70.63% Classmancers - A MOBA Esport Story / Chapter 421: Patient Offense vs. Patient Defense

บท 421: Patient Offense vs. Patient Defense

In the same way that Stratus held the upper hand in Mid and Bot, they also gained some early advantage in Top.

There, it wasn't the result of invading or stealing buffs. It was a much simpler tactical advantage, one that Yuel established before the game even started. It all happened back during the drafting phase.

[So tell me, o dragon lady.] Vincent addressed his foe. [Will you approach me to do battle? Or, shall you remain on the defensive, patiently biding your time?]

Of course, it was but a trivial question. After all, his lane opponent was none other than Theorist, an expert in information handling. Clearly, she was aware of the peculiarities of this match-up and why it didn't favor her in the slightest.

[So, I see you have indeed chosen safety over dominance.] Vincent concluded after observing his opponent for a while. [It is a rather uncharacteristic decision for a dragon, a legendary creature known for its greed. Nonetheless, it is a wise plan. Clearly, this is an Elder Dragon we have on our hands here.]

The classic Dragonborn farming routine was to begin the assault with Draconic Rush, which pushed the swordsmen back to the backline. From there, it was possible to unleash Draconic Flame on the entire minion wave, torching both the swordsmen and the bowmen at once!

However, Theorist avoided using this setup at this time.

Given her robust game knowledge, she was clearly aware of this farming technique. However, instead, she went for a far simpler, far less efficient farming technique.

Instead of invoking the mighty Draconic Rush, she only used Draconic Flame. She simply approached the swordsmen and swung her fire blade at them, engulfing the soldiers in flames.

Without pushing the frontline closer to the backline, the Dragonborn's flame sword had no hope of hitting both the swordsmen and the bowmen. It was quite a sizable waste of damage. Clearly, Theorist's top priority was not efficiency but safety.

[I see, I see.] Vincent nodded. [So, you chose to not show me your Draconic Rush. Very well.]

Right after unleashing the Draconic Flame, Theorist evacuated the area. She went as far as rolling away, and for a good reason.

Vincent had already raised both of his axes high into the air, right above his head. Then, after charging up the attack to its fullest, he slammed the axes into the ground! BAM! A Shockwave exploded!

Charging the attack to its utmost limit vastly increased its AoE radius. Therefore, the shockwave exploded so widely that it hit both the swordsmen and the bowmen!

Truly, it was as if a meteor crashed into the ground! The impact should've been powerful enough to wipe out the dinosaurs from the face of the earth all over again!

But, in reality, it wiped out neither the swordsmen nor the bowmen. Barbarian Slam dealt substantial damage to the entire enemy army, but all the soldiers survived this Armageddon.

[So, you have endured my Ragnarok, o brave minions.] Vincent nodded. [But, don't rejoice quite yet! I shall personally slice and dice each and every one of you!]

Vincent stepped in between the swordsmen and the bowmen and began hacking away at them with his axes. Naturally, he went after the backline first.

Hack. Hackhack. HACKHACKHACK!

The longer Vincent kept going with his relentless assault, the faster his attacks became. This was a unique property of Berserker's basic attacks, one that wasn't directly disclosed in any of the class's skill descriptions. It was just how the animation of his basic attacks worked.

But of course, such a small detail couldn't escape the pull of the all-absorbing Information Blackhole! Indeed, the information was sucked right in, burying itself within Vincent's endless sea of knowledge!

To fully capitalize on this unique property, Vincent specifically positioned himself in the gap between the enemy's frontline and backline. This way, he ensured that he could keep unleashing his flurry of attacks on the entire enemy wave without ever stopping to break his combo.

And so, he hacked, hacked, and hacked some more at the bowmen. Then, once the backline was completely eliminated, Vincent turned around and continued assaulting the swordsmen with the same attack speed.

[O, such beautiful mechanical optimization!] Vincent praised the famous technique he was borrowing from the gods of Classmancers. [I may not have any impressive mechanical skill to my name, but this technique allows even a pleb like moi to pull such an outstanding stunt that can awe the audience! It is simply splendid!]

With that said, this approach involved a lot of risks. After all, Vincent had to position himself deep within the enemy formation in order to pull this off. Against most lane opponents, this would be an extremely dangerous stunt to pull.

