``` —Pareces solitaria y bueno... —dijo ella. —¿Bueno? —El Alfa le dio una sonrisa condescendiente. —Rota. Como alguien que ha luchado muchas batallas. Alguien que ha sido herido —dijo ella. —Es verdad. Y por eso, estoy listo para luchar aún más batallas si eso promete lo que quiero —dijo Alfa Maverick. —¿Y qué quieres? —preguntó ella con una dulce sonrisa. —Muerte. La muerte de todos los pícaros por lo que me hicieron —dijo Alfa Maverick, mirando a la chica que se tensó a su lado. —Tú no eres un pícaro, ¿verdad? —Alfa Maverick miró a sus encantadores ojos, su mano acariciando sus mejillas, haciéndola sonreír incómodamente. Ella era en efecto un pícaro, y no cualquier pícaro normal, sino uno buscado por todo el mundo. ~~~~~~ —Yo, Valencia Brooklyn, rechazo a Tyler Anderson como mi compañero predestinado. Prefiero aceptar la muerte antes que a un compañero desleal —Estas fueron las palabras exactas que cambiaron su vida. Dado que este mundo de los hombres lobo no podía aceptarla por ser una omega y no tener un lobo, decidió hacer exactamente lo mismo. Se convirtió en un pícaro que todos empezaron a temer y buscar. Una pícara que mataba a otros pícaros, robaba a la gente, rechazaba a un alfa, engañaba al consejo y lo más importante, vivía entre humanos rompiendo todas las leyes y normas. ¿Qué sucederá cuando alguien del consejo le dé su caso anónimo al alfa más fuerte del mundo? ¿Un alfa incluso más fuerte que el hijo del Rey Alfa? ¿Cómo se salvará de un alfa que ha jurado matar a todos los pícaros para vengar lo que hicieron con él? ¿Cómo atrapará Maverick Aurelius a esta misteriosa pícara que no tiene olor? Cuando se encontraron por primera vez, él debería haberla matado, pero ¿cómo iba a reconocerla si ella era apenas un gato? Valencia nunca se transformó en su lobo porque estaba maldita para ser una cambiaformas. ¿Cómo reconocerá el alfa al pícaro en el gato que ha desarrollado la extraña costumbre de entrar en su habitación y jugar con sus cosas? ~~~~~ P. D. Esta es mi segunda entrada para el WSA 2024. Por favor, apoyen con votos, regalos, boletos y comentarios. ```
O maior erro da vida de Alícia, foi tentar cometer suicídio. Ela se viu no corpo de uma princesa de 19 anos em exílio, na idade média. E mais? Ela foi forçada a casar-se com o Príncipe Harold; o infame Príncipe de cabelos brancos e temperamento explosivo que não se importaria em matar alguém pelo motivo mais irrelevante. Agora, seu casamento é daqui a apenas algumas horas e a 'princesa', que por acaso é Alícia, deve mostrar algumas habilidades 'principescas' aos convidados. Pergunta rápida: É permitido fazer twerk na idade média? Uma coisa ela sabia com certeza, o casamento seria um desastre e o Príncipe de temperamento explosivo a mataria antes que ela encontrasse um jeito de voltar para casa. Deus a Ajude! ThatAmazingGirl em colaboração com Miss_Behaviour (As escritoras de Apaixonada(o) Por Um(a) Cleptomaníaco(a)) estão trazendo-lhe outro livro. "A ESTRANHA NOIVA DO PRÍNCIPE AMALDIÇOADO" O que você faria se de repente se encontrasse no corpo de uma princesa na época antiga? E mais, ele não é apenas um lobisomem, ele também é amaldiçoado pela deusa da lua. TRECHO: O que ela deveria fazer? Estava confusa e não tinha ideia do que estava acontecendo. Casamentos na idade média eram estranhos! O que diabos é 'Recitação das Virtudes'? Deveria fingir desmaiar? Esse foi o único pensamento que fez sentido. Então foi o que ela fez. Ela lentamente desabou no chão e ouviu todos começarem a arfar e exclamar. Alícia queria que a tirassem dali e então encontraria uma maneira de fugir. Mas talvez ela tivesse mesmo azar, porque quando ela espiou por debaixo dos cílios, se perguntando por que ninguém estava vindo para carregá-la para fora, viu uma túnica dourada, antes de a pessoa se agachar diante dela. Ela fechou seus olhos fortemente e prendeu a respiração. Afinal de contas, ela era uma atriz. Ela poderia encenar isso impecavelmente. "Foi uma má atuação, minha senhora." A voz profunda falou, causando arrepios em sua pele. Assustador. "Eu só vou te dar três segundos para se levantar." Sua voz não era realmente ameaçadora, mas de algum modo ele comandava medo, especialmente com a maneira lenta e cuidadosa com que ele falava. Ela ouviu que ele era mal-humorado. O que ele faria após os três segundos passarem? Ele a mataria? Então ela morreria aqui? Como ele sabia que ela estava fingindo? As pessoas na idade média geralmente eram inteligentes? Ela abriu um olho para espiar e o viu olhando diretamente para ela com um sorriso sarcástico. NÃO HAVIA COMO O CASAMENTO NÃO ACONTECER. ELA ESTAVA MORTA! ******* Lobisomem (Check) Príncipe amaldiçoado (Check) Transmigração (Check) Comédia (Check) Romance (Duplo Check) ADICIONE À SUA BIBLIOTECA!
