Kupkake - Profile



LV 15
2018-02-23 Unido Global

Emblemas 17

Moments 2117

Replied to Ethereal_Dreamer

I know and understand all of that. I was just saying its funny that he doesn't see the irony which is a major part of his character. His lack of ability to see irony and how hypocritical he can be sometimes, usually to his own detriment.

"That way, they can be even more certain that the proper number of eight has been achieved. They worry about 'sevens', people who are getting seven hours and fifty-something minutes."



Fantasy · RinoZ


I dont recall if this was mentioned previously, but if Peter got a statue I hope Enid gets one as well. She definitely deserves it.

Apparently, a farmer named Peter is credited with turning a simple ant training exercise into the sport that took over the Ant controlled lands, and then entranced their allies. Even now, his humble visage watches over the grand entrance to the Stadium, and people come from far and wide to pay respects at his stone feet.



Fantasy · RinoZ


She's like those are rookie numbers.

[Bah,] the ant groused, [our queens give birth hundreds of times every day. You think we can't heal someone who has given birth only once? Don't be ridiculous. Now get out of the way, I need to check the patient.]



Fantasy · RinoZ


Oh thank god. I was always though it was BS that he only got a silver ranked class despite all his feats. Maybe that's because he wasn't playing to his play style as well as he could have. Or maybe it'd because of him not using that diamond prism. Regardless, I feel like he should have atleast gotten a gold class for all that he accomplished up until that point.

There was no new addition to his energy, but this was already too much. He was probably a lot luckier than even those who could have been lucky enough to have gold or diamond ranked race generated for them. Plus there would probably be more Raen spawns by the time the next batch of aspirants come in at the 5th floor, by then every new member of the race would be more stats for him, and depending on how high he could have probably raised the race to by then, he would receiving a colossal amount of stats per level up. He could not wait to get to level 50 and see just what was in store for him, level 50 was also a watershed for classes as you would get a secondary class slot, and then perhaps either upgrade your current class or replace it with another.

Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Games · Anone


Then him and Gregory became best friends. Though Cole stills kills him on occasion for old times sake.

And since he now had assets that could and would be considered property, he wanted to get a little insight into the management aspect of the game. As it stands he couldn't even manage his own assets and wealth, which was an oversight he had to quickly rectify before shit got weird. After smoothing things over (plot to kill Gregory another day or in the next floor) they would decide the next step to take.

Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Games · Anone


Hopefully the GSA gets a lot of free resources and high level machines that are used to process said resources into stuff for mechs, ships, etc.

It was for this reason that the Hexers wanted to ruin all of the buildup on Pima Prime V. They would never feel they had succeeded in this attack unless they directly turned all of the factories and cities of the busy trading planet into smoking ruins!

The Mech Touch

The Mech Touch

Sci-fi · Exlor


This is by far and away his most versatile skill thus far and if he doesn't take advantage of it properly, I will be very sad.

[Technoman (Passive): A special trait that makes the user one with all technology in existence, be there mundane or arcane, or psionic based. Gives in depth understanding and mastery of Technopathy, engineering, and forging.]

Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Games · Anone

Replied to Kindling

Judging by the name, it's Isobels mech.

He spared a brief glance towards the Shield of Samar and the Promethea before he headed over to the Dark Zephyr.

The Mech Touch

The Mech Touch

Sci-fi · Exlor

Replied to Phonybean6967

Considering that in the medieval age 15 was considered an adult. I would say wise maybe not, considering the lack of education, but controlled definitely.

Sarah, the hooded figure behind him, saw the change in Sir Michael's posture, this idiot must have noticed Aiden! She gently sighed, shaking her head in contempt. She still couldn't fully understand what her mistress wanted with him. Yes, he might be an idiot that could be controlled with slight nudges, but also, at the same time, he was impulsive and keen to make rash decisions. He wasn't someone that should be put into such power… He much rather suited the role of an easily expandable frontline soldier.

The Last Primal

The Last Primal

Fantasy · Shaele

Replied to macraw93

I agree lightning does have a good synergy with metal and water. I am also biased since lightning is my favorite fantasy element.

When he left those deposits, Leonel found a Wind Elemental Vein Ore not long later and he thought of how cool it might be to combine the two. If he formed a Divine Armor with a fire base and wind veins, its multiplicative power would make up for one of his greatest weakness: his attack power. 

Dimensional Descent

Dimensional Descent

Fantasy · Awespec

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