here. Tell me your name.

Grounder stared for a few moments before answering: I am Lincoln of Trikru, invader.

Angus: Well Lincoln of Trikru, we are not here long, we have been planning on moving locations. But before we talk about that, can you tell us why one of our own was kept captive by you?

Lincoln: Before I say that. Tell me, why do you give the greeting of the Earth dwellers, the Dwarves.

Angus, grew a confused look: We helped some dwarves out and were told this was the proper way to greet people.

Lincoln grew concerned that they knew the Dwarves and seemed to have a good relationship, since they were allowed to use the dwarven greeting.

Lincoln: I tied the girl since I did not want her to run off into the fog.

Angus hearing that decided to untie Lincoln in good faith.

Angus then pulled out the crucifix.

Angus: Do you know what this is?

Lincoln grew anxious: that is the symbol od the mountain men. They put that around the necks of the reapers.

Wells: what is a reaper.

Lincoln: they were once Men, but have been turned into cannibalistic monsters. They usually capture my people to bring them to the mountain men. They are never seen again unless they are turned into another reaper.

Angus was now very worried about fanatics

Angus took out the map from Garzol: alright thank you. Are you able to mark out the Clan territories please. Also, can you show where the mountain men live.

Lincoln did so, and to the shock of the Arkers, the mountain men came from Mount Weather.

John let out a few curses, while Bellamy simply scowled.

Angus: We will let you go with a day's rations. 

Lincoln: I may be back; my leader might want to have a meeting with you.

Lincoln was then escorted out of camp by John.

Angus then went down to the first level to talk to Monty.

Angus Hey Monty, have you finished the communicator?

Monty: Should be I was just waiting for you, to make a message.

Angus: Alright, boot her up. We need extra bodies down here; it is a lot more dangerous here than I thought and we are too few.

Monty then started the morse machine, but the moment he started sending out the message, the machine short circuited, and killed all the active bracelets and the machine itself.

Monty: Fuck! YOU HORSE COCK SUCKING BASTARD! I am sorry Angus, they will now think us dead, I have no other way on contacting them without going to mount weather.

Angus: I was afraid of that. I am sorry to tell you this, but it looks like Mount weather might be the home of our new enemies. They Steal grounders to make cannibals and who knows what else they do.

Monty felt his hair go gray: Son of a bitch. What do you want me to do?

Angus: Take the day off, have a nap, tonight at supper there will be a community meeting regarding our next steps.

Monty then Left to hang out with jasper.

Angus also left to got start building both a smithy and a blast furnace.

He made the furnace out of compressed earth. He also included the following runes, Air purifier (for the smoke), Unbreaking, Air control (to control amount of air being fed to the fire.

After that he made the smithy with the same runes, but made a cooling room with runes for the smiths to rest.

Waiting for the volunteers for the jobs, Angus changed his Class runesmith(lvl100) to Blacksmith (lvl 1) and his Class Lonely Farmer (lvl 99) to Metallurgy (lvl 1). Once this was done, he went to his mental library to learn the basics of each craft, and Aided by his adaptable mind was quickly able to learn them. Though he made many notes in his journal for things to test out for later, such as metal mixtures.

Later John and Wells brought over 11 people. 4 for smelting, 4 for blacksmithing and 3 for rune crafting

Angus: Welcome all, you have been chosen to be taught some new jobs. I will teach what I can, but much of this will be trial and error. Those who are to be blacksmith will also be taught runes, while those who are smelters will be taught either earth or fire magic.

(AN: the reason Air magic was not offered is that the MC does not know any, so he can not teach it)

Deciding to start on the Smelting process he uses his magic to lift the iron and coal into the furnace. He then made bar molds in the ground for the molten Iron to be poured into.

He then went onto the basic procedure of smelting the ore into crude iron (better smelting techniques will be learnt later)

Once that was done, he left the 4 smelters to continue making bars.

Next, he started the Blacksmithing process, but started on making hammers and tongs, along with an anvil out of the newly smelted iron for the Smiths to use.

He then showed basic hammering, heating and cooling techniques to the Smiths.

