``` « Quel pervers peut bien être Si Ye Han pour me désirer encore ainsi ? » Se réveillant, elle se regarda dans le miroir : perruque explosive, tatouages, et maquillage de démon. Les yeux de toute personne normale brûleraient s'ils la regardaient plus d'une seconde. Avant sa renaissance, elle était amoureuse d'un autre homme, tout ce qu'elle voulait donc, c'était fuir Si Ye Han et elle le haïssait jusqu'à la moelle après qu'il l'ait enfermée. Après sa renaissance, elle le voyait différemment, pensant peut-être qu'il s'était amélioré ? Dans le passé, son esprit était embrouillé. Elle avait laissé partir un mari éblouissant, avait été blessée par un salaud et un traître et plus que tout, avait été manipulée par son amie la plus proche. Au final, elle était complètement seule. Dans cette vie, il y a des personnes maléfiques qui complotent et attendent avec impatience sa chute. Désolée, mais cette fille ne se fera pas avoir par les mêmes ruses deux fois ! ```
_ _ _ _ MXFXF-Beziehung. Bitte lesen Sie den Hinweis. Bitte fügen Sie es dann der Sammlung hinzu und unterstützen Sie mich. Alle Rückmeldungen werden geschätzt Sie war nicht die Erbin, nicht die Älteste und auch nicht die Jüngste. Sie existierte einfach in der Familie, hielt den Kopf unten und ließ sich wegspülen, bis sie gehen konnte. "Ich habe versucht, mich abzugrenzen, ruhig zu bleiben und sogar meine Gedanken zu äußern. Aber ganz gleich, was ich tue, ich werde nie beachtet. Ist meine Existenz überhaupt von Bedeutung? Es ist ja nicht so, dass mich irgendjemand in dieser Familie überhaupt mag." Rika Goodwill war die Schande ihrer Familie. Als mittleres "Beta"-Kind eines prominenten Alpha-Omega-Paares geboren, war es nur natürlich, dass sie im Vergleich zu ihrem perfekten Alpha-Bruder und ihrer süßen Omega-Schwester vernachlässigt wurde. Ihre Situation außerhalb ihrer Familie war nicht besser. Die Leute mieden sie wegen ihrer Mafia-Familie und beurteilten ihre Art ohne zu zögern. Ihre einzigen Freunde waren das "Lieblingspaar des Jahrhunderts". Aber Rika war irgendwie zum dritten Rad am Wagen geworden, weil sie sich zankten und häufig trennten. Im Laufe ihres 17-jährigen Lebens hatte Rika gelernt, ihr Schicksal zu akzeptieren und weiterzumachen. Schließlich würde kein noch so großes Gejammer etwas daran ändern, dass sie das dritte Rad am Wagen war. Das Collage sollte ihr großer Durchbruch werden. Es sollte die Zeit sein, die Rika für sich selbst hatte, in der sie sich wie sie selbst fühlen konnte, also bewarb sie sich an einem Ort, an dem sie niemand kannte. Das sollte ihr Glücksfall sein! Rika sollte von ihrem sich verschlechternden Leben wegkommen. Aber weder ihre Familie noch ihre "Freunde" waren bereit, sie gehen zu lassen, und es dauerte nicht lange, bis ihr friedliches Leben ins Wanken geriet. ____________ Diese Geschichte wird sowohl ein heterosexuelles Pairing als auch Yuri haben und ist auch ein Omegaverse. Weibliche Alphas sind Futas. Wenn das nicht dein Ding ist, dann geh, bevor du eintrittst. Hinterlassen Sie viel Feedback für mich
—Li Chunhua nunca esperó que sería transportada a otro mundo después de que estaba leyendo un libro extraño que encontró en la Biblioteca de la Secta. Para cuando abrió los ojos, su mente estaba cargada con recuerdos de otra chica cuya apariencia y nombre se parecían a los de ella. Se convirtió realmente en la carnada vil en esa novela de angustia del protagonista masculino que había leído. Frente al futuro de una muerte miserable, Chunhua decidió mantenerse alejada del protagonista masculino y los personajes secundarios y decidió vivir discretamente. Gracias a su físico afortunado, su camino hacia una vida cómoda fue tranquilo. Mientras otros aún pasaban hambre por la falta de alimentos, Chunhua ya había comenzado a cultivar y a criar ganado. Mientras otros aún no tenían un refugio apropiado, ella ya estaba construyendo caminos. Aunque solo estaba comiendo su terrible comida, ¡su vida ya era buena! —Felicidades por mejorar tu cabaña de paja a cabaña de troncos Nivel 1. —Felicidades por mejorar tu cabaña de troncos Nivel 1 a casa de piedra Nivel 2. —Felicidades... Todo iba bien hasta que recogió a un hombre inconsciente cubierto de suciedad en el bosque. Siempre creía en el condicionamiento kármico y por lo tanto lo cuidó hasta que se recuperó. Hasta que un día, él le dijo su verdadero nombre. Li Chunhua se quedó atónita. No puede ser, ¡el hombre que salvé era en realidad el protagonista masculino! ¿Es demasiado tarde para devolverlo al bosque? La expresión de cierta persona se oscureció y la lanzó sobre la cama. "¡Te atreves!"
