66.38% God succession system / Chapter 386: Mother and Son

บท 386: Mother and Son

"Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait....." Mavis muttered over and over again as she tried to absorb what Alex just said, before looking at August once more with numerous conflicting emotions showing in her eyes.

"I....have a son...?" Alex nodded slowly while August looked away awkwardly, concern filling his heart that his mother would reject him. Rather than rejecting him though, Mavis was trying to wrap her head around the fact that she apparently had a child, let alone one that was already an old man before being returned to his youth by Alex.

As she tried to reason through her mind how this happened, Alex began explaining,

"It was when you last met Zeref before 'dying', and while Precht was trying to find ways to awaken you from your comatose state he eventually discovered you were pregnant." Mavis was silent as she contemplated what Alex said, which made the most sense for how she would have a child and never even knew about their existence. Then, surprising her and everyone else, August spoke for the first time as he explained,

"When I was born I possessed a massive amount of magical power and memories that weren't mine, which was how I knew who my mother and father were despite never having met either of them...." Everyone was silent as August recounted the story of his youth, being abandoned in the forest by Precht and struggling to survive each and every day, until by chance he encountered the one person he thought he'd never meet, his father.

Recognizing the magical talent that August had, Zeref invited him to come with him as he formed the Alvarez Empire, and later the Spriggan Twelve. Despite the literal decades he spent in service to his father though, regardless of if Zeref had been there or not, August had never once informed him of their relation.

Even in the original he had never told either of his parents of his existence, right up until he tried to use a self destruction spell to wipe out Fairy Tail and the entire kingdom of Fiore. Right before the spell fully activated though, August had caught his first ever glimpse of his mother, causing him to reverse the spell so that all of its destruction was focused on him to avoid catching her up into it. The end result was him dying without the truth of his existence ever even being known to either of them, before they too met their end shortly afterwards.

When August finished recounting his story the hall was silent as everyone contemplated just how his life had been up until that point, the suffering he must have gone through. Mavis though was going several more emotions than everyone else as she listened to what her son had to say.

On one hand she felt devastated that her own child had grown up in such a way after one of her closest friends had abandoned him, but on the other she couldn't help but feel a small amount of pride from how powerful he turned out and the things he had accomplished, despite his being a part of Zeref's personal guard. While all of this was going through her head though, Mavis was still trying to work through the fact that she was in fact a mother.

As time went on and August continued to talk, it got harder and harder for Mavis to deny the fact that he was her son. The longer she looked at him, the more Mavis could see herself and Zeref in August, such as their hair. Now that he had finished though, she struggled to say anything as her mouth repeatedly opened and closed for over a minute.

With Mavis being genuinely speechless, and August slowly becoming more panicked from how his mother was reacting, Alex then said loudly,

"Well then! Maybe it's time for August and Silver to get the full Fairy Tail experience while I go talk with Mavis and Markarov!" Taking the cue, Lucy, Mira, and even Erza all raised up their tankards, and shouted,


Following their lead, everyone else quickly got swept into yet another festive atmosphere, which they had a lot to celebrate with the return of Natus and Gajeel, and their two new guild mates. With August being swept along into his new comrades momentum, Alex was able to drag both Markarov and Mavis into a back room, where he closed the door to give them some quiet and privacy.

"What do I do?!" Mavis demanded the moment the door had closed, her expression one of genuine panic from having the news of her being a mother being sprung upon her out of nowhere. Before Alex could answer though, the door suddenly opened again as Gildarts of all people stepped in before saying,

"Yo, I thought I'd say something to the first real quick." With Alex stepping to the side so that they could talk unimpeded, Gildarts approached Mavis's spectral figure before saying in one of the most sincere voices any of them had ever heard from him,

"I know what you're going through first, I can honestly say I experienced the same exact thing not too long ago. All I can tell you is that, while things may be fairly awkward at first, you'll quickly forget about all of that once the realization sinks in." As he spoke Gildarts pulled out a photo that he started to always carry with him recently, of his own daughter Cana.

