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12.25% Deathless humanity (bl, qt) / Chapter 51: 4.2 Kill Kill Kill

Capítulo 51: 4.2 Kill Kill Kill

Shu XinYi skinned the bird, covering it up with random different spices, wrapping it under a leaf and let it roast on the fire.

He put his hand forward and the the blood clot came forward to float above his hand.

"Do you know this winged.. this person?" Shu XinYi asked. The behavior that the blood clot showed around every other beast was much different then how he treated this one. The difference between all those he met before and the winged person now was, their Wings. Although the previous beasts had wings too, they were featherless and insect like wings. This person had more, birds or angel like wings. So maybe there is a difference in the kinds of beasts residing here. This was the first beast Shu XinYi had seen with wings like these.

The blood clot didn't react so Shu XinYi understood that his question could not be answered as a yes or no. So, Shu XinYi changed his words. "Are you familiar with more people like this person?"

The blood clot nodded. Shu XinYi questioned Snow "Is there a difference between this person and the other beasts we have met before? Let little B (Xiao B) hear it too." Little B being his blod clot, companion.

Snow answered "This winged beast and his kind are not locals of this planet. Luxin discovered that they were different from the regular hunters. The regular hunters have only partially developed consciousness, they still depend on instincts, being submissive to the strong and dominant to the weak. But these winged beasts have a proper consciousness and can differentiate between what's inherently right and wrong and make decisions based on their beliefs. Luxin made sure that these kinds of beasts were fought against since they could cause an uprising, although the winged beasts are stronger, they are smaller in number."

Shu XinYi asked decisively "Why are they different? Is there a particular reason?"

Snow "They are different species so they probably came from another planet and Xuval too should belong to that same planet, but Xuval is the highest power ranking even in that planet."

Shu XinYi didn't have to ask as he saw little B jumping around excitedly indicating that, all that snow said was the truth.

Shu XinYi asked little B "Oye, why did you leave your planet?"

Little B took a huge fire form and then turned back into a little red ball.

Shu XinYi said truly innocently "Fire? How come there was such a big fire, that a whole planet was destroyed and only so little survivors are left?"

Little B srunk smaller and wrapped itself around Shu XinYi's palms.

"It's ok. I won't talk about it if you don't want to." Shu XinYi said.

Snow talked directly into Shu XinYi's head this time saying "Master, there is something I found out just now. Luxin mentioned this one time that "I don't want this planet to end up like Liyu nox. Even if it happened 500 years ago, it was too brutal bomb an entire planet. But I don't think they would do this with Sivaal, since it is much more resourceful then Liyu nox. It was only because of the army cheif's resistance that Liyu nox was able to survive as long as it did. MOS doesn't leave any potential threats alive unless they can be sustained by other means." This is what Luxin talked about but it wasn't relevant to the story so I didn't pay attention."

Shu XinYi "The MOS bombed an entire planet just because of a potential threat? Xuval should be the army chief right? Why does this man go through pure shit before he meets me? Ah it makes me angry. Why does everyone keep hurting him? I want to bring him back to his original form soon, but till then, I have to find out about the protagonists and what they are planning. If they have an army of 1000 beasts or potentially more, at their side then they should be residing in a large cave. Much larger then the one I started out at. The mountain peaks increase as we move north and so do the caves and their sizes."

Although Shu XinYi said all this to Snow with calmness, Snow could feel the dark intentions looming inside Shu XinYi's mind. It was the word kill kill kill written over and over again. Snow's creator did tell it, that Although Master is a good man, he can be ruthless to no extent. Snow already knew this fact, It was still something Snow found compelling when observed first hand. This was the third time Snow had observed these ruthless intentions, Master had.

The first time was when Master found Leo blooded and battered when he had self harmed himself. At that time Master's brain was continuously repeating how he wanted to kill Elena, but according to the laws of world it would be difficult to hide from the main system if Shu XinYi killed the protagonist. So Snow had informed Shu XinYi about it and later Master had calmed down.

The second time was when, Xin An was punching Xiang Li and was about to kill him. Xin An was not a protagonist so it won't be a problem to kill him, Shu XinYi had thought. But he had reasoned with himself later on and decided to keep them alive.

This was the third time. It seemed that master was really angry this time. Snow wanted to remind Master that he still can't personally kill the protagonist, but from the looks of it Master wasn't looking to kill the protagonist. So Snow kept quiet.

