Lucinda Perry, ein sozialer Einsiedler und Workaholic, nimmt sich vor, an ihrem fünfundzwanzigsten Geburtstag so richtig die Sau rauszulassen und sich sogar einen One-Night-Stand zu gönnen, wenn sie auf der Arbeit ihre längst verdiente Beförderung erhält. Wenige Tage vor ihrem fünfundzwanzigsten Geburtstag wird sie nicht nur in eine höhere Position befördert, sondern auch in die Hauptverwaltung in einer anderen Stadt. Da sie ihre Geburtstagsnacht in einer neuen Stadt verbringen muss, geht sie in einen Club, wo sie einen sehr gut aussehenden Fremden, Thomas Hank, kennenlernt, der ihr anbietet, ihr One-Night-Stand zu sein, nachdem er einen Blick auf ihre "Dare-to-Do"-Liste geworfen hat, auf der auch ein One-Night-Stand stand. Thomas Hank, der in der Vergangenheit von mehreren Frauen ausgenutzt wurde, ist fest entschlossen, die Frau seiner Träume zu bekommen, die ihn um seiner selbst willen liebt und nicht wegen seines Reichtums. Als er im Club die süße und naive Lucinda Perry kennenlernt, beschließt er, ihr seine wahre Identität vorzuenthalten und herauszufinden, ob sie es wert ist, ihn zu halten. ***Auszug*** Was gibt es Unterhaltsameres als eine verrückte Nebenfigur? Begrüßen Sie Sonia und Bryan. Sonias Herz hörte für eine Sekunde auf zu schlagen, und dann schossen ihr im selben Moment verschiedene Gedanken durch den Kopf. Bryan Hank? Ihr prominenter Schwarm kniete direkt vor ihr und bat sie, seine Frau zu werden? Hatte er sie mit jemandem verwechselt? War es möglich, dass es sich um einen Sketch handelte, oder vielleicht um einen dieser Prominentenstreiche, bei denen Kameras darauf warteten, sie dabei zu erwischen, wie sie sich zum Narren machte? Oder träumte sie vielleicht? fragte sich Sonia, als sie sich umschaute, aber alles, was sie sah, waren Schaulustige. "Bitte! Werden Sie meine Frau und machen Sie mich zum glücklichsten Mann der Welt", sagte er mit sehr lauter Stimme, die die Aufmerksamkeit aller auf sich zog. Ihr Redakteur, auf den sie seit über einer Stunde wartete, weil er versuchte, einen Vertrag mit einem Filmproduzenten abzuschließen, der sich für eine ihrer Geschichten interessierte, tauchte in diesem Moment auf: "Sonia, Sie kennen Bryan Hank?" fragte ihr Redakteur erstaunt, als er die Szene vor ihm sah. Es schien eine Stunde vergangen zu sein, seit Bryan auf die Knie gegangen war, aber es war nur eine Minute gewesen. Bryan wusste, dass keine Frau so verrückt wäre, einen solch verrückten Vorschlag anzunehmen, und selbst wenn, wäre es ein Leichtes, sie zu bezahlen und die ganze Sache abzublasen, denn alles, was er wollte, war der Skandal, der daraus entstehen konnte. Die Schlagzeilen würden entweder von seinem abgelehnten Heiratsantrag oder von seiner angeblichen Verlobung handeln, was ausreichen würde, um Sophia vom Haken zu lassen. "Ja!" sagte Sonia, während sie aufgeregt mit dem Kopf wippte und ihm den Finger reichte, damit er ihr den Ring anstecken konnte. "Ja?" fragte Bryan verwirrt, als er ihre Antwort hörte. "Ja! Ich werde deine Frau sein und dich zum glücklichsten Mann der Welt machen!" sagte Sonia kichernd und wackelte mit ihren Fingern, bis Bryan den Ring auf ihren Finger schob. Überraschenderweise hatte der Ring genau ihre Größe, und er saß an ihrem Finger, als wäre er nur für sie gemacht worden. Um sie herum ertönte Applaus, als Sonia mit einem breiten Lächeln im Gesicht aufstand und Bryan umarmte, bevor sie ihn direkt auf die Lippen küsste. Bryan war von ihrer Dreistigkeit etwas überrascht, erholte sich aber schnell wieder, denn dies war sein Spiel, und er musste mitspielen. Schließlich war er derjenige, der sie zuerst angesprochen hatte. Als sie also versuchte, den Kuss zu unterbrechen, hielt er ihr Kinn und knabberte langsam an ihrer Unterlippe, bevor er ihre Lippen mit seiner Zunge teilte und neckisch daran saugte, was Sonia ein Stöhnen entlockte. Sonia fühlte sich schwindelig. Das war zu schön, um wahr zu sein. Es musste einfach ein Traum sein. Wie sonst sollte sie sich erklären, dass sie in einem Moment in der Lobby eines Hotels saß und auf ihren Redakteur wartete, und im nächsten Moment mit ihrem prominenten Schwarm verlobt war und ihn hier auf offener Straße küsste? (PS: Das Foto stammt von mir, das Bild von @imagineTishaD)
