51.21% Twins of the Sea -Remastered (Completed) / Chapter 42: Colosseum

บท 42: Colosseum

Time passed and Zeus was walking on the streets of Dress Rosa

Bonney and Persephone were walking next to him, looking around curiously. Dress Rosa was very beautiful, even better than Abyss Island. Zeus looked at the buildings and felt that Abyss Island had a different theme, Dress Rosa was more of a Spanish style of architecture whereas Abyss Island had a more Italian style.

Zeus didn't really care which place looked better because at the end of the day Abyss Island wasn't a Kingdom. Dress Rosa had a royal family but Abyss Island didn't. Actually, the influence of a royal family can change the whole country. For example, the citizens of Dress Rosa follow the law set in place by the royal family and are loyal citizens to the king, hence they don't mind when their taxes go to the King.

Abyss Island wasn't like this. Abyss Island had a merchant tax system in place, which meant that because they opened businesses on Abyss Island, they were subjected to taxes monthly or yearly. It was an inevitable tax for them, but in Dress Rosa, the citizens were taxed again by the royal family to accumulate funds to make the whole Country better.

Zeus rubbed his chin, maybe in the future there would be a royal family on Abyss Island? He looked at Bonney and thought to himself, when Persephone pointed to a shop and dragged Zeus and Bonney over.

A while later

Zeus threw dozens of bags into his cloud and sent it back up. Persephone's eyes were crescents as she walked alongside Zeus, completely satisfied. Bonney was also happy, other than eating, her favorite pastime was shopping with Zeus and now she had another girl with her. She realized a long time ago that Zeus only showed interest because she liked it, if it was someone else he would probably ignore them entirely.

She felt warm and happy in her heart. She was getting annoyed, however, about something completely different. Every time they passed a jewelry store, Zeus wouldn't even look at it and she would give him a bitter look. Sometimes he was extremely good at reading emotions and other times he would be like a block of wood, the back and forth really set Bonney off.

Truthfully, she already knew Persephone's feelings towards Zeus, but she didn't say anything. She knew that Zeus wouldn't do anything with her, although she was a bit surprised nothing happened when she was gone for 5 months. It made her feel proud and sweet but at the same time she felt bad for Persephone, the two were close friends already and she was helpless to change Persephone's mind.

Naturally, it didn't mean that she would suddenly allow her man to be with another woman. Since when was she so nice?! Never was the answer. Bonney might be nice to Zeus and Persephone but other than that she was still rude and vicious to other people, she still didn't really like Luffy. She never said anything about that though, she was nervous that Zeus would be angry.

Actually Zeus knew that she didn't but he didn't care. He would take care of her himself, eventually she would come around to liking him as her brother-in-law, everyone always warms up to the rubber boy. It was like a strange superpower.

Bonney knew that Zeus might let her 'beat' him up at times but when the time came, she was in fact not the one in charge. He would never hit her, but he would him her a look that sent shivers down her spine and she would become obedient in an instant. Strangely enough, she thought that the way he takes care in serious situations was quite sexy.

While Bonney was in her thoughts, Zeus stopped at the Colosseum and saw Luffy running inside. He rubbed his hands excitedly and said in a commanding tone "Both of you turn to you animal forms." Bonney smacked her forehead and changed into her baby phoenix form before perching on his shoulder.

Persephone said "You're going to compete?" Zeus nodded excitedly and Persephone sighed before turning into a palm sized two tailed cat and jumping onto Zeus' other shoulder. Zeus rushed in and signed up under the name 'Joker's father'. The guy at the sign in booth gave Zeus a weird look and Zeus said snappily "Just hurry up guy! I don't have all day!"

The guy grumbled and gave him a number saying "You're in block A. Good luck." Zeus grabbed the number and drilled into the Colosseum doors, while Persephone and Bonney gave him looks of disdain, such a small tournament, wasn't this overkill?

Persephone had never seen Zeus' real strength but she knew that he was much stronger than her. Bonney, however, had seen it on Thunder Fire Island and knew that if he used his full strength, he could probably sink the entire island.

