More days passed by.
The people of the capital's loyalty towards their queen was now at a fever pitch, in the last couple of days Julius had, the Queen provided an update to the people of the capital, as she sat on the prebuilt palanquin.
The people were informed that the rebellion that happened in the capital had also happened across the country as they had fallen into a civil war.
This shocked many but the crowd easily accepted her words as truth.
Nobles were known to be power-hungry to the commoners, and with the king dead without an heir, they would not be surprised to see many nobles scramble for the right to crown themselves king.
Following her announcement town criers likewise spread the news further.
While at night Julius and Zeff took action sowing dissent in the capital by sabotaging key city sectors.
The blame for this was placed on spies captured by the home guard.
Hey Guys
What a crazy not so long road we've been on!
I've still been writing this series however in the last 2 weeks the public interests seems to be declining quite quickly, i've tried adjusting my writing style to prevent this trend but it doesnt seem to be making any difference, so since it's not as popular anymore im going to be dropping down to single release chapters with bonus releases at milestone Power stone moments.
Thanks to those who are regulars you guys are the best!