WARNING: CONTAINS SEXUAL CONTENT They say when your true mate dies your heart shatters into a thousand pieces. You begin to wish that you had died with them and lose any hope of soldiering on. Amaya’s life was perfect, till she lost it all. She had the perfect mate in Jason Blake and she was loved by her family and her pack. Suddenly her life takes a turn for the worst when her father and Jason both die from a brutal attack on the original Werewolf packs. As the eldest child she takes over her father’s role as Alpha of the Shadows Pack, keeping them safe, making sure that they don’t lose more lives. Despite her strong façade Amaya carries a pain that no one can heal. At least that’s what she thinks until she meets Jonah Blake, younger brother to her first mate and newly minted Alpha of the Silver Moon Pack. There is just one problem, Jonah is everything his brother is not. A bad boy and a playboy alpha who loves no one but himself. His brutal and possessive nature brought out by the same tragedy that broke Amaya. Is there any hope for them? Second chance mates don’t exist, or at least they were thought to be just myth and legends.4.83
What will you do when you suddenly woke up as a baby in one of your favourite books? Just like any other transmigrated book or reincarnation in your everyday novel, Rehan was also reading a book named " ALL IS MISUNDERSTANDING" when he died and was born as a villainess brother. But what was written and what he experienced in the book was totally upside down. He was in a mess and the only thought in the mind is that he is being cheated on by this smiling demon called male lead and a rotten girl his sister and his sister's so-called enemy best friend Female lead. He doesn't know how to deal with all this, so let us be his supporter and be a part of his journey and get to know whether he changed the genre of the book or was it all but a misunderstanding. Abstract "Ad......Adrian wha.......what are you doing?" Lucas (Rehan) stuttered as he was cornered to the wall. Rehan has always been oblivious to his surroundings and the feeling of others but at this time he could feel the anger and frustration coming out of his friend. " Me " Adrian raised his eyebrow and pointed at him. " I am claiming what rightfully belongs to me", saying that he dipped his head towards Rehan's lips and kissed him hard. The personality of MC and ML Lucas Evans (Rehan)- Proud, business-minded, loves his family to death, competitive, hate to lose especially to certain someone. Adrian Hemsworth- Proud, business-minded, loves to win especially to his proud friend, cold-hearted smiling demon\ devil and shameless towards certain someone. This story is age-progressive so it starts from their childhood. You get to know their childhood and how they become frenemies to a friend, Friend to best friends, best friends to lovers and finally husbands. This story won't have misunderstandings maybe a few here and there but not long and I don't like angst too it won't consist of that too. It will have some drama. This story will be a fluffy, comedy and some childishness and certainly love between family, siblings and between partners. Warnings My FIRST language ISN'T ENGLISH so there will be some grammatical mistakes so please be patient with me and correct me but with gentle words. And I won't force anybody to read my book but if you love my book I will welcome reviews and comments. MY LIFE MOTTO IS " DON'T JUDGE OTHERS AND DON'T LET OTHERS JUDGE YOU TOO." WE SHOULD LIVE OUR LIFE AND LET OTHERS LIVE THEIRS TOO. DO COMMENT AND GIVE ME SUGGESTIONS THAT WILL HELP IN THE GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE BOOK. YOUR SUPPORT ALWAYS MOTIVATES ME. I will a chapter a day. if I can I would post more chapters. I hope you can motivate me to write with power stones, comments, reviews, gifts, and golden tickets. It is shameless but I hope you understand. And those who support this book be it voting via power stone, commenting, gifting, or through golden tickets please do read the author's comments in every chapter as I always mention them. And those who gift the story do look forward to the chapter dedicated solely to them. The cover doesn't belong to me. I don't know the artist too. Fans Arts submission is heartily welcome. DO CHECK MY OTHER BOOK: FATE'S WHISPER (ROMANCE CARNIVAL) FOLLOW ME ON. twitter- CHArgergirl_06 IG- ch.ar2155 DIscord-CHArgergirl#9795 