Una chica pobre nacida con enfermedad cardíaca congénita no tenía muchas esperanzas para el futuro, pero su vida da un giro brusco cuando un apuesto y rico hombre le propone matrimonio después de su trasplante de corazón. Fue lo más sorprendente que le sucedió en sus 22 años de vida. Abigail nunca había pensado que Cristóbal Sherman, un joven empresario multimillonario, se acercaría a ella y expresaría su deseo de casarse con ella. Estaba eufórica y aceptó su propuesta. Pero poco sabía que el guapo hombre de 32 años tenía una razón secreta para querer casarse con ella. Abigail entró en su mundo con mucha esperanza en su corazón. Pero casarse con él no fue el final feliz. Solo fue el comienzo. ¿Podrá mantener su corazón intacto? ¿Qué sucederá si descubre su verdadero motivo? ============= —La vida era fácil antes de casarme contigo —dijo Abigail con dolor en sus ojos—. Me estaba muriendo, pero era feliz. —¿Qué quieres decir? —Cristóbal le sujetó el brazo—. Deja de decir tonterías y toma la medicina —siseó, colocando una tableta en su palma. Bajo su mirada ardiente, Abigail se encogió. —¿Te resulta difícil cumplir con mi exigencia de tener un bebé? Han pasado dos años, Cristóbal. No respondió a su pregunta. Todo lo que hizo fue mirarla, actuando mudo. —¿Por qué siento que no te importan mis sentimientos? —preguntó Abigail—. ¿No me amas? Su silencio fue la respuesta clara. ============= Un agradecimiento especial a Aurora, mi editora, por sus útiles sugerencias sobre cómo mejorar la sinopsis.
"Do you seriously think that you can walk out of here without receiving any punishment for your deeds?" He asked in a cold tone as his cerulean blue eyes peered at her intensely. "Huh?" Jiang Ying Yue stared back at the four devil lords standing in front of her as she tried to recall exactly which deed they were talking about. Was it the one when she disturbed the First Devil during his bath and ended up snacking on him because she was too hungry to mind her manners? Or was it the one when she set up the Second Devil's precious magical manor on fire because she wanted to test her fire spell? Or maybe it was the one when she ended up pawning the Third Devil's spirit beast? Maybe when she set up the Fourth Devil's wedding with the eldest son of the Prime Minister? Or maybe it was all of them! *** Jiang Ying Yue, a fifteen hundred and twenty-one-year-old Vampire, after her sudden and unexpected death found herself in the body of a girl who shared a similar name and face as her. Known as the voodoo of the Imperial family of the Hyuang Empire, she found herself destined to a life in the Cold Palace, even when she was supposed to be the next Empress of the great empire. But how could an old fox who called herself the Empress Dowager, the Cold Palace, and the Princes of the Empire who were the reason behind her bad luck, could stop the smart and powerful Vampire Queen from living a life of luxury and contentment? Wanna stop her? Dream On! Jiang Ying Yue only had one dream in her new life - to live a luxurious and happy life. But what would happen when the Imperial family once again put their entire focus on her? Not only that but looked like suddenly, a few mysterious but powerful men had taken a liking to her. Well, one thing was clear. She's gonna smack the faces of those who would try to stop her from getting to her goal and let them know who's the actual boss! *** [Warning: This is a Reverse Harem Fantasy Romance with a lot of Mature Content] - [Disclaimer: The book cover does not belong to me. The credit goes to the rightful owner.]4.57
