
บท 7: Chapter 6

Arya POV

Father is looking forward to seeing his old friend the king, alright he is dreading their visit and wish for them to never come.

I on the other had made sure to keep the doors to the huge hall where the future kings of the north will address the the North out of sight by a simple illusion inscription. The big door now looks like a wall with nothing interesting on it, if someone touches it they will feel a wall.

I am not involved in preparing for the royals arrival since they supposedly only just left Kingslanding but I am going to take care of my business.

The squad has about 50 members currying out the duty of filling the castle with tasteful designs of furniture. Luckily my people are very strong and learn very fast so the making of furniture takes a few hours but the problem they face is the lack of materials that is why they haven't stoped traveling to foreign places buying everything that can get their hand on.

Since this process has been going on for over a year they have covered the main castle and were halfway through the towers.

Realizing the elite squad of lady Arya is in their mist the soldiers in the towers quickly move out and take whatever piece of furniture they had. Everyone knows that whenever they come to an empty building they will leave it's walls painted beautifully and every room fully furnished.

They will have long finished by the time the fat king comes. I go to the first mall, father has given the control to his vassals but they have to give Winterfell 50% of all profits for the coming period of 10 years. Same with the houses provided with formulas and materials for products.

The stores inside the mall are rented out to the prospective business owners who want to sell their products and their services. The mall was already differentiated inside. It's the furniture businesses that wasn't accounted for, but they can share space with clothing business.

Father put forth that it will be illegal to live in an informal settlement in the North from now on if one needs a home they go talk to the housing authority inside the city walls where they have offices.

The trick we used was to transform the old household buildings because they didn't have plumbing into office buildings for officials to be found on daily basis. I managed to put a bathroom in every floor I separated them on far right is where females release themselves on the far left is for males.

The people working for the city will be found there, each door is named and labeled with the officials name. As of yet there are not many people working there but we have a team who is responsible for the functioning of the city. I gave father the relative departments names and functions.

The biggest one is the home affairs department they keep records of all the residents in the housing building.

They keep records of all the hired staff members. I turned three floors into large halls where children will go to play, learn and practice respectively. I was very excited to convert the one floor for small children. The floor has heating now which I put into the whole building so I don't have to worry about them feeling cold.

The put rubber mats that stick to the floor and then colorful carpets I secretly put cleaning charms and drying charms but I inscribed them to work once the stain has been there for a week and clean while no living people are around.

Today I came because my group of ladies liberated from slavery came to work in my establishments. I have rented a top floor bar and a brothel business which I put performing platforms where talented girls will perform their respective arts.

This will increase clients for them making them earn more coins. The artists who do not sell their bodies as well, have a theater on the same floor but different place on the same floor. I had already put my own design furniture in both places.

These are the many girls who will each occupy a room in my establishment. They were put through the medicinal baths and are now going through the process of drinking the elixir every day.

They are not the most beautiful girls in the batch because I had instructed my soul force squad to find girls who love and enjoy selling their bodies to strangers. I don't worry about their beauty because I want them to be where they want to be, making money for me.

Even now merely a year of their purchase they seem more beautiful and confident. They are women from across the narrow seas and those from Kingslanding and those from the North.

They can get themselves money this way and here they do get paid a month even if they don't get customers.Then they get more money with the number of customers. Their cleaned thoroughly inside out after every visit.

Some of the medicine I made is for this purpose I have some of the staff working here able to brew this medicine. They are ofcourse brainwashed to keep the recipe a secret at any costs including any other secrets of the club. The girls are happy with their looks, I made beauty pills to make them look the best version of themselves.

The pill also gives them strength to protect themselves. I made sure they received training to handle any and most weapons with expertise of minor masters. The pill makes them very flexible and have 5 times the stamina. They are practically experts now but instead of knights they are whores.

The Theater place has dancers and musicians from all over the world. But what will make this place great is the numerous stories I wrote to tell to my siblings and those I did not tell whose language is for adults.

The stories has people who are passionate about this sort of thing so I hunted for them through my staff members ofcourse and they were happy with the conditions I offered.

The part I like the most is the comedy bar. A stage for the person or a group performance that is tailored towards making people laugh. The Northerners are not much for comedy but we will have guests soon.