But, against Theorist? This was the safest play in the world! It was clear as day that the dragon lady had no intention of challenging Vincent anytime soon. As such, Vincent had the freedom to extend into enemy territory without much worry.

[I could even go further and bring the battle to her, but I shall refrain for now.] Vincent thought. [If she intends to make my life so easy and allow me to farm to my heart's content, then I shall not shake the tree, at least not yet.]

With how much freedom Theorist was giving Vincent, it will be a no-brainer to outclear the dragon lady on every wave. This was the ideal lane situation with minimal risks and maximum gains.

Once Vincent's endless flurry of attacks finally came to an end, it left nothing behind. The enemy dragon lady remained practically naked against his army.

But of course, Theorist wasn't sleeping the entire time this was going down. She also tried to lay waste to Vincent's army with her basic attacks, but she couldn't quite compete with Bersker's lightning-speed flurry.

By the time Vincent eliminated the entire enemy army, Theorist was only done with Vincent's frontline and had already retreated. She did not even dare to invade any deeper into Vincent's territory to clear out the bowmen first, that's how much lane advantage she was willing to surrender to Vincent in exchange for her own safety.

[I see, I see. So, that's how it is.] Vincent nodded. [You will not contest me face-to-face, but neither will you give me a chance to strike you. Indeed, this is very much in line with TheTheorist's usual tactics.]

Safety over speed, and tranquility over chaos, such were Theorist's beliefs. She preferred to put herself at a slight disadvantage as long as it helped her maintain order in the lane. Above anything else, she wanted to ensure that everything was going according to the script.

This mentality was very much representative of the Leopards as a whole this year, especially on the lanes where Theorist and Merlin played. This team was a world apart from the aggressive Leopards led by Fenrir in the previous year. Fenrir's was a team that terrorized the competition to the core, instilling fear in all the opponents they brutally crushed.

With that said, this version of the Leopards was interesting in its own way. It appeared weaker and less oppressive at first glance, but that was merely an illusion they established during the early parts of the game.

[It is very inviting to push ahead in this situation, but I shall not fall for this trap.] Vincent retreated and abandoned the bowmen on their own.

As inviting as this opportunity seemed, it was more than likely an elaborate trap. This was how the Leopards of this year played Classmancers.

If last year they were like fearsome wolves who leapt at their opponents and tore them to shreds, then this year they were like stealthy snakes. They patiently waited for the right opportunity to catch their prey off guard and then systematically choke them to death.

[I shall not fall for such base trickery!] Vincent proclaimed. [I'm beyond certain that the enemy Jungler is lying in wait at this very moment, looking for an opportunity to strike me down.]

Allied wards have spotted Rook around Top Jungle recently, so it was safe to assume that this dangerous fellow was still hanging around. And, given how passively Theorist played this round, it only stood to reason that she had some ulterior motives in mind.

For example, it could be a cunning plan such as lowering Vincent's guard and baiting him into overextending. That would've set up the perfect stage for Rook to jump Vincent!

[Nay, I say! You shall not have your way, villains! I will resist this temptation until the very end!]

And, that was the right choice. Rook indeed arrived on the lane shortly after. He popped up from the enemy's side of the jungle and helped Theorist clear out the incoming bowmen.

[It appears I've escaped by the skin of my teeth.] Vincent nodded meaningfully. [If I ventured any deeper than this, I would have been naught but a sitting duck for our foes.]

Once all the minions were gone, Rook immediately left the lane. He clearly had no intention of sticking around to help Theorist any further for now. The man had his own busy schedule to attend to in the jungle, so it was understandable that he couldn't babysit Top Lane 24/7.

"Their Jungler has just departed from Top Lane," Vincent reported in order to ensure that everybody was in the loop. Especially, it was important to relay this information to Kai, as Mid might be Rook's next target.

[Now, let us focus on the next round.] Vincent shifted his attention back to the enemy in front of him. [My job is to pressure Theorist into submission, such were the orders I was given.]

Berserker was a soft counter to Dragonborn, one that Chessmaster has successfully drafted by fooling his foes. As such, Vincent was obligated to live up to the expectations placed on him and tear Theorist apart!

[It is easier said than done, however.] Vincent shook his head. [I'm no expert at aggression like Gunz and Beat. On the other hand, my opponent is an expert at defending. As such, it will be nigh impossible to crack her. At the very least, not with my own strength alone.]