What started as a simple night-time robbery turned into an experience he'll never forget. Dezhong Prince, a cunning teenager,, spent the last day of an old year robbing a simple store with his friends until he took a detour that changed his life. While moving through, he's met with a beast that torments him throughout the whole night until he receives this: [Congratulations. You are the first to receive The Beast System.] Knowing he isn't the only one with the beast system, Dezhong must now grow stronger for when he encounters the others. However, he's also faced with another quest, [Discover the Shadow King.] Find out more in Awakened: The Beast System. Instagram: jt3art. Discord: -------------- Release rate: One chapter a day(bear with me, this isn't the only novel I have.) This is my first werewolf novel and it's got a lot of references to famous werewolf novels as well so, feel free to comment and let me know whether its good or not. Don't forget to comment, LEAVE A REVIEW, and vote with powerstones. Golden tickets are highly appreciated as well. Join the Discord server for sneak peeks, character images, and have a character of your own added to the novel. See you there.A one-of-a-kind advanced game? Universal Online where every player had the same class of rulers. Being rulers players got to lead and transform a single species beyond anything. Unfortunately, this was not the game where every species could survive. The whole population of rulers jumped from planet to planet fighting to gain more resources for their survival. The winner got to advance and the loser lost everything. He was one of those who strived hard to survive but in the end, failed. At the end of everything miracle happened. He got reincarnated back in time - 4 years after the game’s release! Armed with a few years of advanced knowledge from his previous life, he decided to once again take the gamble. Forced by his gang to play the game he decided to reach the top. This is the story of Jules - a man who threw himself back intending to rule above everyone but with many being already 4 years ahead of him, will he succeed?
Reifer Inhalt - Bewertung 18+ (keine Vergewaltigung) "Du siehst einsam und gut aus..." "Nun?" Der Alpha schenkte ihr ein herablassendes Lächeln. "Gebrochen. Wie jemand, der viele Schlachten geschlagen hat. Jemand, der verletzt worden ist." Sagte sie. "Das ist wahr. Und deshalb bin ich bereit, noch mehr Schlachten zu schlagen, wenn es das verspricht, was ich will", sagte Alpha Maverick. "Und was willst du?" fragte sie mit einem süßen Lächeln. "Den Tod. Den Tod aller Schurken für das, was sie mir angetan haben", sagte Alpha Maverick und sah das Mädchen an, das sich neben ihm versteifte. "Du bist doch kein Schurke, oder?" Alpha Maverick blickte in ihre bezaubernden Augen, seine Hand streichelte ihre Wangen und brachte sie zu einem unbeholfenen Lächeln. Sie war in der Tat eine Schurkin, und zwar nicht irgendeine Schurkin, sondern eine, die von der ganzen Welt gesucht wurde. ~~~~~~ "Ich, Valencia Brooklyn, lehne Tyler Anderson als meinen schicksalhaften Gefährten ab. Ich würde lieber den Tod akzeptieren als einen untreuen Partner." Dies waren genau die Worte, die ihr Leben veränderten. Da diese Werwolfwelt nicht akzeptieren konnte, dass sie ein Omega war und keinen Wolf hatte, beschloss sie, genau das Gleiche zu tun. Sie wurde ein Schurke, den alle fürchteten und suchten. Ein Schurke, der andere Schurken tötete, Menschen bestahl, einen Alpha zurückwies, den Rat täuschte und vor allem unter den Menschen lebte und dabei alle Gesetze und Normen brach. Was wird passieren, wenn jemand aus dem Rat ihren anonymen Fall dem stärksten Alpha der Welt übergibt? Einem Alpha, der noch stärker ist als der Sohn des Alphakönigs? Wie wird sie sich vor einem Alpha retten, der geschworen hat, alle Schurken zu töten, um sich für das zu rächen, was sie mit ihm gemacht haben? Wie wird Maverick Aurelius diesen mysteriösen Schurken fangen, der keine Fährte hat? Als sie sich das erste Mal treffen, hätte er sie töten sollen, aber wie hätte er sie erkennen sollen, wenn sie nur eine Katze war? Valencia hat sich nie in einen Wolf verwandelt, weil sie verflucht war, ein Gestaltwandler zu sein. Wie wird das Alphatier den Schurken in der Katze erkennen, die eine seltsame Angewohnheit entwickelt hat, in sein Zimmer zu kommen und mit seinen Sachen zu spielen? ~~~~~ P.S. Dies ist mein zweiter Beitrag zum WSA 2024. Bitte unterstützt mich mit Stimmen, Geschenken, Tickets und Kommentaren.
