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21.15% Ragnarok Online Gamer System / Chapter 19: Chapter 19

Capítulo 19: Chapter 19

Hello everyone, well it's supposed that the previous chapter should not have been published like that, since I needed to edit it a little more and add some things, since when I was doing it it had been 2 am. (How the hell did it occur to me that opening and closing eyes was correct, even before I started to sleep I remembered that the word was blinking lol.)

But the biggest problem is Nysynea's backstory, which at the moment still didn't convince me, at the time I wanted to make it simple and cliché but the next day I knew that this story had too many holes to work, the biggest one how children are born in the game world.

So after spending the whole day thinking about what I could do and imagining another two basic backstories I was surprised that I had already published the chapter lol. I haven't change the story for all those who have already read it, don't worry, you didn't miss anything since I didn't do anything, it is an advantage that even if the story didn't convince me, I had already developed it a little.

Well without more to add enjoy the chapter.


After putting Nysynea to rest, I go back to the wall, on the way I find Arldana and Epianne, who at see me and come towards me, Epianne looks tired but how the hell is that Arldana seems to be full of energy, I guess she's fulfilling her dream of protecting the weak according to the code of a knight but that doesn't explain why she's not tired.

"Master, everyone is on the wall, we just wait for your orders." says Arldana standing in front of me making a military salute that is mysteriously the same as that of a modern army, it shows that the creators of the game didn't even make an effort.

"Let's go, make sure they get some rest, even if the orcs attack we will have a few minutes to preparen even if they sleep they won't catch us off guard." I say as I walk past them and continue walking to the wall, and once we go up I see that the rest of the girls are near the stairs.

"Master, what do you intend to do with Nysynea?" Epianne asks me, although more than anything it's because the others want to know.

"From what I see, you already knew what was happening to her, right?" All of them noded.

"Sigh... well I think I said it before, you all belong to me so if you have any problematic past or things like that come talk to me, the only way I'll let you go is if you want it, it doesn't matter if I have even to fight the king for each one of you." I say my most embarrassing cliché dialogue I could imagine, while I pass my gaze through each one of them.

Hmmm if I didn't have my emotions removed I'm sure [Gamer's Mind] would be over working right now, I'm ashamed of myself for having to say this, and it doesn't help at all that all of them blush. How easy and simple it was in the past, if I say that to a girl in a modern world she would start making fun of me or even slap me.

"You see, you can trust our master, I had already told you, there is no need to worry about anything" Epianne tells everyone, well I can't blame them I didn't even listen to them before so clearly I didn't see myself as someone to depend on.

"We could not expect anything more from our master, no matter who crosses his path, he will always win!" say Lilinaya.

"Yes, if it weren't for him... I wouldn't be here, I never would have imagined being able to get the strength to move forward, that's why I decided to dedicate my body and soul to our master." I don't feel good about this, Aphine, and even less because of the fact that I practically raped all of you.

"Our master always took care of us, he taught us a lot too, that's why our duty is to take care of our master too" Nambra too, but stop now, [Gamer's Mind] is already dead, and even worse when you see me with those eyes full of devotion...

I felt how everything was lost when I saw that Akhene was going to start talking, and even more so with the small grin she had, I'm sure she would speak in double meaning, but thanks to the some orc god the orc bastards decided it was time to attack.

We begin to hear blows, looking at the horizon I can see that the orcs are hitting their shields and weapons to make noise, without missing the opportunity sent my gratitude to my new orc god I make the girls go to their positions.

"Prepare for combat, wake up the sleeping people and pay attention, if they manage to take the wall, retire to the castle, your lives are more important, understood?" they all noded and started to go to their positions on the wall, while I go to my position with Arldana, Dora and Evangeline following me, although something that catches my attention is that Dora doesn't look tired either...

"It's not fair, why the Paladins can't have that skill, if we have it we can resist more..." says Evangeline as she turned to see Arldana and Dora with envy. What are they talking about?

"It's not unfair, it's called specialization, we have to move more than you so we have to always be relaxed, not to mention that we don't really have an ultimate like you do." Dora answers, while placing her arms crossed behind her head as if she were walking calmly going back home.

"If I say it's not fair it's not fair, even our master doesn't use that skill, clearly showing that he cares about us and knows about the pain we are going through." wait is it a skill that I can use? What are they talking abou....