De huir por tu seguridad e inscribirte en una escuela llena de psicópatas... ¿a ser reclamado por un desquiciado príncipe alfa? Sí, estarías mejor muerto. • . • La vida de Jules era perfecta hasta que toda su familia fue asesinada de repente, siendo él el único superviviente. Un salvador apareció porque aún estaba en inmenso peligro, y eso llevó a Jules a adoptar una nueva identidad y convertirse en una persona completamente diferente de la noche a la mañana —e inscribirse en Carnavales, una prestigiosa escuela solo para chicos para todos los seres sobrenaturales. En Carnavales, los monstruos acechan los oscuros pasillos y los fuertes se aprovechan de los débiles. O te conviertes en un depredador o en una presa... y de una mirada a Jules —un chico demasiado bonito para su propio bien, con una figura esbelta y delicada, era obvio que iba a ser devorado vivo por los depredadores. Aquí viene Blaze, un lobo que envía escalofríos por la espina dorsal de cada depredador en la escuela, un Alfa increíblemente atractivo que era tan peligroso y desquiciado como los rumores afirmaban. Él echó un vistazo a Jules y decidió ahí mismo que Jules le pertenecía. *** Me fui hacia atrás, los ojos aún más abiertos mientras me centraba en la sonrisa que tiraba de la comisura de sus labios. Blaze nunca sonreía, y cuando lo hacía, nunca significaba nada bueno. Mi corazón latía más rápido mientras me agitaba hacia atrás aún más, el aliento interrumpido cuando él comenzó a reducir la distancia entre nosotros. En poco tiempo, mi espalda estaba pegada contra la fría pared y fue entonces cuando me golpeó en el pecho que estaba acorralado y atrapado, como una auténtica presa... por nadie más que Blaze, cuando pensé que mi vida no podía empeorar. Se erguía sobre mí sin esfuerzo, emitiendo tanta dominancia que tuve que inclinar mi cabeza hacia atrás para poder encontrarme con sus oscuros ojos, y mi aliento se cortó cuando nuestras miradas se encontraron. Se inclinó y mis ojos se cerraron de golpe en cuanto contuve la respiración, esperando a que él atacara. He oído todos los horribles, interminables rumores acerca de él. Era un Príncipe Alfa cuya presencia alguien como yo nunca debería estar. Cuando sentí la punta de su fría nariz deslizarse a lo largo de mi cuello, mi boca se abrió para soltar un gáspido sorprendido. Aspiró larga y audiblemente y sentí un escalofrío recorrer mi espina dorsal mientras me ponía aún más rígido, la confusión nublando mi mente. ¿Qué estaba pasando? ¿Por qué estaba haciendo esto de repente? ¡Dios mío... realmente era un alfa desquiciado como todos dicen! *** ¡ESTE LIBRO ESTÁ CLASIFICADO PARA MAYORES DE 18 AÑOS! Contiene contenido maduro tal como: - Acoso escolar. - Consumo de drogas. - Contenido sexual [mucho de él.] - Violencia. - Harén [no entre los personajes principales.] Así que... procede con precaución, ¡has sido advertido! *¡No tengo los derechos de la portada!
{Mature content 18+ } Siren—— mystifying, beautiful, enchantingly dangerous. A single melody and you are a goner. But despite the dangers humans still looked for them, tears of siren were like magical pearls with powers beyond the understanding of mere mortals, their blood was like a mine of rubies, hair as fine as the softest Pima could be sold for thousands of dollars but beyond everything else that was sought was their melodies that could heal any wound and bring peace to even the wildest beast. Ginevra Harlow, Ginny for short, was an extremely beautiful lady with a personality that was too cold but even then her scent alone was enough to drive the males around her crazy, but there was something exceptionally wrong about her, she never spoke a word to the males of the village,she wouldn’t look them in the eye and always kept her secluded from the villagers. Some say that she was driven mad by her father’s curse that wouldn’t heal no matter what she did, some say that it was because of her mother who mysteriously disappeared. Ginny however never let the rumours get to her because she had a secret to keep. But things go terribly wrong when her father’s curse relapses for the worst and the landlord threatens to drive her away with her sick father. She had no choice left but to enter the house of Duke Terranova, an archmage born from the affairs of the Emperor and a Holy Saintess as she strikes a deal with him. Unfortunately, for her things didn’t go as planned because despite all the cautions that she took against the Duke, he wasn’t willing to let her go. “ I fulfilled my end of the deal, now you have to give me what you promised, Duke.”said Ginny as she glared at him, trying to calm herself as Akris pushed her against the bed. “You cannot order me around and nor can you stop me from meeting other men!” Twirling a strand of her hair, Akris kissed her blonde locks. “ You promised me your life, Ginevra. There are no take backs you see.” Kissing her fully on the lips, Akris pulled back before rubbing the pad of his thumb on her lower lip. “ But if you want to leave then you can, but remember this—— every time you try to leave me there will be one innocent one losing his life.”
