Sie verliebte sich trotz seiner üblichen Kälte in seine warmen Berührungen und liebte ihn, nur um am Ende enttäuscht und betrogen zu werden. Wenn sich die Liebe in Dunkelheit verwandelt, wird sie giftig und verzehrt die Seele. Die naive Arabella hat sich entwickelt. *** "Danke, dass du meine Frau geworden bist", waren die letzten Worte ihres kalten Mannes vor seinem Tod, gepaart mit einem Lächeln, das nie zuvor seine Lippen zierte. Nicht an ihrem Hochzeitstag. Und nicht einmal bei der Geburt ihres einzigen Kindes. Kaiser Ferdinand, den Arabella so sehr liebte, tötete ihren Sohn. Sie wurde eine Schurkin und schwor Rache für ihr geliebtes Kind. Ein Jahrzehnt lang setzte sie alles daran, Ferdinand dafür bezahlen zu lassen. Bis er schließlich... ins Verderben stürzte! Als ihre Rache vollendet war, endete Arabellas Leben bald mit ihrem toten Ehemann in ihren Armen. Aber das Schicksal war noch nicht fertig mit ihr. Plötzlich war sie zwei Jahrzehnte nach ihrer Hochzeit wieder da. War es ein Fluch oder ein Segen? Es spielte keine Rolle. Denn es gab nur eine Sache, die sie tun musste. "Ich werde dich auch in diesem Leben ruinieren!" Das war ihr hasserfülltes Versprechen an sich selbst, als sie merkte, dass sie wiedergeboren war. Doch in ihrem zweiten Leben wurde Arabella unerwartet die Gabe zuteil, die Wahrheit zu enthüllen. Wer hatte Unrecht und wer hatte Recht? Nur die Zeit wird es zeigen.
"She made me smile even in my worse time, that's the reason I fell for her." “You never liked me?” Jun halted at his place. “You know then why are you asking?” Jun muttered. “I want to hear it. I want to know why do you hate me?” Ani asserted. Her voice was trembling and her eyes were filled with tears. “I never liked you and never will- because you have no aim. I do not want to stand beside a girl who will be aimless and helpless all her life. You are one of those girls. That’s what I hate the most,” Jun pronounced and turned to look at her. ~~~~~~~~~~ "Did you never love me?" Jun asked her. "Jun," Ani whispered his name as tears rolled down her cheeks. "You never once loved me. If you had then, you would have told me first even if my father told you not to tell me. If you had loved me then, you would have called me immediately and told me that Jun, you are needed here. If you had loved me then, you would have thought of me first." "All these years, I loved a wrong woman. I believed in my love, but that love betrayed me." Jun was crying, saying all this. Wiping the tears off his cheeks, Jun further spoke, "never show me your face. If you ever will then one of us might end up hurting. You told me earlier that we should not cross paths with each other. From today onwards, there won't be any Jun in your life and the same goes for me- there won't be no Ani in my life." Jun proclaimed. Dive into the story of Kim Jun and Cha Ani to know more about their Unrequited Love. ~~~~~~~~~~ English is my second language, so there might be grammatical errors. The picture is taken from Pinterest edited by me. The right belongs to its truthful owner.4.8
What makes a hero? They say a hero is someone that has given his life to something bigger than himself. I say a hero is no braver than an ordinary man, he is just braver for five minutes longer. All soldiers are brave, it's what they do with their bravery that makes them heroes. Am I a hero? Clayton Jackson dedicated his life to serving his country. Enlisting in the Marine Corps at the young age of eighteen, he never imagined following any other path. However, fate had other plans for him as a life-altering accident during his last deployment left him disabled and forces him to return home. Hiding in the small town he grew up in, Clayton tries to keep his secret from his loved ones at all costs. One day while seeking refuge from his troubled mind, his path crosses with Isabella Jones. Their connection is instantaneous as if the universe conspired to bring them together. Isabella, a mysterious and enigmatic woman, is haunted by the demons from her own past. As their relationship quickly blossoms, the unspoken truths between them threaten to tear them apart. When Clayton is presented with the opportunity to rejoin the Marine Corps, Isabella is faced with a decision: whether to accompany him or remain behind. Caught in this web of secrets and lies, they try to navigate their love through the murky waters, desperately hoping to find solace in each other's arms. But will love be enough to conquer the shadows that lingered in their hearts? Or would the truth ultimately be their undoing?4.2
