

male LV 13

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2019-02-10 Unido Global
Emblemas 20

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11 months ago

Now imagine Anthony becoming the 20th ancient, they break this wall and the system is like: Congratulations you cleared the tutorial!

[When another arises who can match their strength, the Ancients believe they will succeed. By pooling the power of the twentieth Ancient, they will shatter the walls of this prison, and escape into the universe beyond.]



Fantasy · RinoZ

2 years ago
Replied to Rory_1648

Babas undead races are limited in their dimensional magic, but the liches are not.

"If there was someone or something valuable there, we would have already found it. As for Verendi, it's too far for the undead since they have limited access to dimensional magic. 

Supreme Magus

Supreme Magus

Fantasy · Legion20

3 years ago
Replied to JVW

But there was at least one case of a doppelganger taking the form of the Marquis (or was it the countess that was seen in two places at the same time?), my guess would be that Thrud is using an improved version of her meatpuppets/carpenters as a distraction and the skinwalkers for the main infiltration.

His only hope of survival was that the Mad Queen hadn't lied to him when she had guaranteed the Marquis that the Doppelgangers would be his obedient slaves. When the creatures ignored his words and continued attacking, he knew that all was lost.

Supreme Magus

Supreme Magus

Fantasy · Legion20

3 years ago
Replied to Redbeard_Steelskin

Protector came to help Lith fight the awakened of the 'Church of the Six' in Zantia who were using the pseudo disease 'Griever' to prepare the use of forbidden magic. (Lith arrives in Zantia in chapter 554, Protector joins the mission in capter 572)

"Those were missions for the Kingdom. About people and things that you didn't care about whereas this is personal." She replied while looking him in the eyes. "I'm afraid that you might try too hard, do something stupid, and lose your life.

Supreme Magus

Supreme Magus

Fantasy · Legion20

3 years ago
Replied to techwiz78

if they combine cloning with magic it might be possible to create a junger version of his own body to swap into (they would have to make sure no lingering souls take it and stop it from developing a consciousness somehow)

To achieve his goal, he kept researching questionable spells that bordered on Forbidden Magic which made privacy of paramount importance.

Supreme Magus

Supreme Magus

Fantasy · Legion20

3 years ago
Replied to ghettoxcarcass

maybe early guns were ineffectiv because of magic defence spells and the development stopped.

The rocks simply bounced around like pinballs, following unpredictable trajectories that allowed them to hit their victims even from behind and turn them into unliving swiss cheese. Darkness magic temporarily negated their regenerative abilities, turning their immortality into a curse.

Supreme Magus

Supreme Magus

Fantasy · Legion20

3 years ago

Rocks crumble? Did Death Vision work on inanimate objects? Or is that new?

He even looked through a window while letting go of Death Vision to make sure that it didn't get any worse. After seeing plants wither, rocks crumble, and his magical beast neighbor die several times in the span of a few minutes, he sighed in relief.

Supreme Magus

Supreme Magus

Fantasy · Legion20

3 years ago

Some idiot wanted Lith dead just so he could get his hands on 3 rabbits (chapter 11).

"So what? Deirus hurt you intentionally, whereas my brother only hid Solus's existence to protect a huge secret that could cost his life. I mean, a mage tower? People died for much less." Tista said.

Supreme Magus

Supreme Magus

Fantasy · Legion20

3 years ago
Replied to Xelto_Oreventa

It was Leegaain. Quote from Chapter 305: ""Isn't that the living artefact you told me about?" The dragon pointed his finger at Solus who had just escaped the room. "You know what it is?" Tyris raised an eyebrow in disbelif. "Sure i do. It's Menadion's Desparation. Her story is long but interesting..." "Then, save it for another moment." Salaark cut him short."

Without them, his white core had stopped burning world energy instead of life force and it had taken death just a few decades to collect a prize that was never meant to be hers.

Supreme Magus

Supreme Magus

Fantasy · Legion20

3 years ago
Replied to Moramora36

or Vibrant and her group or the Immortals (as they tend to reject Anthony's teachings)

It had been a while since the nameless one had put the Council to sleep.



Fantasy · RinoZ

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