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90.38% Ragnarok Online Gamer System / Chapter 91: Chapter 91

Capítulo 91: Chapter 91

"Are you fighting something like the Arachnids then? Some bugs of 3 meters Height 5 Length and go in four four spindly legs?" I asked Lopez since he clearly knows more about what happened.

"¿Tu puedes entenderme? (You can understand me?)" Lopez ask with insecurity.

"Hace una hora estaba charlando con dragones, no es tan sorprendente que sepa hablar español. (An hour ago I was chatting with dragons, it's not that surprising that I know how to speak Spanish.)" Tex looks at me, apparently surprised, well it's surprising, the truth is I'm not sure if several languages still survive in Halo universe or not.

"No me jodas, no existen los dragones, aunque es bueno que alguien pueda comprenderme. Solo estoy rodeado de idiotas. (Don't fuck with me, there are no dragons, although it's nice that someone can understand me. I'm only surrounded by idiots.)" Still, Lopez doesn't seem to care much. "Soy Lopez el Pesado, gusto en conocerte. (I'm Lopez the Heavy, nice to meet you.)" Lopez extends his hand and I take it, thinking I'll play a little joke.

"Dremsil wah grind hi (Nice to meet you), Leonhard Hauser, Ella es Cha Hae-In (She is)" Lopez seems a little surprised by my voice, although there are others who are worse.

"What the hell just happened! Bigfoot is here! Or what was the name of that other animal Simmons? The one with big tusk?" Sarge yells, and take his shotgun pointing at front of him.

"I think you are referring to the walrus, Sir." Simmons immediately answer

"It sounded more like a combination of a bear with a bad case of diarrhea..." Grif says, but he is clearly scared, well my voice really becomes heavy and deep but calling it a bear with diarrhea...

"Get out of there mythical creature and taste my shotgun!"BANG*BANG* BANG* BANG* BANG* BANG* BANG* And out of nowhere he start shooting like crazy... 

'Huh? Is somebody else in the house?' I can see how two... three dots move quickly out of their rooms on the 4th floor, according to the rooms... they must be Nambra, Aphine and Aleesia, now that I think about it... I really have to improve the movement system in the house, they will take about 35 seconds to get down to the entrance, probably the best thing would be to put in teleportation systems... the only good thing is that the idiot ran out of ammunition.

"You should be ashamed Grif! You left me out of ammo again! It's your responsibility!" Sarge starts yelling but before they can argue any further the door is practically kicked open behind me.


"BOSS!/MASTER!" The three girls enter the room... although it really seems like they rushed to come... with the red head Nambra aiming her bow, the white haired Aphine with a mace and a brown haired Aleesia... with her whip....

"Bow-Chicka-Bow-Wow!/Holy!?/WOW!" Everyone seems surprised, well it's no wonder, since the girls came practically naked... Nambra is wearing a black mini tank top that is not very well put on, exposing half of her chest and a black thong or G-string barely covering her front, Aphine, for her part, comes with a white see through nightgown without underwear and mysteriously a nun headpiece.... Aleesia seems that she was taking off her 'armor'... since it does not have the chest protection but she has the one that covers her ribs... so it can be removed in pieces..... but outside that she has the rest of her Gypsy outfit...

'Now how can I explain this... Nambra is simple, she doesn't really look too much out of place for someone that rushed, but how do I explain a lewd nun cosplay and a dominatrix dancer...' Luckily for me everyone seems more surprised and stunned by the presence of the girls...

"Are you okay boss? We hear a lot loud of noises! Who are these people!? ALL OF YOU BACK OUT!" Nambra immediately threatens the others, shooting an arrow that splits into 6 that go through everyone's crotches, causing them to stop moving and backing slowly as Aleesia use her whip to snap in two a snack in Grif hand that end between his legs. 

"Are you hurt Master?" Aphine approaches me while remaining vigilant towards Caboose and a little less towards Lopez, probably realizing that he is not an enemy as we are taking each other hand, and ignoring Cha Hae-In because she already know of her.

