52.5% Teen Mage in Teen Wolf / Chapter 21: Ch. 21 Everything is Normal…

บท 21: Ch. 21 Everything is Normal…

"Don't tell me not to freak out when you drove my son's car here and have his keys" Ada points a pepper spray at Myrddin's face.

"Fair enough, but I was talking you not to freak out about to what I was going to tell you, mom" Myrddin takes a step back moves his hair to the front so Ada can see the red.

"What is this? S-some kind of other cruel joke? Haven't you kids hurt my son enough already? What did you do with him?!" Ada shouts.

"Mom, it's actually me. Myrddin Carwyn Wyllt. Your real name is Adhan but you prefer Ada and only dad really calls you Adhan sometimes. My sister is Gwenddyd Trinity Wyllt. I was born on June 6th, 1995. Uhhh, what else would only I know. Oh! You actually built this house when you were first starting out as an architect! Uhh, Dad was forced to give a presentation when we called him after I passed my driving test and he watched as I uncovered my car and left almost immediately after that…. I know. My eyes were getting worse and worse every year and they predicted I would go blind before I graduated high school" Myrddin tries to convince his mom.

"Myr?" Ada lowers her arm holding the pepper spray.

"Maybe this will help?" Myrddin takes his glasses from his collar and puts them on. Even with the heavy distortion from the glasses his eyes still see everything almost normal.

"What happened to you?!" Ada drops the pepper spray and begins patting Myrddin down. "Did you get abducted by aliens?!"

"That might explain this better than I could" Myrddin pushes his shirt down after his mom lifts it up.

Ada grabs his face and forces him to look in every direction. "And how exactly would you explain this?!"

"I uh… err. Puberty?" Myrddin almost closes his left eye while his right eyebrow archs up.

"You don't just change overnight! Did you take some new type of drug?!" Ada grabs his hair and pulls on it.

"Owowow! Mom, I didn't take any drugs. I haven't eaten anything since your meatloaf last night that Gwen stuck her nose up at. It was delicious by the way" Myrddin tries to get her to let go of his hair.

Ada opens her mouth but no words come out. She takes Myrddin's glasses off and pry his eyes open.

"Mom, mom. Mom. Mom!" Myrddin tries to stop her but can't and just suffers through it as she forced his eyes open and looks at them.

She lets his eyes free after a few moments and hugs her son. "Whatever happened, I'm glad you're ok. You are ok right? Does anything hurt?"

Myrddin puts his right arm around his mom while his left hand covers his eyes while they adjust back to normal for a few seconds. "I feel better than ok. It's indescribable. I don't need my glasses anymore. I feel full of energy. I feel like I'm on the top of the world"


"I feel like a test subject…" Myrddin is sitting on the edge of a bed in the Beacon Hills Hospital with his shoulders slouched. "… or a pin cushion…"

"What did you expect me to do?! Just accept that my son grew 4 inches overnight and became the Winter Cadet?!" Ada is sitting on a chair across from her son.

"It's Soldier. But technically your talking about Captain… you don't know what I'm talking about in the slightest" Myrddin gives up explaining his comics to her.

"Nope" Ada is texting on her phone. She's trying to explain this to Sebastian but she doesn't know how. She's written an essay but it's all over the place.

"Did you tell Gwen?" Myrddin asks to try and change the topic. It wasn't the best topic change, but it's something.

"Did I tell Gwen? Did I tell her WHAT? And WHAT do I tell your father?! I don't even know what's happening!" Ada collapses back onto the back of the chair and rests her head on the wall.


"Perhaps I could help with that?" A doctor walks in with a clipboard in-hand and a stethoscope around his neck. "Murtenn Welt right?"

Myrddin hangs his head a little. "Close enough, just call me Myr"

"Sorry about that, Myr. I've got the results back on a few of the tests. Sorry it's taken so long but we had to double, triple, and quadruple check them" The doctor flips through what looks like a final review packet from 6 classes.

"Is it that bad?! Oh my God!" Ads covers her mouth.

