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Heavenly Simulation: Tales of Demon and Gods Heavenly Simulation: Tales of Demon and Gods original

Heavenly Simulation: Tales of Demon and Gods

Autor: Adamo_Amet

© WebNovel

Chapter no.1 Prologue

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Why is this here?

Because I enjoy writing, and some people seem to enjoy my jumbled ramblings other sites like Royal Road and Webnovel enough to donate towards them.

That seems wild to me, but it's not my place to dictate what people can and cannot like, eh? Take note. Under no circumstance will I hold fanwork hostage behind a paywall. I am grateful for anyone who wishes to support me, and I WILL NOT ever delay anything because I feel like I'm not being paid enough. I've seen people lose themselves to that big-fish, small-pond egomania and it's ugly.

If you have a dollar and you want to support me, you can; if not then that's is absolutely fine but please join me on discord, I would love to talk to anyone.


In the heart of the St. Ancestral Mountain range, nestled within the protective embrace of the St. Ancestral Mountain range, lay Glory City.

This city wasn't just a testament to human resilience; it was the culmination of their indomitable spirit as the last stronghold of humanity.

Rather than a city, it was a sprawling kingdom with over a million inhabitants, Glory City spread across a vast expanse. The city's landscape was a mosaic of tightly packed houses with sloped roofs and intricate wooden structures.

Surrounded by formidable mountain ranges and encircled by a massive wall, the city spanned several miles, showcasing the grand scale of its past and the ingenuity of its people.

Legends handed down through the ages spoke of an era when humanity didn't merely survive but thrived.

Stories of Gods and Demon Spiritualists who once erected vast empires across the lands were common.

Yet, those grand empires eventually crumbled, leaving behind only faint traces of their former glory.

Despite the downfall of these empires, Glory City persisted, shielded from the darkest eras that ravaged the world outside.

Life in Glory City was far from easy, constantly threatened by the dangers lurking nearby, especially the fearsome Demon Beasts that roamed the surrounding mountains.

However, the city's spirit remained unbroken.

Even after attacks from hordes upon hordes of demon beasts, it rebuilt and stood stronger, its walls patched from numerous battles.

The city was aptly named Glory City, a fitting tribute to its legacy. For its inhabitants, it was more than a mere place of residence—it was a beacon of hope, the last light of humanity shining brightly in a world filled with shadows.


As the first snowflakes began to fall from the gray sky, they brought a quiet beauty to the Holy Orchid Institute.

Against this peaceful scene, a 20-year-old guy with bright orange hair and deep blue eyes stood, completely caught up in watching the snow. He looked so focused, as if he was trying to memorize every snowflake that fell.

His quiet moment was suddenly interrupted when he felt someone tap his shoulder. Turning around, Nie Li saw his best friend, Lu Piao, with a big grin on his face.

"Hey, maybe after we graduate, you can start dreaming about finally getting a girlfriend," Lu Piao joked.

Nie Li couldn't help but laugh and shot back with a cheeky grin, "Lu Piao, with the way you attract people, I'm shocked you're not teaching a class on how to be single forever."

As Nie Li and Lu Piao were laughing together, their fun was suddenly stopped by a sharp, unfriendly voice.

"Shut up, you two losers," it snapped, filled with scorn.

Annoyed, Nie Li and Lu Piao looked over to find a girl glaring at them, clearly annoyed. They were no strangers to such insults, but it still bothered them every time.

Today was a big day at the Holy Orchid Institute - it was their graduation day. However, to Nie Li and Lu Piao, calling it "graduation" didn't quite fit.

It felt more like a day to celebrate the students who were seen as the most talented, leaving those like them, who hadn't reached such high levels, feeling left out.

In this world, being powerful and talented was everything, and Nie Li and Lu Piao were often seen as not making the cut. Nie Li had reached a 3-star Bronze rank, and Lu Piao a 5-star Bronze rank, after five years at the Institute.

While others were getting praise and attention, they were mostly just there to clap for everyone else.

Lu Piao, never one to hold back, had a quick comeback.

"Oh, your highness, since you're sitting here with us, doesn't that make you just as 'worthless' as we are?" he shot back.

The girl, now even more irritated, huffed and stormed off.

Nie Li couldn't help but smile at his friend's boldness.

Lu Piao might have been seen as not caring much, but he was never afraid to say what he thought.

