"I can't be your meal..." Jacquelyn pleaded, trying to reason with the man who was supposedly her husband. His grin widened, curling into a mischievous smile, revealing his razor-sharp fangs. "And why is that?" he asked. Jacquelyn knew she had to use her brain with this one. "I am your wife... you can't eat me," she said, hoping to appeal to whatever humanity was left in him. "Makes it even better," was his cold response. Jacquelyn's legs trembled; she couldn't think of any culture or tradition where it was acceptable for a husband to eat his own wife. "And...." "And?" He prompted, with an encouraging sweet smile. "And I'm wet..." -------- Long, long ago, when Creatures of the Night ruled supreme and stood at the top of the food chain, a princess, Jacquelyn Avignon lived in the isolated part of the palace. Away from humans and even her own family. Cursed, they said. Queen killer, they called her. Bad omen, they crowned her. Until she was sent to be the bride of the Vampire King. A vampire king who enjoys his own peace and twisted sense of humor. Living life as the supreme sovereign, finds a princess who knows nothing about his supremacy at his doorstep, claiming to be his little wife. What happens when a cursed princess, afraid of blood, desperate to be with her family and to be loved back, crashes into the peaceful world of a vampire king? Her first target, turn her husband into a vegetarian. What about when Jacquelyn realizes that the world around her is more than just sunshine and good sleep but that hell is empty and the devils are here... in human form? She has to watch her back! For fans of; Forbidden love, dark fantasy, ancient curses and prophecy, strong willed and resilient female leads, grey men, dark humor, betrayals, marked mates, and star-crossed love, this book is for you. Other works by the same author: 1. Kitanna (Completed) 2. A Royal Mismatch: The Trouble With Prince Charming (Spin-off of Kitanna, Completed) 3. The Hitman's Sunshine (Completed)
ON HIATUS: Hello! I am taking a small break from this story because of irl stuff, will continue this from April 2025 onwards! Exactly a month later! "Be my Empress Selena..." His emerald eyes looked at her with a pleading look. She started to soften after seeing him plead so earnestly but she reminded herself that she didn't want this! She didn't want to be an Empress! Most importantly he lied and then disappeared! Now he has the audacity to come looking for her! "Get out." She pointed at the door and then at him. He grabbed her hand and pulled her towards himself. "You can't get rid of me. You know how stubborn I am." Ming Yue was an ordinary office worker when she went into a novel she used to read, a steamy romance between Clara, the innocent illegitimate daughter of a count and the cold Northern Duke. Was she the heroine? No. Was she a side character? No. She was the damned villainess everyone hated! Being a former doormat she decided to embrace the villainhood in this life and live life on her terms. A leisurely life was what she wanted, maybe face-slapping her ex-fiance, the Northern Duke every now and then... But that all changed when she met him... Alex. She hired him to be her partner, but he intended to make that contract last a lifetime. She had no room to say no because he was the Crown Prince! Soon to be the Emperor!
Após ser traída pelo seu noivo e prima no dia de seu casamento, Zara, renascida com memórias dos erros passados, jura reescrever seu destino. Impulsivamente, ela se casa com um estranho para manter seu ex à distância, sem perceber que Snow está longe de ser apenas um acompanhante. Snow Zephyr, um CEO rico e alfa da Alcateia Crescente de Marfim, precisa de uma esposa de conveniência para apaziguar seu pai e garantir sua posição. Quando uma mulher determinada e audaciosa propõe um casamento por conveniência, Snow concorda, sem saber do caos que ela trará para sua vida. A escolha desafiadora de Zara provoca a fúria de seus pais, levando-a a ser expulsa da empresa e forçando-a a encontrar trabalho em outro lugar. Ela consegue um emprego na Aurora Conglomerate Inc., apenas para descobrir que seu novo chefe é Snow, o homem com quem se casou - e tio de seu ex. Faíscas voam à medida que a atração mútua cresce no meio da escuridão dos segredos da família dele e ameaças iminentes. A força e independência de Zara cativam Snow, que começa a vê-la como a possível Luna que sua alcateia precisa. Juntos, enfrentam ex-amantes vingativos, tramas de sequestro e rivalidades mortais. À medida que os poderes de Zara despertam, ela deve enfrentar as razões por trás do deserdar de sua família, as cláusulas ocultas em seu contrato de casamento e seu papel final no mundo de Snow. Quando seu casamento de conveniência se aprofunda em uma parceria genuína, surge um novo desafio na forma de um companheiro destinado. Zara lutará contra os perigos que a esperam ou abraçará seu verdadeiro destino?
