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75% Ragnarok Online Gamer System / Chapter 75: Chapter 75

Capítulo 75: Chapter 75


"Thousands of years ago, when my son lay dying, I made a deal to save him from Hel... but destiny is something that can't change." The woman continue to speak with her eyes closed.

"Until now." Once I speak, she opens her eyes, which automatically leave me stunned....

"Yes, until now... The Norns don't know anything about you, you don't know how many many plans you ruined... how many lives you've saved " The woman smiles and walks towards me, it is strange to feel so much trust in someone I just met...

"I guess I'm doing my job well, after all that's what I had to do." I smile in front of her and she just stares at me, then reaches out her hand and puts it on my cheek.

"My poor child... the Norns say you have no past, but I only need to see you to know the truth, just by looking at you I can guess it, you are now living in the present, but without a future... how much that bastards have made you carry on your shoulders...." After that she puts her other hand on my face and proceeds to hug me... and I clearly feel like something inside me changing... "And yet you continue moving forward, without looking back, always forward... at least for now, at this moment... let your soul rest."

Something strange happens, everything around me turns black, yet I don't feel any fear, this darkness doesn't feel threatening, I just feel calm being here. It's like I should be in this place from the beginning, although I can easily guess what this place is..

Little by little I can see something in all this darkness, something that is inside me, In front of me I see a child crying in the dark, sitting there crying in silence in front of me, this is really strange, since clearly the child sitting there is me... at least a younger version of this body, but this body never had a past it was created by the system... right?

Frigg appears in front of me, behind the child who is crying, sadly observing our surroundings, so she raises her hand and thanks to that a new light fills the place, trying to wrap the sobbing child. wanting to help the child, eliminating this darkness with her light.

"No." Once I speak, all the light in the place is destroyed, as if it were glass and turning into flashes of white frost that begin to fall around me, leaving everything in the dark again. The boy changed and now I am sitting on the floor, but apparently Gamer's Body was also deactivated, since I am completely covered in wounds and blood from the battle that just occurred... I even have some new holes...

I see the Goddess Frigg is now standing in front of me, showing a face full of sadness and pity observing the wounds on my body, even shedding tears and closing her eyes and hugging me again. I can clearly feel her feelings but there is no need, it's not like it's really serious.

"Everyone deserves salvation, but if you don't allow it you will never get it... you have to forgive yourself first my Child..." Frigg speaks to me and just by listening to her voice I can feel how at peace I'm.... but....

'Forgive myself? What is she talking about...excuse me, my lady, I think you are wrong about something.' I've been feeling that what she is thinking and what is really happening to me are not the same.

'I mean, I actually feel calmer and I'm relaxing a lot being like this, but I don't really feel sad, desperate, maybe a little lustful at first thanks to the fact that Gamer's Mind was deactivated but after a bit with her it also calmed down.....'

At that moment I only see how the goddess in front of me opens her eyes in surprise and separates herself from me, looking at me carefully, leaving her mouth open, looking at me like I'm some kind of weird creature.

'Maybe she can read my mind...? NO out impure thoughts how can I do it when I'm being watched like this by such a beautiful woman, the only good thing is that those feelings only last a little while since said woman gives me the same feeling as if I saw my mother.'

"Excuse me, I'm really offending you with my own desires, I just saw your soul crying, In addition to several of the things I know you went through, everything you had to fight for." Again she shows a sad face. 

"You don't have to apologize, after all who can complain about a mother's concern?" With this she shows a smile, I would practically bet all my money that it is the most beautiful smile I have ever seen in all my lives.

"Yes, I thought you were a child who had lost his way... But no, your soul is strong, you are a man even stronger than that of many gods and you are following your own path without being tied to destiny my child." She puts her hands on my hands, lifting us up from where we were.

"As you know this world is guided by a system, this is a history of mane millenniums ago, but in short the gods with the help of someone decided to made a game and the winner will have the right to create the system to help the world. However, we were all deceived.

At that moment I had sacrificed my life to save that of my son Baldr, joining Nidhoggr, so I don't know exactly with which entity the all father made a contract. Currently the only gods left are Freya, the Norns and me, although in case Freya and I we are only ghosts consciousness After my talk with you I will really disappear and join this so called system as a being without consciousness.

All of this was done in an effort to stop the Ragnarok that was already happening or at least that is what I believe, since once this system was implemented the world restarted and for millennia the cycle has repeated, where the age of the gods end and the age of man begins. Many heroes come and go, countless champions appear again and again, even thousands of them at the same time. However, this attracts dimensional beings, which devour the world and it restarts again.