{WARNING! MATURE CONTENT} PROLOGUE: Alan yelled, his voice shuddering through his mate's heart, "You are mine and nobody else’s." “I am not yours! Are you insane?” Eleanor questioned while inspecting him. She was puzzled by the man's bizarre behavior in front of her. "I am aware that you enjoy dancing, but I make a distinction between the dance you teach and the one I just witnessed you perform.” Oh, so this was the reason for the yelling. She nearly chuckled as she told him, "This little dance is nothing," but she bit her lip when she saw a severe scowl on his face. “How many dicks do you think didn’t get hard from that little dance you did?” He was staring at her with glares that seemed to want to peer into her soul. He wasn't joking; he could smell every hot male in the room, desiring to have her. "It is all in your head!” She equally shouted, her voice loud as she continued, "I won't stop dancing just because it makes you jealous.” “Oh, you'd do that. And I'm not Jealous either!” Even though he shouted those words, the jealousy that was seething inside of him beckoned him to dispute his words. "I'm still not over the ruse you pulled on me when you misled me to think you purchased Hermosa. Trust me, if you try anything stupid, that's where I'll draw the line between us.” Both of their chests tightened at the mere prospect of being apart. “Huh! Do you believe getting rid of me is so simple? It would require one of us to pass away because the connection between you and me is too strong- stronger than you think.” “Then quit being a jerk, please!” Her comments caused him to painfully clamp his fingers into his palms. “You should also stop your sensual dances, I say! We would stop this argument if you agreed your dances seduce men.” Eleanor's face became hot with rage at that. The fact that Alan's jealousy grew every day was beyond her comprehension and she knew that this fight would not end anytime soon. Every time Alan watched her dancing, he felt the possessive trait that every werewolf experienced for his mate. What kind of dance would she be doing if he wasn't present, too? Even without dancing attractively, she was enough to draw attention by simply standing there still. He should now begin remodeling all prisons and dungeons to his comfort because he was certain that he would kill someone one of these days. ****** When a father offered his life to save another, fates were forever altered. One was a human, the other a werewolf: She'll show you dance moves you've never seen before if you give her the beat! Eleanor has a carefree and friendly demeanor, and guests are always warmly greeted by her friendly demeanor. But beneath that lovely grin lurks a volcano waiting to erupt if prodded. Alan is a powerful Beta- adept at business, and everything he touches flourishes. His accompanying extras are fame and fortune. While Eleanor vows that she will never forgive Alan and his brothers for the humiliation and anguish she had endured at their hands, she found herself getting drawn to him the more. Alan, on the other hand, was conflicted about Eleanor's work and got divided between changing who she is and what she values the most. Is there going to be a battle if the powerful meet the insane? Or will an unforeseen sequence of events bring harmony to a couple doomed from the start? Would this cause them to grow apart even though they are mated? Who, after all, is this evil she-wolf, also hunting for any chance to harm this human? ***** Join discord : https://discord.gg/7TJWb2QmStar ist ein Mädchen, das keine Welt gekannt hat. Sie wird von ihrer Großfamilie gefangen gehalten, seit ihre Mutter starb, als sie zwei Jahre alt war - oder wurde ihre Mutter ermordet? Der Tag ihres achtzehnten Geburtstags rückt näher, und wenn sie ihren Entführern nicht bald entkommt, muss sie einen Mann heiraten, den sie verachtet. Artem ist ein junger neuer Alpha, der von den Taten der vorherigen Alphas angewidert war. Er wollte sein Rudel reformieren und die Schwachen schützen und übernahm mit Gewalt die Kontrolle. Jetzt rettet er die, die geschlagen, missbraucht und vernachlässigt wurden. Während einer seiner Rettungsmissionen entdeckt Artem die junge Star. Das Mädchen hat Angst vor ihrer Familie, vor der Welt da draußen, die sie nicht kennt, und vor ihm. Wie soll er ihr also sagen, dass sie seine Schicksalsgefährtin und zukünftige Luna des Rudels ist? Kann Artem Star dazu bringen, ihm zu vertrauen, obwohl man ihr gesagt hat, dass sich niemand um schwache Wölfe kümmert, schon gar nicht der Alpha? Kann er sie davon überzeugen, dass die Welt nicht so ist, wie man sie ihr vorgegaukelt hat? "Ich werde alles tun, um dich zu retten, Star. Alles, um dich zu beschützen. Bitte, du musst mir vertrauen." Kann Star ihre Angst überwinden und diesem Mann vertrauen, den sie noch nie zuvor gesehen hat? Und wird ihre Familie es einfach so hinnehmen, dass man sie ihnen wegnimmt? Welche Höhen und Tiefen erwarten unseren Alpha und seine Gefährtin in dieser Achterbahnfahrt der Geschichte? ***WARNUNG*** Grafische Gewalt Starke Sprache Sexueller Inhalt Reifer/erwachsener Inhalt Missbrauch Freiheitsberaubung Versuchte Vergewaltigung FOLGEN SIE MIR UND LASSEN SIE MICH WISSEN, WAS SIE DENKEN https://discord.gg/8wrYgHqemB https://twitter.com/DCinMI https://www.facebook.com/deni.chance.71
"I scratch and bite," Vivian warned, holding the Lycan Alpha's gaze confidently. Ronan smirked, his hand gripping her chin possessively as he forced her to look up at him. "You'll crawl and beg too," he promised. ************ Being the Clan Leader of the last remaining cursed Lycans, Ronan had long abandoned his task of finding his fated mate after years of useless searching. However, his life is disrupted when he encounters a mysterious and barely clinging-to-life alive Omega wolf, Vivian, trespassing on his land. Covered in strange Wickan magic symbols, Vivian is not just any wolf—she is his destined mate. Vivian has lived a life of rejection and suffering. Abandoned by her first mate for being unable to conceive, scorned by her family, and mistreated by her pack, Moonborn, she has endured endless humiliation. Forced by her father to mate with other Alphas in a desperate attempt to prove her worth, Vivian’s fate takes an even darker turn when she is cursed by a local coven and framed for a crime she didn’t commit. On the brink of death, she escapes into forbidden territory—Ronan’s land. A stretch of land her pack never dared to tread upon. Ronan’s mistrust only grows when he learns Vivian is from Moonborn, the pack that slaughtered his clan and remains his sworn enemy. Yet, irrespective of their dark feuding histories, he takes her in, determined to care for her and break the deadly curse inflicted upon her by Wickans and the ancient curse slowly leading him to an inevitable death. As they grow closer, secrets from both their pasts threaten to break them apart. And when Vivian’s niece arrives with a hidden agenda, matters become far more complicated. *Cover is ai made.
