46.48% God succession system / Chapter 270: What is Love?

บท 270: What is Love?

Though everyone was momentarily stunned by the sudden situation, Alex reacted first as Miledi started summoning magic power and calmly said,

"Grayfia." The silver haired maid didn't need to be told what to do, as she used her Magic Domain to seize control of Miledi's magic power and negate it, before the person herself turned back to face the duo with rage while exclaiming,

"Don't you know who she is?! She's the one in command of the army of apostles that serve Ehito, his most powerful servant!" Though Miledi was slandering her and nearly attacked her, Noint hadn't moved from her original position as she simply stared at Alex waiting for his instruction. The man in question simply laid back in his chair and waited for Miledi to finish her argument, before finally and calmly countering,

"Let me ask you Miledi, what was the goal of the Liberators when you were active?" Miledi narrowed her eyes suspiciously before slowly answering,

"We wanted to remove the influence of God, and allow the people of all races to live with free will..." Alex nodded before saying,

"Though you say all races, there's one you're leaving out who needs freedom from his control the most-" Cutting himself off, Alex then glanced towards the same silver haired woman Miledi had just tried to attack a moment ago. As she gaped in disbelief Alex continued,

"They were created for the sole purpose of carrying out Ehito's will without any regard to their own wishes, or rather he never allowed them to have any wishes of their own. You could say they're the people Ehito has hurt the most in his long existence, and they're not even aware of it." As Alex allowed his words to sink into Miledi's thoughts, Noint took this moment to add,

"We all considered free will a joke, a pipe dream of lesser beings dreaming of being more than they were, but now after having my connection to my creator severed I can see that is not the case." As her words echoed in Miledi's mind she tried desperately to rationalize Noint still being their enemy, even trying to convince herself that she was just acting to get them to let their guard down. However she couldn't find any reason to support her suspicions as there was no way any of them would be capable of acting, let alone deceiving an entire nation of people. As the silence stretched Alex decided to continue the meeting by saying,

"Anyways, as Miledi was pointing out we can assume there will be an army of apostles similar to Noint and the others that will try to stand between us and Ehito." As everyone thought on his words, Kuroka grimaced while asking,

"Does that mean we'll have to fight them while trying not to kill them~Nyan?" Alex shook his head and replied,

"No, as tragic as their existence is I'm not going to push the burden of dealing with rehabilitating thousands of apostles onto us, so we can fight without holding back." As he finished speaking Alex looked at Noint to see how she'd take the discussion of slaughtering her own people, only to see she was seemingly indifferent to the topic. With everyone else finding this idea agreeable there was no protests to this idea, and Alex moved onto the real reason he gathered them all.

"Onto the next issue then, who will be going with us?" Everyone looked up as they were surprised he was offering to bring them along, while Sairaorg asked,

"Does this mean you want to bring us and our peerages as well to fight the apostles?" As Alex was about to answer he was interrupted when Noint spoke up,

"Bringing several people along with you would be advisable since my creator will have most likely added to his army with the destruction of Aruvhite and Freid. I would also like to volunteer myself to act as a guide to prevent getting lost within his divine realm." At this point Miledi stood up and declared,

"You just want to lead us into a trap don't you! How do we know you won't just return to your master the moment it'll be convenient to do so?" If Noint took offense at Miledi's accusations she didn't show it, like any of her other emotions, but instead replied,

"My creator had already thrown me away, as such I will never be able to return to my former place within his ranks. If this does not alleviate any concerns though, then I will be willing to let myself become enslaved once more to prevent any kind of subterfuge." Alex grimaced from their discussion and finally managed to intervene before saying,

"I was actually already thinking of doing that to begin with, but my concern was preventing Ehito using some kind of command to shut you down or to betray us. I will remove the mark afterwards though since I don't like enslaving people who don't deserve it." As he looked at her apologetically Noint cocked her head to the side in confusion, as she didn't understand why Alex would be hesitant to enslave someone who was at one point his enemy. She decided to think about it later and focused on what Alex was saying afterwards as he continued,

