The days passed, and all the captured traitors had been killed.
The nobles though struggling for their lives finally succumbed to fatigue and slumped off their perch being strangled by the nooses attached to their necks.
Their servants meanwhile having survived a full day of being trapped in the chaos of the torture known as sacking, we easily finished off by another method that would allow them the ability to think about what they had done before death.
Impalement, each was hoisted up atop a wooden stake lining the top of the capital's city walls.
Each screaming out for hours on end until gravity finally granted their deepest desire to be invited into the cold grasp of death's embrace.
Volunteers from the populace streamed in to serve the home guard, as squads of these new recruits were formed and trained by each of Zeff's mercenary slaves, while the liberation army took up position as the standard garrison.
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