Though he had never known for all of the years that she was with them that she was his daughter, Cana had finally told him right before Achnologia attacked Tenrou Island. At first he had been filled with confusion and panic as he tried to figure out which of the many women he'd bedded was her mother, but now he was only filled with pride and love for his daughter.

Recalling the scene when Cana told him the truth, Mavis calmed down slightly before looking Gildarts in the eyes and saying,

"Thank you Gildarts." Nodding at her in affirmation, Gildarts then gave Alex and Markarov a brief wave before going to rejoin the party outside.

After he left Alex turned towards Markarov and said,

"A couple things and then I'll need to speak to Mavis alone. Firstly, regarding Natsu and Gajeel-" Alex then explained how the duo had been treated as best as they could manage, which was saying a lot with their access to Spirit magic. However, similarly to the Pandora and the girls from the To Love Ru world's, they left their memories in tact in order to avoid future issues.

In pretty much every case when someone had their memories wiped, they'd desperately try to regain said memories even if they were the one that wanted to have them erased to begin with. With the entire guild, as well as four others, having witnessed the abuse Natsu and Gajeel suffered, they would have to erase the memories of every single person who saw what they had gone through to avoid future troubles, and even then it wasn't a guarantee.

He had also explained that, while Alice had activated Natsu's demonic powers when he was held captive, they had undone them and restored him to his previous state with Regeneration magic. As an extra, they had also placed several barriers within him with Spirit magic to prevent his demonic nature going out of control again until the day he decided to try and master it.

Finishing with asking Markarov to keep an eye on the duo in case they started relapsing in the future, the elderly man had a look of relief on his face as he said,

"Once again, thank you. I don't know where we'd be or what we'd do without the help from you or your people..." Bowing to Alex to express his gratitude, Alex nodded back seriously as he said,

"Seriously, don't worry about it. Me doing all of this could be considered doing my duty since none of this would have happened if it weren't for us..." Though he himself had no part or responsibility in the actions of Darius or other reincarnators, Alex still couldn't help feeling responsible since he was one of the same people who had caused such unnecessary suffering.

Though a part of him wanted to lambast the worthless 'God' who gave such people that kind of power to do whatever they wanted with, he also couldn't find it in himself to be able to. The more time went on the more Alex was learning that things such as 'morals' or 'right and wrong' didn't apply to those with so much power, all that mattered was if they properly performed their duties or not.

This was a rather disheartening realization as it meant that, even if they were genuinely the most 'evil' person who had ever lived, they would still be able to gain the seemingly infinite power that came with winning the competition. Instead of dwelling on such a thought though, Alex turned his attention to his immediate concern, which was Mavis.

As Markarov excused himself to go and keep an eye on the 'brats' as they partied, Alex was left alone with the petite spirit. Instead of immediately saying anything though, Alex once again surprised Mavis by pulling something out his storage, which then crashed into the floor beneath them with its great size and weight.

"Th-this is-?" Mavis stuttered in shock, as she saw her own naked body suspended in a giant crystal. Alex nodded slowly before explaining,

"I went to go and look for it during the last couple days. Though Darius had kept in his throne room, somehow it ended up at the bottom of the ocean after our battle. How it got there I couldn't tell you though."

As he said Alex and the others had seen Mavis's body when they were using Kuroka's familiar to spy on Darius and the others, and, while their look into the throne room was very brief, it had been really hard not to notice the giant crystal. What was curious though was that it didn't show any signs of damage from the battle that had destroyed the entire floating castle.

What Alex didn't know was that, after being forcibly cut off from Fairy Heart by the mysterious old man the night before, Darius had tossed the giant crystal into the ocean shortly before the battle began to keep him and anyone else from getting their hands on it. This ended up being the right decision though since it kept Mavis's body safe from being damaged during the battle.