"As for the rest of you, beside Noint and Miledi I was planning on asking if any of you Devils wanted to come, but save your answers for after I tell you about being able to turn each of you into super Devils." After he finished speaking Alex ignored their shock and launched into an explanation of his experiment with Rias and Grayfia, as well as how he turned Serafall and Sona into super Devils afterwards. As could be expected, there was a mixture of responses to everyone finding out about Alex being able to turn regular Devils into super Devils, there was a sense of both excitement and anxiety going through the gathered Devils, while the non-Devils paled at the thought of a super devil army forming. Of course the first thing that came out of Barakiel's mouth was,

"It is only Devils that be evolved, or is it possible to evolve other species as well?" Everyone listened closely as Alex responded,

"Of course other races can be evolved, I also did so to Yue and Elmenhilde to turn them into Shinso vampires, or if you rather True Ancestors. The reason I haven't tried to evolve others yet is because I don't know if there'd be side effects of evolving like my own race of saiyans; an evolved form of is called a legendary super saiyan, beings that are the ultimate planet destroying berserkers." When they heard that everyone was quiet as they contemplated a being of such power going out of control, before Sairaorg asked,

"What about our peerages, would they be ok to evolve?" Alex shook his head and explained that as well,

"Evolving a person involves their actual race, not just abilities they are granted. Most peerages are usually another race granted devil powers, and while Evolution magic could be used to increase their devil powers to equal that of a super Devil, they wouldn't be able to actually turn into one. With the exception of those gathered and a few others, I actually plan to restrict who can undergo evolution to prevent people from going crazy about it." (A.N. Beings like werewolves and vampires ect are different since they spread by "infecting" others compared to evil pieces simply granting others the power of a devil. A good example of this would be Koneko, Kuroka, and Gasper, though each of them were given evil pieces they still retained the heritage and abilities of their original race.)

Everyone nodded in acceptance of what Alex said as they could easily see such an ability being taken advantage of, and so to get back on topic he continued,

"I'm planning to mostly invite those that become super Devils so that they can properly test their newfound strength without having to worry about backlash on Asora, just like a certain someone..." As he spoke Alex glanced briefly at Rias, making the Crimson haired woman blush as she stated,

"Don't look at me, I didn't know how powerful I was yet..." With everyone else chuckling at her expense, the meeting then continued as Alex told the gathered Devils to give him their answers the following morning. After that they discussed how they were going to enter Ehito's divine realm, to which Hajime produced the magic key he had made before the meeting with the help of Kaori's devil magic. According to Hajime the key was able to literally open a door anywhere one wanted, even including other worlds. Though Alex was already going to ask Lauren about it later, he already had a feeling it wouldn't be that easy to use the key to bypass the yearlong cool down he and Anne had, something that even spending so much time in the time altered training rooms didn't affect.

After that Alex then gave Hajime the same plans he had given Seekvaira a while back to get him to help her. At first Hajime seemed excited when he looked at what Alex wanted but, when Alex told him that he wanted it done by morning, both Hajime and Seekvaira started arguing until he mentioned using one of the training rooms to extend the time. Though the two had let out a small sigh of relief at the extra time they just realized they had, they both still glared at Alex for the unreasonable demand while everyone else tried peeking at the documents to see what Alex wanted them to make. They didn't get a chance to however as Hajime and Seekvaira both left the meeting room to start immediately, with Kaori and surprisingly Sairaorg following along. With nothing else to add Alex said,

"Well that should be about it for now, we'll meet again in the morning to see Hajime and Seekvaira's finished product since I'm sure everyone will want to see it, and I'll also expect answers from the Devils gathered regarding the evolution." Everyone nodded as they went to stand to leave, but before they could Miledi stated,

"Wait! You never told me why you were dressed as a maid!" Everyone turned towards her and Noint with a bit of interest since this was an age old rivalry. Noint on the other hand didn't show any change in expression as usual, and simply replied,

"It is simply part of my job as a maid in the Misty Manor. Is there a particular reason it annoys you?" Everyone turned back towards Miledi who said,

"Of course, it's the favorite outfit of O-kun!" After she finished talking Miledi crossed her arms with "humph", while Noint tilted her head slightly in contemplation before muttering to herself,

"Then it seems I did choose the right job for my intentions." Everyone looked at her sharply at this line while Alex asked,

"And what are your intentions Noint?" This seemed to especially catch her attention, before the silver haired woman made her way to his side while explaining,