'I'm a fucking idiot... of course I have a skill for that.' I immediately open my skills panel and open the description of one of the Lord Knight's skills.

[Tension Relax, Lv : 2/2, Skill Requirement: Provoke 5, HP Recovery 10, Endure 3, Skill Form: Active, Type : Supportive, Target: Caster Only.

Description : Sits down and relaxes your muscles and body, triple the HP Recovery rate. Standing up cancels this skill, whether the user stood up or was knocked out of sitting by an attack.

LV 2: Removes negative effects on the body depending on the amount of time the skill is active.]

Upon reaching my position without further ado I use the skill, and immediately sit in my position and feel how my body relaxes. I had not used this skill because in the game you use it to recover your HP and since I have not really been hurt I did not see the need to use it.

"That's not fair master! I also want to use that skill I want to relax too!!" Evangeline starts to complain although I am checking how long it will take to eliminate my negative effects, and to my surprise it is not much.

[Sleep Deprived Debuff - Low] - 50 seconds

[Exhausted, High. Lack of rest, it directly affects how you think and feel.

Decrease Stats - 25%, Movement speed -25%, Regeneration Stopped.] - 125 Seconds.

"It's already the final battle Evangeline, I have to be in my best condition to face it" Having known that I could do this, how much I have had to suffer these days... once this battle is over I am going to use each and every one of my skills. I have to know if they have other effects apart from those of the game.

Quickly the minute goes by and I get rid of the sleep problem, 1 minute later the other debuff doesn't go away but it changes from High to medium, and now it only needs 90 seconds to get rid of it, the good thing is that I still have time since the orcs still don't do much, they just keep making more and more noise.

I left the skill active for 5 minutes, to be sure I won't have any problems, the orcs are still doing their thing now also shouting or is it rather their attempt to sing? Or maybe they are just saying a name? I don't think so since they say different things and since none of them is coordinated we only hear nonsense sounds.

When I get up, a change occurs between the orcs, it even seems that I got up because I also noticed something, I wish we could record it, this could be a good movie, we just need to put some plot into it, to create another Lord of the Rings movie, and watching how beautiful all my girls are, we definitely have an good plot.

'Although knowing me we would end up like the first season of Game of Thrones...'

I see how the lines of orcs divide, opening 2 paths between them, a couple of orcs are walking there, and they are huge, one of them easily measures 3 or 4 times more than a normal orc, I would say that he is at least 5 or 6 meters, but he need to get closer to see its real size, the other one is half the size of the first one, but it is covered in golden armor with a tuft of feathers on his head.

I quickly use my skill to obtain more information from the Orc Lord and the Orc Hero.

[Orc Lord LVL: 74 HP 3,915,000/3,915,000 MP: 12,530/12,530 Race: Demi-Human

Orc Lord is the chief of the Orc tribe. He is far more intelligent. He wields no weapons, but prefers to mimic the Norman martial arts. Some people say he doesn't do any better right than normal Orc Warriors and tend to wonder if he really is more intelligent.]

[Orc Hero LVL: 77 HP 2,928,500/2,928,500 MP: 8,530/8,530 Race: Demi-Human

Orc Hero is the hero of the Orc tribe who took command of the orc army during the war with Normans. His sword skills have been rumored to shake the heavens, bringing thunder and lightning.]

So finally the big bosses decided to show up... but that bastard can easily jump over the wall, and even if he can't jump he just has to get close and use his arms to climb it. I immediately start to modify the formations, removing the archers and mages from the wall and sending them to higher places, I don't think they can resist this bastard if they are attacked.

After that I tell them the Professors to use Land Protector on the castle walls, as I remember that the Orc Lord use magic and I don't want the castle to end up in ruins, not to mention that we will also use magic indiscriminately, so I have them place the wards where they only cover the wall.

[Land Protector, Lv : 5/5, Skill Requirement: Volcano 3, Deluge 3, Whirlwind 3, Skill Form: Active, Type : Installation, Target: On ground.

Description : Places a set area on the targeted location that nullifies and blocks ground targeting skills. Each cast consumes 1 Blue Gemstone and 1 Yellow Gemstone. Sages can cancel each other's instances of this skill. This skill cannot be cast on a ground currently affected by any floor skill or ground targeted skill.