Satisfied with their progress I will open the business a month later. I have a few in the hotel only serving high paying guests but this position is a rotating one. All the girls will get to work at my high end hotels in shifts and since I have made sure my staff is strong and smart enough to take care of business on their own I am leaving.

The security force in all my businesses was trained and compelled to do their job diligently. Just like the security at the housing district and the people in the towers surrounding the North.

I did not realize the time passing by soon it is time to open all my businesses. The food in my hotel is recipes from morden earth especially the pastry. The wine is a normal wine made in Winterfell for storage I had them make it for this purpose as well but the amount going to storage does not reduce and now they can even make spirit wine as well. Low level spirit wine is not so hard to make for my staff.

I can't fly like my Squad but I can run on water and swim under the water, however is still chose not to. I realise I want to see Daenerys and her brother while he still lives. But the royal party will be here soon and I don't want to miss their expressions when they see the North, the current one that is both rich and beautiful. But if I am being honest with myself I really want to see their expressions when they see the Moett Calian.


Ned Stark has seen war and he can feel the current as he watches the Bay of Seals from a balcony in one of the 'Offices for official business' Arya had called them. He doesn't know why or who or when but his gut feeling is shifting, a sign of ominous feeling foretelling of a disaster.

Arya did all this claiming it is because she can but Ned can see it, his daughter is preparing for the worst and she has taken the work and put all of it on her shoulders to bear.

He asks himself hundreds of times if letting her operate so independently all these years has been a good idea, but he can't argue with the results. The North is warm, with full bellies and children are born without problems because of the 'clinics' and medicine she gave to him so he can allocate it.

The pure alcohol gave Measter Luwen a shock. But then again that man has been shocked so many times by the recipes Arya has given to him and the North his face may as well have a permanent shocked look an it.

This feeling gets worse the closer he got to the wall making him wonder if Arya's rambling about the night Walkers is true and if it is then we need to prepare but nothing has been heard till now. However he is choosing to be as prepared as possible that is why he has been buying armor from whomever will sell.

The mountain of dragon glass was easily mined in exchange for food and clothing and medicine. Stannis Baratheon has always been a straight forward man to deal with. we also gave him lots of coins, there was enough to spare at the time but now Arya has practically emptied the coffer of Winterfell in order to refurbish the new large castle including the towers.

Ned has told her that the North is a harsh place and she is making it way too comfortable to live in. He remembers her surprised expression at that statement and then she laughed till tears came out. 'The north is what we make it to be father' she had said to him leaving him stunned.

This was the last meeting about the management of the 'malls' another strange term from Arya. These places have brought the North together, we are closer now than ever before and it is because the people have been forced to live together in the 'flats' alongside neighbors sharing stairs and stores and other things.

The one thing that has nobles grumbling is the fact that they have to go outside to release themselves while commoners live better than them in so many ways. They all ask for the same thing, to get plumbing too. Most of their children have moved to the new housing district because it's more convenient and Ned allowed it since the North is sparsely populated.

There are are more houses than there are people to occupy it. This kind of problem is better than more people and less houses. This part was harder because of the Boltons making things hard everywhere for Ned but the mall is not inside Boltons land which reduces their interest greatly.

While visiting the nobles Ned had to explain the sudden wall closing them in. The more honest ones show their relief at being further away from the Iron bornes. The more serious issues of the wall is the responsibility of guarding the gates and the fee charged to those coming in and out.

Arya did a good thing but the amount of work resulting from her actions made Ned Stark feel the years on his body contrary to his physical condition. Fast reflexes, brut strength, everything a man in these troubled times need.

The north has no bandits in the road or they hide deeply now but Ned would like to think that all Northmen have everything they need to live comfortably. The bandits from outside the North had fled during the storm and were closed outside the wall never to return. The North has always been isolated from the rest of Westeros it's just now we welcome it.

Ned is disturbed from his musings by his helper trained even in combat and Arya's squad members said he is 'safe' he comes in after nocking bringing me this coffee they make from coco plants.

It's quiet refreshing and has no alcohol but has a way of making one addicted to it. The wife likes it with with milk like that cereal they like having for breakfast nowadays. He thank him and reach for the cup but he is stoped by the assistant who points to his ear and then to the door.

"How does your hot beverage tastes mi lord?" Ned caught on quick. "Thank you Barcel it tastes wonderful as always." Ned answers as naturally as possible.