"Darling." He smirked and eyed my lips. "Promises can be broken." "I don't break promises," I aimed to assure. "I know because I know you." He stretched his palm to caress my chin and this time, I didn't flinch. "How?" I croaked. "Because I've watched you." His hand moved to brush my hair away from my face. "I know about your schedule, when you sleep, how you like your tea, how you interact with strangers, even down to the kind of shampoo you use." He is a stalker, get away from him! My subconscious screamed at me Instead of me to do that, I did the opposite by asking. "Why, do you know all these?" He simply chuckled and inched his face closer, we stared into each other's eyes for what felt like a decade before he shifted to my ear and whispered. "Because you are my mate." ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Tanya Marie Andre. A female writer who has read many werewolf books but never believed them to be real. Diego Dante Domino. An Alpha who has searched for his mate for centuries. Dive in to see how everything turns out. Warning: Mature scenes``` COMPLETO! Trecho: Há um ano, Raine foi liberada da instituição mental e teve que viver no orfanato. Não era o melhor lugar. Pelo menos não para alguém como ela. Até que uma noite fiel ela o conheceu. *** Ele parou o carro. A apreensão na coberta aumentou enquanto Raine se perguntava se tinha feito algo errado. Ela podia sentir quando Torak estendeu a mão em direção a ela. Ele vai me bater? Raine estremeceu com esse pensamento. Torak puxou o capuz de sua cabeça e gentilmente ajeitou seu cabelo atrás da orelha. "Não." Ele disse firmemente, "Eu quero ver você, não se esconda…" ************** “O espírito do anjo da guarda dará nova vida à criança humana. Três anjos guardiões nascerão novamente no mundo terrestre e vocês três serão seus protetores.” “Protetores!!?” Jedrek estourou. No fim, ele parou de caminhar e virou-se de costas para olhar a deusa da lua a uma grande distância, seus olhos brilhando vermelhos de raiva. Seu lobo estava irado. “Por que você acha que vamos ajudar?” Kace perguntou enquanto estreitava seus olhos de obsidiana negra, seu lobo tinha tomado controle dele. Ele era o mais jovem entre os três e o menos temperamental entre eles. Os três foram amaldiçoados por Selene por suas ações ferozes para obter poder e autoridade supremos. A deusa da lua não os abençoou com uma parceira como punição de seus caminhos atrozes e os forçou a se envolverem nesta guerra mortal com os demônios. “Você vai nos transformar em escravos dessas criaturas doentias!?” Torak perguntou incrédulo. “Não tem medo que possamos quebrá-los ao meio?” O anjo da guarda era tão frágil e eles, como licantropos, não apreciavam as fraquezas. “Não, vocês não vão.” Selene disse pacientemente. “Vocês não serão escravos deles nem os machucarão, vocês irão valorizá-los de todas as formas possíveis.” Jedrek riu ameaçadoramente ao ouvir isso, eles não se importavam com a ressurreição da besta, uma vez que cruzassem seu território, com ou sem o anjo da guarda, ele rasgaria seus corpos ao meio. “Eu serei a última pessoa que eles verão, assim que eu os encontrar.” Ele estava se referindo tanto ao anjo da guarda quanto ao demônio. Mas, a próxima fala de Selene veio carregada de divertimento quando ela falou. “Vocês não machucarão suas parceiras.” ============================ Sessão 1 (capítulo 1 - 394) : Torak Donovan - Raine (concluído). Sessão 2 (capítulo 395 - 628) : Kace Donovan - Hope (concluído) Sessão 3 (capítulo 629 - 1083) : Jedrek Donovan - Lilac (concluído) Sessão 4 (capítulo 1084 - em andamento) : Histórias Paralelas ============================ Esta é uma história de lobisomem e, claro, uma fantasia! Já que todo mundo tem sua própria versão da vida sobrenatural, aqui estou eu tentando escrever a minha. Se você já leu outras histórias de lobisomens, estará ciente de que existem semelhanças e diferenças. ============================ ***Atenção! O inglês não é minha primeira língua, então há possibilidade de você encontrar erro gramatical (eu não o fiz de propósito, porém), se isso o deixar desconfortável, por favor me avise para que eu possa corrigir. *Você foi avisado ^^ Críticas construtivas são muito bem-vindas! .......................................................................................... ##Encontre-me no Instagram : jikan_yo_tomare ##Capa por: @Gisel.arts Confira minhas outras histórias: **ALVORECER PÚRPURA ATÉ O CREPÚSCULO: querido através do tempo **A HISTÓRIA DO CREPÚSCULO ```