[Lv 5] : Duration: 300 sec, Effective range:11X11]

Like other skills, this one can also be modified so that instead of covering a box like in the game it can cover more space in a rectangular way. so they create 18x4 rectangles, we still need a few hundred to cover the whole wall and I don't think that bastard is going to give us that much time so they only cover the most important areas and then the area where the boss will attack.

And with a huge roar from the Orc Lord, followed by a roar from his entire army making the ground shake, they begin the attack. so I immediately prepare everyone for the impending crash.

"Here they come, magicians, archers, priests, take cover, we don't know where they will attack! Paladin, Knights prepare to intercept, the rest attack if you have a chance! Creators make sure you don't harm others with your attacks!"

For a moment I thought about doing a motivational speech or some shit like that, but we're not going to hold out to the death so it would be counterproductive if I do a speech like that. And it is when I see that the Orc Lord began to run, followed by his army, this time it seems that they attack like a traditional army.

I get ready for the fight, the Orc Hero is a bit slow but even so he begins to run just like the Orc Lord, he seems heavy, well he's wearing heavy full body armor, however they are faster than normal orcs and the Lord leave everyone behind, accelerating quickly, why the hell are you bringing an army if you're going to... run straight to the wall!!?

"ATTACK!" I immediately make the magicians and archers attack, the rest prepare themselves to shot their crossbows and get away from the place where they are going to hit, to think that our strategic advantage would be destroyed so easily...

The Lord keeps running towards us once it reaches about 200 meters from the wall I make everyone release the arrows, it only takes a little time to know where it will try to hit... he is going to the gate?

'So he plans to break down the door... but why is he going to the best defended place in the castle?' I wonder as I move towards the door, thinking how to finish it once I enter the castle.


I feel how the wall shakes a little with the impact... but the idiot didn't even hit the door, It hit the barbican wall directly... I can't imagine why he made that decision, Seeing how he was pinned to the wall of the barbican without being able to move, besides that he hit the most fortified part...

Which is lucky to us, if he tried to hit the wall It would have knocked it down easily, but the idiot didn't, and now he was stunned, I got close to his position quickly and used the strongest attack that I can muster, one of the Creator skills, the combination of two skills. Acid Terror and Demostration.

[Acid Terror Lv : 5/10 Skill Form : Active Type : Ranged Physical Target : Target: 1 Enemy

Description : Throws a bottle of corrosive acid at a single target that will inflict hybrid damage. It has a chance of leaving the target [Abnormal Status: bleeding] or breaking its equipped armor. As skill levels increase, chances of damaging armor or causing bleeding increase. Damage is increased according to skill level of the learning potion. The chance of bleeding is reduced by the target's resistance to abnormal status.

[Lv 5] : ATK 1000%, Destruction Chance: 45%, Bleeding chance: 15%]

[Demostration Lv : 5/10 Skill Form : Active Type : Ranged Physical Target : Target: On the Ground Description: Throws a bottle of flammable liquid at a targeted location that will inflict Fire property hybrid damage every half a second to all enemies within its area of effect. It has a chance of breaking enemies' equipped weapon. Damage per attack is increased according to skill level of the learning potion.

[Lv 5] : Duration: 60sec, Destruction Chance :15%]

Both skills use a chemical reagent which is a bottle of acid for [Acid Terror] and a Molotov cocktail for [Demonstration], the materials to make them are annoying to get in the game, since there are few monsters where you can get them and on totally different maps, so I was very surprised when I found them for sale in Prontera and Geffen, and even more so at such a low price of only 250 and 200 respectively.

Although with all this the attacks are not too strong on their own, but everything changes when they are combined and form a new skill of the Creator, one that at the time was considered one of the most broken in the game, because of how easy it is to create it and the good amount of damage it does without much preparation. Acid Demonstration.

[Acid Demostration Lv : 10/10 Skill Form : Active Type : Ranged Physical Target : Target 1

Description : Ranged Physical Damage to a target, consumes 1 Fire and Acid Bottle. Damage increases based on Base Lv, INT, and target's VIT. Have a chance to break target's weapon and armors based on skill level.

[Lv10] : ATK 2000% 10 Hits, Destruction Chance: 45%]

An attack that only depends on my own INT and the VIT of the opponent, as I understand it also affects the weapon that I had equipped but in general it is not much of a difference, so the greater the defense of my enemies, the greater the damage they will receive that is the basic principle of this skill.