Gates of the Apocalypse follows George David Carter, an overweight nerd who has always dreamed of escaping reality through video games, is now faced with the apocalypse. Portals open up all over the world and unleash monsters and beings from straight out of a dark fantasy book. This high-octane, pulse pounding book series is filled with incredible action sequences that will leave you on the edge of your seat. It also has a kick ass harem of human and non-human hotties that can rock it in the sheets and destroy on the streets! This book series includes: ~No NTR! ~There is some Yuri. ~Huge harem of human and non-human women. ~Massive base building from a mansion to an entire kingdom. ~Huge battles on a scale rivaling the greatest fantasy novels ever written. ~Terryifying monsters and tense situations that add a heavy amount of horror. ~Tongue in cheek humor, toilet humor, and a healthy amount of Dad jokes. I update twice a day. Once at noon and once at 7pm. Rewards: 1 Luxury Car = 1 Bonus chapter 1 Dragon = 2 Bonus chapters 1 Magic Castle = Mass Release of 10 chapters 1 Spacecraft = Mass Release of 20 chapters 1 Golden Gachapon = 10 chapters per day for 1 week ***Discord is open!***
In a world where everyone is a slave, someone is born who cannot be controlled. At the same time, an unstoppable villain rises on a quest for revenge. But the truth is darker than he ever imagined, and now he must face an unbeatable enemy — including himself. *** Bruno was a young man born on Earth, the son of an influential modern Emperor. Despite having everything money could buy and receiving the best and most rigorous training to succeed his father, he chose the opposite path, defying his family’s ruthless rule. The price of his innocence? A merciless death and the complete erasure of his existence by the deity controlling his fate. On Earth, the law of the powerful was absolute; a slave could never rebel. But then, he wakes up again. He’s reborn in a world of cultivation, where freedom was promised to those strong enough to claim it. Now, he could soar like a free bird and carve his own destiny... or so he thought. The harsh reality of this new world soon showed him how insignificant he still was. He realized he had only changed masters. The freedom he sought was an illusion. The heavenly laws treated everyone as servants, and their rules were unbreakable. Bruno learned this bitter truth after losing everything that made him happy due to an unjust rule. But who was he to question? Hopeless, Bruno died... and was reborn as Alm, an unstoppable villain. With a soul poisoned by pain and vengeance, he sowed chaos across the universe. Planets were destroyed, countless lives taken, and his name became synonymous with terror. A hero rose to oppose him, wielding a sacred sword of hope. People from all corners of the universe united against Alm, raising their voices and weapons to stop the villain who defied the heavens. But Alm was no longer just fighting for revenge. He was challenging the heavenly laws that sought to control him, fighting fate and all living beings. And against all odds... the sacred sword shattered. The alliance of the entire universe was defeated. The villain won! Now, Alm found himself alone in the empty void of a dead universe, facing his own inner demons. Who could be more ruthless to him than himself? “What have I done?” At that moment, the doors of truth opened to him. Everyone was a puppet of a supreme figure, an entity that manipulated minds and even the heavenly laws. “I will find you, no matter where you are!” Thus, the last emissary of the true Heaven’s Will awakened. Alm, who once only relied on his sheer will and rage, now had a system to guide him. But his opponent was an immortal existence, above even the heavens. The villain who destroyed an entire universe now faced a new beginning. He discovered that the universe he devastated was just a tiny grain of sand in an infinite cosmos, where countless other universes existed. And so begins the legendary tale of the villain’s rise... and the Sacred Round God? A strange Duality of Shadows existed within one person. But this time, he wouldn’t be alone. *** To clear up any potential confusion or frustration, here are some key points about the story. I’ll avoid major spoilers, but a few things will be revealed. You might find this concerning at first, but just check the book cover—it shows the main character and his only partner. She first appears at 10 years old, but rest assured, there’s no inappropriate content or early romance. At around 13, SHE starts developing feelings for the protagonist, but he doesn’t respond until she’s an adult. With her determined personality, she tries to seduce him at 17/18, but it doesn’t work. Their relationship only happens much later. The book has nods to other works, with my own spin on them, and focuses on avoiding elements I find problematic in other stories. Lastly, the beautiful book cover was commissioned and created by HDIArt.5
Warriors train their bodies. Scholars fill their minds. Every cultivator must have both and the talent to harness qi. But when the youngest princess of the murim lord was born, her golden core had to be sealed immediately because her talent for harvesting qi was too strong. Follow her as she regains her talent as the weakest murim princess.Ace Carter Greyson, son mari depuis cinq longues années, a demandé le divorce la nuit de leur cinquième anniversaire de mariage. La raison ? Tout simplement parce qu'elle ne peut pas avoir de fils. Phoenix l'a supplié de rester mais sa décision ferme était inébranlable alors elle a finalement accepté de le laisser partir. Sa vie a été encore plus détruite après qu'elle a découvert sa longue liaison avec sa secrétaire, et maintenant, la maîtresse était enceinte. Quelques mois après leur divorce, il a épousé la secrétaire enceinte. Le monde de Phoenix bascule soudainement lorsqu'elle découvre qu'elle est enceinte de quatre mois.
