Macka Bree, head scientist of the BAL of the OSI felt like he was having a brain aneurysm... News had just broken about the NCR's catastrophic loss in the Mojave, and that they were pulling all forces from it immediately... Considering his rather close proximity to the Mojave, he'd had hoped that they would have warned him sooner! Sure, sending encrypted radio signals to the base took some time, but it doesn't mean he can't complain about it!
Plus the fact that one of the people that'd defeated and utterly humiliated the NCR happened to be someone he'd offended in almost every manner possible, he wanted to escape as soon as it was even remotely possible.
Unfortunately, due to the type of work they did at the facility, they needed to get many subjects either ready for transport, or incineration. Ultimately the choice was up to him, but while he was worried for his own safety, the progress they'd made on the various experimental subjects was extensive! It'd be a catastrophic disaster to their work if they were forced to incinerate them without properly studying them first!
Thus, he'd chosen to transport their experiments back to New California, and hope that no one would notice the random heavy convoy appearing from nowhere. He wanted to leave alongside the rest of the Mojave troops, but due to how long it'd take to anaesthetize the subjects and ready them for transport in properly equipped cages.
Fortunately, the NCR's ventures in the Mojave hadn't been completely futile. The BAL had come away with a Cybernetics expert in their captive Usanagi. He'd proudly pit his creations up against the Brotherhood of Steel now that they'd been augmented both biologically and mechanically... Though, he was still unsure how they'd stack up against Bulwark... From the radio he'd heard horror stories of the battle, thousands of indestructible robots fitted with incredibly powerful weapons? Their soldiers all equipped with armour better than even the Enclaves? Or their leader who was apparently a Psyker like himself?
Macka shakes his head and continues shredding files and packing away his equipment, hopefully they'd be out by tomorrow if they worked efficiently, that'd prevent anyone from apprehending them beforeha-
The loud sound of lightning occurs from outside, causing Macka to accidentally toss his half-shredded papers in the air. "W-what was that!?" he mutters while getting up and heading to the surveillance room.
The sound of discharging ballistic weaponry only makes his feet speed up, worried about who'd managed to find the secret facility...
He quickly reaches the surveillance room and looks at the wall of monitors which were displaying everything inside and outside the facility...
Most of the facility was actually underground, with the only thing visible from the surface a large, heavily fortified metal door peaking from a rocky mountain face... It looked somewhat reminiscent of a Vault, but more for private use than the one's housing Vault Dwellers...
Outside, he could see hundreds of armoured giants... Super mutants if he had to guess, all marching towards the facility... He turns an angry glare at the NCR trooper who was supposed to be keeping an eye on this, how the fuck did an army slowly march up without him alerting everyone?!
"S-sir! They appeared out of nowhere! Lighting hit the ground and they appeared from it! I swear!" the trooper quickly explains, hoping to not become another subject of the sick man's experiments.
The man's words cut Macka short, he'd heard rumours of how Bulwark travels so quickly, and lightning just so happens to signal their arrival, as if they were some sort of Transylvanian monster... Perhaps the trooper wasn't as incompetent as he first anticipated. "Keep an eye on the cameras and coordinate with the others to defend the facility! If you don't, we're all going to die here!" Macka commands.
It was well known that the facility only had one exit(that the others knew about), Macka knew a hidden exit but wasn't going to alert anyone about it as his research was far more important than their lives. He clenches his fist and feels his control over his body and other organic material tighten, becoming more controlled as he focuses on it... Perhaps he'd have to reveal his special abilities to his colleagues?... In the NCR's current state, it would be incredibly stupid of them to try dissect or capture him, especially when he could work for their own interests...
Hmm. He didn't know if the NCR troopers stationed at the base would be able to hold off a hundred or so Supermutants, so it'd be best if he prepared for his own battle... Nodding to himself, he quickly leaves for his laboratory, specifically where the test subjects were held.
Outside :
Afton, Marcus, and the army of Supermutants had just arrived outside the OSI facility and were now quickly marching towards the front entrance of the facility. He'd already noticed the cameras hidden around the area, but ignored them as in the end, they wouldn't really matter in the upcoming battle.
"Marcus, lead the others and make sure you only kill only individuals not on the list I provided you. I don't have to tell you how upset I'd get if you disobeyed such a simple order." Afton states, eyeing Marcus with an appraising glare.
Marcus just nods, "I'll have the men remember it, what will you do in the meantime?"
Afton looks back at the entrance of the facility, "I'll open the entrance for you, after that I'll sneak into the base and look for some people. Try not to get killed while I'm gone." he states as he breaks into a sprint towards the entrance.
As soon as he approaches the entrance to the facility, auto-turrets appear from the rocky mountain wall, all firing at him with high calibre bullets.