Before going onto the Runes. Both with the smiths and the runes crafters.

Angus, ended up showing them the same runes and technique that was taught to Wells and John.

Once this was done, he called the smelters over and asked them who wanted to learn earth. ¾ smelters wanted to learn earth while the last one wanted fire.

The Smiths and runes crafter chose earth since it would be best for their profession. Wells who was still there also requested to learn earth magic.

With all 11 earth students sitting on the ground. Angus Started his instruction.

Angus: Firstly, before you can use earth magic you must make a connection to the earth.

Angus handed each of them loose soil, along with iron shavings.

Angus: You must eat the soil and the iron to gain a connection.

Once that it done meditate, and view inside yourself. You should be able to see some earth construct like a hill, rock, mountain or something else. When that is done place your hand on the ground, and make the soil climb up your arm.

Angus the waited 1 hour while this was happening. During this time, he was in his mind library, writing down information he has learnt over the last few days.

Coming back to reality, Angus then noticed that all of his students were able to move the earth, but ended up being tired. (AN: For other Characters that are not the MC, Mana is like a muscle the more used the more it will grow)

Angus: Congratulations. You have all learnt earth magic. Go and eat, and before you go to bed try again. Just remember you will have a small amount of mana available but will grow in the future.

The 11 students including Wells went off. Leaving Angus and John alone.

John: Due to Bellamy's mistake, what happens if we have to fight Trikru?

Angus: All we can do is Prepare. I really need to find time to start looking for a new home location. I will wait three days before heading off. During this time, I will teach you to connect with fire, and runes along with making weapons.

When I am away, I want you john, Wells and Bellamy to be in charge. I want regular hunts to start filling our winter larder.

John: I meant to ask earlier, but you seem to like singing, can you do magic with that?

Angus was shocked he never thought of that.

Angus—wow, that is a great idea, I can choose Bard as a class, and use my songs for crowd effects. That is the next class I choose. Good news I will have the next three days to work none stop on forging and metallurgy.

Angus: thank you I never thought to use my songs for magic, I will start trying on my travels in three days.

John: I really don't think you should be alone.

Then out of the blue two women spoke

Octavia and Harper: WE will go with you!

Angus: alright, but in the time before we go, you will learn to use a weapon and rune drawing, if you want earth or fire magic, I will teach you.

Harper: I would like a bow and Fire magic.

Octavia: Can I have a sword, and if you end up learning it can I learn Air?

Angus: I will start making the weapons tomorrow, and for air magic I will see what I can do but you might need to wait a month or two.

Once these decisions were made, everyone went off to bed

Chapter 10: you can rest when you are dead

AN: --inner thoughts--

Day 7 on earth

Down in the deep

Where the dragon used to sleep

Glorious gold

Glimmers in our home of old

Dark as the night

Where the day has lost its light

When the hammer falls


When the hammer falls

And it sounds through the halls

When the hammer falls

Freeing treasures from the walls

When the hammer strikes

And the kingdom comes to life

When the hammer pounds

Like the thunder underground

When the hammer falls

When the hammer falls


Of legend and myth

Is the craft of the smith

The molten metal poured

And pounded into sword

From the fire is made

Every dwarven axe and blade

When the hammer falls


When the hammer falls

Forging weapons for all

When the hammer falls

Songs of battle fill the halls

When the hammer flies

Lines of armored dwarves arise

With the hammer's roar


We go marching off to war

When the hammer falls

When the hammer falls


The orcs came to our land

And we fought them hand to hand

Sweat and blood

Turned the groud to mud

Dwarf and orc in strife

Sought to vanquish every life

When the hammer falls


When the hammer falls

Back our enemy crawls

When the hammer quakes

Orc-ish cowards bones will break

When the hammer cracks

And it beats their armies back

When the hammer's boom

Sends the monsters to their doom

When the hammer falls

When the hammer falls


When the hammer falls

Then our victory calls

When the hammer falls

Songs of glory fill the halls

When the hammer flies

Mighty heroes now arise

With the hammer's sound

Live the dwarves down underground

When the hammer falls

When the hammer falls


POV 3rd

This was the Song that many could hear when they woke, along with the ringing of a hammer on iron.