"Sie wurde auserwählt, weil sie von Anfang an sein Recht war..." Einmal bei einer seltenen Gelegenheit, in der Nacht eines blauen Vollmonds, wird ein Mädchen aus einem Haushalt entführt, um den Bestien zu dienen, die sich Werwölfe nennen. Die Werwölfe waren es, die die Stadt beherrschten und alles kontrollierten. Sie sahen menschlich aus, aber unter ihrer menschlichen Fassade verbarg sich ein rücksichtsloses Monster, das nur darauf aus war, zu zerstören. Alle versuchten, sich zu schützen, aber tief im Inneren wussten sie, dass sie den Werwölfen nicht gewachsen waren. Arianne war ein kleines Mädchen, das anders als die anderen Menschen in der Stadt geboren wurde. Sie hatte lange rote Haare und wurde mit verschiedenfarbigen Augen geboren. Ein grünes und ein braunes. Niemand wusste genau, warum sie so geboren wurde, und es war nicht erblich bedingt. Auch ihre Mutter starb bei ihrer Geburt, und deshalb distanzierte sich ihr Vater Massimo von ihr und beschloss, stattdessen wieder zu heiraten. Er heiratete eine Frau namens Christine, die bereits ein außereheliches Kind, Rissa, hatte. Gemeinsam beschlossen Rissa und Christine, Arianne das Leben zur Hölle zu machen, wovor ihr Vater die Augen verschloss, was sich auf Arianne auswirkte und sie dazu brachte, sich von ihrer Familie und der Gesellschaft zurückzuziehen. Der Tag der Auswahl kam und Rissa wurde ausgewählt, um den Werwölfen zu dienen. Aus Angst um ihr Leben beschloss Rissa, ihre Mutter zu überreden, Massimo davon zu überzeugen, Arianne für die Auswahl vorzuschlagen. Ungeachtet ihrer schreienden Bitten und Tränen bot Massimo Arianne an, den Werwölfen zu dienen. Niemand weiß wirklich, was mit den ausgewählten Mädchen geschieht, und niemand hat sich die Mühe gemacht, danach zu fragen. Ohne zu wissen, welches Schicksal sie erwartet, beschloss Arianne, dem Werwolf Ivan Giovanni zu dienen, einem Alphatier, das für seine Skrupellosigkeit bekannt ist. Kann Arianne das Leben unter Werwölfen überleben? Was passiert, wenn sie mehr über ihre Identität herausfindet und die einzige Person, die ihr helfen könnte, Ivan ist? Was glaubst du, wird passieren, wenn sie herausfindet, dass Ivan der Junge war, den sie vor all den Jahren vor dem Tod bewahrt hat? HINWEIS: DAS UMSCHLAGBILD DIESES BUCHES GEHÖRT MIR NICHT. DAS BILD WURDE AUF PINTEREST GEFUNDEN.
