Re Zero Novels & Books - WebNovel

About 738 results

  • Re: Evolution Online

    Re: Evolution Online



    On just another normal Monday, a new virtual reality game called "Evolution Online" launched out of nowhere and took the world by storm. People were blown away by the game’s hyper-realistic features and endless adventures. Everyone from small companies to big corporations and governments scrambled to get a foothold on this mysterious video game. But what they didn't know was that this game was actually a tutorial for the upcoming apocalypse that was about to hit the planet! The game was a precursor to the Earth's first evolution, where mana was going to be unleashed into the real world! Liam, a high school student who had faced numerous setbacks in his life, turned to 'Evolution Online' in the hope of changing his fate, but instead, he got trapped in the game's twisted world, and things went from bad to worse. When the apocalypse finally arrived, Liam barely managed to escape, but his situation didn't improve. Along with millions of others, he died a miserable death, unable to fight back and filled with regret. However, Liam's story didn't end there. He found himself inexplicably transported back in time before everything started! Armed with the knowledge of what was to come, Liam was determined to become the strongest and most powerful player, unleashing destruction upon the world that had ruined him before! This time, things were going to be different! ******************* Discord Link for chatting with author and character art

  • Re: Player

    Re: Player



    Being thrown into the game-world of [Call of the Black Magicians], Adam was forced to survive with no prior information.Except for his memories of the Game-World and his name, he did not have any memories of his previous life.But fret not, even though the Game-World had many perils and was on the verge of extinction at every next step, it also had its beauty and magic, one to die for.With the authority of [Player], he could save and restart until he achieved his desired result. He could learn skills of the ‘NPCs’ and achieve the results like the ‘Players.’ He could literally solo the entire game world to achieve his desired results. Whether he wants to save the world or destroy it, he could do it… as many times as he wishes.Even the [Black Magicians] won’t be able to do anything about it… probably.But was it all there was to it?[Beta Version 0.1 will begin in 6 Months: 29 days: 23 Hours!]I guess not……Description:In the World of Zarraf, their lives Gods, not all Gods are good and certainly none are without motives. They rule the world’s 7 nations: The Nation of Light and SunThe Nation of WaterThe Nation of FireThe Nation of LifeThe Nation of EarthThe Nation of MoonThe Nation of WindEach ruled by a goddess that has their own stance in their ruling. But that is only the first page of this world.The second page colors the Ancient Gods of Corruption, Rage, Curse, Death and Hate.The third belongs the Seven Sins’ Incarnations that are ready to succeed the Ancient Gods.The Fourth is of the Witches who stand against all Gods equally.And the Final Page colors the [Immortals] or otherwise known as [Players] that will be summoned to bring Chaos to this world.A World that was meant to be destroyed.Such is the fate of the world of Zarraf, as powers beyond the realm of mortals threaten the dynamic equilibrium of their existence.In the end, the world was prophesied to be destroyed by one cause or another. Nothing could prevent looming destruction…Or so...It was supposed to happen……Hey, Author here to give a quick glance at a couple of things that are normally asked.Harem? YesRomance? YesSystem? ObviouslySmut? Oh yes!Adventure RPG? Yes.Power Creeping? Not really.Overpowered? Depends on how you see itSmart MC? I guess so. Wise MC? YesSomething you need to know before you readThe MC has the ability to [Save] a point (there are some conditions), with which he can return in time. So basically, he is an immortal. Though that doesn’t make him invincible from the start, rather he grows by making correct choices.The World is dynamic and pretty much anything can happen anytime. (It’s just my way of saying that there will be twists… pretty much unexpected ones as well). And then there will be solutions to those unexpected situations as well, depending upon the absurdity of it. (I won’t have any more plot armor since I gave him a pretty big buff of immortality, so everything will be connected and won’t just happen by luck. Everything will be cleared by the end of an arc, so you need to be patient before deciding on it.)It has a mix of everything. Thriller, Adventure, Action, Smut, Romance, Slice of Life, etc. so there is that as well.…….[Mature Warning: This Novel Contains R-18 Content!]