Shu XinYi looked at little B and said "If you sense any injured people of your kind then tell me. I'll do my best to help. Tell me, has this person and the others of his kind, lost their original power?"

Little B first nodded for a yes then shook indicating a no. Shu XinYi asked "Then have you lost your original power?"

Little B looked offended and slowly floted away and rested beside the fire not saying anything.

Shu XinYi "Oye, Did I say you are weak? You are still much more powerful than anyone on this planet even without the power you had back in your planet. It doesn't matter to me anyway. I'll stay with you regardless. Come here."

Little B humphed a little further away but came back to Shu XinYi, floating shyly. Shu XinYi smiled saying "Is there a way you can gather your people together once you have your original human form back?"

Little B nodded.

Shu XinYi "Okay, Until the next white moon we will travel north. Tell me, when you realize your kind is nearby, I have to warn them about the potential danger. Right now the attacks are low scale but Luxin won't sit still. I know the bodies of your kind alone are really powerful, they could still be forcefully used by the likes of Luxin."

Shu XinYi ate his fill and stayed in the cave absorbing the golden form. He didn't absorb for long, since he had already got enough reserves to last for the next golden moon, when utilized properly. The golden moon had totally disappeared from the sky once Shu XinYi was finished. The fire that was burning inside the cave went out indicating to Shu XinYi that his forms were gone. Even though he had reserves, he could still not use it. Like his spritual veins were blocked. For the next 6 hours he would have to stay safe.

The sky didn't have a source of light except for the distant stars, so the forest had darkened. Although Shu XinYi had decided to cave in for the night, he still went out for a while to make sure that the areas was safe. Obviously he had the sharp feather with him, the only weapon he had as of now. Once he returned to the cave, he didn't feel sleepy at all.

He talked to both, Snow and Little B. About the circumstances of this world.

A lot of time had passed but no light came through the cave opening. Shu XinYi suddenly sat up asking Snow "Oh don't tell me, the black moon won't light up this planet?"

Snow replied in a matter of factly tone "Well, obviously. It's a black moon. It doesn't have light to reflect or project."

Shu XinYi "Ah.. So the moon is out. I kinda feel like I can use the power now. But how am I supposed to travel in this darkness? Like I know I could use fire but I would have to use natural fire or else everything will burn using pure fire."

Shu XinYi was wondering this when he heard a melodious but hoarse, voice beside him "You can use pure fire? Are you from Liyu (Xuval's planet)? Are you here to save us?"

Shu XinYi took a protective stance and the winged person said "Oh don't, I won't harm you. If you can use pure fire then you are the one who saved me. I want to thank You. I won't harm you. Even if you are not here to save us, I still want to reapay the favor."

Shu XinYi slowly relaxed himself saying "Ah.. I am sorry. I am not here to save your kind. I am just a normal human that came in 2 months ago. I can only use pure fire because I have forms of moon. I didn't save you for a payment. So it's ok."

The winged person was probably female judging by her voice, She said "I am Mira, You said you have problem traveling because of the darkness right. I can help you. I can see in darkness as clear as when the white moon is out. So you can travel with me. Also In like 50 hours I will be able to have my power back since the poison is out of my body. So I will be able to fly with you. You can say no if you don't trust me but I feel like I should help you."

Shu XinYi waited for Little B to react but he didn't so Shu XinYi said "I am Sceptor, it's enough that you show me the way around. You don't have to fly me anywhere."

Mira said after some thought "Don't worry, I like girls so I won't bother you. But it will be really easy to travel long distances using me."

Shu XinYi (*^_^*) "I- I like men. So I won't bother you either."

For some reason Shu XinYi's wrist felt a little warm, maybe Shu XinYi imagined it but it felt like little B had just blushed.

Mira smiled then thought of something asking "Oh, Who were you talking to? there is no one here."

Shu XinYi was about to say something when little B floted in between Mira and him.

Shu XinYi "Ah, I was talking to.."

Mira looked curiously at the little red ball and asked very seriously "Your pet? It's cute. But What exactly is this thing?"

Shu XinYi was doing his best to hold in a laugh but he lost it when little B visibly shook and huffed away from both of them in contempt.

"Hahaha, Yeah he is my pet. But he is a little shy to new people. You can call him Xiao B. Xiao B come here, or have you decided to leave me." Shu XinYi said putting his palm forward.

Xiao B was conflicted but went back to Shu XinYi after a while. This time Xiao B didn't wrap himself around Shu XinYi's wrist but instead "sat" on his shoulders.