It seems someone put something inside the cup hoping Barcel over here did not see it but this young man can see inside this entire building just by standing inside one of it's rooms. When he had passed the interview to be my assistant he and many others who are to serve the rest of the Starks were closed up inside that tower for half a year.

When they came out they looked stronger taller and they looked better on the looks department.

The important thing is that they can percieve threat as if a dog's nose. With one of them for each child Caitlyn Tully of all people allows her children to go out and visit whatever part of the North as long as they come back on time for dinner. Not that she even needed to worry about that since even Ned wouldn't miss dinner time even if you paid him.

The variety of dishes on the table has most of the staff getting fat. Let alone children who are banned from eating too much. Sometimes Ned looks at everything and is surprised he is not in a dream because of how perfect everything seems to be.

Ned looks at his assistant to see if the culprit is out of earshot and with a nod Ned asks. "Who?" Ned is flustered inside because a killer like this who comes in and out without being seen is dangerous beyond a doubt.

"Hired killer, in just this year we have stopped more than 11 assassins hired to kill you alone, most are from across the sea because you are suspected to have discovered how to make glass.

Even though you are not making a profit from it you are giving glass away for free in the North which will decrease it's value if you do that to the rest of Westeros. But this was definitely not them." Ned look at his assistant to elaborate why he thinks so.

"When lady Arya found out her family was being targeted because of her glass she sent her people to take care of it." Ned got worried

"No one was killed. I heard in the bar she owns in the city someone said the glass firms overseas were raided and the secret stolen and then copies of it were spread to all their neighbors and enemies." Ned smiles at the innovative way of punishing evil his daughter got inventive ever since she heard his advice to her not to kill wantonly.

"So who could it be?" Ned asks

"I sent one of the shadow guards to trail him and find out where he goes." Just as he finishes a man materializes out of the window shadows giving Barcel a note then disappearing into the night again.

Barcel gives the note to Ned who has an angry look on his face as soon as he finishes to read it. "Boltons have gone bold again, it seems it is time to treme the bushes." Ned punches a side light table and it turns to pieces of planks on the floor.

"Find out what is in this cup and then get it and make sure it makes it's way to him in a small dose not enough to kill him but enough to incapacitate him, for good." Ned sends a command to the walls and a slight shift occurs but nothing else. Ned has no doubts that his instructions have been heard.

The improvements in the North has solidified the control Winterfell has on the North this must have disturbed the Boltons greatly. Now that all of the North feels indebted to the Starks for the improvements in the conditions. The Boltons probably think if they delay their plans soon they'll be no hope.


Ned Stark is waiting for this friend if you could ready call a king 'friend' and the rest of the party traveling with them. Ned doesn't like it when he sees outsiders in the North just like he doesn't like going to the South. Now not only doe he have to wait on them and serve them but he has to go out to the South with them.

The words may say one thing but Ned knows that he actually has no choice in the matter because he is just a lord and his job is to serve. He will miss his wife, his children and his own comfortable home with indoor latrines that sends the shit away and into the sea.

Going to a hot hell with a shitty smell is not ideal. He wished he had forced Robert to make more friends when they were still young. His daughter has given him what she can. A magic necklace that will never come out she said there is a small world inside the necklace it can put everything he can think of and all he has to do is to think of the item and will it to come out.

She didn't actually give him a chance to decide what to put inside she bought him a boat, she said 'it's a magic boat that will always take you home'. It doesn't need to have a crew or a driver and apparently on the sea no one else can see it except those with Stark blood.

She put boxes of cooked food inside, candied fruits and alcohol. She put furniture in there and lots of clothes in styles of the south but better designs and in his colors. The shoes and socks, bedding, water and the tuns of tissue papers.

Then she put medicine from the normal to the downright magical types so I can have enough for an army apparently. Ned sighs thinking about his daughter who always seem worried when it comes to having him go south. That time she made him warn John not to pry on the kings children or he will die and Ned will be dragged to the South.

Now how does he handle this news in person, his honor demands he tells the king, his friend the truth but he knows now what will happen to him to his children and Robert has not been a good husband or a good king. Over the years Ned's foster father has expressed his disappointment towards Robert.

The way he treats his wife and the number of bastard children he has that John has been sending North with their mothers to keep them safe, the number had reached 21 and still rising. Luckily the North has plenty of houses and space. John said the queen is beside herself looking for the children who would stand in the way of her beloved Jeffery.

