Cyber Novels & Books - WebNovel

About 335 results



  • Cyber


  • Cyberpunk 2099: Alien Extraction System

    Cyberpunk 2099: Alien Extraction System


    "Terranoids, malicious malware and viruses with mechanical bodies made of metals and steel, created by a violent AI known as Omni-cast.During the year 2079, Terranoids ran rampant through out the world and war between cybernetic humans and Terranoids broken out.Wuth the insane combat cyberwares and skill wares and mods, the Terranoids were almost wiped out by humans.But they learned, they evolved, the war was quickly reversed as the Terranoids managed to learn Quick hacks, disabling the very cyberware the humans relied on and turned them against each other.Humans were almost wiped out, that is until they figured out a way to mix technology with the body, inserting nanobots to assist in reshaping and evolving the genes beyond the gjven limit, creating the Altered ones.The war was once more put under control and in a stale mate.Under the slightly peaceful era, corporate enterprises rose up once more and greed enveloped thw world with these new knowledge of power.Another path to evolution was hence created, they are called Mechanoids!Mechanoids, humans who are made up of pure steel! Their cells, genes, flesh and organs are all pure nano machines!Their strength even stronger than Altered ones but their minds became corrupted and with power, comes greed.Hence, another war between The altered Ones and Mechanoids broke out eventually dividing the entire planet into two continents ; Origin Continent and Cyborgenic Continent. On Origin Continent, Michael, a young teenager, lives in a slum, where he makes a living by producing and selling illegal substances. Despite his hard work, he struggles to make ends meet and dreams of a better life.Michael hears about a rare and powerful gene-editing nanobot being sold on the black market, which can grant incredible physical abilities to its host. Hopeful about becoming a Spliggen and escape the cruelty of the slums and the oppression from the High-born, Michael used his earnings of ten years, finally purchasing the gene-modifying nanobot, the trader gifting him a useless assistant nanobot. However, before he can use it, the nanobot is stolen by a rival gang in a violent confrontation!

  • No Magic,No Tech,No problem,Just My System's Power

    No Magic,No Tech,No problem,Just My System's Power


    My name is Arlo Templeton. Just a guy trying to live a life where I can forget my past.In a world where mages wield magic to showcase their power and advanced technology commands Cybers robots, hovering cars, and Ray Guns to reign supreme, I am an outsider. It feels like I’ve stopped moving forward while time relentlessly marches on.Hope is a word that can propel us forward or leave us lying down. But in this chaos, hope alone cannot grant someone peace. We need something greater to confront our adversaries.It's as if something hears my pleas, as usual, when I visit the cave to mine Voidstone, surrounded by Cybers.Suddenly, the cave exploded, crushing me to death. But death didn’t come. Instead, I found myself back at that morning.Then, I gained System ability.Now what?Do I live in regret anymore? I've lost too much in my life—my family, my ambition, my peace, my happiness. I’m afraid that if I move forward, I'll lose even more in the future. Will this system save or kill the people I want to protect?[Arlo Templeton - Game Over]---- Read to see the characters reach their destiny.Support the novel if you enjoyed it. Releases 2 chapters/day.

  • To Tame an Omega

    To Tame an Omega

    In a non-shifting alpha/omega society, omegas have become so scarce, they’re sequestered at birth in isolated facilities.<br><br>Rafael Vargas, cyber expert, is an omega hiding in plain sight. At least until activists recruit him to hack an omega facility and rescue the children. He gets away clean until a prime alpha unwittingly hires him to trace the hack. With his precious freedom at risk, Rafael battles his instinctive attraction to the alpha.<br><br>Grant Tenereth, an alpha overseeing the omega facilities, is hell-bent on finding the kidnapped children. But from the moment he hires the fascinating but challenging Rafael, Grant finds himself questioning his rock-solid devotion to the rules. When he learns the man is an omega as well as a criminal hacker, he tries to do the right thing for the law, even if it isn’t the right thing for him. Or for the omega.<br><br>Grant struggles, trapped between duty and desire. Rafael aches for love but fears losing his independence. Will they realize before it’s too late that what they have isn’t just instinct? It’s everything.

  • Mech Awakening: I Awakened an Aircraft Carrier!

    Mech Awakening: I Awakened an Aircraft Carrier!