Alicia Rosalyn von Heist ist die jüngste Tochter von König Edward von Alvannia. Sie ist ein uneheliches Kind, das von einem Burgfräulein geboren wurde, für das ihr Vater geschwärmt hat. Nachdem ihre Mutter starb, als sie noch klein war, nahm ihr Vater sie mit nach Hause und "adoptierte" sie. Aufgrund ihrer niedrigen Geburt und ihrer Unehelichkeit wurde sie von ihrem Vater, dem König, vernachlässigt und von ihrer Stiefmutter, der Königin, und ihren Stiefgeschwistern schikaniert. Als sie 16 Jahre alt war, brach ein Krieg mit dem benachbarten Land Grandcrest aus. Der Krieg dauerte zwei lange Jahre und die beiden Länder schlossen am Ende einen Waffenstillstand. Das Reich Grandcrest forderte eine Prinzessin, die mit dem jungen König verheiratet werden sollte. Es wird erzählt, dass der König von Grandcrest ausdrücklich um die Hand von Alicia bat. Alicia war 18 Jahre alt, als sie als Verlobte des jungen Königs nach Grandcrest geschickt wurde, der ein kaltblütiger, böser Tyrann sein sollte, König Regaleon vom Grandcrest-Reich. Hinweis: Das Titelbild stammt von Pinterest.
Marriage is not the cure-all when you suddenly get pregnant. Loreen learned that from experience. From a career woman, she accepted becoming a housewife when she suddenly got pregnant from a one-night stand with a stranger. But after a few months, she miscarried. They tried again for years to no avail. Until this was where it led… “Sign this divorce papers and get the hell out of here,” her husband demanded. Does she have to be divorced and shamed because she could not bear children? Can a marriage and romantic relationship not exist without the couple having their own children? . . . He was the one who abandoned her. But wait, 200 calls and 100 messages. 'What the hells is wrong with this guy?!' . . _________________________ Gifting and Bonus Magic Castle = 5 Bonus Chapters Spacecraft = 10 Bonus Chapters Golden Gachapon = 15 Bonus Chapters *Note: Bonus Chapters will be uploaded at the start of the following month or upon receiving the gifts/s. It depends on available chapter stocks. Tehee.
*Rated R18 P.s This book is in a contest. If you like it, please add to your library, and vote! I will appreciate it. Thanks. Much love. *************** On the run for safety, the abused merman prince was almost run down by the humans, who later took him in as one of their own. Exploited from a young age, the prince was wary of those around him. He doesn't trust the mortals as much as he doesn't trust his family. And he was resolved to live the rest of his existence in silence, pain, and distrust. However, the new family was determined to show the mute prince, there was so much more to life than he thinks. And gradually, the merman started warming up to their family, especially their strange son, who seems to have more than enough secrets up his sleeves. Lyre is unknowingly thrust into the world of romance, mystery, and self-discovery. P.S This is a romance involving mystical creatures.