Alora poured her a glass of juice and Kylie took a long drink as her friend waited patiently. At last she caught her breath enough for her to speak. "I had an ultrasound a couple of weeks ago,' she started. There were some disturbing issues.... I know I could have spoken to you but Jamal wanted to wait for all the test results to be out before we told anyone. If we told anyone.....' Tears were now flowing thick and fast but she had run out of sobs and so was able to continue. 'The results are not good, Alora. They are not good at all, very bad. I had an amnio and my baby has EDWARDS SYNDROME....' Kylie explained further full form Edwards syndrome.' She looked at her friend and saw Alora's small swallow as she took in the diagnosis. 'What does Jamal say, what does he think about all of this?' Not only had Kylie found out her baby was terribly sick, but also in these past four weeks her relationship had crumbled. 'Jamal says that it's not part of the plan.....well, he didn't have the guts to say it like that. He said that as a pediatrician he knows better than most what the baby would be up against and what we'd be up against, the anomalies are very terrible. That there really isn't much hope that it will survive the birth and if it does it's likely to live only for a few hours.' Her voice was starting to rise. 'He says that it's not our fault, that we've every chance of a healthy baby and so we should put it behind us and try again....' Kylie's eyes flashed in anger and lightly kicked the table with her leg. 'He's a paediatrician for God's sake and he wants me to have a late abortion." ************ Ten years ago A&E doctor Kylie Hayes turned her back on love, after the heartbreak of losing her baby, But when she meets the handsome Ken Edwards, resisting his blistering touch isn't easy and after a one night stand she returns from Madrid pregnant! As the promise of their miracle baby begins to heal both their hearts. Now let's find out what happens between Kylie and Ken. Will he take responsibility or abandon her Will she be able to open her heart once again, to love, despite him not believing in love. WARNING - If you are not up to eighteen years old, please don't read this book, Thank you for understanding. Thank you so much for Reading. Have a wonderful day.—Tú. Eres. Mía —sus ojos se desviaron a la boca de ella mientras se inclinaba, su susurro jugando en su piel. Su voz profunda vibró en su vientre mientras los aullidos de la manada de lobos se elevaban tras él para hacer eco a través de las montañas de Thana, mientras los otros Quimeras protestaban por su reclamo. Luchando contra el impulso de acariciar su amplio y desnudo pecho con sus manos temblorosas, Sasha se obligó a inclinar la cabeza y levantar una ceja —Qué atrevido para un cachorro que acaba de encontrar sus colmillos —los otros machos rugieron de risa. Ignorando sus burlas, los ojos de Zev brillaron y se inclinó aún más, la barba incipiente en su mandíbula le hacía cosquillas en la mejilla mientras sonreía —Qué atrevida para una humana que ya conoce el placer de respirar con dificultad al pronunciar mi nombre. Ella tembló cuando sus dientes rozaron su oreja. ***** Solo días después de que Sasha se entregara a su amor de la infancia, él desapareció. Cinco años más tarde, en una oscura calle de la ciudad, Zev regresó, con el peligro pisándole los talones. Zev es Quimera: Mitad humano, mitad lobo. Creado en un laboratorio de investigación seguro, su existencia es un secreto. Pero cuando los hombres poderosos que lo crearon intentan matar a la única mujer que hizo cantar a su corazón, Zev rompe su correa y se la lleva al brutal y oculto mundo de los clanes Quimeras. Dividida entre la atracción magnética de su primer amor y la dolorosa traición de su desaparición, Sasha intenta mantener a Zev a distancia. Pero cuando llegan a este mundo misterioso, Zev descubre que en su ausencia los humanos tomaron el control y robaron casi todas las hembras. Los Quimeras están muriendo, y Zev ya no es Alfa. Ahora, Zev debe luchar contra su propia gente para ganar el derecho a aparearse con su único amor —¿Puede demostrarle que su promesa de hace mucho tiempo de proteger su corazón, así como su cuerpo, era verdadera? ¿O cruzarán los humanos mundos para cazar al hombre lobo y separar a los amantes para siempre? [Contenido para adultos, sin asalto sexual] Imagen de portada por Aenaluck y utilizada con permiso y derechos de autor pagados. Vea más arte impresionante y apoye al artista en