The doctor shakes his head. "I didn't mean to scare you Miss. your son is actually perfectly healthy. Actually, he's even healthier than that. All his levels came back normal except his testosterone and a few other chemicals but that's perfectly normal and within the range of teenagers going through puberty. He isn't on any drugs or anything. And the only concerning thins is he might be a little dehydrated. I can't think of any reason why he would suddenly grow, but they say kids grow in the blink of an eye"

"But this wasn't in the blink of an eye! I know what my son looked like yesterday, and now he's like some super soldier" Ada voices her concerns loudly.

"Ma'am. The tests were quadruple checked and he's better than healthy. Sometimes these things happen. We here at the hospital witness a ton of miracles. We may not have answers, but sometimes you won't get any. We will give you a call when the other tests come back but I Have a feeling it's just going to be more of the same good news for you" The doctor shrugs his shoulders. "If you don't have any questions for me you're free to go whenever you like. Make sure to stop by the front desk and they'll release you from there"

Myrddin puts his hand on his mother's hand. "See? Nothing is wrong"

"I don't know how nothing can be wrong…" Ada lowers her head.

"Let's just chalk it up to this being a miracle. Look at it like this, I won't be going blind. I'm fit. The healthiest I've been in my life. And I'm still me. I also didn't become dumber. There isn't any negatives" Myrddin tries to convince his mom.

"The fact that there are no negatives is what's worrying me the most" Ada squeezes his hand lovingly and full of concern that he might disappear if she lets him go.

"That's a fair point. And I know it's your job as a mom to worry. If things don't feel right at any point I'll go straight to the hospital. Deal?" Myrddin gets off the bed and kneels down in front of his mom.

Ada looks at her son and the old him flashes through her mind. She smiles and wipes a tear from her eye before it can fall. "I remember you making that same promise before…"

"When I was covered in that red concoction right? Maybe this is the worlds way of apologizing for that. The way it is correcting the wrong it has done unto me" Myrddin smiles rubs his thumb over her hand.

Ada takes a deep breath. "Fine… but I still don't know how to describe this to anyone…"

"Ehhh… neither do I. Guess I'll be keeping my hair like this for when we tell Deaton, Dad, and Gwen" Myrddin moves his head down and shakes his hair for emphasis.

Ada puts her right hand on Myrddin's head. "Guess we better tell them soon then"


Telling everyone was repetitive. They didn't think he was actually Myrddin. But after telling them things that only he would know they were convinced.

Convincing Gwen was the easiest. Having mom tell Gwen this is her brother now was enough for Gwen. But that doesn't mean she was fully convinced. She thought they were on a hidden camera tv show for a few weeks before it actually sunk in. But at that point Myrddin was back to treating her like a stranger.

Seabastian probably was the happiest. He could tell that Myrddin was much happier now, and he also talked to him in private about a few things. Myrddin bragged that he already got a girls phone number. It was some pleasant bonding between the father and son. His dad kept asking questions about who was there, where he was when this happened, when it happened, why it happened. There wasn't much Myrddin could really say. His mom thought he out for some early morning relaxation around town in one of his secluded spots since his car was gone when she woke up. And he couldn't tell his dad he was almost killed and slept next to a giant magical stump.

Deaton was the most suspicious. But after Myrddin perfectly recited some of the things Deaton personally taught him, some of the advice Deaton gave him, and Myrddin being treated fondly by the animals he was convinced. He didn't care for the hair and even made a bald joke.

Caval actually enjoyed the new Myrddin quite a bit. Now their runs through the woods were longer, although Myrddin didn't push his body to its limits yet. And there was more room for Caval to put its head now. Caval could play a bit rougher as well. Although, Caval didn't push it since it knew Myrddin was still human.


He got his hair cut. No more red on the top of his head. There was a quick debate in his head to have the tips be left red or not, but he just wanted to forget about that 'Carrie' incident for good. And he's glad he did. Having shorter hair felt significantly better. And it also made him look better as well.

Ada took him shopping and helped him pick out some fashionable clothes. He tried to stop her but there was no way she was letting her son getting out of being her personal model. Myrddin wonders if he can limit how many fashion shows she watches.

At the end of their shopping spree he realized most of his clothes were black or white. But that probably just makes it easier for him since he doesn't have to worry about what color does and doesn't go with what. Ada also said that he's like his father in that he looks good in almost everything he wears. Almost because a dress really wouldn't mesh well with him or his father.

