60.9% The Advent of Spirits / Chapter 81: Chapter 81: All Might vs All for One

บท 81: Chapter 81: All Might vs All for One


The one simple word rang out like a bell in the middle of the empty battlefield.


"Yes. You. With your intelligence, you should have realised it by now."

"I am not from..."

"This world. Yes. You were nothing more than my summon."

"Alright, that's enough talking!" All Might could not bear to hear about Shido's history anymore and decided to interfere.

"Detroit smash!!"

"Don't interrupt people when they're talking. Hasn't Nana Shimura ever taught you that?"

All for One seemed unfazed and just held out his palm to meet All Might's fist. All Might, on the other hand, raged even more when he heard his predecessor's name.

"Never speak my master's name...from that filthy mouth of yours!!"


The shockwave from the collision wasn't small. The surrounding five kilometres were instantly flattened, leaving not even rubble behind.

Fortunately, all the civilians have long been evacuated during the time when All for One was speaking, so the only people around the exchange was Shido and Gran Torino, who was unconscious.

"That stupid fool of a woman put her ideals first, without the power to back them up! It was pretty embarrassing for me, as the father of one for all. And then she died such a pathetic death. Where do I begin, really?"

He chuckled sadly as he held on to All Might's fist, not letting it go.

"Enough!!" All Might yelled as he used his other fist at his face.

"Air cannon."

This time, however, instead of aiming directly at his chest, he aimed it upwards, resulting in All Might flying upwards towards the sky.


All Might's arm was already bloodied from the chainsaw arm, and coupled with the direct air cannon, he spurted out blood from his mouth.


This was a fight between two colossal symbols in society.

All Might, the symbol of peace against All for One, the symbol of evil.

It was not a fight one would see everyday, yet Shido didn't care about it at all even though it was playing out right in front of him.

"Just as I thought...we really are not from this world." Shido had a sad smile on his face.

Over the years, he had run through this thought countless times. Ever since his visions or clouded dreams appeared, this thought had appeared far more often.

"Shido...." Yoshinon didn't know how to comfort his friend.

"Sigh, what should we do now, Yoshinon?"

"Since we don't come from this world, that means that there's a possibility that your parents are out there somewhere else."

Shido raised his head at that thought and his smile turned a little happier.

"That's right! Rasiel!"

A book floated in his palms and fluttered open gently, revealing empty pages.

"Future description: My parents would arrive in this world in a year."

Shido wrote out the future he wanted to see inside the book, praying that it would work.

The words slowly sunk into the pages, but just as he was about to sigh in relief, the pages suddenly spit out words.


[A/N: Yep, this Rasiel is a troll.]

"The future was rejected? How is that possible?" Shido was baffled.

"Was someone powerful enough to resist the future change? Or does it not work because we're in different worlds?"

"Then how about....you change the future about yourself?" Yoshinon suggested.

Without any other ideas, Shido heeded his puppet's suggestion and muttered,"Future description: I will find my parents alive."

Shido didn't want to write down anything too specific in case it got rejected again. By writing a vague future with his desired outcome instead, the possibility of the future happening would increase.

Of course, the drawback was that there were a lot of loopholes to be found. One such example was that Shido could have taken a few months to find his parents, or a few tens of years to find his parents. But no matter how much time will pass, he will eventually find his parents alive.

He watched with trepidation as the words sunk into the book. After a while, Shido saw that the book didn't react in any way, and cheered internally.

His future description was successful, and now his heart could temporarily be set at ease. No matter how much time passes, he will find his parents.

However, that would be for the future. After all, 'time' is something he would never lack.

For now, it's better to focus on what's happening in front of him.

He noticed that All Might was on the losing end while All for One was barely injured due to his hyper-regeneration. Just as he was about to interfere in the fight, a bullet was suddenly shot at him.

Usually, with his raincoat on, he wouldn't even bother with a bullet. However, he felt a threat from this particular bullet and, trusting his instincts, he immediately tilted his head towards the right.


The bullet zoomed past his face, barely missing his left ear. He observed the bullet hit the concrete, but contrary to his expectations, it didn't stop there. The bullet rebounded and shot back towards Shido.


Not wasting a single second, he immediately aimed at the bullet which ricocheted towards him and fired a shot of his own.


With his supreme accuracy, both bullets collided mid air and were rebounded to different directions.

"My my, the original himself had come to this party. Can't say it was unexpected though." A voice rang from behind him.