The cause of this was named Angus.

If one was to look at him, one could see a puddle of sweat forming at his feet, with a pile of a dozen each of swords and axe heads. Right now, he was working on making a bow out of iron and String for it out of corded thin strips of iron.

The reason why he chose to make a bow out of iron was due to the magic that Harper wanted to learn. Fire. With this element, it was better to choose a material hard to burn.

So far, he was unsuccessful on making one light enough for Harper to draw. That was until he thought of making a composite bow. This he has been working on for the past hour, but due to this, hi blacksmithing class has gone up to level 10, unlocking many books in his Library.

Deciding to take a break from smithing. Angus then went onto Smelting the iron, and did a few mixtures of shitty steel. Once the whole camp was up and eating breakfast, Angus's Class Metallurgy went up to Level 6, due to his constant use, and variations of smelting. He also smelted the Copper, for later use.

After Stopping the Smelting, Angus looked at the Iron supply, and noticed he has already gone through 13 Carts of iron and 2 Carts of Copper and 6 carts of Coal.

Angus: -- hmm this should be enough, to let the others practice smelting. I do have quite a few bars to start the actual weapons with the new smiths.

Angus the went off to Breakfast, and to talk to Bellamy about Octavia going with him in three days.

Angus: Hey Bell, good morning I wanted to tell you that Octavia wants to come with me when I go scouting in three days.

Bellamy gained a bit of a grimace

Bellamy: I do not know what happened to my sweet little "O" she refused to listen and stay. But I guess there is no safer place then with you. She also told me that she had feelings for you. Please do not hurt her, or I will Find a way to make you suffer.

Angus: No worries I will take care of her very well –I do mean very very well—

Bellamy: Good Thank you.

Bellamy than went off to talk to his sister.

Angus then decided it was best to have a community meeting now.

He then Started calling everyone over

Angus: Good morning, everyone. Before we start, I want to compliment everyone on their work of the Wall and the start of the homes.

Angus: I have come to tell you that due to the failure of the Bracelets the Ark may now believe us all dead.

This caused a few gasps.

Angus: Also, we have discovered that there are humans who live in Mount Weather who conduct cruel human experiments.

Due to this we will need everyone doing something productive in case of an attack.

I am training people personally to make weapons, rune crafting and earth magic. 

If you want to learn runes and Earth Magic please talk to Wells. Those who want to join the hunting teams and guards please talk to Bellamy. The construction Projects will be Handled by Bran(#42) and can I have 1 or 2 volunteers learn from Clarke. We will need medics in the future.

Once this announcement was made many went on to talk to Wells and Bellamy.

Right After Breakfast was my First Class of Earth bending and Rune crafting. This class now reached 20 people.

The 11 from yesterday already went through teaching the newbies how to connect to earth.

This class lasted 2 hours, before leaving them to practice and grow on their own

Angus, then went onto the Blacksmiths.

He started teaching how to make shovel heads, then went to Arrow heads then Spear heads, Axe heads and finally swords. Along with those he also taught how to make hammers and nails.

During this Teaching, Angus was controlling the fire that he set in a pit to work on his Fire Bending, so that he could Soon start teaching others.

Once he was done with the Blacksmiths, Angus Went and Started Putting the Compressed Wall over the current wooden one. He made this wall 4ft thick and 12ft high same as the wooden one.

The Runes he put on were

Shock resistance, a few glowing runes, Strong Defence, Magic Resistance, Magic Deflector, along with a slippery rune. This would keep things from climbing over the wall without aid.

Next, he went to the towers, which ended up receiving the same Runes as the wall but additional, warming runes.

Once those runes were done. Angus Gathered up those who wanted to use Fire Magic.

This included John, Bellamy and 8 others.

Angus – I do not know how to make an earth connection, I did it by making a fire but that sounds too simple for life. I will try having them do that and see from there.

(AN: those who get Fire Bending will also get a weak fire resistance, which will grow over time)

Angus gathered material for 11 fires and then spoke to the gathered 10.

Angus: Alright I have stuff to make a fire. Each of you have chosen the way of the Fire.