Ned understands that their marriage had been an unpleasant affair that occurred to them but they chose to find comfort outside their marriage instead of each other. Arya has spend time when she was still 10 name days trying to change the straightforward way of handling things, if Ned is to go to the south.

Ned will not claim to be changed but now he realizes that people will not be honorable without gain like fools especially if the honorable path will hurt their family. Ned looks at the report about various places in the north that previously couldn't grow food but now has lush vegetation growing on it.

Ned had put up notices if people are interested in renting these places and make a living for themselves. The feedback has been positive so far but the North is rather large there is plenty of land for all who want to give it a try. The land under the control of the Warden of the North has more then tripled making future prospects very favorable for the future generations.

More Stark children will have land to build castles in the future. The old nobles have mended their castles and fixed the decapitated looking structures using the coins they would normally spend in the South. They might not have enlarged their own Castles like the Starks but they look better than in the past. The only missing thing is that damn plumbing.

Ned wonders if Arya can have her people put atleast a single bathroom in a castle. The Northern lords are too envious of the Cerwyn Castle and the others for getting such a good deal.

The most iten on the things to worry about is the Moett that Arya was generous enough to rebuild all 20 towers of the moett.

Making it the strategically place and the most advanced in terms of comfort. She went and put individual bathrooms for each bedroom inside every tower the inside yard is even more beautiful with the various colorful trees and the stone chairs and tables under each tree. She calls it the cherry blossoms forest.

She made large patches of wet land of send a team to plant rice there. At this moment the people living there are all common farmers who have gone through inventive farming techniques that will produce more yield.

The rice produced this year from that place alone is astronomical to the point I have put most of my hope for future food supply into that piece of land making the overall value of the Motte that much higher.

The promising news come from the training grounds according to Ser Rodric they are ready for blood. Soldiers have a specific diet now highly recommended by Arya and approved by Rodric. The a mount of meat that goes into these soldiers is surprising to say the least but Ned can not argue with the results.

Ever since they improved their lives and changed the relax manner the soldiers were treating training they have put on some visible muscles and the power they pack individually is not something a human should have but everyone accredited all the strength to the painful medicinal baths they had to go through every once in a while not to forget the elixir.

They also know the extra reflexes and speed comes from the elixir they are give. However they are well aware of who is more powerful in the entire Winterfell and that is the Arya's team. What makes Ned content is that the army has grown several times what it used to be over the years and they are all very loyal to house Starks as if it's second nature.

There were rats slipping in here and there but they are always caught. The soldiers understand that they need to keep a low profile when the royals come and be normal in terms of speed and strength, match the Southerners but never seem faster or more flexible than a normal humans. Show them we are better but don't show them we are freaks.


Finally the slow party is here, I have been bored out of my mind waiting for them on top of a tower. I can see with a vivid vision all their expressions I quickly search for the biggest one there and I find him, not exactly like his TV version while he is without a doubt fat he is a formidable sight. Even after so many years no, wait that is the mountain. Darn it my mistake.

For self entertainment purposes I sent out one of my men who is in charge in this gate to greet our royals. I sit up straight, it's starting. This guy had no tongue when I found him mutilated by a Southerner group of bandits now he enjoys messing with people using his tongue.

Luke I named him when he refused to tell me his name, I heard others in the squad saying he was targeted by his family's bastard child so he could take his place. Poor Luke even his body was too weak when he came, that was not from the attack he just had a weak constitution.

"Hellow there young night, we seek entry into your gate, my name is..." he doesn't get to finish as Luke starts talking.

"Jaime Lannister? no wait ser Ser Jaime Lannister, Mandon Moore, Boros Blount, Preston Greenfield, ...?"

The man looked stunned for a moment but Luke starts talking again "I have seen three royal parties in the last week so if you don't mind something more substantial to prove your group's identity would be great." Luke says and the man's mouth opens and close before he turns around and goes to the carriages.

Then a lone rider come close followed by a smaller rider trailing behind with a puffed up chest. The first rider must be a guard to protect the man behind him, when the man in the large horse came he had no intention of stopping his horse before it smashed Luke.

Luke just released his cultivation and the horse started getting out of control making the large man jump from the saddle backwards, his feet landing on the ground hard but the ground did not get a scratch making the man on the smaller horse run backwards still on his horse.