The woman herself though had a conflicted expression on her face though, as her body was still carrying the Curse of Contradictions, meaning she was deadly to everyone around her. Alex noticed her hesitation though, and said,

"Don't worry, before putting you back into your body I plan to use Spirit magic to look at it to try and remove, or at least modify the curse's affects. I just thought we'd try this before moving on to creating an artificial body." Hearing that Mavis let out a small sigh of relief and said,

"Thank you..." Instead of replying to her thanks, Alex used Creation magic to make the crystal encasing her body melt before using his 'Telekinesis' to lift her body and place it on a nearby table.

Mavis then watched anxiously as he diligently worked on her body with the types of magic at his disposal.


"It's getting kind of late isn't it? Shouldn't we start settling down?" August asked one of his new guild mates as they continued to party, to which the reply he got was,

"Of course not! Natsu and Gajeel are back, and we got two new guild mates! We're going until the sun comes comes up!" Despite the veritable mountain of work they had the following day, all of the guild members shared his sentiments as they continued to party, until the back door opened.

Gradually the noise settled down as they watched the petite figure of their founder and first guild master 'walk' out of the back room, the air around her noticeably different. Mavis however didn't seem to even register any of them as her eyes scanned the crowd before focusing on her son, and she slowly made her way towards him. August was deathly silent as he watched his mother approach him, before she stopped right before him.

Mavis then grabbed a nearby chair. And stood on it so that she was a little bit taller than August, and surprised everyone as she grabbed his head and pulled him face first into her diminutive chest.

"Welcome home son." She whispered into his ear, making August's eyes widen in surprise, before tears began flowing as he returned his mother's embrace.

Everyone watched as the mother-son duo embraced for the first time, while August fought back his sobs from feeling the first ever affection he had received from either of his parents.


After restoring Mavis in her original body and making sure there was no issues, Alex watched quietly as she embraced her son and joined the party. Though he could have removed the effects of the curse entirely, Alex had only removed the parts that had directly caused Mavis suffering, such as taking lives involuntarily. Now she was left only with her immortality, and the infinite magic power that was still being generated by her body as a result of Fairy Heart.

Though she was hesitant to keep the immortality at first, Mavis relent when she heard about how effectively everyone around Alex would probably live forever in some way or another. As for Fairy Heart, well there were always benefits of having access to an infinite amount of magic power at hand.

After watching over them for a few minutes, Alex decided to leave the guild to their celebration as he quietly left since he still had other matters to attend to. Using the magic compass and key to open a portal, Alex then headed to his next destination of the guild hall of Lamia Scale, then Blue Pegasus, and then Sabertooth.

At each place Alex spoke to their masters Ooba, Bob, and Sting, about the possibility of them either moving to Asora, or establishing a branch guild there. Similarly to Markarov they were hesitant about either moving or splitting their guilds, so Alex told them to think on it until the day they actually opened the gate.

Of course the highlight of these visits was yet another family reunion, when he brought Sorano(Angel) of Oración Seis with him to Sabertooth, where her younger sister Yukino was. Naturally Sorano was really awkward at first around her sister due to her past as a member of a dark guild, while Yukino was simply happy to see her older sister once again.

After finishing up his business at the first four guilds though, Alex now had one last destination for the night, Mermaid Heel.

A sigh escaped Alex's lips as he recalled the last time he had been in close proximity with Kagura, Mermaid Heel's guild master, a lovely encounter to be sure, but also troubling considering Kagura's personality. So Alex's wasn't surprised by her assumption for his visit after recovering from the shock of his sudden arrival, and new look, in her office.

"I assume this is about my previous promise?" She asked automatically with a dark look, to which Alex's eye twitched just ever so slightly before he sighed once again and said,

"No, this is about an opportunity for Mermaid Heel." Alex then explained to Kagura about the gate being built, and the offer he had made to the other guilds about either moving or building a branch in Asora.