THANK YOULahir dari salah satu keluarga terkaya di negara ini, identitas sejati Layla Rosenzweig diambil saat dia lahir oleh selir ayahnya. Dia dipaksa hidup sebagai anak haram keluarga Rosenzweig. Semua orang memperlakukannya seperti orang luar di rumahnya sendiri. "Ini milikku. Itu juga milikku. Faktanya, semuanya milikku," kata saudara tiri Layla kepadanya. Segala yang seharusnya menjadi milik Layla diberikan kepada saudara tirinya, termasuk pacarnya. Kemudian, dia dipaksa menikah dengan paman pacar mantannya yang kejam, Lucius De Salvo, pria paling menakutkan di negara itu. Lucius De Salvo dikenal karena caranya yang kejam untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaannya. Hanya namanya saja sudah cukup untuk menakutkan orang-orang. Dikatakan bahwa dia adalah pria tanpa emosi. Dia menemukan kesenangan dalam penderitaan dan kesengsaraan orang lain. Dia senang menyiksa mereka yang berada dalam radar penglihatannya. Tapi mengapa dia begitu manis pada Layla? Atau itu hanya pura-pura? "Apakah kamu siap untuk malam pernikahan, Sayang?" tanya Lucius. "Aku sudah mendambakanmu untuk waktu yang lama." "Apa?" Layla terkejut. "Mengapa Anda?" "Karena kamu adalah Layla Rosenzweig. Wanita yang saya suka." Dengan itu, dia melumat bibirnya dengan penuh gairah.
``` [Pasado, presente y futuro, siempre te desearé.] _______ Adeline tenía un plan para obtener su libertad: Paso uno: matar al Rey. Paso dos: huir y vivir felices para siempre. ¿Sucedió eso? No. El plan de Adeline fue interrumpido groseramente por un extraño misterioso, pero atractivo, que le robó su arma a medianoche. Elías Luxton era un Rey despiadado notorio por sus atrocidades sin misericordia. Era el monstruo que se escondía en las sombras. Adeline Rose era una Princesa destronada con un pasado oscuro. Tras el asesinato de sus padres y un usurpador robándole su trono, huye al Imperio de Wraith y se encuentra inesperadamente con Elías. Elías afirmaba conocerla. Pero ella no lo recordaba. Y Adeline no quería tener nada que ver con él. ¿El problema? Adeline debía matarlo, pero él quiere casarse con ella. ¿Podrá escapar de las garras de este Rey desvergonzado? ¿O tendrá que enfrentar sola los demonios de su pasado? _______ [ADVERTENCIA: HAY CONTENIDO ADULTO EN ESTA HISTORIA] Extracto: —Ahora, quítatelo. Ella parpadeó hacia él, asombrada por sus palabras. —¿Qué? —susurró, preguntándose si sus oídos la habían traicionado. —Mi camisa —dijo él, contemplándola con una mirada ardiente. —¿Pero por qué? —preguntó ella. —Para que la próxima vez que me la ponga, tenga recuerdos de poseerte. _______ Editores: okatuvslife & Skale93 Este libro se encuentra exclusivamente en webnovel.com. Por favor, no lo publiques en ningún otro lugar. ```
Skylar never imagined her wedding night would come with a contract and tasks that include falling in love on a deadline. Bound by an ancient pact, Skylar’s world tilted when she was forced to marry Alec, a cold-hearted Alpha. On her wedding night, she was offered a contract by him. He gave her two options: either accept the given condition, fulfill the tasks written there within a year or get REJECTED and leave the pack like she never existed. Knowing the second option will bring doom to her entire bloodline, she accepts the contract. Now, she has to deal with not only those ridiculous tasks but also the twisted world of Alpha Alec, his dark desires, and secrets. ~ Discord Server: https://discord.gg/cxFdZVW82K Follow me on Instagram: author_ilma FB Page: Author I.R. For more: linktr.ee/ilm.arhSeorang ilmuwan, Duan Yixin, berpindah ke dunia lain. Ia merasuki tubuh seorang gadis berusia enam belas tahun tetapi tidak mewarisi ingatan gadis tersebut. Dengan pertunangan yang batal dan tanpa uang di tangannya, dia hanya ingin mencari uang dengan damai. Sayangnya nasib selalu bermain-main dengan orang. Ketika dia pikir dia bisa hidup dengan tenang, dia menemukan bahwa dunia ini tidak sesederhana yang dia kira. Pria yang dia selamatkan adalah jenderal yang kejam dan terkenal, dan wanita yang mencuri tunangannya adalah protagonis wanita dari dunia ini. Dia menatap langit dan bertanya, "Tuhan, apakah Anda bercanda dengan saya?" Beberapa tahun kemudian, pada malam pernikahan mereka, dia menatapnya dan berkata serius, "Jenderal, saya bukan cahaya bulan putih Anda." Pria itu menundukkan kepalanya dan berbisik di telinganya, "Mhm, kamu bukan cahaya bulan putihku, kamu adalah hidupku."
