Loving the story, but please edit the spelling! ❤️
Loving this ❤️
Just a heads up, but I’m pretty sure it’s an Inheritance Test. Inherency is something else. Loving this so far though ❤️
I really did love this, I sped through it in a day so that means you know it’s true haha ❤️
I’m pretty sure most elves would rather die than serve some of that food. Not sure if it’s for comedic effect, but damn.
Do you mean Professor McGonagall? Not being rude by correcting either, just curious if there’s a reason.
Do you mean the Great Hall?
So question: Why is IQ only 99? Isn’t that too low? Or is it just a point thing and his IQ is higher? Genuinely curious.
Loving this ❤️
I mean, instead of restricting you could just say he has morals?
Legacy of Harry Potter
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