This was pretty accurate actually. Zeus could, in theory, sink the entire country to the depths of the sea with a sizable amount of effort, but why would he do that? Just because Dress Rosa's buildings were better than his? Nonsense! But now that he thought about it, it might be time for a little decorating on Abyss island.

If Bonney knew his thoughts, she would probably spit out blood in exasperation. This guy was serious 10% of the time, the rest was pure nonsense.

Zeus stopped in front of the armor rack, he looked around and seeing that nobody was around, he ripped off his cloak and threw it into the cloud that followed him. He threw his mask off as well before grabbing a gold helmet, that only showed his eyes, and put it on.

The helmet had two connected eyeholes that looked like an '8' and a long line of space in between them, separating the two pointed tips at the bottom of the helmet. On top of it, there was a huge mohawk of red plumes that extended down to his lower back.

Zeus cracked his neck and looked into the mirror.

Other that the helmet, his white hair was sticking out only a little bit from the bottom of the back of the helmet. He had his black t-shirt and a dark grey jumpsuit with the sleeves tied around his waist, he had exchanged his boots in for sneakers that he asked Tesoro's tailor to make. His jumpsuit ended before his ankles and there was a space between his pants and his sneakers.

Anybody in his previous life would think he was a mechanic with his outfit, but in this life, they thought it was very novel. In addition to his perfect muscles, he looked very good, even if you couldn't see his face.

After a quick flex in the mirror and earning sighs from the girls on his shoulders, Block A started.

Zeus stepped out onto the ring and immediately heard the announcer say 'Start!'. He was about to move when all the other contestants suddenly flew out of the ring. Zeus was stunned and looked around before slapping his head, he forgot about this!

He looked over to see a giant man wearing a paper bag on his head, strangely enough, there was an upside down 'Tuesday' written on the bottom of the bag, well it was upside down because the bag was upside down, but that was besides the point. Did this guy steal someone's lunch bag for this?

The man ripped off the paper bag and threw it away, 'Tuesday's' lunch bag drifted away with the wind, off on another adventure.

The man revealed himself to be Jesus Burgess, one of Blackbeard's 10 commanders. Zeus narrowed his eyes and chuckled sinisterly as he saw Burgess. I guess revenge was starting early, he wasn't too sure of the rules, but if he had to, he could make Burgess' death look like an accident.

Burgess roared "Fight me!" Zeus swayed a bit and disappeared. When he reappeared, his leg swept out and smashed Burgess in the side of the head, sending him flying across the arena. He was about to fly out of the ring, when Zeus appeared in front of him and kicked up, hitting Burgess' head again and sending him into the air.

Zeus grinned and crouched down before exploding off the ground, shattering the arena under him and flying towards Burgess. He didn't use any powers at all, only raw strength.

Zeus spun in the air and snagged Burgess' neck with the back of his knee before he kept spinning and corkscrewed Burgess into the arena, smashing the arena to pieces and sending dust and stone everywhere. He twitched his finger secretly and all the rubble turned to dust and drifted away harmlessly.

Zeus kicked Burgess and sent him flying once again, he flashed in front of him before kicking him again, sending him in another direction, and again and again. It looked like Zeus was playing pinball with Burgess' whole body and there was nothing Burgess could do to stop him, by this point Burgess was already unconscious and Zeus was still beating on him until he was half dead.

The pinball game slowly rose into the sky but Burgess was still being smashed around like a pinball in the air, stunning the crowd.

Zeus kicked Burgess up instead of horizontally and then flashed high above him before shooting down at Burgess' incoming body. Zeus spun in the air and slammed his heel down on Burgess' back, a cross of light shined on the contact and time froze for a second before Burgess' body shot down to the ground at near supersonic speeds before smashing into the arena so hard the foundations of the building cracked and the whole Colosseum shook intensely.