I am a Snow Owl-Leopard Griffin and I do not have much to complain about my life, I have a great yet odd mother, live on floating fairytale islands filled with other flying creatures, magic and mysteries, but how did I end up in the arms of this rascal of a demon?! When chased away from my homeland I have to grow strong fast or perish on the way before I can even learn how to fly properly, but thankfully destiny traces my way into the world of cultivating as I grow obsessed with the power pursuing such knowledge gives me. Especially because I have people to save… and those to take revenge upon. *Thinks cool phare while staring at the horizon, the wind brushing his clothes and hair, all serene and determination oozing off from his cool demeanor… except for the glimmering eyed demon staring at his side with yet another gift for his cold beauty.* …I don’t have time for anything else, so take your gifts away you rogue demon! ~~~~ ML: Cold beauty, I bought you flowers! MC: Uhum…*doesn’t take any* ML: I bought us matching outfits lovely beauty! MC: Uhum… *doesn’t change clothes” ML: My king, I brought you to our chambers. MC:Uhu- Wait, what? Daring rascal, scram! ~~~~Warning~~~~ Mature content including gore, explicit smut, swearing, relationship between men. Enjoy~~ ~,^ PS. This is the second book of the series Reincarneted into a … but it can be read as a StandAlone.
[COMPLETED] Rinnie Everfell had always dreamed of going beyond the castle wall. The day that dream came true was also the day everyone she held dear died in the hands of the rebels. Bound by a promise to survive, she ran for her life, only to encounter a naked man deep in the woods. Out of desperation, Rinnie asked for his help and found herself agreeing to the reward he wanted, HER. Excerpt: “Rinnie,” he called with his warm baritone voice and placed his palm against the door to stop me from leaving. “You are a werewolf and your destined mate for life will be chosen by fate,” I whispered as I turned around to face him. “It was said that once you find your true mate, it was by instinct, by the maddening desires, by nature, telling you that was the mate you will love passionately for life.” “I am not that mate, Hugo,” I stressed my claim adamantly. “Rejecting your mate also means rejecting your destiny.” SLAM! His pair of crimson eyes glowed menacingly as he slammed his palm against the door. I fought the fear that instantly crept into my heart. “Destiny? Fate?” My back fused against the door as he bent over until his face was a palm length away from mine. “And who is this Destiny Fate to decide for me?” “Hugo—” “I decide for myself, Rinnie.” He seethed as his fangs let themselves known. “If I say you are my one true mate, then you are my one true mate. If this world disagrees, then let it be damned.” Little did Rinnie know, dealing with the devious, narcissistic, and a walking red flag Alpha, who was bold enough to go against his fate, would be the least of her concerns. With people after her, the secret of her identity, and the rotting truth of her "perfect life" slowly unveiling its covers, Rinnie must find a way to survive the vicious world of werewolves and vampires. Disclaimer: The cover is not mine. credits to the artist ****** Original Story by: alienfrommars FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM for original character arts: @authoralienfrommars Discord server:"You already know, Rina," Victor said sharply, his voice cold and dismissive. "I won't love you, no matter what you do or how many times you beg. You knew from the start that Helena was the one I loved!" Victor went on, his voice harsh, "The only reason I married you is because it was my grandmother's wish. I'll provide you with money, but please don’t bother me or Helena anymore." Tears streamed down my face as I struggled with the pain and despair. My dreams of rekindling our love were shattered before my eyes. I had planned to surprise him with the news of my pregnancy, but now it seemed he didn't care. My hopes for our unborn child felt pointless in a world where its father had already rejected it. As Victor’s words lingered in the room, I was left in a painful silence, realizing that the love I had treasured was nothing but a cruel illusion. My marriage had led me into a desert of broken dreams.