What happens when the love of your life, who is also your boss, accuses you of stealing the company's funds and selling some information? If you didn't guess it right, I will tell you. He does not want to hear your point of view, sacks and blacklists you. You move away from him, and find out that you are pregnant with his baby. You plan on telling him, but he has you blocked everywhere. Years later, you are happy, and doing well, then you find out he is in your new city, and working on a project with the company you now work for. Will you give into his charm? Will you tell him about his children? Will you give him another chance when he asks?Megara thought she had it all. A good husband, a baby on the way and running her family owned company alongside her husband. But then Gabe, out of the blue stated he wanted a divorce and that was it. He moved out to go live with his 'true love' who lost her husband some months back... So that was why he married her- because he had loved his first love. Miscarriage. Then when she awoke, she was not in the hospital but... in her dorm? Confused she made her way home and- mum was alive! Hailey was alive! Gabe was introduced to her when his father who was her father's buisness partner came over for dinner. Gabe was flirting with her... why? In the months that followed why was he constantly shadowing her, faking his attraction for her? Didn't he want to date and eventually marry the real love of his life anymore?
In the love tomb of the marriage for three years, Lin Qingqian’s heart had already died, so she decided to divorce, stayed away from love, and focused on her career. That man, who did not use to be seen for months after married, frequently appear after divorce. When talking about cooperation, the man whispered," Qian Qian, he has less money than me, let me invest in this project?" Meet a girl with a bad mind, the man flattens her palm a slap to throw the girl’s face, "Qian Qian, to hit someone like this will not hurt you." Later, Lin Qingqian finally made it to the top, obtaining countless pursuing people. One of her admirers gave her 99 flowers, and the next day she would receive 999 One of her admirers gave her a box of strawberries, and the next day she would receive a refrigerator fulling of strawberries. One of her admirers gave her a cat. The next day, her home almost became a pet shop. Lin Qingqian can not stand it anymore, tweets: Married, Refusal. After posting a micro-blog, she put the phone on the sofa: Now are you satisfied? The noblemen showed a charming smile, "Qian Qian, I am generous, but this does not prevent me from being jealous." Lin Qingqian: "..."4.81
What will you do if you only have three months to live? How will you spend your last ninety days? Kati Sullivan is young and still innocent to the world. On one fateful visit to her Doctor, she is given the news that will change the rest of her life. Sebastian Caine is strong-willed and has been a friend to Kati for most of her life. He is willing to give everything up to spend these last days by her side. Sebastian will go beyond what is even possible to save Kati’s life. Kati’s three months is riddles with pain and failures, yet secrets and lies will threaten to end their three months even before they start. Can Kati overcome this challenge and find that miracle behind a silver lining? Will their three months become eternity for the rest of their lives?Mike, what are you doing? Hurry up and let go of me!" I whispered as I struggled. He kissed me so roughly that I felt like I was going to choke to death. Then, his lips slid down my neck and shoulders. His hands began to wander all over my body as they slid up my skirt and began to rub my breasts. I was scared and expectant. This was my first time, and I was with the man I loved the most. I knew it didn't seem right, and that he probably wouldn't even remember in the morning, but I couldn't seem to stop. ...... How memorable could a high school graduation party be? Melanda did something she didn't regret, but something that would affect her entire life thereafter: she slept with her crush. Not only did she have sex, but it left a lasting gift. She secretly gave birth to a daughter and was unable to forget the sweet memories of that night. As the saying went, if you can't forget it, it will come back to haunt you. Six years later, she returned with a daughter who looked like her father and caused a stir in her life and his. Perhaps, their story had just begun ......