The lucky thing is that they were not directly following each other otherwise there would have been a mess. The mountain of a man got very angry with his horse but he has killed more of his horses before and now he is just too angry so he goes straight for the door man with his long sword drawn.

There are shouts of 'fight' 'fight' 'fight' from the top of the tower, a lot of guards on both sides have come to watch. The guests are surprised that no one is coming to save the Northman who is about to face a man three times his size. Some are saying they will send flowers to his grave on his name day. Others are just shout 'giant' 'giant' making Luke roll his eyes.

"That's it, No one is allowed to the fairies for two....no, three months. And double training for all of you." Then he heard a loud Caugh and corrected his statement. "Not you mi lady never you." He wiped an imaginary sweat.

When the soldiers heard that from their captain they groaned and started rooting for the giant. "Captain no, we didn't do anything."

"Yeah. Captain don't get mad at us just because a Southerner is a little taller."

"Yeah. We even promised you flowers, how could you do this to us?"

Others just started cursing.

"You suck Captain. Giant man make our captain go to the embrace of the old gods."

"Yeah big guy, we believe in you."

"Southerner show us your anger."

"Give us your truth."

"We love you big guy, take our captain to the old gods."

The mountain doesn't even hear anything he reaches the captain who has already drawn his spear and is running towards the mountain with swift speed. A sword met a spear. The mountain 's momentum was put on a halt when the sharp edges of both weapons met. Luke smiles at the big man. "Like he said, show me your truth."

With a movement of his arms holding the spear the long sword was tossed to the sky but the hilt is still firmly inside the mountain's hands.

The mountain got angrier when he saw the little boy smiling at him and used the momentum of the sword's fall to attempt cutting this man in half from the head down.

Luke uses the superior quality of the spear's long body, he grabbed the long spear on both ends and defended his head. The long sword came down slashing and hit the spear making a loud and harsh metal against metal sound.

Luke jumps up keeping the long sword on top of his spear and kicked the mountain on this chest with speed that the mountain can not meet so he was taken by surprise when such a small man is able to make him fall back without a possibility to remain standing. There's also a dull pain in the chest that was just ruthlessly kicked in a moment ago.

A large body hit the ground with a loud thud. Gregory releases a resounding grunt expressing his anger but he is quick to use his sword to try and hack the smaller man standing on his chest. But Luke is quicker, he stomps on the ribs hearing them crack under his foot but he miscalculated the mountain's pain tolerance.

The sword still moves to almost cut his waist, Luke jumps out of range giving the mountain much needed space. Luke doesn't rush him as he is still on the ground but cycles him while playing with his spear spinning it like a kungfu master.

The mountain finally gets on his feet but the long sword has gotten heavier because of the cracked ribs. He grunts and throws it to the side but Luck does not throw away his spear, the spear is a weapon of distance which is perfect to use against an opponent of strength like this one.

The mountain walks straight toward Luke without a shield or a strategy to avoid the upcoming sharp edge of the spear. Without remose Luke stabs that which he can reach and he twist the handle. What he could reach is the side of the stomach, that could be a kidney.

The mountain stops for a light moment and then takes the spear launched deep in his flesh and pulls it out releasing a fountain of bright red blood.

Luke allowed him to pull it out but did not let it go so when it was pulled out luck yanked it right out of his hand leaving a deep cut on Gregory's hand.

He is bloodied but he is still standing and is walking towards Luke though slower this time he still has clear purpose in his steps. Luke doesn't run and when Gregory is in a kicking distance he tries to swipe Luke with his right foot which is a little awkward since Luck is standing on his right, but that is where he was stabbed a moment ago.

Luke kicks him back with brutal force making a crack sound when the two feet meet in the air. Those watching sucked in cold air as they anticipate what will happen since that foot that is hanging helplessly in the air as if it had its strings cut off will have to get back to the ground and support the large man as he stands there. And the moment of truth came, the foot stood firm contrary to popular belief.

The mountain poses for a slit second but still walks forward. Luke realizes the man is crazy so he stops holding back and starts attacking instead of defending. He stated a stabbing game of 'stab the closest body part' but the damn mountain does not stop.

Every time the mountain tries to reach Luke he slips away from him and stabs him a hole shaped like a spear. The mountain stays on his feet but a few minutes later he is full of wholes and the blood on the road is equal to a small bed of water. The crowd has gone completely silent.