Zeus landed on the ground and secretly turned the flying rubble to dust as he stood with one foot on Burgess' unconscious head. He was pretty surprised that Burgess was still alive but there was no chance that he would be moving anytime soon.

Gatz, the announcer, swallowed his saliva in shock and a collective swallowing was heard throughout the Colosseum. The other contestants had come out to watch when they heard Zeus jump of the arena, the whole contestant viewing area was packed at watched with their mouths open wide.

Zeus changed his voice and looked at the rest of the contestants as he laughed and said "See some of you in the next round~" before walking back to the dressing room. Gatz recovered and said "Block A w-winner, J-Joker's Father!"

The executives of Doflamingo's crew were stunned at the name and the strength. They had thoughts of recruiting Zeus but when they heard what name he used, they gave up all their thoughts. There was no way this guy picked that name by coincidence and that meant he was an enemy, they quickly called Doflamingo to report their findings. Unfortunately for them, Zeus only showed his raw strength without the enhancement of his hybrid dragon form or his thunder powers, and so their reports were severely inaccurate.

Doflamingo thought nothing of it and said "Keep an eye on him and send him to Sugar when everything is over." before throwing the report away completely and focusing on other things.

Zeus was buying a drink at a stand when Bonney said "Aren't you making too much of a commotion?" Zeus bought the drink and left with it, he slurped on the straw, trying to get the contents of it in his mouth. He cursed "Why do they give the milkshake with these tiny fucking straws?! I can't get anything!" he didn't hear Bonney at all.

Bonney felt a vein bulge on her forehead and she pecked Zeus' neck angrily. Zeus jumped in surprise and said "What's wrong honey? Did you want one too?" Persephone burst out laughing and Bonney said angrily "I was talking to you but you were too focused on a fucking milkshake!" she pretended to cry and curled up saying "Boohoo! My husband abandoned me! He doesn't want me anymore!"

Zeus was stunned and Persephone was wheezing from how hard she was laughing, she almost fell off Zeus' shoulder several times but Zeus caught her every time and put her back.

Zeus picked up Bonney and rubbed her head as he said quickly "Ah no, my wife. I didn't abandon you! I just didn't hear you speak! Ah please stop crying, my heart can't take it!" Bonney peeked at Zeus and continued 'crying' "He didn't even buy me a milkshake! Boohoo, he probably has a mistress outside!"

Zeus looked at the milkshake in his hand and was struggling internally, give or not? After a fierce battle, he sighed and handed his entire milkshake to Bonney and smiled sadly "I was just testing if it was poisonous, little wife..."

Bonney quickly snatched the Milkshake with her wings before slurping on the straw loudly. Zeus looked at her and snickered, she was sitting on her ass with her tail flowing down his back. Her talons were on his chest and she was holding the drink with both wings and drinking excitedly, she was too cute, Zeus almost kissed her small bird head, but held back because bestiality wasn't cool.

Bonney smacked her 'lips' and said "Oh yeah! Didn't you make too much of a commotion before?" Zeus grinned and said "Knowing Pinky, he probably just gave a perfunctory order and forgot about it, but I bet he loved the name! Bwahahahahah-"

Zeus caught himself and paled before mumbling dazedly "Oh no.. I'm turning into gramps! Quick! Slap me before I start giving people the 'Fist of Love'!" Bonney and Persephone complied and immediately slapped him as hard as they could.

Zeus face snapped left and right extremely quickly before he said "I said slap! Not break my neck! Are you both trying to kill me?!" Bonney and Persephone both stuck out their tongues and giggled, Zeus stomped off back to the dressing room, grumbling "First no milkshake, now I almost get my neck snapped, what's next..."

Bonney and Persephone both giggled and kept silent.

Zeus stopped and saw a figure looking at him from a doorway. Zeus looked over and grinned before disappearing in a puff of smoke, the figure appeared where Zeus just was and looked around. He had a black top hat with goggles and golden yellow hair with a scar over his left eye.