    Cyber energy leaked, and the mech apocalypse arrived! All the animals on Blue Star evolved into mechanized beasts and launched indiscriminate attacks on humans! In this crisis-ridden world, everyone could awaken their most precious mechanical mechs to fight against the rampaging beasts! In his previous life, Lin Chen was a billionaire boss, but because his awakened mech was his favorite luxury watch, it turned out to be too weak! In this situation, with the first wave of cyber beasts attacking and betrayal from others, he quickly perished in this apocalypse. But by some stroke of luck, he found himself back in the week before the outbreak of the cyber apocalypse! This time, as soon as he started, he chose to sell his company and all his luxury watches. He spent billions to purchase an aircraft carrier from the Russians! With this, he awakened the strongest mech on Blue Star! In this life, he vowed to make those who betrayed him pay the price. But after surviving the first wave of the beast onslaught, he realized that the cyber apocalypse was not as simple as he had imagined...

  • Cyber Horizon

    Cyber Horizon

    Games ACTION

    A select few of people had their minds transported into Cyber Horizon. Now these people with no past memory survive and figure out they got there.

  • Cyber Chronicles

    Cyber Chronicles


    Dive in with Crystal into the life and memories of Earth's first cyber wielder, Lincoln Blaze. Lincoln and Dexter find a gemstone in a failed hiking trip, a stone that stuck with Lincoln his entire life. Many years later, he realizes that there's more to this gemstone than just his lucky charm. It could just be the cure for his memory loss. The cure to the Crimson's Effect.

  • Cyber Firmament

    Cyber Firmament


    Dunia tahun 2045, kemajuan teknologi yang begitu pesat, memunculkan banyak sekali inovasi-inovasi baru. Salah satunya adalah, olahraga baru yaitu pertarungan di dalam dunia virtual bernama Cyber Firmament. Game itu sendiri juga dinamai Cyber Firmament karena baru satu game itu saja yang diciptakan. Walaupun begitu, Cyber Firmament menarik banyak sekali penonton maupun penggunanya yang disebut player. Di lain pihak, seorang anak bernama Aciel Ezra yang mencoba menjauh dari Cyber Firmament, diseret oleh kakaknya untuk menjadi pemain di dalamnya. Dengan latar belakang psikologis Aciel yang penyendiri dan cuek karena masa lalunya yang kelam, dia harus berhadapan dengan dunia luar sebagai siswa terbaik jalur beasiswa. Kehidupannya berubah drastis. Di situlah dia diuji untuk menjalani kesehariannya di akademi Cakrawala Maya 1 Neo-Jakarta.

  • Cyber Security

    Cyber Security


    Kanna Kashimoto; an American of Japanese descent enters the part of the website that is based on popular beliefs is a dangerous place - the dark web. This temptation to enter the dark web was to bring about something grievous to her life...P.S. This is a short story but this is just the first book of many and I wrote this on another site and I just thought of transferring it to here... :>>=Book Cover Picture taken from Pinterest=

  • Cyber Touch

    Cyber Touch


    Alycia was an ordinary girl with an ordinary life. All that changed one day when she realised she could control any electronic device with a touch of her finger. She believed she had hit the jackpot when she could adjust the numbers in her bank account. However, is this really a blessing or a curse?

  • Cyber Steampunk

    Cyber Steampunk

    August, a swordsmith from 1861, gets transported to 2034 and meets his 5x great-grandson, Kyle. But strange things start to happen around him and to him. Will they ever find out what's happening?

  • Cyber Chase

    Cyber Chase


    In the advanced cyber cities of 2934, a great researcher stored all his research in a data chip, the research which if fell to evil hands could spell the doom of the world. He was pursued and killed for hiding such a secret, but the data chip was not found on him, so where did it go? Did he entrust it to a secret organisation? A great agent? Hidden in some safe somewhere? No, those are easy to think of, the chip he handed to his daughter, who had no clue of what it even was, ensuring that the chip's search will soon die as no information of it will be found. Little did he know that his daughter will grow up to become a nightmare for those who killed her father, keeping the chip safe, but for how long. It's easier to show than to say, better read to find out.

  • Cyber Punk

    Cyber Punk

  • Wanna Cyber?

    Wanna Cyber?