"I'm fine Aphine, don't worry." I turn towards her and pat her head as I lift her and move her so that she is covered whit my body, luckily Cha Hae-In and Tex are in the correct position to cover the right side of the door through which they entered so I put her behind them, then I walk towards Nambra and Aleesia who are still pointing her bow at the others and striking her whip on the ground.

"Boss? Something wrong? Wait .... A-a-are they g-g-g-gu-guests?" I can see how Nambra starts to blush and shake a little Aleesia do the same.... so I just approach them and adjust the top of Nambra and take a towel on the floor and wrap it around her waist and put the other one in Aleesia covering her chest, as how the towels get here when they are in the bathroom... I better not think about it.

"Don't worry, all of you did your job well, they are guests but as you can see..." I turned around and pointed at all the destruction they caused... "They really don't have good manners." I continue to pat both of their heads too.

"Go change, even if they are not as decent as we expect, it does not mean that we are not presentable." I keep patting both of their heads, and DM them to change into their armors...

"Man, you're a real son of a bitch, you know? You have 4 beautiful women here with you! And you even make them dress like a sexy nun and a arabian dancer they even call you 'master'." I hear Andy talking and when I turn around I see a not very impressed Sarah, but she don't really look angry, besides her, Cha Hae-In who is now looking at me like I'm trash... Tex is probably doing the same thing, if I were a masochist I'd probably enjoy this, but I'm not.


"Shut up Tucker!" Someone yell at him, but the worst thing is that I really can't say that I have nothing with them since that would be a clear lie... Sigh....

'Actually, I don't know why Cha Hae-In acts like that, she must have seen them or my other girls before, she even fought alongside my group of sexy assassins, besides she really doesn't have any thoughts towar--.... oh yes, women.' And as nothing, all her thoughts makes sense...

The only thing left for me is to remain calm, showing security in my actions, I really have nothing to hide and the only ones that I really care about are not here, besides I already talked about this with them, great, I miss Ruri and Kirkena now...

"Very well then, now that you have finally calmed down... can we talk like the civilized people that we are?" I stand in front of the idiots, two angry women, a robot, a bomb and wait for their reply, what can go wro... fuck I just jinxed myself!


As expected, it didn't go very well, although they finally stopped yelling at each other, only Tex and Lopez are taking ammunition, Lopez for his part also managed to explain more what was happening and for some strange reason, no one noticed that Doc/O'Malley left when the girls entered...

According to them, they have just arrived to the future, after exploring a little and Tucker obtaining his sword they decided to return, apparently in this dimension the Sangheili who wanted the sword did not appear, so on the way back Meta attacked them, as they fight some Aliens appeared and had to fight by allying with O'Malley, losing sight of Meta. In their escape they arrived here and it being the only place with a narrow door, they decided to enter... despite not having much ammunition available.

"What do you plan to do?" Cha Hae-In asks Tex as she watches the reds and blues continue to blame each other and I DM the order to the girls to come back.

"Bow-Chicka-Bow-Wow!" Again, several of the idiots turn to look at them... well really, the Sniper and Gypsy's costume leaves very little to the imagination, not that Highpriest's really helps with her thigh slits and even without them, the outfit is lewd enough for itself with Aphine.

"We will do everything possible to get out of this place and... notify the UNSC if there is a new alien threat, they need to know about it." Tex says as she is checking and loading her weapons.

"Wait what do you mean by new? Are you facing something else?" Cha Hae-In is surprised, it really impresses me that it didn't end in a cat fight...

"We fight against the Covenant several alien races that declared humanity as 'blasphemy' to their gods as well-..." Tex start to explain but is interrupted by Sarge.

"We also have a Civil War, the great and glorious red army against the fucking diabolic and traitorous blues." 

"Don't forget about the Flood, Sir." Grif adds.

"The what? Grif you are making up words again! Why don't you say that we fight against the Chupa-thingy! Simmons be sure to poison the next food of Grif."

"Yes and is the Chupacabras, Sir." Simmons respond.