Zeus reappeared in the contestant viewing area, he wanted to see a certain someone. But not now, later. That's why he ran away, he wasn't interest in lackeys. He wanted to see Sabo! Unfortunately for Zeus, it was Sabo. Zeus didn't have his observation out and it was dark so he didn't see the top hat, or else he wouldn't have left.

Zeus sat on the railing and hummed to himself while watching the battles in the arena. He suddenly had an extremely bold thought 'Maybe I can swallow the entirety of Dress Rosa as well?' He quickly thought up a plan before dismissing it with regret.

First of all, whether the Royal family would move to Abyss Island was extremely questionable. If not impossible! Plus the citizens would follow their King without hesitation once they learned the truth of what happened that night a long time ago.

Even if he could swallow Dress Rosa, how would the citizens react to a royal family appearing out of nowhere with a ton of people? Yes, it would make the whole Island more lively and appealing but it was simply an enormous operation.

Zeus rubbed his chin in thought. If he could somehow get the royal family to move, all the citizens would pack up their bags, pat their asses, and follow them immediately. Then Zeus would have access to a person he had wanted for information gathering a long time ago. If Zeus could get that person, his Void would be a complete monster.

Zeus estimated that severe renovations would have to occur, if this were to really happen but with time an effort it could really happen! So far of the many peaks and land space on Abyss island, only 20% of it was being used. If he took Dress Rosa into his island it would add to a total of 50% of the island being used for buildings and other commodities.

Zeus' eyes shined brighter and brighter, he could have a Colosseum and incorporate the Spanish design into his already existing Italian one and create something new! It would slowly change as you traveled through the districts. The entertainment district was covered in gold and extremely extravagant, the shopping and residential districts were Italian styled and if he got Dress Rosa, then he could create a new and bigger Shopping and residential district!

Zeus waved his hands and created a map of Abyss Island, he always kept the middle of the island cleared, he wanted the main attraction there but he wasn't sure what he wanted to put there yet. Seeing Dress Rosa, he thought of putting a massive circular court with a big fountain in the middle.

He quickly constructed what he wanted with his lightning and held the courtyard design in his hand as it spun slowly and he added small details.

The girls looked at the lightning design and said simultaneously "Beautiful!" Zeus nodded and whistled, before grabbing a roll of paper and drawing the courtyard and fountain design on it, he added huge marble pillars to the edges, leaving the four cardinal directions completely pillar free with stone roads leading out in all four spaces.

He finished and looked at his work, Bonney and Persephone looked at the drawing in amazement and Bonney said "Where is this going?!" Zeus said "In the middle of Abyss Island." Bonney and Persephone sighed with amazement. That was the most beautiful thing they had ever seen.

Zeus rolled it up and put it back into his cloud. He needed to draw the surrounding area as well but the fountain courtyard was an extremely good start. Even if he didn't get the Dress Rosa royal family, he wouldn't lose out on beautification. Zeus was going to ask King Riku later but he was prepared to get rejected, he estimated a 5% chance of Riku agreeing, but that was only when he showed him his real face. Otherwise, he had no chance unless he sunk the island and took all of them with him.

Zeus quickly stuffed that plan into the Plan Z category of his mind. There weren't many plans in there, but they were all extremely destructive and cruel. There was no way around it! When you plan things, naturally you come up with more than one set of plans, and Plan Z was always the most crude, cruel, destructive ones BUT all of the plans in there had an estimated 80% success rate.

Unfortunately for the Plan Zs, Zeus wasn't very into forcing people to do what he wanted. Just because he came from another world didn't mean he was entitled to everything in it. Some bastards he read about didn't even take care of their own mother because they felt like it was her honor to give birth to them. What a joke. If she didn't give birth to you, the little loser on earth would be washing in the reincarnation cycle.

Anyway, Zeus didn't care for forcing people to bend to his will. In his mind, treat people with respect and they will do the same, obviously its necessary to be cautious towards them as well, if you blindly trust everyone you see, maybe one day you'll be sold off and even thank the person who sold you!

Not a good outcome for sure.