“All I desire is a husband who can sit pretty on the throne beside me and keep his mouth shut while I rule. You don’t fit the criteria, Killian. I am not looking for a warrior.” “When the men at court point their swords at your neck princess, you’ll need a warrior by your side instead of a puppet. You won’t be able to get rid of me so easily Amelia. Not when I have made up my mind to have you.” “I am not something for you to simply have Killian.” “Aren’t you? The men out there seem to be putting a good price on your future. Become my wife and I will become your weapon. I will make sure this throne belongs to you.” … Fancy tiaras and dresses never interested Amelia Blackwell, current princess of the Backwell castle. It had always been the throne in the middle of the court that caught her eyes. The throne was the only thing she ever desired but the men in her life reminded her of how it would never belong to a princess. When talks of her marriage flood the castle and news that her father wishes to make her cousin Fraser Adams his heir, Amelia takes matters into her own hands. She sets off to find her own husband and plots to take the throne. Meeting the king of the north Killian Bune doesn’t make her life any easier. Along her way she finds love, betrayal, death, envy, and more as she tries to become queen. “I promise you, this throne will belong to me.” ... The cover was done by IG r.voh.k``` Nos últimos três anos, Ariana Ari Harlow dedicou tudo ao seu marido. Os dois se casaram porque sua irmã escolheu fugir na noite do casamento, acreditando nos rumores de que a Corporação Nelson estava falida. Ari amava Noah desde os dezesseis anos, ela pensou que era o sonho dela se tornando realidade. No entanto, não sabia que sua irmã tinha preparado uma armadilha para ela, e não era o começo de sua nova vida, mas sim o seu novo inferno. Ela foi forçada a desistir de seu treinamento como médica porque a respeitável Senhora Nelson não poderia ter suas mãos cobertas de sangue. Ari concordou. Pelo bem de Noah, ela se tornou a esposa perfeita que cuidava dos sogros e do marido. No entanto, o que a esperava era nada além de insultos, seu marido tinha vergonha dela e sua sogra acreditava que sua irmã, Ariel, era a mais adequada para o filho. Porém, Ari persistiu. Ela pensou que um dia aqueceria o coração do marido. Mas ela o pegou beijando sua irmã! De coração partido, Ariana decidiu se divorciar do marido, mas de alguma forma se viu emaranhada com Nicolai. O inimigo e rival do marido. Eles não eram feitos para ficarem juntos. Mas Nicolai não parece se importar com as chances contra eles. Na verdade, ele estava determinado a invadir a vida de Ari e incendiar tudo. Em seu torpor alcoólico, ele a segurou pelo pescoço contra a parede de um pub sujo, "Você pode negar o quanto quiser, princesa, mas você me deseja." Seus olhos percorreram seu peito ofegante e seus olhos escureceram, o vermelho apareceu desvairado, possessivo como se quisesse arrancar sua alma do corpo e introduzir em si mesmo. "Aposto que se eu dar uma olhada, você estará encharcada para mim." O calor subiu às bochechas de Ariana enquanto ela rosnava, "Cala a boca." "Me faça," disse Nicolai enquanto esmagava os lábios nos dela. Seus beijos queimavam em sua alma, e seu calor cauterizava sua pele toda vez que se tocavam. Ela achava que seu maior erro tinha sido se envolver com Nicolai. Contudo, Ari logo percebeu da maneira mais difícil, de forma literal, que ser desejada por um belo pesadelo era muito pior que um erro. E as coisas ficam complicadas quando seu marido descobre a verdade sobre tudo. "Atire no meu coração, Ari," disse Noah enquanto colocava o bocal da arma onde ficava seu coração. "Porque uma vida sem você é uma vida que eu não quero, então ou me mata ou volta. Eu te imploro." Agora que Nicolai lhe deu uma escolha, Ari se apaixonaria por ele e pularia para uma vida de nada além de perigo? Ou ela voltaria para o marido, Noah, por quem ela era apaixonada desde os dezesseis anos? E Ariana evitará o perigo que espreita nas sombras, esperando que ela cometa um erro e perca tudo que lhe é querido? Ela encontrará a chave para todos os segredos que a atam a Noah e Nicolai, bem como seu destino tortuoso? ******* Excerto: "É tudo sobre dinheiro, não é? Pegue e desapareça," Ele gritou ao jogar o cartão preto no rosto de Ariana. Ariana não podia acreditar no que ouvia quando seu marido ou seu futuro ex-marido a humilhou desse jeito. Três anos. Ariana Harlow deu a Noah Nelson, três anos e ainda assim, quando ela o pegou beijando sua irmã mais velha, Ariel —— foi isso que ele disse a ela. "Eu vou me divorciar de você," Ari declarou e partiu. Ela partiu sem um tostão, mas Ari tropeçou em Nicolai. O inimigo e rival de seu marido, o príncipe da Máfia da Cidade de Lonest, um bastardo notório conhecido por suas tendências violentas. O encontro infeliz a colocou no caminho de Nicolai, e assim como isso ele a fixou em seu olhar. Na primeira vez que se encontraram, Nicolai pediu para ser convidado para jantar. Na segunda vez que se encontraram, ele lhe entregou um milhão de dólares. Na terceira vez que se encontraram, ele declarou, "Você ficará bem em meus braços, o que você diz, princesa?" ******** ```
