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12.5% Deathless humanity (bl, qt) / Chapter 52: 4.3 Flight

Capítulo 52: 4.3 Flight

Shu XinYi kept practicing until he could form arrows at an optimal speed. It was not only necessary to assure the quality of the arrow, but also the timing at which he was able to craft the arrow. To time the arrow regeneration with his reload speed was the most difficult part.

It took Shu XinYi's 0.85 second to pull the string, aim and be ready to release the arrow. But the speed at which he could craft an arrow was still 0.99 seconds. Although it was a minimal difference, it would still break connection. He imagined a moving target and practiced for hours before he could finally sync his reload and release time.

Shu XinYi also tried to infuse the arrow tip with a small amount of Pure fire but that just resulted in the cave having multiple openings instead of just one, so Shu XinYi had to stop using that weapon of mass destruction. After practicing until he was satisfied with his combat ability, Shu XinYi made some extra arrows to fill his quiver with. In the 6 hours he won't be able to use his form, the regeneration ability would render useless. Since he wouldn't be able to craft arrows at all.

"Boss, Why are you only making metal with the black form? Why not make spacial spaces?" Mira asked curiously after watching Shu XinYi train for hours.

Shu XinYi asked looking at her in confusion "What do you mean?"

Mira obediently explained "Boss? Don't you know? You can create separate spacial spaces with the black moon. Back on my planet, there were very less people with moon forms, my teacher was one and she taught us that the black moon can be used like a black hole. But if you have a strong control over your form then you can use it to create a space to store things without them getting stolen or sensually accessed." (Can't be seen, touched etc.)

Shu XinYi asked Snow but Snow said that it was not mentioned in the world background.

Shu XinYi still gave it a try. He put his hand forward and imagined opening up a space. Shu XinYi didn't feel it, but the space inside the cave was attacked with violent energy, trying to tear the existing space apart.

"Wait, stop stop. This can destructive. Don't try to open an existing space. It will disrupt the balance of spaces. Try making your own space. Like gather a lot of energy into your palm, but I would suggest you don't use your palm but just your brain as a focus point. That way when you are to retrieve or put something in the space, you won't have to use your palm but just your brain." Mira said.

Shu XinYi did as Mira said and gathered raw energy, with his brain as a focal point. Shu XinYi still didn't feel like a space had formed but he continued to gather energy. Soon enough he felt that a new space had opened up. Obviously the space could not be seen but only felt by Shu XinYi alone. He opened his eyes to test the space out. He first put a rock inside. The rock just warped into an invisible space, vanishing in thin air.

Shu XinYi then tried to take out the rock. It worked swiftly. Shu XinYi also tried to take out the rock while he was running or jumping. He then tried to make it fall to where he wanted, like his hand or somewhere else. He changed the speed and weight at which the rock falled from the space and soon enough he could throw a rock that he produced from thin air.

As Shu XinYi was about to call Mira and Xiao B, who had gone out of the cave for safety reasons, Mira came in and naturally said "Didn't work? Well it's ok boss. My teacher was also very strong and it took her 13 years to create a space and that too was the size of a travel bag."

Shu XinYi didn't say anything as he warped all the metal that was still not dumped, which made up a pile equal to a small hill. A whole pile of pure metal vanished into thin air and Shu XinYi just wiped off his hands and swiftly dumped the metal, directly from his space into a ditch, covering it up with earth. Then without taking in Mira's shock expression, he went back to practicing with his bow and arrows.

Mira "..." she could only silently think, Big boss is so strong. I will definitely take revenge from that pig bastard, injured my wing with his filthy saliva.

When Shu XinYi was finally satisfied with the practice and was ready to venture ahead, he felt the Form energy inside him slowly weaken and then totally block off.

Shu XinYi was a bit shocked but he still asked "Ha? 72 hours have already passed?"

"Yes." Snow, Mira and Xiao B said using their own methods.

Shu XinYi said expressionless "..... Mira, you won't be able to help me since I would get a light source soon anyway, Sorry."

Mira waved off her hands saying "Don't worry boss. You will not be able to practice for the next 6 hours right? In this time I'll fly you north. Your pet.. your friend here is actually really strong and intelligent. He can look out for you and you can rest on me. I will fly towards the larger caves in the north since it will help you find whoever you are looking for."

Shu XinYi was going to say no but Xiao B came to him and rubbed his ears indicating that it was okay. So Shu XinYi agreed.

Mira had fully healed in this time, Not only had her body regrown flesh, her wings too had become healthier. Although her features were sharp it was easy to see her feminine side.

Shu XinYi packed all the necessary stuff and was ready for departure. Outside the cave Mira transitioned into a a huge beautiful blue bird. There was more than enough space for one person to relax on her back. Mira's strength in her bird form was no joke. She could support Shu XinYi and all the things he carried including the newly made weapons, without much effort. Shu XinYi still put his weapons into the space since he didn't want to weigh heavy on her. Although, her feathers felt soft to touch and were easy to relax on, Shu XinYi knew how sturdy each feather was.