When he finished speaking Kagura was silent for several seconds, before finally saying with narrowed eyes,

"This could be a good opportunity....I will consider your proposition...." Alex cocked a brow when he heard her answer, as Kagura was the last person he thought would accept his idea given their past experience together. She didn't disappoint however when she suddenly asked,

"So what about our agreement?" Alex's eye twitched this time as he said,

"What agreement? I just remember trying to make a point and you took me literally." Kagura scowled at Alex before saying,

"Regardless, I take my agreements seriously." Seeing that she wasn't going to go back on her previous promise of 'using her mouth to pleasure him until he was completely satisfied', Alex said,

"Very well, let's try a new bet. If you win then our previous agreement is canceled." Kagura narrowed her eyes suspiciously and asked,

"What if you win? And what is the nature of the competition?" To the first question Alex suddenly stepped closer to Kagura and pulled her in close so that their bodies were pressed up against each other, before he genuinely surprised her by sealing her lips with his own in her first ever kiss. When he pulled away after several seconds, Alex then whispered into her ear,

"If I win, you'll join my harem and become one of my wives." With the combination surprises of Alex's sudden kiss and proposal, Kagura's mind understandably blanked as she tried to process what he was saying.

As for Alex, the reason he gave Kagura this offer was because it was quite literally impossible for her to fulfill her previous promise to 'completely satisfy' him. With that being the case, then he might as well try to make things more official between them to try and make her happier.

Once she finally wrapped her head around what he said, she then asked for the second time with a neutral expression,

"And the nature of the competition?" Alex smiled wryly as he again whispered into her ear,

"Using only our mouths and hands, we compete to make the other one finish faster, the one that takes the less time wins." Kagura glowered when she heard the perverted nature of the competition, but didn't reject it.

She had already humiliated herself once to satisfy Alex, and had prepared herself to do so again due to her promise, the only difference now though was that he would be doing the same to her as well. While she didn't like the idea of letting Alex anywhere near her privates, Kagura fought back such sentiments since she'd be free forever if she could just gain a win here.

With a fire in her eyes Kagura nodded and said, "Very well, I agree!"

Alex's smile widened when he heard her response, before he released his hold on her and snapped his fingers. Following the crisp 'SNAP' his pants and underwear then fell to the ground to pool at his ankles, making Kagura's eyes widen in surprise when she looked down and saw that his thing had grown even larger than the last time.

"D-do they all just get larger like that?" She could help but ask while trying to look away from the giant rod of meat, the tip was which was only dangling a few inches from the top of his knees. Though she knew enough that men grew bigger when they got excited, she didn't think their size was supposed to change the way Alex's had.

Another tell of the unusual situation was the smirk on Alex's face as he proudly explained,

"My current form increases the size of my body to better accommodate the difference in muscle and strength, but apparently it also increased the size of all my 'muscles'." Kagura's brow twitched in annoyance from Alex's explanation, and though she wanted to ask him to return to his usual form, his persistent and proud smirk told her that was very unlikely.

Resigning herself, the usually ice cold Swordswoman slowly sank to her knees until she was eye level with his meat, where she fought the urge to gulp nervously at the idea of taking such a thing into her mouth....again. Just as she was about to part her lips to start though, Alex suddenly said,

"Oh yeah! You'll need this first to keep time!" He then summoned a stopwatch out of thin air for her, making Kagura's mind blank from the realization that they hadn't even started yet. Seemingly aware of what was going through her mind, Alex adopted a teasing smirk on his face as he playfully asked,

"What? So eager to suck it you weren't even going to bother keeping time?" Kagura's expression darkened at Alex's implication, as she also fought the urge to bite into the meat in front of her to teach him a lesson. Knowing how fruitless that would be though, Kagura just focused on winning the competition at hand to free herself from Alex(even though he hadn't actually done anything to 'trap' her).

Determined to see this end though, Kagura reached out to softly grasp the base of Alex's still flaccid manhood, while her other hand started the stopwatch before setting it to the side. Once the time had started Kagura used her other hand to slowly start working the base and shaft of Alex's cock, while she opened her mouth and stuck her tongue out.

"Ahhhhhhh..." Alex sighed in contention as she circled her tongue around his sensitive head, before opening her mouth as wide as possible to try and take it inside. As she did so Alex couldn't help but to recall the rest of his women as they also tried to deep throat his new size, of which only those with genetics geared towards seduction such as the Fallen Angel Akeno, succubi like Kurumu and her mother, and Charmians like Sephie and her daughter's had been able to accomplish it.