~Hazel Blackwood never believed in fairy tales until she met a fairy godmother ~ Destined to die in three months, Hazel Blackwood becomes resentful of life - if only she has more time, she would live life to the fullest. But then she meets a strange old woman who helps extend her life span to a year and in exchange, she has to find true love before her time is over. Meet Zaiden Knight, heir to a huge empire yet forced to marry an orphan and commoner by his mother. Unfortunately, Zaiden is not a fan of such an arrangement because he's in love with another woman. Can Hazel be able to find true love before her time is up? Read to find out. ~~~~~~ "How much...tell me , ten much did she offer I'll fucking double it you SLUT!" Zaiden yelled directly to hazel..but he was more stunned when he received a slap as a reply. "Don't you dare call me a slut, you arrogant piece of shit…." "you want to marry me huh...okay.. let's do this wife...I promise you will regret saying 'I do' to this monster," he smirked with a promise that he's so gonna fulfill. "After I'm done with you, you won't hesitate to file a divorce in a week, I'm going to make your life a living hell...I promise you, WIFE!" Does Hazel have the willpower to make arrogant and pompous Zaiden fall in love with her or would she give up before her time is up? Follow me up for more heart filled chapters! Discord ID:jayden222#1882 Instagram ID: irreplaceable sassy My server: other books: *Narika: The Ghost Bride. *A Mommy For Hire:The heiress must get married.4.77
“History repeats itself, first as tragedy, then as farce” Karl Marx Alex was just like any other kid until the day he became both an orphan and a cripple. After many years, he had barely gotten used to his circumstances and accepted them, but it was already too late by then, as he died shortly after due to cancer. However, this wasn't the end for him, as he was reincarnated in a novel he really used to enjoy in the past. Now granted a second chance, Alex was determined to live a life he could be proud of. But his plans for a simple life were shattered by the appearance of a mysterious tower and the discovery of his transmigration in the novel he was reading. Now armed with the knowledge of future and power of inventory, he was determined to clear the tower to fulfill his long time wish. Unfortunately, for him, the thing he didn't know yet was that the world he was reborn in was slowly heading towards inevitable destruction. AN: From The Author Of "Calamity Upon This World" Discord: daily 2 or more chapters at 8:30pm GST4.65
[Mature Content 18+] In the world of Alphas with power to control minds, hand out excruciating pain and even seduce you to your death such that you die with a smile on your face. Yin Zhu was born an Omega. A slave without any magic. In Bloodlock being an omega meant that you were no better than a rug under the feet of the alphas. In fact, even rug had much more importance than Yin Zhu who was born as an omega. Her life was destined to be spent under the dominance of the alphas of the Situ family. At least no one knew that she was an omega, as long as no one found out that she was an omega she was safe. But at the age of eighteen, she was dragged to the Situ mansion, because of a mistake and now she have to serve in the family of a Vampires but it was fine right? As long as she stayed away from them she will be all right. Wrong. She ended up attracting the attention of the three young masters even when she didn’t meant to, one by one their gazes locked on her, in a manner she did not mean to —— by disrespecting them. Proud and arrogant as they were they didn’t want to let her go so easily. Now she have to serve them and protect herself as well, for if these men found out that she was an omega it was either death or a life of imprisonment. ———————— “ Did you go somewhere?”spoke a voice in the dark room, causing Yin Zhu’s eyes to go wide with fear. She turned around the room when another voice called from behind, the cold breath of the man skimming over her shoulder, “ I think she was out in the garden, her skin is cold.” Nervously, Yin Zhu turned around but the man behind her was gone, she swallowed hard as she squinted her eyes trying to make the silhouettes of the men who were hiding in her room. “ W..What are you doing in my room?” “ What are we doing in her room, she asks,” chuckled a third voice causing goosebumps to break all over her skin. When the figure of the man sitting on the chair next to the tea table stood up and started walking towards her. As he started to walk towards her the rest moved and circled her like a prey, the handsome features of the men illuminated in the moonlight making them look even scarier than they do. “ We came to see our omega,” said number one as he tilted his head and smiled at her. “ What about you? Where are you coming from, hmm?” “ I ..I just went out on a walk,” she replied as quickly as possible but then she heard someone behind her chuckle and Yin Zhu could feel her doom coming close. She tried to side step the two men but then she was caught by number three, his arms tightening around her waist as she tried to escape the two man, a dangerous growl rumbling in his chest that reverberated on her back . The two men walked closer to her as the first one raised his hand and cupped her face while the other caught hold of her silvery lock that was cascading over her shoulder. One of them skimmed his hand over her jaw and neck before splaying his fingers over her chest. “ Your heart is thumping rather loud, did you go on a run?” Yin Zhu didn’t answer for she knew that the three men knew she was lying, they could see through her lies better than she could see through their games. The man behind her leaned forward and whispered against her ear, “ Were you trying to run away with him?” “ Maybe I should wring the neck of that human after all, hmm? What do you say, sugar?”chortled the third.