Tsuukuyomi - Profile



male LV 6

Juste a silent reader

2018-01-28 Unido France

Emblemas 12

Moments 990




The second choice is the world and member. Do you think I should choose Campione, Overlord, Redo Healer, or Strike the Blood? For members of those four worlds, I choose Athena for Campione, Princess Reiner for Overlord, Sword Saint for Redo Healer, and Minamiya Natsuki for Strike the Blood. Like the previous rules, choose one.

Fate: King of Vampires

Fate: King of Vampires

Anime & Comics · Great_Darkness

Replied to Paul_Luettke


[You're so full of crap… You know damn well the real reason everyone in that Universe signed the peace treaty! Aliens attacked the Underworld and everyone decided to band together out of fear of a future alien invasion!]

The Fallen Gamer (MarvelxDXDxMulticross)

The Fallen Gamer (MarvelxDXDxMulticross)

Movies · StarWaves



"Who starts a conversation like that, I just sat down. And what do mean seducing? We both fell in love with each other."

Strike the Blood: The 4th Primogenitor

Strike the Blood: The 4th Primogenitor

Anime & Comics · Vegeta_Kakarot

Replied to AstralFear

I always thought that the manor was already here before the muggle homes

No sooner had I that than I heard the creaking and groaning as I watched on as the space between numbers eleven and thirteen started shaking and moving, as everything seemed to reveal itself, as Black Manor, also known as 12 Grimmauld Place, showed itself.

HP: In The Magical World As An Extra

HP: In The Magical World As An Extra

Book&Literature · Yggdrasil_loki



"Understandable," Harley nodded an exaggerated nod. "Relatable, even~!"

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Anime & Comics · Daddy


Thought like a true DnD Wizard

"Just for beating this teme, I'll get to throw fireballs at everything. Fireballs at the trash to take it out, fireballs at my landlord when rent's due, and even fireballs at my taxes. Looks like I've found the solution to all my problems—fireball!"

Naruto : The System Files

Naruto : The System Files

Anime & Comics · Adamo_Amet


more like naming boys after constellations

With a bark of a laugh, Sirius chuckled, "Don't ask, it's a family tradition to saddle the children with uncommon names."

Harry Potter The Final Straw

Harry Potter The Final Straw

Book&Literature · Lotus_Lover


Since Mangekyo Sharingan Abilities are named after Shinto Gods , why not Raijin / Narukami


Maybe Aburame Shibi , Shino's father

Aburame Hiwei.( Don't know who this is , tell me if you know the correct name, I will correct it later)

After signing in for Ten years, Uchiha begged me to come out .

After signing in for Ten years, Uchiha begged me to come out .

Anime & Comics · Sumit_Bhamer


Seems like a good way to be cursed

Dumbledore handed the Cloak over to Remus. 'I should very much like to keep it for myself. It is a fascinating artefact. However, I believe it is right for you to have it.' He smiled. 'Besides, it may prove useful if ever you feel the need to...explore the Black family home.'

Harry Potter The New Lord Black

Harry Potter The New Lord Black

Book&Literature · Nebula_Scribe



Greengrass though…Greengrass was a problem. Dumbledore was not fooled by the "Grey" veneer. The "Neutral" family. There was no such thing as "Neutral" or "Grey", there was only Light and Dark. The Good and the Bad. That Harry was now closely associating with the Dark was…problematic. Worrisome. Harry was already being corrupted. He had killed with no true remorse shown. Quirrell had been understandable. That poor man had been utterly corrupted by Voldemort's shade. But the basilisk was intelligent and desperate. Surely Harry could have reasoned with it? Surely he could have taken the time to make the creature see. Even after the stress of the situation was diminishing Harry had allowed the house elf to assault Lucius! That the elf likely had legitimate grievances was irrelevant – such violence was evidence that Harry was starting to slip.

Harry Potter and the Rune Stone Path BY Temporal Knight

Harry Potter and the Rune Stone Path BY Temporal Knight

Book&Literature · ChaoticPlayer



"Uncle Vernon?" Jet asked in a confused voice.

Harry Potter The Serpent

Harry Potter The Serpent

Book&Literature · Infinity_Weaver



"Sometimes unorthodox is necessary." Revan's retort was punctuated by a dash of speed, and daring aerial maneuver, flipping over Dooku with graceful agility.

I'm Revan (Star Wars)

I'm Revan (Star Wars)

Anime & Comics · Luxuriant


Replied to 707SteelWaste

He need to be careful with her since all her husbands mysteriously died

'Hmm, interesting. I admit I know nothing about his character, I kind of invited him because of all the fanon in my head.' Rigel thought as Daphne and Tracy introduced themselves one by one.

Harry Potter: Ero World

Harry Potter: Ero World

Book&Literature · light_novel_addict


Fleur can't be a pure blood if she is part Veela

- 'Agreed,' the young man replied, and soon the pair headed towards the nearest café. However, when Harry and Daphne entered the establishment, they noticed that Fleur Delacour was sitting at one of the tables. Greengrass caught on instantly. She still had a slight distaste for Veela. Noticing Potter walking next to Greengrass, the pure-blooded French Veela smiled seductively at the boy, tossing back her luxurious blonde hair slightly. Of course, Daphne didn't let this go unnoticed, and the girl looked angrily at Delacourt and squeezed the boy's hand tightly.

Potter's luck

Potter's luck

Book&Literature · FanFictionForge

Replied to Diesel4Life

They are but with how old the Black family is , it would be strange if they didn't have at least a few

A couple of dangerously safe roller coaster rides later Rigel walked back through the hallways of Gringotts. He was 100 Galleons heavier which according to Griphook should be more than enough for him to complete his shopping trips. Another feature that he had discovered was the presence of Inventory. It wasn't as large as the original gamer system but a 100-slot grid was enough for him to store the essentials. 

Harry Potter: Ero World

Harry Potter: Ero World

Book&Literature · light_novel_addict



The man ignored them, pointing his sword at me and declaring with a boisterous laugh, "As I have written, so I have promised! I am here, Mr. Barkeep! Now, raise your blade, I say! Raise! Our battle shall be legendary!"

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Anime & Comics · Daddy

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