When I come inside I could see that Meg and Sophia been standing and nowhere I could see Mei and Jim been sitting 'oh so she run away again' I said to myself and when I wanted to confirm this Sophia said "so we will be going now"
"No wait here for some time," Meg said
"For what," Sophia asked her
"Maybe we will drink today," she said
"Oh come on I have work tomorrow," Sophia said
"Right but still you could drink a little" Meg said
"I don't want to," Sophia said
"She should drink," I said
"Oh so you expected someone to come soon," Jim asked
"No, she is on painkillers that's why," I said while knowing what he means but still it's could be too early for us. We love each other but we know for like two months. Not only we make huge steps in that time but still, this would be hugest
"Oh so I will not be an uncle soon," Jim said
When he said to Sophia said "you see I can't drink"
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