"I fucking have my life..." Grif sigh.... There is not a moment of rest with them...

"What did you say private!?" Sarge yells.

"I fucking have my life, Sir." Grif says as he sighs.

"That's better private, I hate you too." 

"So... it has come to this." For my part, looking at my girls' outfits, I once again remember the unique opportunity I have here... so I move towards Aleesia and give her the Valkyrie Armor set asking her to go at dressing room, I take out a briefcase with the Imperial Aquila from under the counter and go the dressing room to. 

Of course I took it out with my system, entering the fitting room and looking in the mirror I know very well what to do, so I quickly open my shop and look for a officer Kriegman suit, although I am really doubting whether to go as a colonel or as a commissar..... the horrible decisions to which I have to submit... 

'There are several inconsistencies between the show and what happened to them.... could it be because of the multiverse theory or is there someone in that universe who is pulling the strings...' I start to think while lamenting that I won't really be able to use a chainsword... 'What tha!!!'


I just selected my uniform and went out of the dressing room, really happy about what just happened, but once outside I ran into the red and blue arguing... rather without trying to kill each other or blame each other.

"Simmons, didn't you hear? We're cannon fodder. Practice! Well if I'm the leader of junk, I may as well have a base made out of junk! Pretty appropriate, right?" I approach Church and Tucker who are standing watching Sarge go into depression...

"What happened to him?" 

"He discovered that all that about the civil war is a lie, there is no such thing as an intergalactic war of Reds vs. Blues, we are only training bases for their agents." Church answer me as he continues seeing Sarge denigrate himself. I just nod my head and head towards the girls.

"Leonhard....?" Cha Hae-In turns around when she notices my arrival, but tilts her head a little when she sees me and asks, Tex for her part, turns to look at me too and I can see how her head goes down and up, watching me completely for a moment.

"My Lord." Nambra, Aphine y Aleesia quickly bow before me, and I see how on their clothes and capes carry the symbol of the Aquila...even the Valkyrie armor has it in the chest how and why? I better not think about that.... if only I were with Blood Angels and Ultramarines instead of... them ... that reminds me, I must teach them the sign of the Aquila at some point.

"Yes Cha Hae-In? At ease girls, we are practically all family here." I make the girls stand up and relax a little but I can read that they are now acting like members of the Order, besides that Nambra really likes my outfit, Aphine is scared of the skulls of it and Aleesia doesn't like that it's so 'black'... .

"Are you going to go out dressed like that?" Cha Hae-In asks and that makes the blues turn to look at me

"Huh?" I just point at my uniform? "Like what? I only have normal work clothes." Not to mention that it looks fantastic.

"Holy fuck we have a Nazi here!" I hear Grif exclaim making everyone finally turn to me.

"Sorry, I'm not a Nazi, I'm a commissar from the planet Krieg, and in most cases it's more a Prussian uniform from WWI." I answer, although technically it is not correct either since I chose the commissar's uniform but... details...

"Wait a second... so this is the Imperium uniform? Why are you using it?" Hmmm? Does Cha Hae-In know about Warhammer? No, according to what she thinks, she is just surprised and doesn't know much about the subject.

"Yes and no, this uniform is that of a commissar, in short a disciplinary officer, this one was 'modified' for the planet Krieg that is a toxic and radioactive planet, so you have to wear a gas mask all your life, that is why its soldiers are the best to send to the worst battlefields, specialty those with conditions of extreme pollution." Not to mention that the commissar job would be to prevent the Kriegmen from launching suicidal waves stupidly or die trying.

"What is this about the Imperium? Are you from Star Wars or something?" Donut approaches and asks, out of everyone Sarge is the only one who really isn't paying attention to me...

"Hahaha, of course not, I'm from the Imperium of Man, it expands throughout the galaxy, having all humanity under its flag, governed by the Emperor of Humanity since the 31 millennium approximately." I answer them and approach Sarge, it's really depressing to see him like this, it's one thing on the screen but seeing how a man loses everything he fought and believed for... many of the memories I have had this happen to them...