His wardrobe was set for the year, and it was good because none of his old clothes fit at all. He might have been able to squeeze them in but that would have been torture.

As for what Myrddin did for the rest of August, he spent it trying to understand his 'powers'. He didn't exactly know what to call them. He still got a few visions, but they were pointless. Like he saw what his mom was cooking for dinner later in the week or that Gwen stubs her toe walking up the stairs.

There were some commands he was able to learn from the whisper. But no matter what it was he had to do it on his own first. Sometimes the whispers have him hints but he was forced to study and go through many trials and errors.

He found the limitations of Venire. It was basically limited telekinesis or something.

And there were a few other things.

His magic has progressed a considerable degree. And while the magic is enhanced when he uses the twig, now named wand, it isn't required. He can do magic without hand gestures and without words. But the hand gestures and words make them more powerful.

He's been able to go back to the giant stump whenever he wants. But he hasn't been able to find the body. At first he was worried the beast would still be near there, but he figured he would be safe with his magic and new body after 2 weeks. At least safe enough to run to the giant stump to get away.

He hasn't found anything. It's not like he exactly remembers where the woman's body was anyway. But she has been reported missing.

On a different note, it turns out that burned down house is the Hale house. Some creepy stuff went down 6 years ago but not much information about it was available.

Myrddin started using the back door to the Vet Clinic. When he touched the gate he got some phantom pain from his splinter or something. It wasn't bad, just like some mild irritation. It was just easier to open it with his foot or use the back.

As he started up working back at the clinic after a week break there was an increase in repeat customers. Or repeat visits. And more women came into the clinic than in the past.

Deaton certainly wasn't complaining about getting more clients. He was making more money after all.

Myrddin didn't run into Scott at the clinic at all really. During the summer Myrddin took the morning shifts while Scott took the afternoon / night shifts.

There was only really one problem.

He was getting hornier. And it was getting harder and harder to calm down. But it's not impossible. Stacy's phone number tempted him on more than one occasion, but he changed his focus to something else. Like trying to control his spell 'Ignis'.

As Myrddin spent more time testing his body in smaller ways he realized a few things. One was that his reflexes were crazy. And his intuition as well. He didn't know how to, or particularly want to, test his healing.

But there were many occasions that he accidentally got to see it. And it was near instant. As soon as he accidentally cut himself on the finger it would close as if it wasn't just gushing blood a moment ago.

Yeah, that cut would have definitely needed stitches and a long time to heal without his healing.

His healing also worked with the fatigue his body felt which is both good and bad. It helped reduce his recovery time for anything related to his body. Meaning the lactic acid buildup in his muscles disappears quickly and takes longer to build up. His breathing returns to normal faster. Even his recovery time between shots is reduced. Which is both good and bad.

And everybody reading knows what a man shoots out of his body.

But this was weird. It was like his libido was on overdrive and was endless. He wasn't kidding when he messing around when he realized he was getting hornier and hornier.

His body never changed. It was the same everyday. Absolutely brimming with energy. It didn't matter what he ate or drank. There was no special diet or limitations on what he could or couldn't eat. And he could eat as much or as little as he wishes. Not feeling hungry was weird, but it's not like he fasted to see when he would get hungry. He ate his 3 meals a day and drank plenty of water.


The night before school starts up

Myrddin was making a stress ball float around his room with his finger when he had a vision.

In it he was standing on the side of a road leading into Beacon Hills that cuts through the Preserve. He looked up and down the road but saw nothing. Even looking into the Preserve didn't help him. He did see the moon though, it was a waxing gibbous.

After a minute he sees a car coming down the road. Everything was fine and dandy until Scott just jumps out from nowhere in front of the car.

Myrddin's usual vision returns and he sees the stress ball on his desk. He gets up and looks out his window and stares at the almost full moon. The waxing gibbous.

Quade_The_Unknown Quade_The_Unknown

2,668 words

This one was a little weird, hope you enjoy.

I’m not going to write a training montage of him figuring out his magic. Just a little update here and there and then anything major will be actually written out. (This is my plan at least)

PLEASE recommend some songs from 2011 and before 2011. I’m gonna try sticking with music from the time of the show. (or let me know if you guys don’t care and I’ll just throw in any good songs)

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