The Norns, who are the only ones who continue to observe the passing of time, although currently very weakened, discovered that these entities are the ones who made the deal with the All Father at the beginning, so this world only became a source of energy and slaves for them." She starts walking with her back to me, so I start to follow her with several doubts in my mind.

'I have many doubts about this... also why doesn't she call Odin her husband? Maybe Odin did something that cannot be forgiven, plus this story is becoming extremely familiar to me and instinctively I have an idea what is happening...'

While we were walking we left that dark room, now seeing an image of a world with a large continent, below this separated by sea and islands there is another continent, and I really can't see much in the back of it, but it's clearly Migdard, since I can see the Kingdom, so Rune-Midgarts only occupies 10% of the north continent...

Even so, that is not the important thing, the important thing is the beings that arrive in flash of light, making new people, they travel around the world solving problems that happen, although they also constantly fight among themselves causing multiple destruction... at first they were weak, but in a little time they become strong.

Although after this, sometimes when these people stop coming, something else appears... from the ground it looks like a spaceships that are full of spines and flails which dragged behind the vessels like metallic tentacles, giving them the appearance of jellyfish. I can't see the beings that control them, but I can see how they quickly begin to kidnap and enslave the population. 

'So will I really have to fight aliens? Where is my flamer? The heavy flamer. But... how I can clearly understand what the fuck is happening now.'

After that, something is done to them that we can't see, they start acting like NPCs, then they take everything and just leave, after a little bit a glow appears on the planet and apparently everything restarted again as if nothing had happened, and the persons from before appears again in the world. Although the native people act as NPCs, only when generations pass do some manage to react better than the others.

"For millenniums, this has been happening, however the Norns discovered something, it's not really that we have been fooled, it's just how the system works, the person who wins the system can modify it as they please, so they only have to win the system and control everything.

And the first and only winner was named Sakray, and yes, it is the person you met, he won the competition to shape the world to his desire, or at least that's what he thinks, since his weapon Thanatos is really one of the many objects that these beings left behind and this was the result.

They, the beings that come from outside this world, want strong warriors, that is why even now children are born ready to fight, a society that only exists to kill, it was fortunate that we still know how to cultivate the land or raise animals and not only live killing monsters. For thousands of times it has always been the same result until now....

You don't know how many times I had to watch my son die at their hands, only to be reborn and do it all again, unable to act to end the madness that we gods created... To tell the truth, we had already given up as all our plans failed.

But for the first time in history someone else can modify the world, that is what the message that appeared in front of you means, this so-called System is the way the world works, so you can modify what you want or don't want, since we really don't know what will happen when the system changes...

Don't worry, I really don't want to tie you to anything, you are the owner of your destiny and you can make the decision you like, I just want you to know what you are up against and be able to prepare for what is to come... and I... we will always be at your side." She points to herself and stands up straight, clearly very happy about what is happening.

'The world is going to end and you can save it, but if you don't want to, nothing happens... yes, of course....and I'm Batman. Although it is really difficult to hate someone like her, clearly she has not told me any lies, although I don't know if she is telling me the whole truth.

But she really can't see my own system, my status as a dimensional traveler, that I'm a reincarnate... and Sakray, isn't that how they called system of Ragnarok Online game? But why I think that those creatures are just Gamers and Game Masters who are creating multiple servers? If I remember correctly they implemented Renewal la-.'

[Accepted new name. Renewal System is being implemented........

·  Reduction of necessary experience level to level up 

·  Experiment value

·  Casting time change 

·  Change of physical and magical attack power 

·  Change of physical and magic defense 

·  Change of attack/evasion rate 

·  Change of attack speed..............]


[Accepted new command....]

After that the system continued working showing multiple texts at fast speed, I was only able to read a few sentences, such as AI NPC Improvement, Cards  Implementation, Births, Strategic Distribution, New Races Pack, New Resources Pack, Monster...

In front of me I can see the goddess blinking incessantly, opening her mouth once again as she observes the enormous amount of changes implemented, she react in a few moments more, but to think that I implemented the Renewal system...

"It seems you already had a clear idea of what to do, very good then, you don't need my help at all, but finally." Again she approaches me and hugs me tighter than before and kiss my forehead.

[Frigg's Blessing acquired. Acquired 4 x Special Angel Gift Box. Title Updated! ]

"Thank you very much for saving my son Baldr now named Chaos, and freeing him from his destiny, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. There is no way I can repay you for what you have done for me as I don't have anything more, not to mention what you did for the world." I can only smile hug back this beautiful mother, who even sacrificed her life for her son. 