Fire requires 3 things, Fuel, Heat and Oxygen. I want you all to create your own fire, sit in front of it why taking deep slow breaths in and out. While you are breathing, I want you to meditate and go into your inner mind. You should see a form of fire, an ember, a crackling campfire, the sun or something else.

Once you have completed those Steps, put your hand near the fire and make it form shapes. If you are feeling confident take your shirt off and have the fire climb up you.

3 hours

It took 3 hours before the First was successful, this was Amir one of the Guards recruited by Bellamy.

Then another 2 hours followed and by this time everyone has had a bit success. Those who had more mana, seemed to pick things up faster than those with little.

Once Everyone was out of Mana, Angus sent off to Supper, with the reminder to practice whenever they can, since Angus will not always teach them.

The students all went off with giddy expressions, the cute little arsonist in their mind having woken up.

POV Angus

For the Last Five hours, I have been using my library, reading every single book available to me in regards to Blacksmithing, metallurgy and Runes. 

I soon realised that I will need to make some sort of dictionary for runes, since there are so many varieties. I have my mind library but the others do not.

Deciding this He formed 10 Obelisks 8 ft tall in front of the Smithy.

On those he put all of the Basic Futhark runes, that he knew. Everything as insignificant as a colour change rune up to the element resistance rune.

Hopefully this will aid in their work when I am gone scouting.

I then Decide to go talk to Clarke since it has been a few days since I have talked to her.

But at that moment Amir ran up to him.

POV 3rd.

Amir: Angus the grounder Lincoln has returned and he has a message for you.

Angus grunted in surprise: This quickly, alright is he at the shuttle?

Amir: Yes. Along with Clarke, Bellamy, Wells, John, Monty, Finn, Octavia, Harper and Bran.

The two then go towards the Shuttle.

Lincoln: hello Angus Heda kom skaikru.

Angus gave a shallow bow with his right fist on his breast: Greetings Lincoln of Trikru.

Angus, then grew confused: Heda kom Skaikru. What is that?

Lincoln: Heda is what we use for Commander, the head of the people. 

Clarke surprised: But he is not our Leader, or commander! He is Wells's Father.

Wells was looking a bit worried at hearing this.

Lincoln was confused: Angus is not Heda? I told My Chief that you were the leader of your people.

Lincoln: she will not like that she has Been Lied to.

Angus simply started to scowl.

Angus: I will speak to your Chief as the Heda kom skaikru. When the others come down, I will speak reason.

Lincoln went pale.

Lincoln: Others? Does that mean more warriors will come?

Clarke interrupted before Angus could speak.

Clarke: No not just warriors, but Doctors, farmers, and builders.

Lincoln: My Leaders will not like that. They will take it as a sign of war.

Lincoln: Head east 2 km tomorrow. You will find a bridge. We will meet there. And do not bring any weapons, if you do that could start a war.

Lincoln then went off back to the forest, but was accompanied by Anne.

This Left the Arkers gathered on their own.

Angus turned to Clarke, a bit pissed off: Tomorrow, you can come but do not speak. Everything that is said will be judged by this leader, and if we are viewed as threats, they will see us as invaders and attack.

John: Should we bring weapons in case?

Angus: NO but for the Rest of the day, we will practice our magic, and make formation when fighting. We will also take Amir with us, but leave Bran here for the construction.

Bran: What do you need me to make?

Angus: Make a warehouse, also get people to keep chopping trees down. We can store them for later use.

Everyone except Clarke and Angus left.

Clarke snidely said: I am sorry that the truth I spoke, made you mad. Since you are not the leader of our people.

Angus: it is not that you spoke the truth that make me mad. Its that you spoke where the Enemy can hear you.

Angus: this not our home, or our land. We now have 2 known enemies. Mount weather and Trikru. We do not know how many others there are. So please for the sake of living, do not start arguments when our enemies can listen and exploit it.

1 hour later, Bellamy(fire), John(fire), Wells (Earth), Amir(earth), Wang(fire), Clarke(none), Finn(earth), Octavia(none) and Harper (Fire) met with Angus, ready for Magic and tactics training.