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
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Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Nazlican Erdem
Justin David
In response to the auto-turrets firing at him, he just raises his arms and activates the shield-projectors hidden in his wrist plates. The shield is big enough to encompass the front of his body, while also preventing any stray bullets from flying towards the Supermutants behind him.
The shield ripples like water with each shot that hits it, but maintains its strength the entire duration it takes to finally reach the entrance. Fortunately, the Auto-Turrets count as enemies, allowing Afton's Perks to activate.
[John Wick Style is in effect]
He isn't sure how strong the entrance will actually be, so to boost his strength further, he has Nyx apply another of his inventions... A small syringe filled with trace amounts of pure uranium. The material is injected into his leg, causing damage just from its presence alone, while also irradiating his body. When you add the additional chem cocktail contained within the sample, Afton's strength rockets to levels he'd never reached before.
[Grit is in effect]
[Atomic!] is in effect]
He doesn't have time to check his status, but he was absolutely sure he'd reached at least twenty Strength at this point! A laugh escapes his mouth as he revels in the feeling of absolute power, deactivating the shield and allowing the bullets to pepper his armour as he strolls over to the metal entrance of the facility.
He forces his fingers into the gaps of the door, bending the metal from the sheer force of his actions. He then uses his plant arm to gain leverage over the systems keeping the door locked, and once done, he wrenches the doors open with strength alone, slowly overpowering the defences.
Metal and mechanics squeal as he breaks them, forcing them open... And with one last roar, he slams the entrance open, causing the lights of the facility to flicker due to how many internal electronics that he'd broken from that simple act alone.
Inside, he's greeted by a long hall wall with stairs at the end of it... The hallway was filled with upturned desks that were used as cover by the hundreds of NCR troopers, all of which were pointing their weapons at him.
"Er, you guys know where the toilet is-" Afton starts but has to shield himself as the group opens fire on him, the shield deflecting them and causing them to ricochet right back down the hallway.
Soon enough the gunfire ends, the soldiers realising that they were literally just shooting at themselves while Afton's shield was active.
Seeing the soldiers wait for his shield to wane, Afton just tosses a smoke grenade at them, using his Stealthboy once the soldier's vision is obscured... Of course, they all begin firing through the smoke, but he just ignores it and walks past them, allowing the Supermutants to deal with them.
While Afton was invisibly searching through the facility, Marcus and the other mutants had finally arrived at the entrance and were all taking cover from the soldiers after destroying the auto-turrets.
Marcus begins to plot out how they'll assault the trooper's defensive positions, but is cut short when some stray Nightkin randomly charge them. A barrage of bullets crash into them, bouncing off of their chainmail and helmets, but occasionally wounding their limbs were the armour wasn't as thick.
Marcus just shakes his in exasperation and charges with them, the hundreds of supermutants all sprinting down the hallway like a green and blue wave of death.
Not a single mutant is lost in the assault, and only a couple were injured in any meaningful way... Though, their unique biology would have them healing from their bullets wounds in a couple days or so anyway.
Elsewhere :
While Marcus and the mutants were drawing all the soldiers attention, he continues to creep through the facility checking each and every room for Doctor Usanagi, and the man called Macka Bree, whose supposed to be responsible for his father's condition.
He wanted to capture the man alive so he could get some payback with a side order of torture, but he also needed the man's expertise to help return his father to normal... If that wasn't possible, well, maybe having his father eat the man's flesh would bring him back to normal...
Unfortunately, he hadn't yet found the man. The only people he'd actually encountered(other than the few NCR troopers) had been the scientists that were hiding in their respective laboratories... Afton wasn't sure what do to with them to be honest... He could leave them here, which would result in the Supermutants killing them, or he could try and capture them, all while possibly revealing his presence in the facility...
On that subject, he also needed to figure out if there was a self destruct button for this facility or not... Most bunkers had it, especially the ones that kept confidential information and research. Urgh, just another thing to add to the list then.
He ignores the scientists and continues looking around, electing to try find Usanagi, Macka, or the self destruct button before anything else.
The sound of gunfire and screaming gets louder as the Supermutants reach the first level of the facility, pushing Afton to search faster than his earlier more cautious pace. The facility itself is a sprawling maze without signage of where you actually are...
Afton is eventually forced to hack into a terminal simply to find where the fuck is he. Obviously the scientist nearby didn't take kindly to that, forcing him to paint the floor and walls with the man's brain in response.
Once hacked into the terminals database, he found that he's on the first floor out of three, which each led deeper underground than the last... The third is where the test subjects were supposedly kept... And! There wasn't a self-destruct switch anywhere... Apparently... Hopefully?
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Nazlican Erdem
Justin David
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