A while later the mountain just dropped and closed his eyes. There were shouts from both sides and the difference is obvious one side is happy while the other side is not happy.

Luke slaps him in the face with his spear "Are you still alive big buddy? Don't make he stab another hole just to make sure. I can feel your life force, if you pretend any more I'll start increasing the number of wholes." The mountain doesn't answer so Luke stabs his arm.

The mountain screeches and sits up in pain. "Get up and go back, you are not welcome in the North." Luke says with his signature smile back in place.

"Says who? He is here to protect the King, are you disputing the king?" The smaller man clad in golden armor walks to the mountain helping him stand.

"Bring it!" Luke doesn't even look at the talking man but shouted to his men on the tower. Soon a runner came currying a thick book which Luke took and opened, stopped at a certain page and started reading.

"Ser Gregory Clegane born 264 AC at Clegane's keep in the western lands. The Mountain that rides, Tywin's mad dog known for his temper, and his terrible treatment of the fairer sex, loves killing children and raping women and then massacre their entire family and burning down their homes." Luke shows the painting with the mountain's face in it.

The other man looks at the picture "His wearing armor how do you know that's him?"

"I have my ways, give him this pill it will were off in a day but it will help him walk out of here." The other man catches the mall bottle with a single pill inside and with taking it out looks back at Luke.

"How do I trust this is not poison?"

"Why would I need poison to kill a dying dog?"

The man shrugs and feeds Gregory the pill, a moment later Gregory wakes up and starts walking towards the carriages with a trail of blood following him.

"Fine he will go back, what about the rest of us?" Luke looks on the tower and he looks back to the knight with a smile. "You can come in." Jaime looks to the tower but doesn't say anything. He goes back and lets the rest of them come in.

When the royal party came in there is another carriage going the opposite direction. Luke opens the large gate letting them through, he hears a loud screeching noise "And you let these savages do as they please to our men? What were you doing just staring at them as he makes several holes into Ser Greagor?"

"Lower your voice woman my head is killing me and your voice is horrid. If you don't shut up yourself I'll make you." A grumbling voice says.

They ride for a few minutes but everyone can feel that the carriages do not make loud sounds and they are steady. They all without fail even the hang over king opens the window and everyone is shocked at the sight of the ....well everything outside. The road is black as if a black shining snake between a white world of snow.

Thats not all, there are colorful trees against the white snow flanking the sides of the road, under some of these trees are what seems to be chairs and tables with a wooden cover sheltering them. Infact some have people sitting and talking while occasionally glancing at their group but ultimately without much interest.

What is going on? Since when does the North have such a beautiful road and such exotic sights? Soon the surprises got more and more outrageous the king is already sitting watching outside the carriage window without saying a single word. There is a rare serious look on his face that even the queen is surprised by it.

Then she realizes that he also didn't know the North had turned into this beautifu with obvious prosperity, but he is the king their own king. She realizes this is a perfect opportunity to drive a wedge between close friends and mabey if she plays her card right she will have her own father be the hand of the king again, as it should have been in the first place.

"My king, you never told me the north is such a beautiful place, father would have me thinking of this place as the land with no proper land to grow food, with it's people plagued by hunger and despair. Clearly he was wrong." The king ignores her for a moment but then answers her honestly.

"It was all those things when I last saw it. Any food they may have grown was robbed by those Iron borne raiders. This wall must be big help with that." The last part was said in a whisper but she heard it.

"Strange, the taxes they pay to the crown has not increased much with all this prosperity, it appears he have thievery among the Warden lords my love. This must be punished severely." The king looks at her with distaste.

"Why can't you open your mouth and speak kindly? for all your beauty yet you are a hateful woman to your core ain't you? I wonder sometimes when I'm sober enough to actually look at my wife. Why is such a beautiful face full of poison?"

The king opt to ignore her the rest of the way but she wasn't disappointed because she knows something this drastic will cause him doubt no matter his faith in their friendship. Robert is actually thinking if the North is going to declare independence soon, then he can get war under his name before he dies from whoring and drinking.

Truthfully speaking Robert has always been envious of his friend Ned who has a beautiful wife who loves him and children he can be proud of. He doesn't even have a proper heir, that little shit enjoys torturing whores and skinning cats. Which brings him to the other potential heir who is weak willed and soft at heart. He might die without having a son he is proud of.

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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