[COMPLETE] Reth avançait vers elle, le menton bas afin que l'ombre projetée par sa mâchoire sévère tranche à travers le col fourré épais de son gilet. Ses cheveux étaient tombés sur ses yeux dans la bagarre, ainsi il la guettait à travers comme un lion dans l'herbe. À chaque pas, sa démarche gracieuse et ondulante lui rappelait celle d'un prédateur traquant sa proie. Malgré le sol de la forêt jonché de brindilles et de feuilles, il ne faisait aucun bruit. « Qui-qui êtes-vous ? » bégayait Elia, reculant, les mains levées. Il suivait chacun de ses pas jusqu'à ce qu'elle bute brusquement contre l'arbre derrière elle—et il ne s'arrêta pas avant de se dresser au-dessus d'elle, si large que ses épaules et sa poitrine formaient un mur devant elle. Elle pouvait sentir la chaleur émanant de sa peau dans l'air frais de la nuit. « Je suis le Roi Léonin. » Sa voix était un gravier sombre et rauque. Derrière lui, un chœur de hoquets, de hurlements et de gazouillements d'assentiment s'élevait du peuple qui regardait. « Et vous êtes ? » « Elia, » souffla-t-elle. « Elia, » grogna-t-il, se penchant encore plus près, apportant avec lui le parfum du pin et de la pluie et le musc de quelque chose d'indiscutablement masculin. « Je suis Reth. » Il prononçait le nom avec un roulement guttural étrange dans la gorge. « Je suis le Roi des Bêtes. Je suis Chef de Clan, et je suis l’Alpha de WildWood. » Plusieurs grondements s'élevèrent alors de la foule derrière lui, mais il les ignorait. Elia déglutit tandis qu'il se penchait jusqu'à ce que la barbe hirsute sur sa mâchoire râpât sa joue. « Je suis le Roi, » dit-il, « Et vous serez ma compagne. » La forêt derrière lui explosa. ****** Elia est une étudiante universitaire pauvre jusqu'à la nuit où elle est emmenée dans le monde de l'Anima—régi par des humains dont les cœurs anciens battent avec le sang des animaux. Là, elle est forcée de participer à un combat à mort. Mais quand Elia survit, et refuse de tuer son dernier adversaire, le Roi doit soit la tuer lui-même, soit la prendre pour compagne. Reth, le brutal Roi des Bêtes au sang de lions, choque tout le monde quand il choisit la faible humaine Elia pour devenir sa Reine. Il lui promet tout le confort de sa richesse et de sa position—mais il est clair : Elle ne réchauffera pas sa couche. Il l'a choisie pour contrer ceux qui tentaient de le coincer en mêlant sa lignée Léonine avec celle des Loups. Elia a besoin de l'aide de l'Anima pour devenir plus forte et les gouverner bien. Mais les Loups vengeurs voient seulement une humaine faible qui leur a fait honte. Alors qu'Elia et Reth se rapprochent, les loups sont déterminés à la détruire. Reth et Elia admettront-ils leurs sentiments l'un pour l'autre à temps pour lutter pour le Royaume—et leurs vies—contre la tribu de loups malveillante ? Ou les loups tueront-ils Elia et s'empareront-ils du trône ? [Contenu mature - pas de violence sexuelle] Couverture utilisée avec l'autorisation de copyright payée. Illustrée par Aenaluck—voir plus de magnifique art et les soutenir sur www.patreon.com/aenaluck
A PACK WIPED OUT.... AN HEIR ON THE RUN! Honey Lake thought her life was perfect. She had parents and a pack who loved her, and a bright future ahead. But in the space of one night her whole world came crashing down and everything she held dear was taken from her. With her pack wiped out and her parents dead, Honey is now on the run trying to find somewhere safe that she can call home. A MATE WHO IS A BULLY.... A SANCTUARY DESTROYED! Hiding out in another pack, Honey endures abuse and bullying on a daily basis. Waiting for the moment when she can leave and avenge her pack, Honey focuses on becoming the best version of herself, the Alpha her parents intended for her to be. But despite all her hard work, she is landed with a mate who is her biggest bully within the pack. When the truth about the fate of her parents and her fallen pack is revealed, and those who are responsible for their deaths are named, Honey soon learns that sometimes our enemies are closer than we think. WHO CAN SHE TRUST? WHO CAN SHE TURN TOO?