Of course he quickly banished thoughts regarding other women from his mind as Kagura slowly tried to engulf his growing manhood, while her spit started running down its length to lubricate it as her hands slowly moved up and down.

"You know, you really have a gift with your mouth Kagura..." Alex said suddenly, startling her since the last thing Kagura expected was for Alex to compliment her skill at giving head, when this was only the second time. Again, she fought down the urge to use her teeth since she needed to make him finish as quickly as possible, and proceeded to focus on trying to take as much of his length into her mouth as possible to accomplish that very goal.

Alex was then caught between pleasure and pure amazement as he watched Kagura very slowly inch her way down his shaft with her lips, until she had engulfed even more of his length than most of his girls.

'She really is gifted with her mouth and throat...' Alex thought to himself as he felt the proud swordswoman's throat squeeze and massage his cock's head, while her tongue shifted and moved pleasurably under his shaft.

Unfortunately for her, as a human with 'very' limited experience, Kagura could only go so far until she had to stop, which was a surprising half way down his shaft after Alex's cock finished growing hard. Instead of letting the defeat get to her though, Kagura then proceeded to slowly moved Alex's cock in and out of her mouth while one of her hands continued to move up and down the remaining half of his shaft, and the other started fondling his balls.

Kagura was so engrossed with trying to bring Alex the most pleasure, that she didn't bother trying to keep track of time as the seconds slowly ticked by, and turned into minutes.

After what seemed like forever though, she finally felt Alex's cock start twitching within her throat, before it was followed by Alex letting out a soft grunt and a torrent of thick fluids started pouring down her throat. Fighting down the urge to cough and spit every drop of the fluid being pumped down her throat though, Kagura instead focused on grabbing the stopwatch to mark her time, at ten minutes exactly.

Frowning as she slid Alex's cock out of her mouth, Kagura couldn't help but feel there was something fishy with the exactness of the time it took to make Alex cum. However, she also couldn't help but think that she only needed to endure ten minutes under Alex's attacks before she wouldn't have to worry about 'satisfying' him ever again.

"That's strange..." Alex said suddenly, startling Kagura out of her thoughts before he continued, "Usually I can last quite a bit longer than this.....I wonder if that means you're just that good?" With him smirking during the last part of his comment, Kagura fought the urge to grab her katana from nearby, the only reason she succeeded being that she already knew it wouldn't affect him.

Instead, she remained silent as Alex said,

"My turn now, let's hope I can beat ten minutes!" While Kagura hoped for the opposite result, she still couldn't shake the feeling that Alex was up to something. She didn't get any time to think on what that might be though, as he then said,

"Now then, please drop your pants and spread your legs." Glowering from the way Alex put it, Kagura continued glaring at him as she undid the buttons on her pants, and hesitated ever so briefly before hauling them down to her ankles along with her panties.

Naturally, Alex leaned back and cocked his brows as if he was admiring the view of her now exposed pubic area, which was crowned by a neatly trimmed patch of black hair. Though she wanted to hide her private place from Alex's prying eyes, Kagura decided to let him look all he wanted since, after tonight, he'd never see that place ever again.

"So how am I doing this?" She asked irritably to try and get this whole ordeal over with, to which Alex said without removing his gaze from her slit,

"Well, you could bend over and spread your cheeks so I can take you from behind, or if you prefer to see what's going on, then you can simply sit at the edge of your desk and spread your legs open for me. Either way works for me." Her brow twitching at his words, Kagura decided to go with the latter option since it allowed her to see what he was doing, plus she didn't feel comfortable with showing her 'back door' to him.

Resigning herself, Kagura then proceeded to step backwards towards her desk, place her butt on its edge, and spread her legs into an M shape.

"Just get it over with..." She groaned at him in resignation, while also painfully aware of Alex's burning gaze at the spot between her legs.