Mira moved in closer to Xiao B saying "Hey, Xiao B. I am Mira. Your Master seems very kind. You are lucky to have found him."

Xiao B just rubbed himself against Shu XinYi's neck and ear. Shu XinYi felt the warm eloping sensation and closed his eyes trying to stay calm. His amnesiac husband can forget everything but rubbing his ear. "Oye, Behave yourself. Mira are you hungry? I have some bird meet leftover."

Mira nodded without any pretense, Shu XinYi could tell that Mira was free spirited and meant what she said. Shu XinYi offered her some meat and saved some for himself.

Shu XinYi still stayed inside the cave and used black form energy to craft a weapon. The first weapon he went for was a dagger. But although the metal was strong, the shape of the dagger was very rough.

Shu XinYi then resorted to experimented by forming different shapes. The easiest should be a small spherical ball but that too was so difficult to make. Although the surface was rough when Shu XinYi first tried it, After a few many tries Shu XinYi could finally make a smooth sphere.

He made different 3d shapes and until he achieved smooth surface and sharp edges, he didn't sit to rest. Meanwhile Mira and Xiao B were digging a pot hole, it was necessary to dump even these unnecessary shapes because they too could be used as a deadly weapon because of how good their quality was. If they were found by people with bad intentions then they would not only use these to harm others but would also want to find the source of this over powered "weapon".

Finally Shu XinYi could make a proper shape of the dagger. It was not like sculpting or weilding where you have a prototype but it was more like clay sculpting. You would have to add metal over metal then bend and cut it to give shape.

After making a dagger the next thing Shu XinYi tried making was bow. This was although a bit difficult to achieve, Shu XinYi felt that with the form he had, it was better to have ranged combat. He made the bow according to his size. Although it was difficult to achieve, Shu XinYi made an elegant looking bow after his 4th try.

The next thing was obviously arrows and quiver. He made the quiver and thought about the problem of having limited arrows. The he thought that, if during combat he could utilize his black moon form and create an arrow on the feild then wouldn't he have a better advantage? Although it was really difficult to bring this plan into action, Shu XinYi wanted to try it.

Before he tried that, he finished making some weapons, he even made a weapon for Mira. Technically, Shu XinYi could make a gun even though it would take a lot of control. But he decided not to.

The most effort that Shu XinYi used, was not for making a weapon but a ring. Shu XinYi wasn't very satisfied with the result so he threw it away.

Mira picked it up from the ground and looked at it very carefully saying "Boss. This ring is so stylish why throw it away. Can I have it, I will save it for my lover-" At this moment Xiao B who was working hard to dump the trash silently came forward snatched the ring out Mira's hands and hid it inside his own body then went back to diligently working.

Shu XinYi's face had involuntarily turned red and Mira's thoughts were going in a direction they shouldn't have gone in. Why has his amnesiac husband become petty with time? But Shu XinYi did make that ring for Xiao B, so he let him have it.

After making everything that he needed, but the arrows, Shu XinYi sat to absorb the black Form energy. During the time he was making weapons, Xiao B and Mira had went out to hunt for food and bought it back for Shu XinYi. Although Mira was the only one who could cook for Shu XinYi, Xiao B was really mad, continuously attacking her hands. Obviously it was the petty kind of mad, Xiao B didn't actually hurt Mira in any way.

Because Shu XinYi was getting food and water timely, he didn't know how many hours had passed since he had been working on making weapons. Even now as he was absorbing Form energy, he lost the bearing of time. But Shu XinYi could definitely tell that it took twice the amount of time to save reserves for 3 quarters of that of the golden energy. 3 quarters also occupied space as much all the golden Form he had reserved.

This meant that he still needed to learn effective way of using energy and not just blindly using max potential. After he was done absorbing energy that he knew would be enough, Shu XinYi didn't pause as he started practicing. His goal was to create arrows while he was pulling the quiver. At first it was difficult, not only could he not make the arrow like an arrow but also, it was really heavy since Shu XinYi couldn't control the energy levels and the quality ended up being unnecessarily good.

Shu XinYi relaxed his state of mind and practiced. At first he tried making the arrows with controlled effort. This took a lot of time. By the time Shu XinYi could make a good arrow, Mira had already bought over his next meal. After eating Shu XinYi continued to practice. Even though Shu XinYi hadn't slept for long, he didn't feel tired at all.

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