[KOMPLETT - SILBER $8.000USD GEWINNER: Werwolf-Wettbewerb 2022] Zev stürmte auf sie zu, in strahlender, brutaler Schönheit, das Kinn gesenkt und mit diesen unglaublichen, stechenden Augen auf sie gerichtet. Er blieb nicht stehen, bis sie auf Augenhöhe waren und er ihr die Sicht auf alle anderen Männer im Kreis versperrte. Seine Augen wanderten zu ihrem Mund, als er sich zu ihr beugte und sein Flüstern auf ihrer Haut spielte. "Du. Bist. Mein." Seine tiefe Stimme klang in ihrem Bauch, als das Heulen des Wolfsrudels hinter ihm aufstieg und über die Berge von Thana hallte, während die anderen Chimären gegen seinen Anspruch protestierten. Gegen den Drang ankämpfend, mit ihren zitternden Händen über seine breite, nackte Brust zu streichen, zwang sich Sasha, den Kopf zu neigen und eine Augenbraue zu heben. "So mutig für einen Welpen, der gerade seine Reißzähne gefunden hat. Die anderen Männchen brüllten vor Lachen. Zev ignorierte ihren Spott, seine Augen funkelten und er lehnte sich noch näher an sie heran, wobei sein Kinnhaar ihre Wange kitzelte, als er lächelte. "So mutig für einen Menschen, der bereits das Vergnügen kennt, meinen Namen zu rufen. Sie erschauderte, als seine Zähne ihr Ohr streiften. ***** Nur wenige Tage nachdem Sasha sich ihrer Jugendliebe hingegeben hatte, verschwand er. Fünf Jahre später kehrte Zev auf einer dunklen Straße in der Stadt zurück - mit der Gefahr im Nacken. Zev ist eine Chimäre: Halb Mensch, halb Wolf. In einem sicheren Forschungslabor erschaffen, ist seine Existenz ein Geheimnis. Doch als die mächtigen Männer, die ihn erschaffen haben, versuchen, die einzige Frau zu töten, die sein Herz je zum Singen gebracht hat, reißt Zev an ihrer Leine und entführt sie in die brutale, verborgene Welt der Chimera-Clans. Hin- und hergerissen zwischen der Anziehungskraft ihrer ersten Liebe und dem schmerzhaften Verrat seines Verschwindens, versucht Sasha, Zev auf Distanz zu halten. Doch als sie diese geheimnisvolle Welt erreichen, entdeckt Zev, dass die Menschen während seiner Abwesenheit die Kontrolle übernommen und fast alle Weibchen gestohlen haben. Die Chimären sterben - und Zev ist nicht mehr der Alpha. Jetzt muss Zev gegen sein eigenes Volk kämpfen, um das Recht zu erlangen, seine einzige Liebe zu paaren. Kann er ihr beweisen, dass sein lang zurückliegendes Versprechen, ihr Herz und ihren Körper zu schützen, wahr ist? Oder werden die Menschen die Welten durchqueren, um den Wolf zu jagen und die Liebenden für immer auseinander zu reißen? [Erwachsener Inhalt, keine sexuellen Übergriffe] Das Titelbild stammt von Aenaluck und wird mit Erlaubnis und gegen Bezahlung verwendet. Sehen Sie mehr wunderschöne Kunst und unterstützen Sie den Künstler auf www.patreon.com/aenaluck
“I'm on the hunt for someone special, someone who would howl at the full moon with me. And you, my dear, seem to check all the right boxes,” Thorin tried to seduce Riona with his mesmerizing gaze. “Not in this lifetime, not in any lifetime.” But Riona couldn’t stand the sight of that smug face. What did Thorin hope to gain from a fangless vampire who couldn’t even turn into a bat, anyway? There must be something seriously wrong with the brain of that infuriating Alpha werewolf. *** Since their parents died, Riona Kahler and her brother have been adopted by the King of Eira, who treats them more like overworked houseplants than a cherished family. As the only vampires in Eira without fangs, they're outcasts among their own kind, toothless and ridiculed. Riona's spirit remains unbroken until her brother falls ill due to the palace's cruelty. Determined to protect him, Riona vows to escape, but there's only one way to do that. Thorin Klein is one of the most famous Alpha werewolves, renowned not only for his charming looks but also for claiming the Alpha title at the tender age of thirteen. Despite his howling success, his mother’s powerful werewolf clan, the Klein, never acknowledged him because his father went rogue. Determined to prove his worth to the Klein clan, Thorin believes he has finally found a potential solution. Though Riona couldn’t stand being around Thorin for more than one second, Riona realizes that marriage is their only path to achieving their goals. It's a love story that bites and barks in all the right places. #werewolf #Alpha #vampire #fromslavetoqueen #enemiestolovers #strongFL #contractmarriage4.47
She was married to a wealthy alpha when she was 20. She was forced to live as a widow at the age of 21 despite her husband being alive and well. Anabella lived her life suppressing her emotions and what she felt, all for the sake of her family. Her parents sold her off to secure a future for their Alpha son, while the family she got married into was not ready to accept her. Her husband hated her, his gaze searching for someone else among the crowd. And her son-in-law sought the image of his mother in someone else, not giving her a chance even to get close. Life was not...great. So, Anabella decided to end it all and run away. If she were going to live as a widow, despite her marriage, then she would make the best of it and ensure that she would not have to repress herself. After all, even if she was married, Anabella was not marked. And for some, that was enough reason to accept and welcome her to her new life. ...... MXFXF relationship. Female