  • Zero To Hero In The Martial Arts Library

    Zero To Hero In The Martial Arts Library



    Transmigrating to a parallel universe, Ye Xiao's spiritual and martial arts skills were awakened. He became a librarian in the martial arts library and awakened the Golden Book Divine Soul. Upon seeing that there were skills to collect divine souls, Ye Xiao cultivated in them. When he maxes out the skill, he can even synthesize them into a higher-level skill. Seven basic blade skills can be synthesized to the Emperor Level Skill- Blade Dominance Nine basic sword skills can be synthesized to the Emperor Level Skill- Heaven Cleaving Sword Ten basic fist strokes can be synthesized to the Emperor Level Skill- Fist of Destruction Ye Xiao cultivated and grew, upholding the principle of not leaving before he became invincible. Many years later, the Star Beasts arrived and the human race was threatened. Tens of millions of people found themselves helpless, unable to defeat the beasts. A sword shot across the sky and he emerged from the gleaming light of the blade. "Those who threaten humans shall be eliminated!"

  • Re: Apocalypse Game

    Re: Apocalypse Game



    Alan, a young science teacher, finds himself and millions of other, forced by alien invaders to participate in absurd VR "Apocalypse Games." Desperate to save his sick daughter, he took the path of gun and sword, embarking on a journey to become one of the top players in this deadly virtual world. All were forced to survive a series of different apocalypse scenarios: Ice age, Nuclear Fallout, AI Meltdown, Apex predators, etc. all for one promise: [Defeat all rounds and we will leave your world in peace] Every year, with less than 10% managed to survive, the whole world would watch the games in terror as their loved ones suffered and died.  After seven grueling years, Alan and his team become the last hope for humanity. But even their valiant efforts end in defeat. Alan loses everything—his comrades, his daughter, and the hope of mankind. Given a second chance, equip with the knowledge of the game's secrets and the future, will this simple science teacher succeed in saving the world? ---------------- Author Notes: This is my fifth Novel, i believe this one will show all my experience after writing 2000+ chapters and being Top 20 Webnovel Authors for 3 years. Its VR + Squid games + Apocalypse movies If you like any of those you will like this one #SmartMC #System #FullpackAction #Magic #MartialArts #Mecha #Vampire # Werewolf #Zombies #Bloodlines #Alien #War #Romance#SliceofLife #PopCulture Check out Apocalypse Game VIDEO TRAILER and COMIC TEASER on

  • Re: Evolution Online

    Re: Evolution Online


    An einem ganz normalen Montag startete ein neues Virtual-Reality-Spiel namens "Evolution Online" aus dem Nichts und eroberte die Welt im Sturm. Die Menschen waren begeistert von den hyperrealistischen Funktionen und den endlosen Abenteuern des Spiels. Alle, von kleinen Unternehmen bis hin zu großen Konzernen und Regierungen, bemühten sich, bei diesem geheimnisvollen Videospiel Fuß zu fassen. Was sie jedoch nicht wussten, war, dass dieses Spiel in Wirklichkeit eine Anleitung für die bevorstehende Apokalypse war, die über den Planeten hereinbrechen sollte! Das Spiel war ein Vorläufer der ersten Evolution der Erde, bei der das Mana in der realen Welt entfesselt werden sollte! Liam, ein High-School-Schüler, der in seinem Leben zahlreiche Rückschläge hinnehmen musste, wandte sich an "Evolution Online" in der Hoffnung, sein Schicksal zu ändern, aber stattdessen wurde er in der verdrehten Welt des Spiels gefangen, und die Dinge wurden immer schlimmer. Als die Apokalypse schließlich eintrat, konnte Liam gerade noch entkommen, aber seine Situation verbesserte sich nicht. Zusammen mit Millionen anderer starb er einen elenden Tod, unfähig, sich zu wehren, und voller Bedauern. Liams Geschichte war damit jedoch noch nicht zu Ende. Er fand sich auf unerklärliche Weise in der Zeit zurückversetzt, bevor alles begann! Bewaffnet mit dem Wissen, was kommen würde, war Liam entschlossen, der stärkste und mächtigste Spieler zu werden und die Welt zu zerstören, die ihn zuvor ruiniert hatte! Dieses Mal sollte alles anders werden!