Vampires and werewolves have been at war for centuries. In an attempt to make peace, Alessandra, the vampire princess, is wed to the Alpha Emperor of the werewolves, Xavier. All her life, Alessandra has grown up learning that the werewolves are barbaric in nature, a far cry from the elegant vampires. What happens, though, when Alessandra realizes that this is far from the truth? Their relationship starts off rocky with misunderstandings about each other, but through time, a bond slowly builds as they encounter and overcome obstacles together as king and queen, alpha and luna, husband and wife! When a cult started by an ancient vampire attempts to sow discord between two kingdoms, can Alessandra and Xavier maintain peace between both races? Or will their kingdoms fall into war and ruin, dragging their budding love down with it? — [Excerpt] When the guards declared the groom's entrance, everyone's attention turned to the door. I felt a hammer on my chest. Here comes the barbarian, I thought. I was looking away, lowering my gaze. The man entered the wedding hall. I felt like my intestine would come out of my mouth. The sudden gulps of the guests were not going unnoticed in my ears. What caused the guests to respond like that? Was the man that hideous? I lost my zeal to look at him. With a heavy heart, I kept looking away until he stood in front of me. Slowly, I glanced at the man standing in front of me. My heart was pounding so hard that I felt like it would burst. I gasped. There was no way he was the alpha lord and the groom of tonight's wedding. The phenomenally handsome man from earlier was standing right in front of me. Up close, he was multiple times more attractive. Barbaric man? Who? He was radiating such royal energy that even the noblest vampires were intimidated when he entered. My husband-to-be.
In a world where omegas are at the top of the social hierarchy, Lee Jiyeon, a female chef from the 21st century, finds herself transmigrated into the body of a poor Alpha girl in a world ruled by omegaverse dynamics. Upon awakening, Jiyeon discovers she has not only inherited the Alpha body but also a marriage contract with the tyrant Yura, making matters more complicated. In this new world, Jiyeon's culinary skills are not just a passion but a valuable asset. She gains a Culinary System that helps her rise from rags to riches.