-48184 HP, -48184 HP, -48184 HP, -48184 HP, -48184 HP, -48184 HP, -48184 HP, -48184 HP, -48184 HP, -48184 HP. (481,840 HP Damage)

'Holy shit almost half a million damage!' I knew the skill would do damage but I feel like this is ridiculous and unlike the game where I only used it here I can see the effects it has, it's literally melting his skin and flesh, and to the poor luck of the bastard, I'm not the only one who attacked him, other 2 Creators that are in the area and also attacked him

-25845 HP, -25845 HP, -25845 HP, -25845 HP, -25845 HP, -25845 HP, -25845 HP, -25845 HP, -25845 HP, -25845 HP, -25845 HP, -25845 HP, -25845 HP, -25845 HP, -25845 HP, -25845 HP, -25845 HP, -25845 HP, -25845 HP, -25845 HP. (258,450 HP Damage x 2)

'Another half a million damage just like that, now this confirm it we are really, really broken!' Not to mention the horrible side effects he's suffering. And unlike my attack that hit him in the body, their attacks hit his sides and hitting him in the arms, when he was trying to get from the wall, making all his efforts go in vain when his arms start to melt.

We prepare to launch another attack again, and after that 5 more creators arrived at the place, so the third attack all of us attacked at the same time. In any case, that bastard will not be able to move from his position, since his arms are in the ground at his feet, I look at the horizon and I see how the Orc Hero moved away from his followers and is doing everything possible to get to where we are. But no matter what he does, he won't be able to save the Orc Lord in any way.

-258,450 HP x 2, -481,840 HP. -258,450 HP x 7, -481,840 HP.

And with that last attack the Lord died, in less than 10 seconds the creature that I thought was going to destroy half of the castle died stuck in the wall. In truth, he is the same or event more stupid than the other orcs I guess the description that the system gave me is true.

The enraged Orc Hero roar and run towards us too, we let him get closer, although he did not hit the gate or wall, when he reached the bottom and jumped up... abandoning any sign of defense or evasion...

He jumped and reached the top of the barbican at 10 meters of height and struck down with his sword, although we had already moved out of his way, the blow managed to cut the wall, but it leave him hanging there, totally vulnerable, so we simple launch our attack at him. How could we fail if it is practically in front of us, he began to scream with his flesh melting and fell to the ground and once on the ground our second attack hit him again and he died.

- 498,250 HP, -266,530 HP x 7, - 498,250 HP, -266,530 HP x 7.

The orcs that where running at the front were terrified and wanted to stop but the ones that came behind pushed them, the first lines of orcs died being trampled, our magicians began to attack them again, although apparently they quickly realized that something was happening because they began to escape in all directions and began to flee taking the bodies of their dead companions with them.

Everyone wanted me to give the order for us to chase them and finish them off, after thinking about it for a bit I given them permision, so almost everyone decided to participate in the chase, I stay waiting on the wall watching how my subordinates begin to chase the orcs.

I just can't believe it, 8 days, we had to suffer for 8 days for it to end like this? They never attacked by digging through the ground, or tried to knock down the paladise, create a ladder of bodies, attacked us with magic, not even tried to throw others orcs over our wall or fell from the sky...

'Why the hell do I think of orcs falling from the sky... and more than anything why I think that's normal?' while I think about nonsense situations, the long-awaited experience finally appears.

[You have obtained 11,074,623,375 Exp.]

[Bonus for killing 2 Boss Monster, EXP x 16 to the leader's killer]

[You have obtained 177,193,974,000 Exp.] (Something I noticed I didn't put before, the count kill, they killed 3,350,740 Orc Warriors, 213,720 High Orcs and 93,220 Orc Archers. Curious fact in case anyone was interested.)

[The enemy has dropped: 3,350,740 x Orcish Voucher, 138,975 x Zargon, 330,021 x Iron, 81,388 x Rough Oridecon, 4,094 x Cigarette, 10,561 x Battle Axe [4], 8100 x Orcish Axe, 150,848 x Axe [3], 213,720 x Ogre Tooth, 9,454 x Steel, 96,491 x Yellow Herb, 93,220 x Fang, 46,496 x Steel Arrow, 93,220 x Stone Arrow, 93,220 x Arrow of Wind, 107 x Orc Archer Bow, 65,194 x Red Herb, 41,810 x White Herb, 1x Ring, 1x Doom Slayer [1], 1x Old Purple Box, 2 x Elunium, 1 x Erde [2], 2 x Heroic Emblem, 1 x Monkey Circlet, 1 x Light Epsilon, 1 x Orcish Sword, 1 x Sardonyx, 1 x Yggdrasil Berry, 767 x Orc Warrior Card, 118 x High Orc Card, 48 x Orc Archer Card, Money: 343,130,840]