  • Re: Apocalypse Online

    Re: Apocalypse Online



    Kaden, a comatose patient, was one of the many who had fallen because of the sudden entry of mana on Earth. But fate had other plans for him when a mysterious new patient was wheeled into his hospital room, giving him an unexpected second chance at life. Suddenly, he found himself back at the beginning, when it had all started, right before the revolutionary game 'Apocalypse Online' had launched. Kaden did not know if he had received this second chance thanks to the mysterious patient or not but he was determined to make the most of it. In a year when the game merged with reality, everything was going to change and Earth was going to take an evolutionary leap. Only this time when it happened, he was going to be ready for it. In fact, he was going to be more than ready for it. He was going to become the strongest player and claim the throne as the overlord of the new world!

  • VRMMORPG: Legendary Level Zero

    VRMMORPG: Legendary Level Zero



    At a time when other players were fiercely striving to reach the peak level in the game, Leon was a distinct one. For a particular reason, he had remained at level zero - the Goddess of Sloth had chosen him to be her Champion. As a reward, she had generously bestowed him with five extraordinary skills, making him the strongest of all the players! [You have become the Champion of the Goddess of The Sloth.] [As the Champion of The Sloth, you have been graced with the privilege of Self Transcendence, a divine blessing.] [You have unlocked Bountiful Harvest skill] [You have unlocked Adaptive Equipment skill] [You have unlocked Quality Enhancement skill] [You have unlocked Domain Boundless Access skill] [You have unlocked Quest Advancement skill] The beginning of his journey was humble, but his extraordinary skill in the virtual realm of Yunatea quickly earned him a legendary status. He was so competent that the most complex levels posed no challenge to him. His fame brought him immense wealth, admiration from his peers and power in the real world. Not to mention, he had a multitude of women pursuing him! *** 2 Chapters/Day. Though if I end up coming home late from work and get held up in traffic, I might only be able to post one. Nevertheless, I am determined to do my best. Please consider buying the second tier of the privilege chapters; it's only two coins and you can read an additional ten chapters. Your support would be greatly appreciated and will motivate me to write even more! *** Additional Tags for the Book: Kingdom Building, Blacksmithing, Alchemy, Jewelry Crafting, Weapon Crafting, Armor Crafting. Multi-Class System, Seven Deadly Sins. Elves, Demons, Dragons, Dwarves, Faeries, Giants, and Beasts. Maids, Knights, Army Buildings, and a Lot of Magical Spells. Beautiful Princesses, Beautiful Goddesses, Attractive Side Characters, Kind Side Characters, and Helpful Side Characters. Monster Battles, Epic Wars, and a Fearless Main Character. And lastly, there are legendary weapons, legendary beasts, legendary spirits, and legendary wives! Though it may not be the main dish, the harem is still part of this captivating tale!