“I’m not available for love. We will have a contract marriage without any involvement." “Then I have to reject your offer, Mr. Walker.” Lucy answered without beating around the bush. “I will marry for love, not for power and status.” Hearing this, Davis’s brows lifted, “An innocent thought.” “I call this a positive attitude. You will not understand until you fall in love with someone. So please find someone else, Mr. Walker.” ..... He was ruthless, described as a walking danger who would destroy anyone trying to tame him. But his heart couldn't keep calm on seeing his secretary, who was no less than a flower blooming in his haunted life. Davis Walker was the known billionaire, inheriting the position of the heir in the underworld. But he was betrayed when his girlfriend got together with his half-brother, both of whom were lusting for Davis's blood as well as his wealth. To keep his powers and empire, Davis needs to find a match within a month. But is his secretary, Lucy, a perfect candidate who is a hopeless believer in true love while he is...merely looking for a substitute? Lucy Warner was a beauty with brains. She carried her carefree attitude, enjoying a perfect life without any worries to deal with. But then her twisted fate lands her in a world of schemes, wars, and jealousy where she has to share everything with her boss. However, there are secrets between them. Their unknown identities are each other’s enemies, which would enable them to continue their forbidden romance. While one is numb to feelings, the other one is eagerly looking for a soulmate. How can they fight against the world and be a solid one? ..... •18+ MATURE CONTENT- BE ALERTED •The cover's rights are reserved to the original creator. •You can follow me on Instagram- amaira_knight Discord- Amaira_Knight#1314 ***** My Other works- The Kidnapped Bride High School: Way to Forever My Clever wife is Sweet Support Author by adding the book into your library and please do give it a try! Thank you so much :)
Blurb Everyone believes Giovanni Martino the Italian mafia boss is a misogynist, women were the last thing on his mind. His enemies were desperate to know his weakness, but he does not have one. Giovanni doesn't allow men close to him. All he does was strictly business and deals. What happens when he finds a woman in his room in the middle of the night, a naked woman in his shower. ****** I moved away from the shower, I was expecting him to say something, but he only stared. I tried to move past him, but he didn't move. His eyes was glued to my naked body. The only thing that occurred to me was to get out of here before I get into trouble or even get raped. Long hairy hands snaked round my waist, pulling me to a hard chest. My body became hot instantly. My breasts were squashed against his hard chest and his hands were on my ass. I tried squirming away but his hands only tightened. "Who the fuck are you?And what the fuck are you doing in my room?"He asked, his deep voice booming out loud.
When the man in front of her tried to touch her hand, she instinctively took a step back from him—as she didn’t want him to get hurt. “Please don’t touch me for your sake,” she said to him. The man smiled a little and replied,” Don’t worry about me, Celestia! Nothing will happen to me.” She was startled as he had called her by her actual name. She had kept her identity a secret—as no one is supposed to know who she really is. “How do you know my…. real name?” she asked him nervously. “I know everything about you, Celestia,” he said and moved near her. “I know you better than you know yourself—" Her heart throbbed when his hand got near her skin. She thought that he would be thrown away from her and get severely injured—just like all the other men did. But surprisingly, nothing happened to him when his sturdy hand clasped her pearly white fingers. With his other hand, he held her chin and fixed his alluring gaze on her. “How... How are you even able to touch me?” Celestia asked him. “Because you are mine—" he answered in a deep tone. “Others weren’t able to touch you—as you only belong to me—" She winced slightly when he suddenly grabbed her tiny waist and pulled her closer to him. Then he leaned down and kissed her pale cheek. “Only I get to touch and kiss and make love to you! Because you are forever destined to live with me,” he whispered in her ear and made her shudder. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ He is feared by everyone else in her kingdom. His powers are infinite, and he can do things beyond other’s imagination. Even though everyone considers him dangerous, Celestia sees a different version of him. He is ruthless and cold to others—but whenever he sees her, he surrenders himself to her. Despite the warnings of others, she finds herself slowly falling for him. Even after she becomes his lover, she is unable to predict his true nature. What are his true motives? And what circumstances are forcing him to join hands with the dark side? And why does he desire Celestia so much that he is willing to kill any man who even thinks of touching her?! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Join my discord server to view pictures of characters and more https://discord.gg/MCNHfvH7m8 Chat with the author directly there and give your feedback.4.8