[Bonus for killing the Boss Monster, Money x 4, Money: 1,372,523,360]


[Orc Archer Bow Rank: Rare Type: Bow

A bow used by the Orc Archers. It is very large and looks very powerful. Every time you kill a monster, small chance to drop Steel Arrow. If equipped together with Steel Arrow, increases damage by 50%.

Req. Level: 65, Attack - 120 Price:10]

[Doom Slayer [1] Rank: Super Rare Type: Two-Handed Axe

A gigantic and ridiculously heavy axe that requires great strength to use it properly. Decrease Attack Speed by 40%. MP cost of All Skills is doubled. [Base Strength >= 95] ATK + 340. Causes Stun effect to enemies by 30% chance when receiving damage. Add a 5% chance of breaking the enemy's armor when attacking.

Req. Level: 80, Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Attack - 10 Price:10]

[Orcish Sword, Rank: Rare Type: Sword

Crafted by Orcish smiths and used by Orc Warriors, this one-handed sword is symbolic to the Orc tribe. Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).

Req. Level: 5, Novice, Swordman Class, Merchant Class, Thief Class, Attack - 90 Price:10]

[Erde [2] Rank: Rare Type: Mace

Crafted in the shape of the Serpent of Knowledge. MaxSP + 50- Increases damage when using skill Acid terror or Demontration by 20%. Increases recovery rate by 10% when using Aid Potion or Aid Condensed Potion.

Req. Level: 50, Swordman Class, Acolyte Class, Merchant Class Attack - 130 Price:10]

[Light Epsilon Rank: Super Rare Type: Two-Hand Axe Property: Holy

A Greek ceremonial axe that possesses the power of holiness. Increases damage inflicted on Demon monster by 3%. Enables use of Level 3 Heal.

Req. Level: 44, Swordman Class, Merchant Class Attack - 180 Price:10]

[Yggdrasil Berry: Fruit from the Yggdrasil tree which brings life to our world. Its fantastic taste is full of life. Fully restores HP and MP. Price: 5,000]


[Guard the city: You where entrusted with the task of protecting the city of Geffen from the attacks of the Orcs, and didn't let it fall.

Objectives: Defends Geffen, Repels all enemy attacks.

Hidden Objective. Kill the Orc Lord, Kill the Orc Hero.

Rewards: 15 Level Ups, 200 Gold Bars, 10 Gacha MVP Cards, Rank Points: 1,000.

Bonus Rewards: Advanced Blueprints, Advanced Weapons Blueprints, Advanced Potions Recipes, 2 x Advanced Military Permit Contract, Base Expansion x 2, Rank Points: 10,000.]

[Congratulations on raising your title to Viscount, to raise titles greater than Viscount you must go with the highest authority in the area where you rule, to obtain titles greater than Marquess, you must go with the King to receive your title.

Rewards: Kordt Forest, Mersetzdeitz Castle, Military Expansion x 5, 1,000,000 exp, Advanced Military Blueprints, 1,000 Gold, 1 x Permission to establish a city, 1 x Permission to establish a town, 2 x Permission to establish a village.]

[Viscount: The kings appointed Viscounts to administer provinces and other smaller regions, as governors and military commanders, they often took on judicial responsibility.

Administrative Mode: You can create or change rules in the region you control, increase taxes and recruitment rates.

Military Mode: You can create and manage a personal army, which will have full jurisdiction in the region you control. You now can command a Legion of the kingdom.

50% increase in attack and defense. 10% Increase in efficiency, Personal Army [24/300], Members of the Legion [112/5,000].

[Personal Army: The members of your personal army loyal to you, do not belong to the regular army of the kingdom]

[Legion: It is the basic military unit of the kingdom. which reach between five thousand to six thousand soldiers and horsemen. They are deployed in various key positions in the kingdom and are generally administered directly by the King.]