alphas are futas, so come in expecting that It will have yuri and a lot of R18 content. You have been warned beforehandUnderestimated… That is what I have been almost all my life just because I am a female, a woman, a lady... but I understand… this world is filled with egotistic and chauvinistic men that need to be taught a lesson and I am more than happy to do so… My life has never been all fun and roses… I still had my mum and brothers but it will never be the same without my father. I may be of age. Far past the finding your mate age but that doesn’t mean I am in a hurry to get a mate not that I don’t want one. I do but I’m just not in a hurry. But the goddess ad fate as always did the exact opposite of what my heart desired… they brought my mate to my doorstep and I took it with a determined heart but I was in for a surprise. My mate wanted another yet he didn’t want to let me go. He wanted to eat his cake and have it. Forgetting that life doesn’t work that way. He welcomed me into his home and pack with a happy face yet I was being disrespected, ridiculed and pitied behind my back. I may act ignorant but I’m no fool. I like to plan my actions before I take it so that I would be well prepared for the consequences that may follow. And as usual my new pack comes first before my needs but that doesn’t stop me from showing my mate that he messed with the wrong bitch. Because I was named CHAOS for a reason. I am going to tear into his conscience and torment the living daylights out of him for I may be a bitch. But I am nobody’s bitch…
Lily é filha de um Beta. E o seu companheiro? Ele é o filho mais velho do Alpha. Quando eles descobrem o que são um para o outro, é um pouco tarde demais. Porque seu amado companheiro voltou para casa com a sua vergonha a reboque. Uma loba que ele engravidou enquanto treinava no norte durante o verão. Ele destruiu a lua deles. Mas a loba tem um segredo. E Lily não vai deixar que ela leve o que é dela tão facilmente. ** Essa história está cheia de reviravoltas que vão fazer você chorar, rir, ficar com raiva, jogar o celular, etc. É uma jornada que você vai amar, incapaz de se desvencilhar de Lily, Eve e Zain. Espero que você também ame a história e aceite o convite para embarcar em uma jornada que o deixará realizado e com um sorriso no rosto.
Une course nocturne a changé la vie d'Aila pour toujours après s'être retrouvée au milieu d'une bataille entre des loups-garous et des chasseurs. Elle est soudainement kidnappée par lesdits chasseurs et découvre des secrets sur son passé et son avenir alors qu'elle se lance dans un voyage pour découvrir qui ou ce qu'elle est véritablement. Les problèmes surgissent les uns après les autres quand elle échappe enfin à l'emprise des chasseurs, pour être ensuite recueillie par l'Alpha féroce de la Meute du Croissant d'Argent. Contrairement à la plupart qui le craignent, Aila défie son autorité à chaque étape de son apprentissage sur elle-même et sur l'Alpha dominant et possessif qui tente de la revendiquer. Les têtes vont-elles se heurter dans une bataille de volontés, ou peuvent-ils collaborer pour aider à protéger le monde caché des créatures des chasseurs ? Rejoignez Aila dans son voyage de redécouverte, aimez, riez et pleurez avec elle dans ce roman d'amour intense, mouvementé et passionnel. ----- Gagnante de la médaille d'or dans le concours de prompt d'écriture #161 - Métamorphes. ------ *** APERÇU *** [ CONTENU MATURE ] "Les yeux en haut, Aila." Il claqua des mots ; sa voix dure la fit regarder dans ses yeux, et elle fut immédiatement piégée sous son regard de glace. Elle ne pouvait pas détourner le regard des siens alors qu'il s'approchait d'elle, ses mouvements lents comme s'il était prêt à bondir sur sa proie. Sans réfléchir, elle se leva de sa position, prête à s'échapper, mais il la saisit et épingla ses mains contre le lit. Il avança son genou, écartant les jambes d'Aila qui ne résistèrent qu'une seconde avant de laisser entrer son genou. Il le poussa lentement à l'endroit entre ses cuisses, la faisant haleter au contact soudain. "Tu aimes me désobéir, Aila ?" Il grogna; Aila fut confuse un instant jusqu'à ce qu'elle se rappelle à quel point elle avait facilement défié ses ordres. Était-il vraiment encore en colère depuis tout à l'heure ? Mais lorsqu'elle chercha sa réponse dans son visage, elle la trouva rapidement. Il était définitivement furieux depuis plus tôt. "Pour être tout à fait honnête, oui. Ça te remet à ta place," Aila sourit quand elle croisa son regard enflammé. Il rapprocha son visage du sien, la pression de son genou entre ses jambes s'intensifiait, la faisant mordre sa lèvre inférieure. "Mauvaise réponse," Il grogna avant de mordre sa lèvre pour la dégager de ses dents. ----- *AVERTISSEMENT* CONTENU MATURE : Violence graphique Langage fort Contenu sexuel Abus -- 【 Volume 1 : Complet】 【 Volume 2 : Complet】 【 Volume 3 : BIENTÔT DISPONIBLE - Été 2024 】 -- Si vous appréciez l'histoire, veuillez voter avec une pierre de pouvoir, laisser des commentaires et une critique ! -- Image de couverture : Commandée par @if._art Mon Instagram : @kelly_starrz Mon nouveau serveur Discord : https://discord.gg/MHMdRRqUYa