  • Re : Life

    Re : Life


    Ale, the 'Incarnation of an ancient saint', 'An angel', 'The right hand of God', he goes by many names within the people of his duchy. And just like those names suggests, he's a kind, understanding, smart yet down to earth soul, someone you'd look for in times of despair.He was like a Messiah, an example for others to look up to. And he achieved all that within three years. Before that, nobody even acknowledged his existence. Now, you may ask what could've happened three years ago that changed him like this, which gave birth to this hero. To answer your question, it's 'death'. He died. Not three years ago but twenty years into the future. He died twenty years later in the future and then came back to the past, to the beginning of everything, to a time where nothing had gone wrong. He lived a miserable life and died a miserable death. All he wanted was to do was help people and be a good person, but what he received in return was a world of pain, the death of his loved ones and the title of 'The betrayer of humanity'. It was him against the entire world, a life full of misunderstanding. Yet, all he did was helping a wounded soul. He received all that for helping someone he shouldn't have, for befriending someone he should've killed at first site. He befriended a demon. But it was all in the past now. The future he experienced no longer existed. The naïve young master was no longer there. The Ale of present was a person with knowledge, experience and skill unlike no other. And this time, he wasn't going to repeat the mistakes of his past anymore. He wasn't going to walk a road of ignorance and foolishness. This time, what path will he choose? In this second chance, what mistakes will he undo and what enemies will he need to deal with? Will he be able to save his loved ones in this life? And in the end, what will happen to Ale, this man full of unseen scars and wounds? Will he actually be able to heal?

  • She's That Knight Known as Zero

    She's That Knight Known as Zero



    She had to be strong, she had to work harder than anyone, she needs to always be on guard, she had to keep all the secrets sealed, but would all this be easy? When a lot gets attracted to her without her trying, when a lot watches her closely because she's too suspicious, when even her feelings that she made into stone are being melted.She suddenly appeared in their kingdom 4 years ago. They didn't know who she was or where she came from.But she knows why she's there.One didn't know she ever existed while the other doesn't remember her.She has no identity except for her name."Just who are you?""Someone, someone who never should have been born," she answered as once again she tried to stop her sobs from coming out.*****If you're looking for literally half part is magical and the other half focuses on the character development. Then you are on the right novel. Come and join others in reading the story of a woman who's fate is the worst among all of them, but remains gentle and kind.Do read my other stories:VENGEANCE TO THE ROYAL ONES (COMPLETED)COMING FOR THE LAST FOURTEENTH (COMPLETED)RESTARTING CHAPTER BOOK FINALE (COMPLETED)VERACITY OF THE PAST (COMPLETED)REBIRTH: STUBBORNLY FULFILLING A PROMISE (ONGOING) LEFT BEHIND BY TIME (ONGOING)For more updates about me, here's our instagram account:'s our discord server:

  • When The Timer Hits Zero

    When The Timer Hits Zero

    Eighteen-year-old Ari has been able to see timers ever since he was twelve. He doesn't know what they mean or why he can see them, but one thing is sure: something bad is bound to happen when it runs out. When the timers of both Ari and his bestfriend Ezra are close to running out, he starts to panic. In what way will it change their lives?This is Wings's first ever book: a quick-paced, short LGBT one. It plays in the same universe, even in the same school, as some of their other books. Though it is not needed to read all of them in order to understand the seperate stories, there are some things that will make more sense.

  • Re:Immortal



    An RPG gamer who played the cultivation VRMMORPG ‘The Immortal’ for years, finds himself teleported to a parallel world that resembled the game greatly. He takes on the body of his ascended online character, only to find the once thriving Heaven's in ruins, the thousand year old sects nothing but ancient memories. Follow him as he sets out on a journey to find out the reasons behind his teleportation, and hopefully unveil the mystery of the tragedy that struck the heavenly realm.Cover made by the best artist ever, @erinm_arte! Go follow her on Instagram!

  • Re:Zero − Starting Life in Another World

    Re:Zero − Starting Life in Another World


    Author : Tappei Nagatsuki Subaru Natsuki is a NEET who is suddenly summoned to a fantasy-like world. Just after arriving, he is killed while trying to help a young half-elf he befriends, Emilia, who is a candidate to become the next ruler of the Kingdom of Lugunica, only to revive some hours in the past.