[HIATUS] "I would crawl through Hell to find my way back to you. Thousands lifetimes, thousands reincarnations. I would do the same thing again and again. For you...my beloved." *** As the Princess of Beast Mainland, Ouyang Xueqing spent her whole life being sheltered and pampered. Being an impulsive thirteen-years-old little girl she was, when human male Mo Yujian caught her attention, the only thing she could do was to sneak out and disguised herself as a male to get close to him. Through a string of events, she succeeded in becoming his one and only disciple. Everything started only with a favor repayment. But when Ouyang Xueqing found herself grow fonder and fonder of Mo Yujian, what should she do? Go back or stay by his side? When the secret of demonic bloodline in her ancestral was exposed, would Mo Yujian still choose to stand by her side even if it meant to go against the whole human race? It was a forbidden love from the start. A human and a beast, the good and the evil. They knew that it was a taboo...yet they couldn't stop. Even if everything ended in tragedy, all they ever wanted was a chance to love each other again. Just like what had happened a long, long time ago... However this time, would the Gods finally give them a chance to be happy? Additional tags: Romance, dragon, gender bender, fluffy, forbidden love, action, adventure, powerful love interest, love triangle, tragedy, important side character(s), mildly gore, survival, war, slowburn, mature, past play an important part Volume 1 - The Beginning Volume 2 - Blossoming Love Volume 3 - The Awakening Volume 4 - Blood, Love and War Volume 5 - To be continued > Disclaimer: cover from Pinterest Find me on: Instagram: delanasiwarka Discord server: bit.ly/delanadiscord Discord: delanasiwarka#1490SLOW BURN ROMANCE There’s no stopping a man who’s set to get what he wants. *** Avery Taylor had enough of her fiancé's excuses. She ultimately broke up with him as soon as he was pictured entering a hotel with an actress. Matters became even more complicated when she discovered she was one month pregnant. The only problem was, she didn't know who the father of the child was, considering that she and her fiancé hadn't seen each other for three months. On one unexpected night, she encounters a stranger, disguised as her savior! But Aidan was not at all what Avery had expected. At least, he wasn't exactly the hero or the man anyone expected him to be. ... Aidan had to hear the news of her running away from home—abandoning him. He had waited for years for her to return. However, he never imagined that he would meet the woman who had broken his heart and left him breathless, now carrying a child in her womb. Rather than be discouraged and give up, Aidan saw this as an opportunity. A sweet and ripened fruit, he would take pleasure in savoring. Now, time is ticking.
[MATURE CONTENT ALERT] --- We often meet our destiny on the path we desperately try to avoid. But happens next? ---- Zeus, the cold-hearted true alpha of the Romano pack, became a ruthless lone leader out of vengeance after his enemies, the rival Lupo pack, bring great tragedy to his family. Eva, a joyous, beautiful, and kind person who always thought of herself as a strong-willed lady. But she suddenly lost everything at once, shattering her into pieces and leading her to attempt to take her life. What happens when destiny intervenes and Zeus ends up saving her life and finds himself drawn to this beautiful woman? Worse yet, his beta brother Czar has set his sights on Eva as well. Will Zeus and Eva's love survive such turmoil and interference? ---- "Are you really a human? A human can't possess such a captivating scent." Zeus inquired her. "But you either don't seem a human to me. Who are you?" Eva reciprocated his query bluntly. -----Yvonne Riley, a 25-year-old woman, finds herself living the dream when she marries her longtime crush-a man who has all the qualities any woman could wish for: loyalty, protective and undeniable handsome. However, her world shatters when she uncovers the shocking truth behind their marriage: it was a marriage born out of her dying sister's wish. Now faced with the complexities of love, betrayal, and unexpected motherhood, Yvonne must think about whether she can move forward.
He wasn't always like this... was he? Was it a specific moment that led to where we are today? Was I too blind to see through his façade? Was I blind enough to overlook his sociopathic, sadistic tendencies? No answers, I have no answers. But it doesn't matter anymore. Neither of us are the same people we once were. It's too late for him and I. We can't turn around from the grave sins we've committed. He's the monster I loved once but now, he's the spawn of Satan himself. I was once the girl he supposedly loved but now... I'm just an object of his torments. "You really think you'll be able to leave me?" The sinister look in his eyes keep me alert. "No," I answer truthfully as the blood dripping down my skirt. "You will keep me alive till my heart bleeds for you. Until you break me completely and that's when I'll take my last breath that takes me away from the man who created hell on earth for me; and that's when I'll leave you, forever."
Depois de cinco anos, Ning Xi voltou para o lugar que a repeliu — o lar. Com uma irmã que a virou contra seus pais e fez seu amor de infância traí-la, as chances pareciam sombrias. Entretanto, cinco anos no exterior a mudaram, e ela voltou para casa para realizar seu sonho de infância de se tornar atriz. Apesar de sua irmã malvada ainda estar atrás dela, os papéis seriam invertidos. Um dia, após cair em uma das armadilhas de sua irmã, ela salvou um garoto adorável e acabou ficando em sua casa para ajudá-lo a sair de sua concha. Lentamente, seu pai Lu Tingxiao começou a se apaixonar por ela. Isso foi antes deles perceberem como suas vidas estavam entrelaçadas todo esse tempo sem o conhecimento deles.