Sabrina Jewel descobriu que estava grávida depois de muitos testes de gravidez. No mesmo dia, seu marido, o poderoso Presidente do Grupo de Empresas Jewels na cidade de NY, Robin Jewel, trouxe outra mulher para casa depois que Sabrina suportou suas aventuras com inúmeras mulheres e tentou ser uma boa esposa. “O que? Depois de todo o esperma, você não conseguiu engravidar nem uma vez. Nem mesmo um aborto espontâneo. Ela fez o seu trabalho por você,” Robin jogou a culpa em Sabrina. O mundo de Sabrina desmoronou bem diante de seus olhos. Ela deixou sua família por esse idiota, mas não mais. O pai dele sabia quem ela era, mas Robin nunca se deu ao trabalho de pesquisar sobre ela durante os três anos de casamento. Como ele engravidou outra mulher, pra ela já deu. “Eu já tive o suficiente, Robin. Ou ela vai embora ou eu vou…”4.88
[Completed] Meet the Mafia King, whose fearsome reputation in the Underworld spread far and wide! But he hides behind the identity of a billionaire CEO. Money? Power? Handsome? All check! Except that he had a teensy tiny problem - his ZERO EQ that failed him to understand emotions. Until the day Song Lihua walks in his life. Song Lihua's simple aim in life was to get a job and earn money. But a chance encounter with the Mafia King makes her fall in love with him at first sight. She declares to win his heart one day. But to her shock, the Mafia King himself becomes her next door neighbor! Together with her, the emotions in deep slumber within him began to awaken. Hiding a dark secret from her, the Mafia King slowly grows closer to her. But as he faces a threat that could bring the truth to light, he does something unimaginable to stop Lihua from leaving. Amidst the hidden conspiracies of the Underworld, what will the Mafia King do to keep her by his side? How far will he go to hide his secret? "You are my first love that brought this empty shell of my heart back to life. You have a place in my heart no one else could ever have." - The Mafia King. ------ **Scene excerpt** "Boss, please tell me the source of your skills!" Lihua sobbed. "Cookbooks. Videos." "That's it? You mastered such awesome skills just by that?" "They are too easy." "If it's that easy then why am I suffering like this?" The clueless Mafia King absolutely didn't mean any harm or mockery to her self-esteem by saying the next words. "Lack of talent." "..." -------- You are all welcomed to join my discord ^^ - https://discord.gg/CbhNys444r Follow author on Insta - enthu_reader7 **Cover is designed by artist Vatarison. Insta - vatarison.art**4.75
Simione needed to become a mistress. Not just another rich man's mistress, but M Conglomerate's President, Hawk Monsanto's. Truth was, the young billionaire does not interest Simione of any sort nor was his very attractive gorgeous looks concerned her. She just needed him for one thing, his fiancée Feather Han, owed her big time and that ballerina bitch had to pay with the most precious thing Simione desired, her broken heart. Hawk Monsanto rose to the top for one reason; he wanted to be the perfect match for the Han Scintillait's heiress. When he thought it was the right time to get what his heart desired, he willingly bleeds millions just to arrange a wedding engagement. However, whether it was work of fate or work of an evil seductress, he stumbled upon a rare beauty that he cannot set his eyes off. And before his money and rationality could ever warn him, Hawk had fallen into something his billions cannot buy. *** "Who are you?" Hawk managed to ask between his ragged breath. "That depends on who you want me to be," The girl uttered and for the first time, Hawk saw her upturned honey-colored eyes. Looking into it was like drowning yourself into something magical, something hypnotizing and very much irresistible that when the girl tiptoed to meet his lips, he willingly lowered his head to welcome her. And he was right there, opening his mouth for her—warm and wet—giving everything he must give and was kissing her back with equal ardor. The girl wrapped her arms around his neck, and he responded by pressing the girl's body closer, the fiancee forgotten. However, when Hawk was at the point of wanting more, the girl pulled away and Hawk opened his eyes bewildered onto her sudden retreat. He was gasping for air and would very much like to pull her back to finish the bliss she had started. But she only smiled at him, feeling very empowered by the fact that the M Conglomerate's President had already fallen into her trap. "What's the matter?" He asked, confused as to what made her stop. "Nothing," Her smile widened a little more, making her face bright and goddess-like and Hawk became more defenseless with that. "It's just that I only want you to have a free taste. The next of course comes with a big price"4.78