Annabelle, a young heiress whose life had been dictated by her mother and the expectations of the family for as long as she could remember, even leaving her infant daughter with her father for years without contact so her mother never found out and harmed them now struggles to reconnect with her family but soon realize how difficult it was to do so. Not only was her mother and family still a threat, but she discovered that the man she loved was also planning to get married due to pressure from his mother and the desire to give his daughter a mother. Left with no other choice, Anna decided it was time to stop playing it safe and grab the bull by the horns. Tension and awkwardness sparked between them at their first encounter after many years of separation. While one felt guilty, the other felt fear, afraid of the past repeating itself if he allowed himself to love her again. Meanwhile, the little bundle of joy just wanted her family together and happy.
Setelah tiga tahun menikah, Wendy Stewart sudah terbiasa dengan sindiran sinis Michael Lucas, ancamannya yang sering tentang bercerai, dan bahkan membiarkan dirinya memiliki selingkuhan. Dia pikir dia bisa tahan dengan semua ini sepanjang hidupnya, sampai dia tidak sengaja hamil dengan anak yang tidak diinginkan Michael. Akhirnya putus asa, Wendy menandatangani perjanjian cerai dan pergi. Dia kira mereka bisa berpisah selamanya, tetapi Michael tidak mau berhenti mencarinya setelah perceraian. Ketika mereka bertemu lagi, dia adalah perancang top dunia. Tersenyum manis pada mantan suaminya, dia berkata, "Sayangku, kita sudah bercerai." Michael hanya menatapnya dingin, "Katakan padaku, apa yang harus dilakukan agar kita bisa rujuk?"
Seorang gadis miskin yang lahir dengan penyakit jantung bawaan tidak memiliki banyak harapan untuk masa depan, tetapi hidupnya berubah drastis ketika seorang pria kaya, tampan melamarnya setelah transplantasi jantung. Ini adalah hal yang paling mengejutkan yang terjadi pada dirinya dalam 22 tahun hidupnya. Abigail tidak pernah menyangka bahwa Christopher Sherman, seorang pengusaha muda miliaran dolar, akan mendekatinya dan mengungkapkan keinginannya untuk menikahinya. Dia sangat gembira dan menerima lamarannya. Tapi sedikitpun dia tidak tahu bahwa pria tampan berusia 32 tahun itu memiliki alasan tersembunyi untuk ingin menikahinya. Abigail melangkah ke dunianya dengan penuh harapan di hatinya. Tapi menikah dengannya bukanlah akhir bahagia. Ini hanyalah awal. Akankah dia mampu menjaga hatinya agar tidak hancur? Apa yang akan terjadi jika dia mengetahui motif sebenarnya? ============= "Hidup mudah sebelum aku menikahimu," ujar Abigail dengan kesakitan di matanya. “Aku sekarat, tapi aku bahagia.” "Maksudmu?" Christopher merangkul lengannya. “Berhenti bicara omong kosong dan minum obat,” katanya sambil merapatkan sebuah tablet ke telapak tangannya. Di bawah tatapan menyala Christopher, Abigail merasa ketakutan. "Apakah kau merasa sulit memenuhi tuntutanmu untuk memiliki bayi? Sudah dua tahun, Christopher." Dia tidak menjawab pertanyaannya. Semua yang dia lakukan hanyalah menatapnya, tak berkata apa-apa. “Mengapa aku merasa seperti kau tidak peduli dengan perasaanku?” tanya Abigail. “Tidakkah kau mencintaiku?” Keangannya adalah jawaban yang jelas.