    Ritchie is a cam whore; he loves the internet and lives for the comments visitors post about his latest vlogs. His older boyfriend Doug isn't exactly technologically savvy and is worried about what Ritchie gets up to online. He trusts Ritchie, really ... it's everyone else he isn't too sure about. One evening while Doug is at class, he decides to chat up Ritchie without revealing himself to his boyfriend, just to see what happens. The response he gets surprises him.

  • Beautiful Doctor VS The Cyber Police

    Beautiful Doctor VS The Cyber Police



    Alice Valencia seorang dokter muda yang berusia 29th, bekerja pada salah satu RS Swasta. Dokter yang periang dan murah senyum ini sudah bekerja selama 7th di Unit Gawat Darurat RS tersebut. Dalam sebuah kesempatan dirinya akhirnya menangani sebuah kasus yang diduga adalah sebuah kasus bunuh diri, namun dokter Alice tetap meyakini bahwa kasus tersebut adalah kasus pembunuhan.Dari sinilah dia mulai mengenal Azka Camerlo, kepala divisi Cyber Police, polisi muda tampan yang dikaruniai senyum yang mempesona.Alice juga berkenalan dengan kelima anak buah Azka. Ronaldo, Ricky, Jhordy, Achmed, dan George.. Dari sinilah kehidupan Alice mulai berubah. Alice mulai mendapat teror dan akhirnya di pecat dari RS Tempat dia bekerja karena menyalahi kode etik.Keluarga gadis yang meninggal itu menuntut Alice dengan tuntutan pencemaran nama baik.Disaat yang sama Sahabat Alice, Viona Rahaya akhirnya mengungkap ketidaknyamanan nya selama ini hidup bersama dengan Alice. Viona lalu memilih keluar dari apartemen yang sudah hampir 6th mereka tinggali bersama.Alice menjadi frustasi, saat dirinya mulai bimbang dengan kehidupannya. Azka datang membawa cinta.Namun disaat yang bersamaan salah satu dari kelima tim Cyber tersebut sudah lebih dulu menyatakan perasaannya pada dokter Alice.Cinta segitiga mulai hadir dalam kisah ini.Konflik mulai muncul saat akhirnya semua kisah masa lalu dokter Alice mulai terkuak.Kisah ini dikemas dengan cinta, persahabatan, dan konflik yang begitu tragis.Penasaran...??Mari berjuang menulis dan membaca bersama...

  • Cyber Hunter

    Cyber Hunter


    Living a good life, a good job with decent pay.It all starts when she accepted a bounty to capture a C - grade criminal. The pay was good... really good.The source was also reliable since it was from the Government anyways.And as a B - grade bounty hunter, with lots of secrets and trump cards, it was basically free money.Until she met him!!!

  • Cyber Crime

    Cyber Crime


    Azer is a cyborg living his life as criminal. One day, he sets on a journey to become "Cyber Emperor", so to fulfill that dream he makes companions as well as enemies around the universe during his journey. The journey to become the greatest criminal in this cyber world has started. The world shall know what a true emperor is.

  • Cyber lover

    Cyber lover


    falling in love to someone that you haven't met before...that you never though u will fall for him seriously and both of you dream that someday you will be together..but everything fall into nothing...and hoping that he will come back what you promise...and you waited until you just notice you're just waiting for nothingand start a new life....but suddenly he came back.... how are you going to react?note: This is a confession of a girl who fall in love with a guy that he meet in the internet This is a true to life story now I want to share this story to all of you.How a girl fall in love to a guy that she thought Jenny is only 15 y/o a High school students who still believe in love after a countless time heart break. Spending most of her time in front of computer during summer break. Surprise she met the Mark while she's still in a relationship with Kim her Childhood friend

  • Cyber Taoist

    Cyber Taoist


    Zhang Fan crossed over to a parallel world, inherited the Dragon and Tiger Sword Seal, and became the 99th generation Purple Robe Heavenly Master of Mount Longhu. He thought that being a Heavenly Master meant just drinking tea, taking care of his health, and getting by on the mountain every day. However, on the first day, zombies began to appear at the foot of the mountain. As soon as the old Heavenly Master stepped down, all kinds of demons and monsters emerged. Fortunately, Zhang Fan was bound to the [Infinite Firepower Heavenly Master System]. At first, Zhang Fan was confused about the name of the system and didn't know what "infinite firepower" meant. But this question was quickly answered: "Host clears the Heavenly Master Mansion and receives a reward - Golden Light Spell Version P229 puzzle-solving game pistol!"