She fell in love at first sight and did everything to conquer the man of her dreams... Her General... [warning: R-18 content *No Rape *no major misunderstanding] Status: Completed Novel ----- Zacharias Lim was a loyal, diligent and persevering soldier. Despite his poor background, he had managed to rise steadily from the lowest rank of a Private to the youngest and one of the most respected Generals in his country. He was a principled man who always acted by the book and followed every rule. Because he had grown up in a poverty-stricken condition and having had to work extremely hard to get to where he was now, he detested people who didn't appreciate life just because they were lucky enough to have been born with a silver spoon in their mouth. That was until he met Keira Chan... Keira Chan was a beautiful, bright, mischievous and confident young woman who always knew what she wanted. Having been born as the only daughter of one of the richest and most prominent families in the country, where gold was treated as sand, she had always led a carefree life and she could always get what she wanted without having to exert much effort. That was until she met Zacharias Lim... It just so happened that she fell in love with the young General at first sight and was set to win his heart. And thus her laborious but hilarious journey to get him to be her man ensued... ====== Excerpt: “General Zacharias Lim, I, Keira Chan, will absolutely get admitted to that Academy so I can get closer to the person I like for the first time in my life.” Zach could smell the sweetness of her breath mixed with alcohol. But that was not it, because for some reason his body was reacting on his own. At that instant, he knew what could happen next, but instead of pushing Keira away from him, he did nothing but stayed put, it was like he was anticipating what would happen next as he remained frozen. Then, Keira added in her hoarse sweet voice, “I will enter the Military Academy to conquer you, General Zach. So be ready, because I never take a ‘NO’ for an answer.” That was the last words that Keira dropped before she closed the gap and kissed Zach on his lips, leaving him just staring at her in bewilderment... =========== Author's Note: Hope you enjoy reading this ORIGINAL novel of mine. I love romance with happy endings so this is a happy ending. Many thanks in advance for your support. With Lots of Love, EUSTOMA_reyna Other Books: The CEO Who Hates Me (completed) The Doctor Who Loves Me (completed) The Law of Attraction (completed) Kiss Me Not (in writing) The Untamed: Game of Hearts The Crown's Entrapment contact me at: Discord Link: https://discord.gg/PNGkTUy Facebook Page: @eustoma.reyna twitter: @EUSTOMA_reyna instagram: eustoma_reyna book cover is mine... cover art by ghifari_art (instagram)4.78
[COMPLETED] "Did you really think that after all that you've done to me, I would simply let you go, Rosalie? You might as well go to the Devil himself because otherwise, I will definitely find you. No matter what." One day, Wang Meiling, an ordinary office worker who likes to read romance fantasy books, wakes up in the body of Rosalie Ashter, a minor villainess in the R-rated fantasy novel that she was reading before this weird transmigration. As expected of the plot, Rosalie is supposed to die at the hands of her crazy and abusive brother Raphael, thus, armed with the detailed knowledge of the original story, Meiling is set to save the tragic villainess whose body she is now possessing and approaches Duke Damien Dio, the story's male lead who is suffering from the "Acme fever" curse. She offers him a one-year contract relationship, promising to help him relieve his suffering in exchange for his protection from the Ashter family and a hefty payment afterward. Although skeptical at first, Damien agrees to sign the contract, but when the time finally comes for Rosalie to leave the Duke, she realizes that ending their relationship might not be as easy as she thought. This novel can be categorized as "he falls first and he falls harder". WARNING: The story contains mature content such as R18 scenes, obsessive/yandere behavior, domestic abuse, an indication of sexual abuse, and gaslighting. It will also include the depiction of violence and gore. Read at your own discretion.4.61