  • Re: Zero If Gluttony (kerakusan)

    Re: Zero If Gluttony (kerakusan)

    cerita dari seorang Hikikomori yg bernama natsuki Subaru,yg masuk isekai setelah keluar dari Indomaret terus dianya bisa ngeRespawn jika dia meninggal,diapun depresi akibat beban mental yg dialami nya terus ngebunuh semua org yg pernah ia kenal(kalo mau yg lebih detail...liat Sono anime nya!1!1)•kematian adalah sarapan sehari hari ku•-Subadrun

  • Re: Intertwined Destiny

    Re: Intertwined Destiny



    Bai Shuyin, a young high-schooler turned human vegetable, was transmigrated into a novel she casted aside because of how humdrum the plot was. Waking up as the poor sister who was destined to protect her baby brother villain and die a tragic death really was the cherry on the sundae.  Normally Bai Shuyin would just go along with any role she was given since she hated complicated and troublesome things. "I hope this is worth the trouble," was what she thought to herself.  She decided to go against the plot, perhaps, trying to change her fate as she went. However, she just realized that she had almost no clue about the book at all! What she knew was only the main characters and the villain. Not the major problem, not the climax, she didn't even know what happened at the end of the book.  She thought people who transmigrated would have their own system who would elaborate the background of the book and sell hidden powers with countless missions to complete, yet she had none! She truly was a cannon fodder in this book. Bai Shuyin glanced at the little villain that throtelled after her. Should she ask him? What crisis would he go through in the future? Would he even know anything else besides sticking to her side like a glue? The title of this novel was called "The Crown Prince and The Devious Tyrant King". This little boy was nothing but a cute little pie. What caused him to blacken? However, in the unexpected chaos, love came hitting her out of nowhere. She was faced with a love interest in the form of a flamboyant red peacock, whom she found herself falling for.  The wind blew gently against the red crimson hair, those indigo eyes burned into her own. With one knee on the ground; a gesture that shouldn't be done by a crown prince, and a hand stretched out towards her, he said, "Are you willing to rule over the world, side by side, with me as your companion?” This story is just about a dumb MC trying to survive in the world that ask too much of what her braincells could comprehend. *The cover is commissioned art, all rights belong to me and the artist, Laylee.

  • Re zero piter if

    Re zero piter if

    um garoto chamado subaru natsuki e invocado para outro mundoPiter van Astria e um garoto que nasceu com uma maldiçao e um olho demoniacoRyuken shi haung um principe aparentemente morto

  • My Reincarnation In Re: Zero

    My Reincarnation In Re: Zero


    A young man named Yoshiro Masanu gets reincarnated in some type of weird yet familiar place. Then, quite the stuff happens to him. This is just some stupid FanFic that I decided to write. I don't have any story in my mind. I only go with the flow.(Also, copying if you don't mind.)

  • Reencarnando en re zero

    Reencarnando en re zero

    Un estudiante normal de 15 años con un buenas calificaciones y un fisico bien desarrollado estaba caminando por la calle a altas horas de la noche despues de regresar de su entrenamiento, por el camino escucha un grito y va a ayudar pero en ese momento siente algo en su pecho y ve que alguien lo apuñala y cae al piso muerto. En ese instante sintio que un gran cantidad de informacioón y diferentes idiomas entraban en su cerebro. Al volver a abrir los ojos se encuentra en el lugar donde aparecio subaru en el anime re zero, el lo sabia porque le gusta mucho el anime, manga y novelas. Que hara él en este mundo donde a adquirido una gran sabiduria y fuerza.

  • Re: World Apocalypse

    Re: World Apocalypse


    Previously titled, My Mech System *** The Apocalypse is here. The human race has fallen at the hands of their creations. Nathaniel Holt, an unwilling hero, is sent back in time with only one directive... Save Mankind. In a world where technology meets cultivation... Where terrifying monsters and sentient Machines rule the planet... He would have to capitalize on his only strength to face off against those that wish for humanity's extinction "I may not be a weapon master, but you should know..." "I am the lord of gadgets!!!" This is his attempt to save humanity. Would he be successful or would he end up watching the same cycle repeat itself? **** Additional tags #Regression #Time travel #Artificial intelligence #Survival #Evolution #academy #Future #Advanced technology #Mutation #Monsters **** Update schedule - 2 chapters daily. *** Notice : The Mechs in this story does not only refer to Giant robots. Gadgets as a whole is included, so yeah, I think that's necessary to point out.