However, without even looking back, Shido already knew who it was.

"My clone, I see that you have developed an agenda of your own. It seems that power truly corrupts the user..." Shido replied back as he turned around to face the speaker,"So you think you can beat me now that you've gained that little bit of power? Don't forget, I was the one who allowed you to have the weapon."

"Yes, and thanks to that, I will be someone who will annoy you."

Shido found himself face to face with...himself. Or more specifically, a clone of his clone.

"Isn't the original going to show himself?"

"What an irony, the original asking for the original to show himself." The clone mocked.

Shido's eyes twitched in annoyance seeing the irritating face of the clone of his clone.

"Whatever, if he's not going to show himself, I'm going to force him to show himself. I have no need for a clone that doesn't follow instructions. Ain."

A simple word, but a shining, bright seed appeared in his palm.

The seed looked so ordinary. If not for the light that the seed was emitting, no one would have ever thought that the seed was anything special.

The clone didn't look angry nor shocked. In fact, he looked...calm and serene, something that Shido found weird.

"Aren't you afraid of dying?"

"Death is just a state of existence. Besides, I am an alternate timeline of a clone, I will continue to exist so long as the very original continues to produce clones or you choose to erase me from reality, which I highly doubt you will do. You would much rather erase the person who called me to this timeline."

"'Death is just a state of existence.' That is a good quote. I will remember it." Shido nodded his head in appreciation. Learning something new was something that Shido particularly enjoys. Being a nigh-omniscient isn't always all sunshines and rainbows. It takes away the fun and adventure of exploration and discovery, that was the reason why Shido barely uses Rasiel unless it was a serious situation.

"And you're right about your existence being an alternate timeline of me. Even if I remove my clone, you would still continue to exist in your own timeline until I call for you."

The clone did nothing and nodded,"Thank you. I guess I'll see you soon."

"Hopefully not. Meeting a clone who can have his own agenda isn't fun. I pray that I'll never see you again." Shido disagreed.

The clone gave a wry smile before disappearing.

"Erase the clone who rebelled against me."

Shido ordered and the seed instantly illuminated the entire planet.

The light only lasted less than a second. Nothing was changed and the world went on with their daily lives.

Nobody realised that one person had been erased from existence.

That was what Ain could do - erase whomever or whatever he desired from reality. Nobody would have none that the clone had ever existed in the first place. And so, without even appearing before the original, the clone had died.

"Sigh, what a sad way to go...but this is the consequences of rebelling against my orders..." Shido had learnt from his mistake this time round. Never, ever give his clones any power to act against him.

"Now back to the fight...Aleph!"

A black wisp of smoke emerged from the roman numeral 'I' and entered the flintlock pistol and aiming it at his temple, Shido opened fire.



"...That's why I'm hoping to see you die an ugly, brutal death!" All for One exclaimed agitatedly as his left arm started expanding rapidly.

Gran Torino, who had already regained his consciousness at this time, advised All Might,"There's a big one coming! Dodge and counter-attack!"

"Dodge? can you afford to?" All for One sneered as he pointed his arm at the direction of All Might.

Behind him, All Might saw a little girl who was trapped under a huge rubble and had yet to evacuate at the edge of the crater. He sighed internally as he braced himself for the impact.


"I'll take everything you've come to protect."


All for One released the entire blast towards All Might, and continued,"First your image, which you've maintained. Then your pride...the world will see you for the pathetic man you are. Their- what!"

"All Might, you're no match for All for One...." Shido's voice sounded in front of All Might.

As the dust cleared, the appearance of Shido could be very clearly seen. His usual playful smile etched on his face, the terrifying clock behind him and an unfamiliar purple barrier in front of him.

"Ten years worth of 'fuel' was almost depleted in this one fight. I can't revert you back to your full health anymore, All Might. Your quirk is gone."

Shido stated the harsh truth, but All Might didn't care.

"Thank you for that Shido, but this is my fight." He said resolutely.

"As stubborn as always huh? Fine, but let me ask you this. Will you kill him or will you capture him?"

"Capture." All Might said hesitation,"Other than the fact that he was the symbol of evil and the origin of most chaos, he also dared to use my master's family. I may have a lot of patience, but that is one thing that I will never forgive. But no matter how much I want to kill him, I'm a hero, and in front of all those cameras and in the public, I cannot kill."