Teresa is a timid human whose life has been a series of unfortunate events—until she meets Lucian Blackwood, a very rich and handsome man who awakens a deep, unexplainable connection within her. But Lucian, an alpha werewolf with a haunting past, is repelled by Teresa’s perceived weakness, blaming weakness for the tragedy that shaped his life. Unable to accept her as his mate, he rejects and humiliates her, leaving Teresa shattered. Just as she’s picking up the pieces, Adrian Daegon, an ancient vampire with his own dark allure, steps into her life, determined to win her heart. Now, Lucian is torn with regret, desperate to reclaim the woman he cast aside. But to do so, he must face a powerful vampire and confront his own fears—while somehow convincing Teresa to forgive his betrayal and reignite their lost bond. Can love and redemption overcome the scars of rejection, or has Lucian's cruel mistake cost him his mate forever? Torn between two powerful forces, Teresa must decide where her true destiny lies—in the fierce grip of the wolf who scorned her or the dark embrace of the vampire who vows to adore her.4.39
[Warning: This book contains Strong Language and Mature Content] On her eighteenth birthday, Ravenna felt the weight of exile as she was outlawed from her home because she could not shift to a werewolf, a mark of shame in their world that revered power. Away from all the ridicules and hate, she had at least a more peaceful life, until a beautiful storm knocked at her door. Deceived by its enchanting waves, Ravenna welcomed it with open arms until she was swept away into the deepest depth of the ocean of love. Being a daughter of an alpha, that was not supposed to happen even if she was not living in the pack anymore. Falling in love with the king of darkness. Alaric! He is the epitome of danger. But then, she turned his life upside down. From a heartless man to an obsessive lover. All he wished was to keep her with him. Even if it meant chaining her to himself. Whether what he felt was infatuation, desire or... he just would never ever let her go. Let no man or beast separate him from what he had claimed and marked; else they would face his unceasing wrath. **************** "Am of no use to you, why do you still insist on keeping me?" She just wanted to hear him say it. That he loved her as much as she did. She was becoming more desperate as days went by, maybe more than desperate to the extent of destroying herself in this love. Alaric paused and kept his laptop aside. He held her hand and brought her in front of him before pulling her to his lap. Silently, he sniffed her neck and licked it, then replied, "Because I want to." He continued his actions, and his hands were already moving under her dress caressing her thighs. Ravenna took a deep breath trying to stop herself from diving into pleasure as always. "Will you ever say it?" Her voice came out as a low yearning plead and with his advanced hearing ability, Alaric did not miss a word. "Say what?" His hand reached her pant ready to tear it apart. "That you love me." Her words made him pause abruptly before looking at her. As usual, his eyes were blank with no hint of emotions making Ravenna feel like she was just fooling herself. For how long could she endure this? "Do I?" He asked not tearing his gaze away from her eyes that were already tearing up.Aunque solo era un matrimonio por conveniencia, Amelie Ashford era la esposa perfecta en todos los aspectos. Era inteligente, obediente y bien respetada. Era amable con todos y devota de su esposo. Y estaba perfectamente contenta de pasar el resto de su vida así, aunque constantemente la acosaran con la idea de quedar embarazada. Eso fue hasta que su esposo entró en su casa con una amante a su lado y eventualmente exigió el divorcio. —Muy bien —dijo Amelie con calma—, te divorciaré. Los ojos de Ricardo brillaron al escuchar a su esposa pronunciar esas palabras. Sin embargo, para su sorpresa, ella no había terminado. —Pero no te sorprendas cuando recibas una invitación a mi próxima boda. Para sorpresa de todos, Amelie de hecho se casó de nuevo, ¡y con un hombre más joven y, como resultó, más rico! Y se aseguró de que su exmarido se diera cuenta de lo que significaba perder el apoyo de una mujer como ella. _____ —Me criaron para ser la esposa perfecta de la clase alta, educada para sobresalir y permanecer alerta. Todo lo que sabía era cómo fingir una sonrisa, leer y trabajar duro para asegurarme de que nadie se atreviera a menospreciar a mi familia. Pero al final, eso fue exactamente lo que me hizo aburrida y sosa. Entonces, ¿por qué cuando mi marido decidió divorciarme, Liam se enamoró de mí en su lugar? Importante: FL no es una Mary Sue. El divorcio ocurre en la segunda parte de la novela así que cuídate la presión arterial.
