Ori helps himself to the area, stealing Shards, Ammunition, Drugs, and whatever else the targets had on them. He'd even klepped a sturdy, if bloody, Synth-leather jacket that was only marred with a couple bullet holes.
After everything's cleaned up, Ori turns his attention to Max who was having a cig off at the side, "Hey, what do we do with that?" he points at the remaining workable vehicle, one that hadn't taken all that much damage despite everything.
Max shrugs, "Usually we just leave 'em, not worth the hassle..." he continues upon spotting Ori's confused face, "Anythin' those guys did in that car, you'll have done if you're seen drivin' it around. Somethin' like that bucket of scrap ain't worth the risk... Why? You thinkin' of takin' it as your own?"
Ori nods, "Yeah... Need something other than the NCARTs to get around, I won't always get partners willing to drive me around on jobs."
"'That so...?" Max idly questions, flicking the cig away as he walks over to the car. "A Thorton G240, I think... Hard to tell under all this paint." he stomps down on the rear licence plate, breaking it off, "I've got some spray paints in the back of my ride, paint this gang-shit over and remove any identification and it'll do... Just don't drive it ouside'a Watson 'n Kabuki, NCPD might actually give a shit if you do."
Ori stops rubbing his now thoroughly itching arm and grins, "You sure? Thanks."
The vat sniffs and goes for another cig, "Don't mention it... I mean it, if the cops ask I was never here. Smoke?" he offers.
"Yeah..." Ori relents, been a while since he had one thanks to the bots, and he was sure they'd not try to mess with him now that they'd had a chat.
Max lights their cigs up and click a button on his keys, causing his car to drive into the lot on its own. "Aight, Six should be finished takin' pics of these guys' faces. Let's get this finished, you should get that arm looked at too.
Ori brings the G240 to a shuddering halt outside his and Bats' apartment before sheepishly getting out... He may have overestimated his driving abilities somewhat. Driving around a lot with his dad in the passenger seat was very different to playing chicken with the road-raging assholes and crazy gang members around Kabuki.
He'd almost driven into people on the sidewalk multiple times, and he wasn't helped by one of his car's tires being shredded by grenade shrapnel, only making the thing more unwieldy. He'd only noticed this problem after he'd spray-painted the car completely black to cover up the gang symbols.
"Whatever, wheels are wheels, no matter how fucked up they are.
He unwraps the bloody bandages around his arm as he steps into the apartment, picking out the flattened lead bullets now protruding from his new healthy, if somewhat pale, skin. Hm, the bots were getting more efficient... Must be their new knowledge of the human anatomy... Speaking of which...
He tosses his new weapon and bag of goodies to the side and drops into the couch, "Collective, what changes have you made to my brain?"
[No Permanent Modification have yet been made, Alteration required for Suggested Modification to Host: Flesh Administrator]
"How much of my body does the 'Collective' have access to?"
[Host Integration is at 95%, Placements in Cerebral Cortex, Occipital Lobe, Amygdala, and Thalamus require utmost precision]
"Strange, I don't remember including such in-depth infor-oh, duh... Mind control bots..." he mutters to himself, of course they'd have a categoric understanding and comprehension of that aspect of human physiology. They were literally designed for it. "I forbid any permanent changes from being made to my brain. Anything at all needs my express permission first." he quickly states.
Modifying his body was one thing, but allowing them to mess with what made him, him, was a terrifying prospect. From what he knew, one slight deviation from something seemingly inconsequential could drastically alter his personality. If he was in his right mind during the firefight, he wouldn't have allowed the bots to manipulate his emotions so easily...
[Permission Request, Ability to Alter Brain Structure Essential for most Modifications: Flesh Administaror]
"Too bad, just focus on the body." he sharply responds but pauses at the sound of a beep, a message appearing at the corner of his vision.
[Heya buddy, er, some problems... Got a moment?] - Spekchroom
"Change ID to Speks." he mentally commands.
[Problems?] - Ori
[XDXD you are not going to believe this but u 3 actually missed a guy...] - Speks
[That ain't fucking funny. Where's my cash.] - Ori quickly texts back.
[... Weell, the client refuses to pay unless u finish the job. BUT GOOD NEWS! The guy should be is Kabuki market RIGHT NOW! So... If u could? Pls? Pretty pls?] - Speks
[What about the others?] - Ori
[Ah. Well... XD you no how they are, didnt want to bother them with sumthing like this.] - Speks
[You mean you're too shit-scared of them to break the bad news?] - Ori
[XDXD you are too funny my choom! But rly, could u pls? Ill pay u 5% extra from my part... Pls?] - Speks
Ori rubs his face in thought, the job earlier had been stupidly easy thanks to Max and Six. Without them he was cautious of stepping out of line, he didn't know if they'd take it as an insult if he finished the job without them... Not to mention if he could even do it in the first place... At least he had an actual weapon now though, right?
[Tell me where the guy is and I'll think about it.] - Ori
[He's sharing drinks at the stall next BJ's Meat and Burger, should be able to just cruise by, gun him down, and delta away with no problem!] - Speks
He actually knew where that was... Not far at all from his apartment actually. But he wasn't willing to waste his new vehicle on it, especially with how close it was. His car was pretty conspicuous and would get noticed pretty quick by whoever wanted to retaliate.
[10%] - Ori
[Done! Just kill that guy and we gud! Go, getem before he leaves!!!! tytytyty] - Speks
"Douchebag." Ori palms his face.