"What do you want.... a Nazi?" At first Sarge answers me annoyed but ends up confused when he sees me standing in front of him.

"Are you going to stay there, Sergeant? Watching how a group of evil bastards dictate your life?" He doesn't pay much attention to me... if I don't make him react it will be worse. "Remember, Sergeant, why are we here?" Everyone stays quiet when they hear me speak, although Grif and Simmons turn to look at each other.

"Um, it does seem to be one of life's great mysteries, Why we are here..." Damn you, Grif want to start with his stupid speech too.

"The answer is easy private, to serve the Emperor's will! Right now outside here a new Xeno threat has arrived, it seems to have already ended the life of the city and if we do not stop it and warn about its existence, Terra, the cradle of humanity, will be in danger." 

"Xeno? Terra?" Donut say and I can see how they seem confused by these terms, but I don't give it importance.

"Those idiots behind their pretty desks called you useless, it's time to show them how the useless work, Sergeant I will be honest with you, I'm retired, but right now I'm going to go to the front and I need your help." I finally make him react and I take him by his arm and lift him up. "I will be honest with you all, we probably will go to our deaths, our forces are few, our enemies many, there will not be respire.... there will not be mercy." Hmmm I think the mask is making me get into character a lot....

I can hear some of them even swallowing saliva, too bad Lopez left when I started talking to Sarge apparently controlled by something and Tex went to chase them, so it's just us. So everything will depend on what we are facing, even so they will have to be ready, I was thinking of inviting them to the Chat but it seems that I can only use 2 invitations every so often....

"We are the only ones standing between this new Xeno threat and humanity, no matter what happens, if we can get them one more hour of time to prepare it will be enough." I can see that Sarge has already reacted, just the final push is missing." Remember all of you, we are not fighting for idiots who only bother to clean their desks, we are fighting for the opportunity for humanity to prepare more, so they can survive."

"You're right, I enlist to protect humanity! I'm going to help you, come on little ladies! We need more ammo. How'd your equipment test go, Simmons?" Sarge start yelling and giving orders.

"About as well as you would expect, Sir" Simmons says... true, I forgot that he is a cyborg...

"Well, at least I will finally fight against Aliens... sigh... let me get my keys." Grif says as he walks back to where the candy is... Now I turn to look at the blues, from what I see Tucker wants to help... Caboose wants an ice cream apparently... the only problem here would be Church...

"What do you think son? Are you ready to try to protect humanity?" I walk towards Church who... thinks of me with distrust according to his thoughts.

"Listen... 'Commissar', I don't know who you are and how you think we'll listen to you, we have more important things to do, than obey a brain damaged Nazi about his madness..." If we were in 40k, everyone would probably be speechless when they saw him speaking like that to a commissar. "Not to mention that you don't even belong to the UNSC."

"That's right son, at first I also confused you with the Astartes, the super soldiers of the Imperium, since they also use power armor, specifically the Ultramarines with their blue armor and the Blood Angels with their red armor." For a second imagine these idiots there... one of two, they would turn to Chaos in less than 5 minutes or... that is, if they passed the tests of course... 

"Blood Angels, I like that name, Simmons remember to file that name when we report to command we will identify ourselves like that." I hear Sarge try to speak in a low voice... which would be the intonation of normal people having a normal conversation for him.

"That's why I can't really order you anything, this mission is rather voluntary, if you want to come you can come, I really don't know what to expect from any of you, I don't even know your names! That is why the decision must be made by you, I'm not a Nazi, and even if it was I'm fighting to save humanity, so the only thing I can promise you is victory, since until now I have never lost in my life." At least in the... almost 4 months of life that I have...

"I'm really enjoying the speech so far." Caboose whisper to Tucker, and I can only smile, he would be the same as an Ogryn. I was thinking of continuing but I feel a hand on my shoulder and when I turn I see Chae Hae-In

"Why are you using that uniform Leonhard?" She seems upset and I can only look at her behind my mask... why are they being so insistent about this? I would really think they were in love with me if I couldn't read their thoughts.

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