"I understand. You're planning to use the Philosopher's Stone to resurrect the Dark Lord. I get it. I'll help."
Book&Literature · Ginormous_Madman
"He reached a false enlightenment, but you... you reached the real deal and died. Human souls aren't meant to reach enlightenment, especially at your age, being only 16."
Movies · Evandar
Norman then pulled out two legal documents about patents and their pay to which Gwen and Peter looked over. Once seeing that everything is agreeable, they both signed the papers.
Anime & Comics · Shadow_D_Monarch3
Without hesitation, Max reached out to embrace Mariko, and soon their voices filled the room.
Movies · Galaxy_Wonder
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Anime & Comics · Sharky_Monster
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Anime & Comics · Sharky_Monster
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Anime & Comics · Sharky_Monster
"A world where people are no longer divided into wizards and Muggles, a world where magic is everywhere. A world where everything depends on your talents and diligence! Magic developed to the point where we can travel through worlds and planets! A world without death, Albus! I saw Ariana alive, and your parents alive! Can you imagine what a beautiful future it is!"
Movies · The_last_airbender
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Movies · The_last_airbender
What the… i enjoy the story
Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic – ASOIAF/GOT GOT
Book&Literature · RaccoonLeague