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Faruk Ereng
VidDav FerDeL
Ori slinks through Kabuki market with a hood pulled over his head, his new M221 Saratoga hidden inconspicuously under his new jacket. It was late in the afternoon and the sky was dimming, allowing the many lights of the market to illuminate the area.
It was actually busier at this time than at any point in the day, everyone coming out to drink, fuck, or fight. He was already wearing the Scav holomask, but he hadn't activated it yet to avoid early detection...
He continues along the Kabuki roundabout until he spots the dimly lit sign of BJ's Meat and Burger, unfortunately for them, they'd probably have to shut down for tonight after Ori was done with the target.
Speks had thankfully sent a picture of the guy he had to off, some Asian-looking dude called Yang with minimal-visible Cyberware, a colourful shirt, and tracksuit bottoms.
There were a couple stalls around BJ's, but it wasn't hard to spot his target, drinking in the middle of a group of his friends, loudly speaking on various subjects, most of which he didn't seem to have a clue about.
"I told her, 'Woman if you think you can find better than me, go ahead! Show them your flabby ass and fake tits, I do not give a fu-ck!'" the man boisterously remarks as his buddies laugh along. He takes a deep drink of his beer, "And guess what!? Ten minutes later I see the whore walkin' outta the bar with two guys! I mean, what the hell is that!? Sure she had enough meat for three or more men, but go-od damn!"
Ori steps closer but gets a message from the Nanites...
[Permission Request Emotional Suppression, Heartrate Increased, Stress Response Rising: Flesh Administrator]
"No. I'll do it on my own." Ori whispers under his breath, determined to not become completely reliant on the bots. If he needed them to fuck with his brain just to stop him from having a mental breakdown, he was already too far gone.
"Just shows you datin' outta your league, Yang!"
Yang shakes his head and laughs, "No way! Just that all you bozos have such low standards!" he looks to the stall over and slides the beer away, "Boss-man, another dri-" he's interrupted as Ori steps behind him however, the Scav mask active and showing a crackling smiling face with X's for eyes.
"Yo what the fu-" one of Yang's friends exclaims just as Ori pulls his M221 Submachine Gun outta his jacket and opens fire.
Yang's body instantly slumps forward as bullets shred his body, all of his friends instantly flee and the only one who stays is the stall owner who'd thrown himself to the ground.
Ori keeps firing until he'd expended his entire magazine, he steps back with heavy breaths and almost forgets to take a picture before running away, ducking into a nearby alleyway to find a quiet place to hide.
[Job's done, now I want my pay.] - Ori
[Yeh yeh boi! Good shit good shit! Lemme just confirm with the client and we be preemo!] - Speks
Ori looks down at himself and his clothes still spattered with the man's blood. "Sorry bud, it was you or me." he disingenuously mutters while taking the chance to reload his weapon.
[Ey... Sooooo... Bad news...] - Speks
[You tell me that was the wrong guy and I'm coming for you, dumb bastard!] - Ori
[Nono! Right guy, but client says we got more one more to off.] - Speks
[10%] is all Ori replies with, tired of this fucking idiot Fixer... Shit information, shit client, shit job.
[Whaaat, that leaves me with only 10% choom! cmon!] - Speks
[You accept it, not for the job, but for Max and Six to not find out. GET IT] - Ori
[FINE! I thought we were chooms but whatevs! Here's the guy's photo, he should be in his home at-
Ori walks up the apartment stairs until he reaches the third floor, the large hallway was thankfully empty as he approaches the 154th door and stands outside of it... He takes a deep breath and knocks on it a couple times.
The door gets slid open by a teenage girl around Ori's age, both just stare at each other in surprise, him at her and her at the holographic scav mask...
"Jess!? Who is it!?" a male voice calls from inside the apartment, drawing Ori's attention.
"That Darren?" he questions, his voice modulated by the mask.
"W-who's askin'?" she shoots back, but whimpers when he retrieves his gun from inside his jacket.
"I'm askin'. Answer."
"Y-yeah, it is... D-don't hurt me! I don't even like him that much!" she quietly exclaims, running past Ori without even her shoes...
Shaking his head, Ori steps inside and shuts the door behind him, walking into the living room where Darren was lying half-naked across the couch playing some retro video games on his TV.
"Who was it then Jess-..." the blonde-haired man pauses when he spots Ori, eyes widening. "Y-yo! I don't know who the fuck you are but I can pay whatever you want!" he falls off of his couch and hurriedly pushes himself away, "I got Eddies! J-just name your price!"
"Ten thousand."
"W-what!?-" he starts but his objection trails off when Ori points his gun at his head. "I-I don't have that kinda cash to throw around! F-five thousand... I can give that!"
"Fine." he pulls out a Shard and tosses it to the man, not wanting the cash to get traced back to him. The man dutifully does as he's told and hands the shard back to him with a sheepish smile. "S-so we good?"
"Yeah, we go-"
He shoots a hole into the guys face, no point in ruining his reputation by showing kindness to some douchebag. If Ori had the time he'd snoop around the apartment for anything to steal, but he imagined the NCPD or whoever the guy was affiliated with would be on their way.
Ori makes it to the front door only to pause as he hears a commotion on the other side, a familiar female voice all but shrieking.
"In there! In there! He's gonna hurt Darren! Do somethin'!"
He sighs, that's what he gets for showing mercy... He only hoped that 'Darren' was worth sacrificing their lives for.
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
If you like my content or want to read ahead please go to : https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross, I'd appreciate it.
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Faruk Ereng
VidDav FerDeL
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