As the sound of the girl's angry footsteps disappeared, Nie Li's eyes wandered off into the distance, and his thoughts began to dive deep into the tough world of Glory City. In his mind, one rule of the city played over and over: to be strong was to be everything. This strength, mixed with the tricky idea of talent, decided who was important in Glory City.

Those who had it lived lives full of privileges that ordinary people couldn't even dream of.

Nie Li understood this divide all too well.

At the base of the social hierarchy were the commoners, the backbone of the city but often overlooked and undervalued.

Above them were the nobility, born into power and privilege, their lives a stark contrast to those of the commoners.

At the peak of this hierarchy were the three major families.

The Snow Wind Family, revered and unmatched in might; the Sacred Family, known for their vast army and formidable strength; and the Divine Family, whose wealth and economic power were the stuff of legends.

Nie Li knew all too well the limitations imposed on those like him, born without apparent talent or strength.

But within him burned a desire, a quiet determination to break these shackles of preordained destiny.

He wanted to rise, to be recognized for his strength, to be more than just a spectator in the grand scheme of Glory City.

"Imagine that, Lu Piao," Nie Li suddenly said, breaking the silence with a hint of mischief in his tone.

"One day, we'll be up there, and then we'll see who calls us losers."

Lu Piao, catching the playful challenge, smirked back.

"Yeah, and when that day comes, I'll be the one teaching 'How to climb the social ladder - the Lu Piao way'."

Nie Li laughed, the sound echoing around them.

"Just make sure your first lesson isn't 'How to get ignored by every girl in Glory City'."

As Nie Li and Lu Piao traded playful jabs, their conversation was suddenly drowned out by a wave of cheers.

Du Zhe, a commoner who had made a name for himself by reaching the Gold Rank as a Demon Spiritualist, was making his way onto the stage.

Nie Li, showing a rare moment of seriousness, stood up to get a better look. Lu Piao, on the other hand, stayed seated, slouching with a clear disinterest.

"There goes Mr. Perfect," Lu Piao said, not bothering to hide his sarcasm.

Nie Li kept his eyes on Du Zhe, impressed despite himself.

"He's done well for himself. Heard he's joining the nobles after this, thanks to the Snow Wind Family."

Lu Piao yawned exaggeratedly.

"Great, another hero. As thrilling as watching grass grow."

Nie Li laughed, shaking his head.

"Jealous much, Lu Piao? Maybe if you spent more time practicing and less time sleeping, you'd be up there too."

Lu Piao waved him off.

"Please, who needs to work hard when you've got natural charm like mine?" he boasted, striking a pose.

"Charm? Is that what we're calling 'being too lazy to get up' now?" Nie Li teased.

"Are you just mad you can't pull off this level of relaxation?" Lu Piao quipped, unfazed.

"I think I'll leave peaking in high school to you," Nie Li replied, his focus returning to Du Zhe.

Just as Lu Piao was about to throw another playful jab, the ground beneath them trembled violently.

Lu Piao couldn't help but chuckle amidst the chaos.

"Looks like even the heavens have had enough of his show-off."

Nie Li rolled his eyes, about to scold Lu Piao for his endless envy, when the deep, resounding toll of a giant bell cut through the air, silencing everyone.

That sound meant one thing: a horde of demon beasts was attacking Glory City.

Nie Li shot Lu Piao a pointed look.

"Great, did your complaints call them here?"

"Hey, don't pin this on me," Lu Piao retorted, hands raised in defense.

The principal's voice thundered across the assembly, resonant and filled with an unyielding resolve.

"Warriors of tomorrow, heed my call! This is not merely a test of your strength but a testament to our resolve.

The very essence of Glory City, our homes, our families, and the legacy of our ancestors, stands threatened.

Today, you must rise—not as students, but as the shield that guards the realms of men, the beacon of hope in our darkest hour.

Arm yourselves, defend our city, and lead our people to the sanctuaries that have stood as bastions of safety in times of peril. Remember the oath you took, the vow to protect and serve, to stand unwavering in the face of adversity.

This is the moment your training, your discipline, and your courage come to fruition.

Let the tales of our valor inspire generations to come.

For Glory City, for our future, to arms!"

The principal's words resonated through the air, sparking a wave of excitement among the crowd.

But this surge of bravery was abruptly shattered by a sudden explosion in the sky to the south.

A towering pillar of smoke rose, painting the city in shades of dread.

"That's right where the Sacred Family's territory is," Nie Li observed, his voice tinged with apprehension.