[Military Expansion: Increase the number of soldiers you can command by 5 times. (Before 1000 x 5 = 5000)]

[Advanced Military Permit Contract: Higher version of military recruitment, this version allows you to recruit 200 individuals to your service who will be loyal only to you, unlike the lower version in this you can choose the classes you want within the allowed range of the Permit. Novice, 1st Classes, 2nd Classes. (Make sure you have the necessary facilities ready)]

[It was detected that the user already owns the castle, he will be granted resources equal to the value of the castle: 100,000 units of stone, 100,000 units of wood, 20,000 units of Steel, 10,000 units of Rough Elunium, 10,000, units of Rough Oridecon, 10,000 units of Emveretarcon, 10,000 units of Phracon, 1,000 units of Red Blood, 1,000 units of Crystal Blue, 1,000 units of Wind of Verdure, 1,000 units of Green Live, 1,000 units of Star Dust, 10 Units of Gold.]

[Name: Leonhard Hausner Age: 25 Title: Grand Master of Britoniah

Rank: Viscount [112/5,000] [Points: 2,900/100,000]

Job: Assassin Cross - LVL [100/100] [Exp: 0/0]

Level: 151 → 450 [Exp: 1,000,000/1,865,618,166]

STR: 1568 → 2168, VIT: 870 → 1195, AGI: 635 → 1460

DEX: 1409 → 2609, INT: 542 → 1142, LUK: 626 → 976

Stat Point: 1880 Skill Point: 99 Money: 1,381,254,921]

Holy shit, I level up more than 300 levels at once, why the hell I couldn't change jobs, if I had chosen a 3rd job I would have already completed it... If I hadn't been foolish to get more benefits... thanks Gamer Mind, let's see what else we got...

I can build many more buildings and the villages and towns to maintain a city, but it's of no use to me because I don't have inhabitants. Wow, I can create many more weapons now, although I lack many materials... I can already build in the other castle, so the best thing to do is to make a stone wall between the two to finally unite them.

This is something I can use, I will start with the military buildings. I can practically create mount ranches for my soldiers, Peco Pecos, Alpacas, Ostrichs, Galleons, Nine Tails, Savages, Falcons, from what I see some of them are not going to help me fight but they will help us enormously in mobility and logistics....

The base expansion... will basically expand the armory, barracks, dungeons, bedrooms, central plaza, practically everything in the castle, it will even double the walls and towers in size, so now we will have walls at least 16 meters high... if I join both castles with a wall the system will recognize it as one, so it will be applied to both castles when activated, before it was a good fortress now it will be impregnable.

And that's not to mention that I can increase the height of the walls and towers before using it so that they are bigger, if I make it 20 meters at the end it will be 40, shit my neck even hurts when I imagine having to look up to see the top.... It has limitations huh, well a 20 meter wall is enough, and even more so when I create a triple wall system!

Yes it is possible! The system does not allow the walls to exceed 10 meters and the towers 15 before using the expansion, and as long as they are connected by a wall when the expansion is used everything will increase in size, It's like playing Age of Empires all over again. Activate emotion, joy. Yay, I feel like a child at Christmas hehehehe...

Today marks 20 days since I came to this world, so I only have 2 more days before that I know the world to which I can travel, but I don't feel like doing anything anymore, physically I'm fine, mentally I want to sleep so many days, so I'm just going to let something to build and go to rest.

As I walk back to my room, I am leaving everything that I had kept in my inventory, food, pots, beds, chairs, tables, I see how all my subordinates acts like NPCs again, although I don't know if it's due to fatigue or the AI also got tired, so I make everyone go back to the castle to rest, As I think about how to lock the doors and windows so that nobody bothers us when we rest, I see how the castle guardians of Mersetzdeitz come here and start to patrol the area as well.

Having the last of my worries covered I quickly go to try to take a bath, I say try because I am already so tired that I just threw water on myself several times until it stopped coming out dirty, just rubbing my hands a little on my body, the only thing I believe I washed well was my hair.

Fatigue invades me again, so I retire to my room tomorrow or the day after it will be another day, I have no desire to do anything else just rest, I just put my bed in the room and take off my clothes, thank god for auto-equipment with 2 clicks.

Before going to sleep I see how Arldana and Epianne enter the room, my bed is very big yes, but I don't think they will like sleeping with someone that was covered in blood and dirt without taking a proper bath, so I decide to put another 2 big beds next to mine so they can sleep more comfortably, I close my eyes feeling how they lie on both sides and for the first time since I came to this world I enter a deep sleep.

next chapter
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