POV: Angus 

Angus: Alright. First off Earth and Fire complement each other like a volcano.

Earth is a strong defence but has crushing power. 

Fire, all but the earth burns before it. It consumes the air and boils the waters. Who can hurt you when they can not approach.

Earth is steadfast and slow moving, while fire flows like water.

What I want is the Earth benders, Wells, Amir, Finn and I (Angus) on the out side of the formation.

We will move in a diamond formation. Each of us will be at a corner of the square.

We will then Have the Fire fill in the lines between the Earth. 1 fire on each side.

Finally, We will have the none benders in the Center, these are Octavia and Clarke.

Now your jobs will be to keep your eyes open for enemies and point them for us.

I will be at the front of the formation, always move as one. If I go left, you go left. If Clarke yells right, the right side attacks the enemy to the right. If you are on another side, do not engage unless it is needed, I want you to keep an eye out for other attackers. If someone says duck, the earth benders will form an earthen dome around us. Never ever duck, that will throw you off balance.

For the next 4 hours before supper, all that was done was foot work and formations, along with tactics.

POV 3rd

All that observers could see during that time was the team of Angus running, or walking in a diamond formation.

At times Clarke would yell either Front, Rear, Right, Left. At these calls the corresponding side would react, and be prepared to attack. Octavia was in charge of yelling Duck. Whenever this happened all four Earth benders, made a dome of Earth, that could tank an artillery shell. After a few moments Angus would then make the Earth dome explode outwards.

Once supper was called, everyone except Angus fell on the Ground fell down exhausted.

Angus, just grinned in excitement.

Angus: Great work crew, go get some food, and after I will start with the fire benders on fire magic, and right before bed I will do the Earth Benders.

As Angus left a few of the Other 100, came over and asked if they could do similar training.

Angus, quickly agreed but, said it will have to be done another day and not tomorrow.

Everyone had supper.

Then Fire Benders started.

Here Angus, went on to state the importance of breathing. If the fire does not get oxygen, it will die out. The same is for you and your magic.

After a few breathing techniques were shown and practiced, He then had them produce the flames from their fists. Angus—it might be simple moves, but I do not have a lot of time to train them—

The only one who was able to produce fire for a long time was John at 30 minutes of constant 10ft flames. While the others could barely do half of that in time and distance.

But weirdly Bellamy who could only make 3ft flames for 5 minutes had the hottest flames.

This intrigued Angus, to study more later.

Later with the earth benders, Angus mainly taught them how to control the earth into constructs such as a wall, the dome and weapons. Along with earth bullet. But the only one who could do a bullet was Amir. While Wells had the Strongest compressed earth.

Then the training was done and everyone went on their own way.

Angus went to his Camp spot, and unknown to him Wells followed.

At Angus's fire

Wells: Hey Angus can I talk to you?

Angus was surprised, since he did not use earth sense all the time.

Angus: Yeah, what is it you need.

Wells: I have been thinking about what Claire said about you not being the leader of the Arkers.

Wells: when the others come down, will you Stay with them, or will you go look for another home.

Angus pondered then spoke: I would search for my own land and home, maybe go become neighbours with the dwarves.

Angus: Why are you asking?

Wells: I have enjoyed my time on earth, and I know when my father comes down, all of us will be treated like children who don't know anything and criminals.

Wells: I would like to join you on your search for a home. I feel like We can make our own tribe and not stay Skaikru, we can be something else.

Bellamy who was approaching at that time spoke up.

Bellamy: Yeah Angus, I am sure if you ask the other 100, they will agree and follow you. I know Octavia and myself will.

Angus was filled with glee that he was appreciated.

Angus: Alright, after we find a way to contact the Ark, we will set out on our own as a different, a new People. But we will need to choose a name. But will we tell our plans to Trikru tomorrow?

Wells: I would say no. since the Arkers will need peace if they are to set up down here.

Bellamy: Yeah, due to the map made By Lincoln, it looks like the location we were looking for a new home is near other clans. We just need to make a deal with them.

Angus: Alright, now go get some sleep, you will need it for tomorrow.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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