Without another word, Alex proceeded to get down on his knees before her, and used his fingers to spread open her clam to properly see inside. Of course the second his fingers touched her Kagura both fought the shudder that tried to go through her body, and started the stopwatch the second time.

Though he knew this, Alex didn't seem to mind his time already winding down as he took in the view of the proud swordswoman's spread pussy, before looking up directly into her eyes, and saying shamelessly, "Thank you for meal~!" Before she could try to snap at him for his actions, Kagura promptly bit her lips as Alex's mouth descended to her spread clam, his tongue immediately probing her depths to feel for her pleasure spots.

"...ngh...." Kagura immediately bit her lip to keep any noise from escaping her as electricity surged through her body at the probing of Alex's tongue, before she slapped one of her hands over her mouth as an extra measure.

Since she had never even masturbated before, the pleasure Kagura was feeling was all new to her, and she quickly realized that she had drastically underestimated Alex's skill with his tongue. Kagura then glanced at the stopwatch, and felt her heart sink when she saw that only ten seconds had passed.

Suddenly ten minutes seemed much longer than she had anticipated.


Slowly the seconds ticked by, before they turned into agonizingly long minutes that felt like an eternity, and the entire time Kagura was more miserable than she had ever been in her life.

Technically she was actually feeling more 'pleasure' than she ever had before, however Alex was purposely dragging things along torturously. Kagura knew this since every time she would almost cum from his tongue, he would suddenly do something to prevent her from cumming before beginning his assault anew.

She didn't know why, but Kagura was able to determine that Alex was prolonging her suffering intentionally for some reason, sadly though her mind was so occupied with her arousal that she was unable to try and reason why.

As the seconds slowly and tortuously ticked by, the only reason Kagura could think of was that Alex was trying to make her beg for him to let her cum, as with each passing second she was fighting the urge to do just that. Instead, Kagura was currently biting her lip so hard that she had long since drew blood to prevent any sound from escaping her lips, a progressively harder task to accomplish as the seconds slowly passed.

Finally, after the hardest ten minutes in her entire life, the final few seconds started ticking down.

As they finally approached the final leg of the competition though, a surge of fear shot through Kagura's heart that Alex was purposely extending things done until the very last second, letting her have hope of her victory only to make her taste defeat. With each passing second this fear grew.

Ten seconds left.

Nine seconds left.

Eight seconds left.

'What'll I do if he makes me lose?!' Kagura thought to herself desperately.

Three seconds left.

Two seconds left.

One seconds left.


As the stopwatch showed ten minutes and one second, a brief surge of relief filled Kagura, before something unlike anything she ever experienced surged through her instead.

"SOMETHINGS CUMMING!!!" She screamed to the heavens reflexively as her mind exploded with the pleasure of her first ever climax, making her squeeze Alex's head between her thighs as her butt even lifted off of the desk when she arched backwards.

As Kagura's body jerked and twitched from her intense climax, Alex gently held her in place by her hips without worrying about her seemingly trying to crush his head with her thighs, a small smile on his lips as her pubes tickled his nose with every jerk her body made.

With nearly two minutes passing since the start of her climax until she regained control of her body, Kagura eventually looked down at Alex with his face still buried in her crotch, and said between the deep breaths,

"I w-" before being able to say she won though, Kagura stifled yet another moan as Alex's tongue began to move within her once again.

"S-stop! I-I wo-!" Though she tried repeatedly to tell him to stop, each and every time Kagura was interrupted as Alex expertly toyed with her body as if he already knew everything about how to pleasure her, preventing her from speaking out against him. She then tried to use her hands to push his head away from her crotch, but was unable to match the strength in his neck.

As the minutes crept by, and she forced to experience climax after climax, Kagura slowly stopped fighting the pleasure Alex was going her as her protests turned into moans, and the hands that had been trying to push his head away became tangled within his hair as she unconsciously tried to pull him closer. Eventually, after completely losing track of time, Kagura passed out from the continuous climaxes Alex inflicted upon her.