Vincent summarized the circumstances to Chessmaster, the supreme commander in charge of this operation. After all, Vincent was no genius tactician, so it was best to leave the complicated thinking to the man who excelled at it beyond measure. Vincent was fully content with being an obedient pawn on the mastermind's board.

"I see," Yuel said. "So, they're planning to handle Top the same as last game."

"Indeed, so it seems," Vincent agreed. "Theorist will stick to defense, relying on Rook's help to even out the odds."

"In that case, start building up Rage."

"Oh! Are you asking moi to trade my sanity for the sake of unleashing Armageddon on my foe!?"

"... yes, I suppose," Yuel rolled his eyes. "Anyway, make sure you're ready to go Berserk by the third wave."

"Very well. It shall be done." Vincent nodded.

He had actually used Relaxing Exhale after clearing the first wave, so his Rage meter was at 30% at the moment, just enough to cast another fully charged Barbarian Slam. However, it should not take too much effort to bring it to 80% for the third wave.

"Is this the entire master plan?" Vincent asked. "As mighty as Berserker gets when enraged, I'm afraid I do not possess the technical skill to smite down a defensive opponent such as Theorist."

"That's where Luke enters the picture."

"Oh, a gank!?" Luke jumped. "I'm in! When? Where? Lemme in!"

"You'll recall soon, right?" Yuel confirmed. "So, time your arrival in Top for the next wave."

"Alrighty, I'm on the job!" Luke grinned.

"I'll leave most of the specifics to you, as you're the one who knows how to best pilot this irregular pick," Yuel said. "But, I strongly suggest traveling across this path." He drew it out on the mini-map.

"Heh, I see whatcha doing there. Adjusting the path to the downtime of the wards, right? Smartass as always."

"Oh, you're familiar with this timing?" Yuel blinked.

"Oi, what's with that surprised tone? Rude much?" Luke puffed his cheeks. "Man, I dunno what image you got of me, but I'm a bona fide Jungler, ya know? I know them stuff about ward placement and when they expire."


It was easy to forget that Luke was actually a rather adequate Jungler, all things considered. He always goofed around but he actually studied the game.

In fact, he even came to Yuel with questions about builds and game theory before. Though, most of such questions were related to meme classes...

Nevertheless, when it came to important jungling knowledge, Luke definitely possessed it. On top of that, he also studied hard about how to squeeze the most out of every meme class he played. So, Luke definitely had the ability to combine meta-jungling knowledge with his meme knowledge, as goofy as that sounded.

[It's sad that he's wasting all that effort on memes.] Yuel sighed. [He could've been such a reliable Jungler otherwise. This might be the biggest waste of potential I've ever seen in my life.]

Nonetheless, in this particular game, Luke might get the opportunity to make some big plays. Yuel was planning a great stage for Luke, one on which Dark Knight's overwhelming strength will truly shine.

However, a few more preparations were necessary for that.

"When you recall, buy a Checkpoint Ward, just in case," Yuel requested.

"Eh, seriously? That thing is costly as heck," Luke said. "I really need to start working on my build, man."

"Yes, I'm aware. But, depending on how things develop, a Checkpoint Ward will be crucial for this play."

"Welp, if you're so sure..."

And so, the second grand scheme of the game was set in motion. The Dark Knight had already shown great success during the game's opening, so will Luke be able to deliver another success?

For this play, merely forcing the enemy to retreat won't be enough. Luke will have to go straight for the kill, or else the entire play will result in a waste of time.

In a way, that was going to be the "real test". The outcome of this play will determine whether Luke's Dark Knight had any place on this competitive stage.

In fact, the result of the play might single-handedly determine the fate of this entire game. That's how extreme of a class Dark Knight was.

[Honestly, a part of me wants it to fail.] Yuel thought. [It's a known fact that Dark Knight has no business being Jungler. So, the faster Luke wakes up from his daydreaming, the better.]

Unfortunately, for the sake of the team, this play HAD to work. Stratus was already lagging behind the Leopards by one game, so they had to win this one and even the score.

But, will Luke really be able to pull it off? Or, will he disappoint everybody like a typical memer? In the first place, will the Leopards lower their guard sufficiently to allow that kind of development?

The fast-approaching gank on Top will answer all these questions and more…

DarkClaymore DarkClaymore

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