``` Aviso: Conteúdo Adulto Aviso de Gatilho: Abuso, Trauma, Psicológico *Está cheio de sinais de alerta. Não digam que eu não avisei todos vocês. Blue Learley, uma garota de dezessete anos, vivia em uma pequena cidade com seus pais e dois irmãos. Tudo estava seguindo como de costume até aquela fatídica noite quando sua vida mudou para sempre. Demétrio Easton, o impiedoso rei lobisomem, pôs seus olhos nela e a queria como sua noiva. Quando seus próprios pais a venderam para ele, ela não tinha como escapar dele e não tinha a quem recorrer por ajuda. *** “Não quero me afastar por muito tempo. Às vezes temo que o pássaro possa voar para longe.” “O pássaro não tem um lar. O mundo lá fora é perigoso para ele. E além do mais, o pássaro já encontrou sua liberdade interior," eu disse. "O pássaro não vai voar para longe." ‘Então você não precisa cortar suas asas já que ele não as desenvolveu desde o começo. Tudo bem. O pássaro gosta da gaiola de qualquer maneira.’ *** Apoie meus outros trabalhos: *Silêncio*- É um romance cheio de crimes com um romance florescente entre dois adolescentes. É sobre amor, amizade e traição. Confie em mim, as reviravoltas vão mantê-lo em suspense. A Máscara Do Monstro onde você pode ler o romance florescendo entre uma garota humana e um monstro de aparência aterrorizante A capa não é minha. Fonte: Devianart ```
Four rich and handsome brothers up against one girl! Asher, Ashton, Ashley and Ashal are the four quadruplet sons of the Rollins family, the wealthiest family in the country of Danvarr. They’re notorious for being sexy, smart businessmen like their father. The brothers never use their real names in public spaces and all go by ‘Ash Rollins’. They all wear the same hairstyle and swap identities almost all the time. Even their parents can’t always tell them apart. Only the brothers can. Demi is a sweet, hardworking twenty years old girl who works at a book store. When her boyfriend cheats on her because she wanted to wait till marriage, she makes a poor decision to drink for the first time. Her night is so crazy she wakes up at home with a marriage certificate in her hand signed by one Ash Rollins. The problem is she can’t recall much and doesn’t know which of the brothers she married. Typically, all the quads deny her claim and the billionaire family kicks her out of their mansion. Demi’s fate changes when the annulment of the marriage threatens the social image of the Rollins Empire. The family proposes Demi plays their daughter-in-law for a year till the tension blows over. Demi accepts only to teach the quads a lesson. Since her true husband won’t step up, Demi is allowed to choose any of the quads to be her husband. Her ‘real husband silently grows restless seeing her with his brother, but he isn’t the only one falling head over heels for the first daughter-in-law of the Rollins empire. All the brothers compete for Demi’s heart because she’s nothing like the women they’re used to. Will their obsession to win her heart finally tear the brothers apart or will Demi’s big secret do the trick? Which ‘Ash Rollins’ will win the girl in the end?