    [ORIGINAL NOVEL NAME: No Class Reincarnation] "I died at the age of 18...or was it suicide?" "More or else I can't remember that much..." "It all happened so fast... A bum like me with No Class getting reincarnated..." His past life was a misery that he wanted to escape with all means, but now things were different, he vowed to rectify his past mistakes and become a better man capable of protecting his loved ones at all costs. With the gift of harbouring two mana cores in his body... Only sole human capable of wielding 'Aether'.... Great Family that supported him throughout his growth from learning magic to swordsmanship... And being able to traverse a pocket dimension to his will known as 'Vanta Black.' Things were looking great for the young Lad until he joined an expedition to Elder, hundreds were killed and after he took down the Final beast, he's body was corrupted with Negative mana. This led to the kingdom blaming the boy for the misfortune that had befell them. He came back from the expedition amongst those who had survived only to find his parents missing. His master? Coldly murdered. "Afte all I've done for not only this kingdom but the Continent as well...this is how they treat me..." "GENOCIDE!" was the only thing ringing in Jay's head. And thus it was marked in the history books, The Lilac Massacre! Those who lived got to tell the story of a boy who killed a third of a Continent's population. --- After getting his dual mana core shattered by the Deity of Chaos and Order Jay was thrown into the Acheron, the ruined world of gods. Those who showed ways of redemption to the gods were taken back to the mortal realm. "Redemption my Ass!" "I'll Kill the so called gods myself..." ______________________________________ "That...that boy, he was able to flip the entire balance and order of the world, defying the laws and concepts set upon it, Killing gods and Deities...." "Surely he must have had some help right?" "..." "Right?" "He did it...all by HIMSELF!" ______________________________________ [THE MC IS A KIND HEARTED PERSON AND KIND OF A B*TCH AT THE START BUT HE CHANGES OVER TIME LOOSING HIS HUMANITY] HAREM POTENTIAL? YES but a small one. FOLLOW MY INSTAGRAM FOR CHARACTER DESIGNS: @heavenlymike DISCORD SERVER IS UP AND RUNNING... COME SHOW SOME LOVE LINK:

  • 33 Risen#re

    33 Risen#re



    '33 lives, they are my past,' 'Or so I wish they would remain,' 'But the past the present and the future make each other,' 'So I cannot be without all three,' 'I was cursed through all 33,' 'No, that's a lie, there were 2 exceptions,' 'But they were merely lies,' 'But they linger still,' 'All 33 of them are in my head,' 'So many lives, so many me's' 'My parents have always given me names,' 'Names no child deserved to bear,' 'So I crafted names of my own,' 'Oh, Demon of the End,' 'Oh Shatterer of Shatterings,' 'Heed my name for I was Talon Haltz the (Chaos Bringer) 'Oh mortals, oh immortals, oh gods, will you ever forget my name,' 'The one who bested you all and made the heavens acknowledge me as it's equal when it knew not your disgraceful names,' 'I've had so many names and shed those cursed ones,' 'Granted by parents undeserving of the title,' 'Of all my names only one truly matters,' 'My first,' "Samsara that is my sacred name, but I know not how it came to be mine,' 'Now I am cursed no more,' 'I have become Samsara once more,' "It's my first life, the life I never got to live,' 'Only it's complicated, for it is my first life,' 'Only it isn't!' --- Join Samsara in his journey to learn the truth of his origins, and the origins of his curse... Will it be a truth he can handle or will the broken god be broken once more? --- A/N: the first volume is officially complete, I know that it's long, but I promise it's worth the read. please feel free to point out any mistakes, and if there's anything you'd like to know about the story let me know in the comments --- Up/rate= 10ch/week 150 power stones = 1 bonus chapter 300 power stones = 2 bonus chapters 500+ power stones = 4 bonus chapters --- I do not own the rights to the cover art The credit for the cover art goes to: LAS-T if the owner wants it taken down please let me know