Nari the girl, whose punches every other guy of her age in her school had tasted. Park Ye Jun, the guy who excessively seemed interested in this tomboy who had entered his life first when she beat the pulp out of his friend. Nari hated Ye Jun but Park Ye Jun never missed a chance of showing his feelings to her. But then why suddenly he left the city and cut ties with everyone, even Nari. Why did he leave Nari alone when she wanted him finally? And what will happen when he finally comes back and Nari hates him again? Join them on the wistful, humourous, and sometimes unpredictable journey of them, The Page Where We Left... The total number of chapters (targeted): 150. Updates: Two chapters daily. The Privileged readers can get access to a sneak peek of further two to four chapters. It's a slow burn so buckle yourself up for A long journey!!!! Catch me on insta: _aislinn_jasper_ or talk to me on discord: Aislinn_Jasper #21254.1
Lena always believed life was simple: work hard, protect her family, and keep her dreams small. But when her mother’s health takes a drastic turn, Lena faces an impossible choice. Desperate to save her, she accepts a deal from a ruthless CEO, Mr. Langston, who promises to cover her mother’s treatment—if she’ll spy on his business rival, Elias. Thrown into Elias’s world, Lena quickly learns he’s not just a cold-hearted CEO but a man scarred by betrayal and loneliness. As she grows closer to him, her loyalties waver. But when a stunning secret about her past comes to light, Lena’s whole life flips upside down. She isn’t who she thought she was—she’s the true heiress of the family fortune, stolen at birth by none other than her so-called “sister,” Vivian. Now, Lena must navigate a labyrinth of lies, forbidden love, and powerful enemies determined to keep her from her birthright. But with her heart caught between revenge and love, Lena realizes the truth is even more dangerous than she imagined. Will she claim her rightful place and find happiness, or will betrayal and ambition tear her life apart?‘“You killed him. It’s your fault!” San started crying and shaking, his stomach was trying to fly out of his body. His mind was trying to destroy him. It would be better if he died there too. It would be better if he died.’ The Vermilion Dragon #3 Yang Shan moved to Hong Kong with his parents after surviving a disaster. He left his past behind and ran away, carrying his trauma with him. But after joining the eSports team Zhu Long, he had to face himself and others. He couldn’t and that was when he met Kim Hyunyeong, a kind stranger that helped him. Both shared similar experiences, but Shan’s burden was too heavy even for Hyun, so he left. Will they be able to continue where they left off or will there be only silence at the end?
①2023.10.5 【An Apology to Readers and the novel Break Announcement】 Hello readers who enjoyed this book, I'm CloudC. I'm sorry for the 1 month break, this was due to the fact that I was made redundant at the beginning of last month and with very little earnings from writing novels, I started a frantic search for a job in order to make ends meet (while I haven't found one yet) Once life is back on track, I promise you that I will be back to updating as soon as I can, and I'll be back to updating as of 24.1.1! Please forgive me, I was really hard pressed by life and had no choice but to cut off my updates. Chapter 103 is definitely not the real ending, the plot of this book has only progressed halfway, this chapter can be considered a minor climax or the beginning of a key turning point in Chad and Orville's emotions. The book is marked as "Finished", I think it may be due to contractual reasons, because it's not what I marked, after a while, I will discuss with the editor to change the status of the book. This novel will be back on 24.1.1, please look forward to it, I'm sorry for the break in production. ②2023.9.2 Notice: On the cover is the ML: Orville ③2023.8.17 Notice: Frequency of daily updates:One episode per day ================================================== Chad has three secrets. One, Chad is a false name. Two, she is a woman disguised as a man. And three, she has a crush on the Duke of Orville. She tells no one these three secrets, but one night the second one is broken by a strange man. The man uses her secret as blackmail, forcing her to give in step by step, to fall a little, but she doesn't even notice that the man is asking her for more and more favours, and that the Duke is giving her more and more looks. Then one day she found out she was pregnant. In a panic, she hurriedly and roughly packed some important luggage and fled in the night. [Update frequency] 1. Working days (Mon-Fri): 2-3 episodes updated daily 2. Rest days (Saturday-Sunday): update as you go, may not update if you have other arrangements, new chapters will be dropped randomly
A powerful tale of love and vengeance. When the person who you have sworn to kill turns out to be your lover. It's hard to forgive when wounds run so deep. You can't help when love runs Its course after years of hate. Will they give in to their desires or be the enemies the fate had made them be. I need feedback guys good or bad. You can bash me on my grammar and spelling mistakes so I may fix it Love and hugs Author
It's been Five years since Amelie Lodge got divorced from her husband. She spends those years trying to rebrand herself, and chase a better life. And when it seems like she might finally get the life she deserves, her past came spiraling into her new life like an untamed tornado. Her life is bought over by the man she that haunts her in her nightmares, and she is once again the slave of Liam Hardwood. However a new discovery changes Amelie's life for good. When she discovers that Liam needs an heir in order to maintain ownership of his family's business, Amelie escapes from her captives into the hands of the enemy, with Liam's baby growing in her. Will she finally be able to escape from the clutches of her ex husband, or will she end up falling for him again?