Fuir pour votre sécurité et s'inscrire dans une école remplie de psychopathes... pour être revendiqué par un prince alpha dérangé ? Ouais, vous seriez mieux mort. • . • La vie de Jules était parfaite jusqu'à ce que toute sa famille soit assassinée soudainement, lui étant le seul survivant. Un sauveur est intervenu parce qu'il était toujours en grand danger, ce qui a conduit Jules à adopter une nouvelle identité et à devenir une personne complètement différente du jour au lendemain— et à s'inscrire à Carnivals, une école prestigieuse pour garçons, réservée aux êtres surnaturels. À Carnivals, des monstres rôdent dans les couloirs sombres et les forts prédaient les faibles. Vous devenez soit un prédateur, soit une proie... et à en juger par l'allure de Jules— un garçon trop beau pour son bien, avec une carrure mince et petite, il était évident qu'il allait être dévoré vivant par les prédateurs. Voici Blaze, un loup qui fait frissonner l'échine de chaque prédateur de l'école, un Alpha incroyablement séduisant qui était aussi dangereux et dérangé que les rumeurs le prétendaient. Il jeta un coup d'œil à Jules et décida là, à ce moment-là, que Jules lui appartenait. *** Je reculais lentement, les yeux écarquillés alors que mon regard se fixait sur le sourire naissant au coin de ses lèvres. Blaze ne souriait jamais, et quand il le faisait, cela ne présageait rien de bon. Mon cœur s'accélérait alors que je reculais encore, le souffle coupé alors qu'il commençait à réduire la distance entre nous. En un rien de temps, mon dos était plaqué contre le mur froid et c'est alors que ça m'a frappé en plein cœur que j'étais acculé et piégé, comme une véritable proie... par nul autre que Blaze, alors que je pensais que ma vie ne pouvait pas être pire. Il me dominait sans effort, dégageant tant de dominance et je devais incliner la tête en arrière pour pouvoir rencontrer ses yeux sombres, et mon souffle s'est coupé lorsque nos regards se sont croisés. Il se pencha et mes yeux se fermèrent immédiatement alors que je retenais mon souffle, attendant qu'il frappe. J'avais entendu toutes les rumeurs horrifiantes et interminables à son sujet. C'était un Prince Alpha en présence duquel quelqu'un comme moi ne devrait jamais se trouver. Quand j'ai senti la pointe de son nez froid glisser sur la longueur de ma gorge, ma bouche s'est ouverte pour lâcher un gazouillis de surprise. Il aspira un long souffle audible et un frisson me parcourut l'échine alors que je devenais encore plus raide, la confusion obscurcissant mon esprit. Qu'est-ce qui se passait ? Pourquoi faisait-il cela soudainement ? Oh mon dieu... il était vraiment un alpha dérangé comme tout le monde le dit ! *** CE LIVRE EST CLASSÉ 18+ ! Il contient du contenu mature tel que : - Harcèlement. - Consommation de drogues. - Scènes explicites [beaucoup de ça.] - Violence. - Harem [pas entre les personnages principaux.] Alors... procédez avec prudence, vous êtes prévenu ! *Je ne possède pas les droits sur la couverture !
Isabella Martini, all she ever wanted was to find her mate and live a peaceful life with him. But all of that comes spirally down when she is accused of killing her sister. Despite being the daughter of the Beta of the Blood Moon Pack, no one believed her, not even her Alpha, Alpha Gael Romano. To make amends for the crime she did not commit, she agrees to marry Alpha Romano. But that does not go as planned, and when she realizes that he plans to kill her, that is her final straw. Now a broken soul, she wanders into the rogue territory, trying to build her life again. Arlo Bianchi, Alpha of the Black Knight Pack. He has been whispered as Death for the numerous deaths that stain his hands. Everyone is afraid of the monster he has become, but what would happen when Isabella stumbles upon his land? Will he kill her on sight, or will she be the key to his cold heart? Find out more in this book.
[MATURE CONTENT] Devyn Lowell, the youngest daughter of the Lowell Clan. A dominant werewolf omega, who changes sex partners every month in order to maintain her form. She never entered serious relationships. For her, alpha men were just toys. Kiel Arnoux, a recessive werewolf alpha. Living his life as the President’s shadow. Devyn’s personal assistant, who distanced himself and forgot the memories they made as childhood friends. *** “I can’t take her strong pheromones!!” The man who was supposed to be Devyn’s partner for the month stormed out of the room. The female omega sat down and lit a cigarette. A devilish smirk stretched across her cheeks. “What a useless alpha,” Kiel turned to her and bowed. “I apologize. Do you want me to arrange another—” He stopped when Devyn pulled his collar. She blew a smoke and ordered. "Kneel" Kiel wasn't stunned at all. He bent down and kneeled. Devyn grabbed the man by the hair and then she placed one foot on Kiel's chest. "You are so obedient. Do you know that it was a privilege to be stepped on by me?" she smirked. The man nodded. "Thank you for stepping on me, President." *** A hot and steamy connection between a CEO and her assistant. Is LUST the only thing that binds them? What will happen if both of them fall deeper into the dangerous pit of LOVE? Heyoo! It's me your author Yohan!! Another novel to support! My entry for the spirity 2022!!! Please read with care and don't forget to support!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Discord: @yohan#6080 ADD IT TO YOUR COLLECTIONS NOW!!!!