"As our new lord you told myself and my siblings to explore our newfound free will, and so I spent some time researching your worlds literature to see if it could help me have an idea what "free will" meant. The most common example of free will I found was the concept of "love", something that all accounts say is uncontrollable and yet is one of the most powerful concepts." Everyone was stunned to silence at Noint's words while Miledi was gaping like a fish and Alex slowly asked,

"And how does trying to learn about love relate to becoming a maid in my home?" Noint managed a small victorious smile before declaring,

"Because I decided that out of everyone in this world our lord would have the most experience due to his many relationships, and the literature I studied stated that men love maids. So in order to spend more time around our lord and increase the chances of experiencing love, I decided to become a maid in his employ!" No said a single thing as they tried to process what Noint just said, while Miledi looked as if she had passed out while still in her previous position. Not paying any attention to the atmosphere she created, Noint then asked with a deadpan voice and expression,

"Is this now the part where we have the intercourse?" This was immediately followed by the sound of Alex and several others choking at the suddenness of her request, while other people had started snickering and a couple more were flat out roaring with laughter. Alex took a moment to compose himself before saying seriously,

"Noint, we can't have... the intercourse right now, you need to consider the time, place, and occasion. Let's wait a while before moving to that step." Everyone looked at Alex in shock as they never expected him to turn down a woman's offer, though in actuality Alex was fairly tempted to accept. He simply didn't want to be known as someone who took advantage of another's naivety in such a way, though as he said he wouldn't hesitate to accept Noint's offer after spending some time around her. The woman in question nodded her her head as if in understanding, before suddenly saying,

"I see, what about now?" Before anyone could say or do anything to stop her, Noint unhesitatingly grabbed the hem of her maids skirt and lifted it, displaying the lack of underwear underneath as her crotch was put on full display for the whole room to see. There was series of different responses as some of the girls gasped at how daring she was, while several of the guys lets out sighs of amazement or groans as someone covered their eyes. The most exaggerated reactions were of course the male members of Hajime's class that was present, as none of them had see a girl naked before. Alex meanwhile was appreciating the view even if his brow was twitching in irritation, before asking,

"What are you doing Noint?" The cool beauty tilted her head somewhat cutely as if she didn't understand what he was asking, before casually replying,

"Some of the literature I've read also stated that guys liked it when a girl flashed her panties, i decided to try it even though I don't wear panties but, as expected, the effect isn't the same is it?" After saying that Noint lowered her skirt and looked as if she was contemplating what went wrong, while Alex was thinking along with everyone else that she induced more of an impact than she expected. As she turned to leave Alex made a mental note to check on what literature she was studying in the near future, purely for research purposes of course. With the excitement of a beautiful woman exposing herself over, everyone got up and started making their way to the door to go home since they had already been excused. To one side was a particular group that was saying goodbye after traveling together for a while.

"It was wonderful to get to know you Le Fay, when all this is done lets hang out together sometime!" Sonobe Yuuka said energetically as she and her friends crowded around the blond magician. Le Fay smiled at her new friends and replied,

"Of course, it was nice to get to know all of you as well, please introduce me to the rest of your classmates as well later!" Their farewells were interrupted however when one of the male classmates that was just gawking at Noint approached and nervously said,

"Um Le Fay-chan, I-I just wanted to say tha-that after getting to know you I-I've really come to like like y-you, a-and PLEASE GO OUT WITH ME!!!" After declaring his feelings Atsushi bowed his head waited for a response from the stunned Le Fay, while her brother and a few others watched over nearby with a frown on their face, the girls especially were frowning as they had noticed this guy gawking at another girl's body just a few minutes before. As could be expected Le Fay was nervous as she was suddenly the center of attention, before replying,

"U-um, I'm sorry but I already have someone I like!" Turning away from the heartbroken boy and his two friends who were angry at him for trying to jump the gun on them, Le Fay made her way over to Alex's side as he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close. He then said,

"Since that's the case then lets go." He then led her and Gabriel towards the door to return to the manor, deciding that he'd made Le Fay wait long enough. He stopped only long enough though to say quietly into Atsushi's ear,

"Since you confessed to one of my women and tried to jump the gun on your best friends I'll let you in on a little secret, I'm leaving to have hot sex with the woman you just confessed to all night long, sweet dreams." He left left behind the doubly heartbroken Atsushi while Le Fay was blushing fiercely from overhearing what Alex told him, though despite her embarrassment she had a small smile on her lips.

Harry_Dresden Harry_Dresden

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