'Fuck! What kind of gifts are you giving me! Huh? How I know what the boxes will give me?'

"I wish I could have helped you more, but rest assured I have give you a gift from Freya as well , I hope you can take good care of them, also please look after my son." Frigg says one last time as she disappears into a sphere of light.

So I am once again alone in this world with time stopped, apparently this will be the case until the changes to the system are finished being implemented... although this will take a while longer since both systems are being combined....

[Frigg Blessing. Blessing given by the goddess Frigg with the last of her power. 200% Improvement relationships with your family, 200 % in Helping in resolve conflicts and differences in your household, Keeps your home clean, 200% Helping to keep your wives satisfied.]

"What kind of blessing is that... breathe, exhale... I'm going to take this but I'm highly offended by it, I better see everything else together. Although now that I think about it, isn't Frigg dead in DxD? How are they going to react to this... " 

[Title: Changer of Destiny III: You achieved the impossible several times, you changed the destiny, managing to save the world in the process, now you have the blessing of a the Goddess of prophecy and clairvoyance as well. (You can see from some seconds to some minutes into the future, you have to train to use it at will. Can be Upgraded.)

[4 x Special Angel Gift Box Opened! Obtained 4 x Angel's Dream (Sandra, Anguhilde, Reginleif, Ingrid.] 

[Angel's Dream (Sandra): A strange orb that is oval-shaped. It emits beautiful and warm energy. Price: N/A.]

"Sigh... at least the title is worth it, I just have to know how to train it and this object... is the same as Randgris and Sarah huh..." In front of me I have 4 white eggs with some energy inside and a small heart in the center.

Behind each egg there is a winged woman, the one called Sandra is a blonde woman with heterochromatic eyes, one red and one blue, with white armor with red shoulder pads, a kind of spear with a golden cross tip and a laurel wreath.

Anguhilde is a brown-haired girl with blue eyes. Her armor is red with silver shoulder pads, the opposite of Sandra, although her wings are also a little more pink and her dress is something like Randgris a little worn and a long Two-handed Sword.

Reginleif, is a young woman with blonde hair and blue eyes and white wings, she wears silver armor with gold decorations and white cape, in addition to carrying a sword and a shield in her back, she clearly looks like a paladin with angel wings.

Ingrid... is the identical copy of Raginleif although she has her wings of a slightly golden color, she wears blue armor with gold decorations and a red cape, her hair is tied in a twin tails hair buns, plus she carries a pair of pretty intimidating golden axes and her armor is more like a Lord Knight.

Like Randgris they see me smiling, although Reginleif don't have any expression on her face but I fell the she is pleased and  Ingrid has a slightly more... intimidating smile but still why the hell do I have so many Valkyries with me? I would like to have a little more information about this but who can I ask?

'Now that I think about it, will it work like that?' I quickly look for a Pet Incubator in my inventory, and just like the game, I select it to use it and to my surprise a window opens in front of me with all the Valkyrie eggs inside....

However, I quickly put them in my inventory, then I'll do that later, right now I will appear in the middle of the city and it will really be a problem if the first thing they see are Valkyries, it would be best to do it once I am in a quieter place... to think that I already have so many Valkyries...

'I wonder what they think of DxD since they are clearly angels. I'm really going to surprise a lot of bastards later.' Laughing a little again I get serious, the following is really the problem I have

The Goddess doesn't know it, the fact that I did manage to see the crying child's face and if this goddess had seen him she would surely have killed me in that place. That's why I denied any kind of help, since I could also hear the thoughts that child had and still has.

'Vengeance, vengeance, vengeance.' The only thing that the boy repeated in his mind and his eyes full of hate and anger...  it was even about to attack the goddess, so I had to act quickly to avoid it, I still can't fight gods and I really want to know what the fuck that guy wants.

'I wonder why did this guy decide to take the form of a child? Or maybe it's a combination of my own desires? Be a child once more?' Once again I am in front of the child, watching him consume himself in hatred, 

'Is it strange to see myself from the third person? But I don't really feel like I'm this kid at all, we just have the same body.' I see how the dark room is filling with a reddish liquid that looks, feels and smells like blood, covering us both. But at the speed the blood rises, it will cover the child first, so I sit in front of him and look at him carefully hearing the same word over and over again. After a few moments and since the blood had reached my waist I decided.

"Vengeance huh... we will do it together, let me help you get it, System." The boy finally moves and looks up at me, or at least I think so since those eyes don't really show any sign of life. so I give him my hand and finally he takes it and talk.

[New link completed, Systems working... starting self-identification protocols... Welcome Administrator.] 

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