"Sigh, I'll give you a chance to bring him down. Since that regeneration quirk is annoying, I will help you seal it up. But don't blame me if you can't be a hero in the future, all right?" Shido sighed and spoke. Having a reputation to uphold was truly annoying. He could tell that All Might really wanted to end All for One's life right here, right now if he could. But because of something known as 'reputation' that All Might, the number one hero, cannot stain, he couldn't kill.

After all, he was not one of those few heroes trained to kill. He was trained to protect.

"I won't regret this."

Seeing that All Might wouldn't change his mind no matter what, Shido summoned Michael and instantly rushed towards All for One.

However, All for One seemed to have anticipated Shido's action and had preemptively put up a barrier.

[A/N: Don't ask why All for One had a barrier, he could have just taken it from someone.]

Nevertheless, a barrier wouldn't be able to stop Shido as Michael pierced right through everything and was inserted inside All for One.

"Segva." Shido muttered just as he felt a grab on his hand.

He found All for One grinning as he said,"Thank you for coming into my range. Steal."

He waited for a while before panicking when nothing happened,"Why isn't it working?!"

"I was wondering what you were going to do, but all you wanted is my 'quirk'?" Shido smirked as he turned the key anti-clockwise in his chest,"You already forgotten? I don't have a quirk that you can steal. I'm from another world after all~"

After saying his piece, Shido backed off and appeared behind All Might.

"Well, you've got one chance before your body dies. Make it count. And feel free to go all out, all civilians have already evacuated safely."

"Thank you Shido, I've already lost count how many times you have helped me." All Might thanked with a bloody smile before turning towards the furious All for One.

"Oh, please...I'm going to kill you, Shido!!! Springlike limbs, four kinetic boosters, three strength enhancers, a multiplier, hypertrophy, rivets, air walk, spearlike bones. The shock waves up until now were just meant to wear you down. No much oomph though..."

All for One jumped into the air and floated there.

"In order to to really kill you...I'll be hitting you with my ultimate quirk combination."

His right was transformed into something gruesome, something alien-like.

"Here it comes!"

All for One instantly dashed towards All Might.

"Izuku Midoriya! He was the recipient, right? He came to you completely unqualified...you've got plenty to regret as you die...All Might. Because you've also failed...as a teacher!" All for One stated plainly while he was dashing towards All Might.


A fifth of the city was destroyed from the shockwave alone.

"That's right. As a teacher...I've definitely fallen short! And I'm willing...to accept that!!" All Might said as his right arm was obliterated from the impact recoil.

"I see...pathetic." Seeing All Mights struggle with all his might, he spat out. He turned towards his right and saw All Might's left arm tensing up. He tried to pull back his right arm but All Might firmly held on to it.

"You would stoop this low and still struggle so unseemly...I miscalculated. Without my regeneration, you would be able to struggle against me..."

'So until I raise Izuku right...'

"I...can't die!! Smash!!"

"Petty tricks? How unlike you. Whose influence is that, I wonder? Is it that damnable brat over there?"

Shido just looked away and whistled, not denying or agreeing to All for One's words.

"Too weak."

All for One's left arm started bulging, and he used an air cannon behind him, propelling his right arm forward and eventually pushing back All Might's punch.

"That's because...I didn't..." All Might endured the pain in his obliterated right arm and clenched his fist again.

"...put my back onto it!!"


His fist managed to reach All for One's face and All Might punched him towards the ground.

A huge shockwave appeared in the area, and almost caused a mini tornado, causing all the rubble to fly and the helicopter, which was flying above their fight, to fly off balance.

"What a troublesome situation..." Shido muttered as he controlled the wind to counteract the shockwave, preventing any more incidents to happen before smiling,"You managed to overcome your limits..."

The dust soon cleared, and in the middle of a crater a hundred metres deep, All for One laid unconscious. His face was totally smashed in, blinding both of his eyes and deafening both ears.

All Might wasn't in a much better condition. His entire hero costume was bloodied, and it seemed as though all the bones in both of his arms were broken. However, he didn't let it bother him and raised his arm triumphantly, albeit wobbly.

His back straight and chest out, raising his arm in pride.

He had won.

And as the number one hero, symbol of peace, this was his final act...


A/N: Honestly, even I as the author felt that the fight was a bit forced. I don't even know why I didn't just kill off All for One since he wouldn't appear here anymore anyway...

On the side note, if you want to see up to 40 chapters ahead, do subscribe to my patreon now! Since it's the beginning of a new month, you would get your money worth rather than wait until later!

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