When she awoke the next morning Kagura felt a brief sense of incongruity from waking up while wrapped in her blankets in her comfortable bed, before she suddenly recalled the nights events. Throwing her blankets off in a hurry, she found herself still completely naked from the night before, though thankfully her body looked and felt as if it had been cleaned before being put into bed.

The relief quickly faded though as she started to really recall the details of the night before, her unrestrained moans, running her fingers through Alex's hair, grinding her pelvis into his face to make his tongue go even deeper, and how at one point he even stuck one of his fingers up her butt.

As she recalled these and more specific events, Kagura's entire face turned Crimson as more shame and humiliation than she had ever felt filled her. Not only was it painfully obvious that Alex let her win their competition, since he was evidently able to send her over the edge whenever he wanted; but she was ashamed that all it took was him wiggling his tongue and she turned into little more than a bitch in heat, begging for more to the point that she even almost gave him her chastity then and there.

Even more heat filled her face at the thought as Kagura recalled just how big Alex was down there, before she quickly banished the thought entirely.

Glancing around her room to try and think of something else, it was then that she noticed her clothes from the day before folded and stacked neatly on the stand next to her bed. Kagura's face became heated once again as she noticed that the stack was topped with her neatly folded panties, and she probably would've exploded if she hadn't noticed the folded up piece of paper next to them.

Snatching it before her thoughts could run wild any more, she nearly tore the paper as she unfolded it before finally being able to inspect its contents.


Well, you won our bet. Now you won't have to worry about 'satisfying' me ever again. I quite enjoyed our time together last night though, you have a gift with your mouth and your voice was really lovely once you finally let loose with it.

If you ever want to cut loose or are feeling pent up again let me know, and I'll come running. Until then so long.


P.S. I'll be back in about a week or two regarding the matter with Asora that we discussed before.'

Reading how Alex would 'come running' if she wanted him to, and how she'll see him again in only another week or two, Kagura balled up the paper in her hand before trying to use her Gravity magic to crush into as tiny of a ball as possible.

"See what I'll do to you when I see you again, you BASTARRRRRRD!!!" She cried out in anger at him, before following up with a series of profanities that would have shocked anyone who knew her to death.


While Kagura was busy cursing Alex, Mirajane was busy trying to clean up the guild hall with Lucy and Erza after everyone had a wild time the night before. Even now there were several members of the guild passed out drunk on tipped over tables around them, until Erza slapped them awake with her gauntleted hand and sent them on their way to find work.

Surprisingly one of the first ones to leave for work was Natsu and Gajeel, who left together as if they close friends when they got along like fire and water before. As curious as this was, the girls could only speculate that it had to do with the things they experienced together, giving the two men a new view on the other as men who suffered the same traumatic thing.

The trio's work continued well into the morning while Mavis and Markarov talked in private, until a group that they were more than a little surprised to see walked through the door.

"Morning everyone!" Alex declared as he walked in, flanked by Grayfia on one side and Ravel on the other. Though the silver haired maid accompanying Alex wasn't anything new, Ravel rarely left the Misty Manor, let alone Asora, so Lucy couldn't help but ask after greeting them,

"What are you doing here too Ravel?" The Phoenix girl puffed out her impressive chest proudly and said as both her breasts and drill styled hair bounced,

"I'm coming along with Alex to make sure negotiations go smoothly, since the Phenix family has quite a bit of experience with matters regarding trade." As she said, the Phenix family was one of the wealthiest and most influential within the underworld due to their smart business sense, such as trying to make peace with Alex after he killed Raiser instead of simply trying to continuously antagonize him. Of course though, the biggest reason for their success was due to a substance that couldn't be produced by anyone except them, Phoenix Tears.

Their confusion not at all sated, Mirajane couldn't help but ask,

"What negotiations and trade?" This time Alex answered as he looked at Erza and supplied,

"The same reason we wanted to have Erza act as our escort, both because of her status as my knight and because of her fame in Earthland." He then paused for a bit of suspense, before finally finishing,

"We're going to see the royal family."

Harry_Dresden Harry_Dresden

Thanks for reading!

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



เข้า สู่ ระบบ