Zeus brought his attention back to the arena, after organizing a plan in his mind, and saw Luffy was on stage. Also, somehow, there were people surrounding him at the moment, looking at him cautiously and... with hatred?

Zeus was confused, he had never met these people in his life. Why did they hate him? Unable to comprehend, he turned his head and said "Why are you looking at me like that? Did your mothers fall for my good looks?"

The contestants choked on their saliva and glared at Zeus angrily. They were about to say something when Zeus waved his hand and said "I already have a woman. Tell them that I can't accept them, I'm sorry." before turning back to the arena.

The contestants were stunned, he wasn't joking before? Now they were confused. A man with green hair burst out laughing and all the contestants realized that Zeus cursed them in a completely different way. He basically said that their mothers were ugly and he didn't want them, as well as go and tell them what he said themselves, posing as their father.

It was a triple insult!

A few contestants sucked a cold breath of air and looked at Zeus in shock, this guy's silver tongue was coated with gold!

A man with a big feathered hat stepped out and said "I'm the most handsome on the seas! Cavendish!" Zeus coughed and said "The words of a mother are often biased."

The contestants sucked in another cold breath, this was incredible!

Bartolomeo, the guy with the green hair, was stunned before falling over laughing so hard he was crying.

Cavendish's face turned green and he grit his teeth but Zeus added "Also, I like women. It's a pity your mother never met me though or she wouldn't give you delusions of grandeur. You are boasting to the true most handsome man on the seas, why do you think I wear a helmet? If I show my face it would be too troublesome to deal with all the woman falling at my feet."

Zeus stood up on the railing and said heroically "In all the seas, I reign supreme! In all the lands, my face is immortalized! In all the cosmos, only I am the true invincible man! A face to bed 1000 beauties! The charm to make a wife leave her man! The charisma to change the flow of history with just a sentence!"

Every sentence Zeus said, his aura became more and more heroic. The contestants were stunned, even Bartolomeo stopped laughing and looked at Zeus in a daze. Cavendish felt that Zeus was the tallest mountain he had ever seen.

Zeus put his hands behind his back, straightened his spine, and puffed his chest out as he turned his back to the contestants and looking up at the sky before pointing to the endless skyline and saying "In all the worlds! I am INVINCIBLE!"

An invincible aura spread out from his body, putting the contestants in a daze.

Zeus dropped his hand down and put it behind his back as he looked down, the contestants felt that he was looking down on the world and a lonely feeling washed over them. One contestant said "A true master! Invincible in all worlds and lonely at the peak!"

The other contestants trembled and a fanatical look appeared in their eyes as they repeated the sentence.

Cavendish was in a daze before getting down on one knee and saying "Please teach me to be as handsome as you!" Zeus slowly shook his head and said "The peak is lonely, yes. But if it's not by your own efforts, you will never reach it."

Cavendish looked up and said "Thank you master!" Zeus smiled slightly and stood there until Rebecca ran over, hearing the commotion. She looked at the group and said "What happened here?!"

The illusion shattered at her words and Zeus disappeared.

Rebecca realized she did something and quickly ran away.

The contestants looked around and sighed regretfully when they couldn't find Zeus anymore. They looked at Cavendish enviously, when would they have a chance to meet such a master?! Obviously no one realized that Zeus had actually denied Cavendish, but Cavendish just called him master anyway.

The contestants dispersed sadly with heavy footsteps, wondering when the master would reappear in their lives. The chance to be the ultimate Handsome man was too appealing, but the view of Zeus back would forever be engraved into their minds with a sentence 'Lonely at the peak, Invincible on the way!'

(Author's Note)

Here you go! much better tone than yesterday i find. My brain was shut off from work yesterday so it was a bit fast paced, sorry about that.

You can check out my OTHER books while you wait:

One Piece: Another Chance (Completed)

Saiyan in Marvel (Completed)

My Hero Academia: Quirkless

One Piece: Price of Freedom

One Piece: Shadow King

Another Dragonball Adventure


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