The light-hearted banter between him and Lu Piao vanished, replaced by a palpable tension.

"They didn't just run off, did they? Or even worse..." Lu Piao's voice dwindled into silence, the possibility of the Sacred Family being destroyed by the demon beasts sending a shiver of fear through everyone's heart.

The principal's presence suddenly intensified, his aura enveloping the area as he declared, "Students... No, Warriors, Glory City calls for your valor, your families seek your protection, your fellow man implores your courage! To battle!"

The stronger students didn't hesitate.

They swiftly merged with their demon spirits, their determination visible as they dashed out of the institute.

Amidst this flurry of activity, Nie Li and Lu Piao exchanged a look that carried an unspoken question: what should they do?

"My dad's probably out there fighting," Lu Piao said, a mix of pride and worry in his voice.

"My family's likely been taken to the shelters by now," Nie Li added, trying to sound calm but his concern was evident.

"Let's head to the shelters then, stay safe till this is all over," Lu Piao suggested, looking towards Nie Li for agreement.

Nie Li nodded.

"Yeah, braving the battlefront without a plan sounds more like a heroic last stand than anything. Let's go."

Nie Li and Lu Piao dashed out of the Holy Orchid Institute, their goal clear: they needed to reach the statue of Lord Ye Mo. In every district of Glory City, a statue of Lord Ye Mo stood tall, marking the entrance to vast underground shelters designed to protect the city's inhabitants in times of dire need. Lord Ye Mo was known as the strongest man in Glory City, and his statues were symbols of safety and strength.

As they approached, the sight that unfolded before them was heart-wrenching. Glory City was under siege. Buildings were crumbling, fires raged uncontrollably, and the air was thick with smoke and the cries of the wounded.

"Nie Li!" Lu Piao's voice broke through the chaos, his tone laced with fear and uncertainty.

"Will Glory City survive?"


Nie Li shouted back, trying to sound confident, though his heart was heavy. "Now, let's go!"

They hurried towards Lord Ye Mo's statue near the institute, only to find chaos there as well.

Crowds of panicked people were shouting and pushing, each person desperate to be among the first to enter the safety of the underground shelters. Among them, Nie Li and Lu Piao noticed some nobles, clearly trying to use their status to push their way through the crowd.

"Out of the way! My noble family is more important!" one of the nobles shouted arrogantly, shoving a commoner aside.

"This is madness! Don't they see we're all in danger?" Lu Piao muttered, his anger rising at the sight of such selfishness.

Nie Li clenched his fists, feeling a surge of frustration.

Suddenly, a massive wave of ice burst forth, freezing everyone in the crowd solid. Nie Li and Lu Piao struggled for breath as they dropped to their knees, overwhelmed by an intense pressure. Barely able to lift their heads, they saw a terrifying sight.

A huge creature, the Snow Devil Yeti, loomed before them. It was like a giant ape, covered in thick white fur that was stained here and there with dark red. Sharp, black horns stuck out from its head, pointing up to the sky. Its open mouth revealed rows of sharp teeth, and a cold mist drifted out. The yeti's huge hands, with just three large fingers each, seemed strong enough to pull trees out of the ground or smash rocks without any effort.

One thought ran through Nie Li and Lu Piao's minds:

"We are going to die!"

Suddenly, a bright light surrounded them as the school principal tried to fight the giant yeti. But the yeti was too strong and threw the principal away like he was nothing.

Nie Li and Lu Piao ran toward the statue, but a huge block of ice was in their way.

They started hitting the ice to break it and make a path. Then, they heard a loud noise behind them.

Nie Li didn't look back, but Lu Piao did, and what he saw made him stop dead in his tracks.

The principal had been ripped in half. Lu Piao couldn't believe it.

The demon beast was too strong for them to handle.

Only; one of us can survive.

They had made a small opening in the ice wall, but it was only big enough for one person to get through.

"Nie Li, look, a pretty girl," Lu Piao suddenly said.

Nie Li was annoyed. "Now's not the time-"

But before he could finish, Lu Piao punched him hard in the jaw, and Nie Li blacked out.

Right before he passed out, he saw Lu Piao push him through the opening into the shelter.

"Get lost, loser," Lu Piao said with a smile, then he ran off, drawing the yeti's attention away from Nie Li, who was now unconscious. Nie Li's last thought before everything went dark was filled with disbelief and fear.




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