Sabrina Jewel fand nach vielen Schwangerschaftstests heraus, dass sie schwanger war. Am selben Tag brachte ihr Ehemann, der mächtige Präsident der Jewels Group of Companies in New York City, Robin Jewel, eine andere Frau nach Hause, nachdem Sabrina seine Eskapaden mit unaufhörlichen Frauen ertragen hatte und versuchte, eine gute Ehefrau zu sein. "Was? Nach all dem Sperma konntest du nicht ein einziges Mal schwanger sein. Nicht einmal eine Fehlgeburt. Sie hat deinen Job für dich gemacht", schob Robin die Schuld auf Sabrina. Sabrinas Welt brach direkt vor ihren Augen zusammen. Sie hatte ihre Familie für diesen Idioten verlassen, aber jetzt nicht mehr. Sein Vater wusste, wer sie war, aber Robin hatte sich in den drei Jahren ihrer Ehe nie die Mühe gemacht, sich über sie zu informieren. Seit er eine andere Frau geschwängert hatte, war es aus mit ihr. "Ich habe genug, Robin. Entweder sie geht oder ich gehe...."Arwen Quinn, herdeira da prestigiada família Quinn, percebeu tarde demais que não importava o que ela fizesse, nunca ganharia o amor de Ryan. O futuro que lhe esperava era uma vida presa na interminável miséria de um casamento sem amor. Decidida, ela termina o relacionamento e se afasta. O que ela não esperava era que, ao se libertar de Ryan, ela abriria a porta para Aiden entrar em sua vida — uma chance que ele estava esperando. Aiden Winslow, um CEO enigmático não é apenas misterioso — ele é determinado, e não permitirá que Arwen lhe seja tirada novamente.
What will you do if the gods above grant you a second opportunity in life? She was born and raised in a world where the powerful prey on the weak and the poor only get poorer. She was simply an unwanted child who struggled as she grew up. She lost people who meant a lot to her, and this devastated her to the point of ending her miserable life. However, just as she thought that was the end of her life, she was given a second shot but it came with conditions. She was so tempted by the promise of receiving assistance from a system that would allow her to soar like an eagle and live beautifully like a phoenix that she accepted the offer. Irene had no clue her new life would be so full of baggage, secrets, and madness. She was alone in a world that was unlike anything she had ever experienced. Many envied her and others conspired against her after she transmigrated into the body of an affluent and pampered noble lady who never lacked anything. When Irene finds herself in a situation like that, she will be forced to demonstrate her brilliance by transforming conceptions into true wonders to vanquish her enemies, transforming her from a pheasant to a phoenix. Irene will be pushed to combat an enormous evil power to fight for what she believes in and the person she adores. Will she be able to achieve the goals that she had set for herself at the beginning and become the virtuous wife she was nurtured to be? Will she grow up and become the person she aspires to be? Will she be able to overcome her strong opponent?"I told you not to touch me," Audrey said. "In front of people," He reminded her. Audrey could feel the smirk in his voice. ~~~ Audrey's seventeen years in the Grey Blood pack were like a caged animal. She lived each day dreading the next unexpected thing the Alpha could punish her for. Audrey tried hard to understand the mysterious dream she'd been having, but nothing made sense to her, she was lost. She wished to be freed from the Grey Blood pack, but she lost all hope of survival when she found herself locked and chained in the cold dark dungeon. She hated him, she cursed him as her blood drained from her. She was happy to die and go away from that monster-alpha. Audrey awoke in a magical world where she learned everything about herself, she cultivated herself to become the strongest wolf and witch alive. One item though, led her back to the last place she wanted to be. Alpha Aloha Lake ruled the Grey Blood pack, the largest and strongest pack in the States. He was known to be brutal, even the mafia feared him. Nothing or anyone bothered him, except one; the damned bitch Audrey. He hated her, and he would make her pay for her mother's sins. But he could not kill her...yet. Alpha Lake emotionlessly stared at Audrey's bleeding body that lay on the cold dungeon floor, he ordered his beta to dispose of her without a second thought. One year later the enemies met again. Will hatred be the only emotion they share? Could they resist the fatal attraction they felt for each other?