While in the cave, he had learned from Mira that back on her planet there was a huge fire. At one point there was only the army chief left fighting on the front lines with the enemy troops. Apparently the enemy troops wanted a weapon that was kept confidentially by the Liyu government, but because Liyu refused to hand over the weapon, a war had started and things escalated. Later, no one actually knew what that weapon was except for a rumor, but it was already too late.

Mira also said that her kind can actually survive mostly all kinds of fire except of Pure fire and Jin fire. Jin fire is not an actual fire but an air, a very humid air that would kill their kind. When a normal fire spread, most people were not worried but no one knew that Jin fire would be mixed in the air and most people were affected like a plague.

There was only one person who wouldn't be affected by this fire Mira had said "When I was young, we used to hear a story about this very powerful child of the ancient God, who was both a Pheonix and a Qilin. The rumor was that, that child was the weapon the enemies were after. He could not only birth pure fire but he could also absorb it. When all this happened, I thought surely that God like being would save us, but in the end it was the Army cheif that found people from all underground camps. I don't know how the army cheif survived the fire but I know that he fought for us with his life. I haven't seen him since we came here. Because of the war, the army cheif had weakened a lot. I just hope that he is alive."

Shu XinYi couldn't imagine what Xuval must have been through. He chose to become a warrior by hiding his true identity, when he could've been the king, and sacrificed a lot for his people. But in the end, it was because of his hidden existence, that his planet was attacked and destroyed. Shu XinYi wanted to hug his man, but he could only patiently allow, Xiao B to rest on his wrist. He whispered close to his wrist saying "I hope you know that your sacrifice matters. You are a good man Xuval. I am here now, so it will be okay. You don't have to face anything alone. Rest well."

Right now it was Shu XinYi who was comfortably resting on Mira's form. Although it was cold at this height, Shu XinYi's whole body felt strangely warm from the warmth on his wrist.

The next time Shu XinYi woke up, 6 hours had already passed and he could see the blue moon rising. He was still resting on Mira, since he felt closer to the sky. Shu XinYi could feel his muscles relax and the scratches and small wounds he got from traveling in the woods started to heal, at a rate visible to the naked eye.

Shu XinYi said the first thought that came to his brain out loud "I should absorb this form. A lot of it, so I can help him."

Xiao B who was still wrapped around Shu XinYi's wrist, smiled a sweet smile, in his own way. Shu XinYi sat up and asked "Where are we? Let's find a place to settle down. I want to absorb the blue form."

Mira obediently obliged. They landed in an empty spot, that wasn't surrounded by trees. Shu XinYi didn't wait to pause and started absorbing energy. He wanted to save the Blue Form as much as he could now, since he had a bad feeling that he would become buzy for the rest of the "Day".

After almost 6 hours, Shu XinYi finally felt that he had enough energy reserves that would last until the white moon.

"Come here, Xiao B. Wrap yourself around my palm. I will use a small amount of energy to slowly heal you. If you feel like it's too much, then pull away from me." Shu XinYi said. No, more like ordered.

Xiao B did as he was told obediently, and got his medicine. Although Shu XinYi was using a small amount of energy, the small form of Xuval felt that he would burst, so he quickly pulled away.

Shu XinYi was a bit suprised, much more then that, he was anxious. "Hey, you ok? I am sorry. Are you hurt? Do you want to relax?"

Xiao B had met this man only 2 "Days" ago but Xiao B felt that this man was very important to him. Overtime Xiao B didn't feel odd when he relied on this man. It was like nothing could go wrong if he was around. Seeing this man helping him and worrying for him was the sweetest feeling in the world. But right now seeing him anxious, Xiao B felt the need to comfort him and tell him that everything is going to be ok.

Xiao B moved closer to Shu XinYi's left ear and slowly rubbed himself on it. He couldn't say anything but he could still comfort this man. The power this man holds, is beyond anything Xiao B has ever experienced. His intelligence too surpasses that of this world. He sometimes talk about what happens in the future and there is also his.. Imaginary friend, that he talks to. Apparently that Imaginary friend also replies sometimes. But even after knowing all this Xiao B felt that this man could be trusted.

Shu XinYi was unnecessarily worried about Little B, he didn't want to hurt him. He allowed Xiao B to have a fulfilling Pure fire meal. Watching him slowly absorb the fire, Shu XinYi felt more relaxed. He again healed Xiao B but this time he used very controlled power. A thin, almost paper like layer which wrapped around Xiao B, constantly healing him at a very slow pace. Xiao B seemed more comfortable with this method and Shu XinYi too found it safer.

Shu XinYi searched around the area to find some food and for the first time he used his bow to hunt an eatable. His aim had gotten much better now and he could hit the moving creature, which looked a lot like a big rabbit, right through its eyes.

After skinning and spicing the rabbit, Shu XinYi sat down to light a natural fire since there were no trees around this area. WAIT... there are no trees around ONLY this small circle.

"Don't react. Ok no matter what happens. Don't speak. Especially you, Xiao B stay immobile. Let me handle everything." As soon as Shu XinYi said this, he heard a "Whoosh" Mira and Shu XinYi were both raised into the air, trapped in an intricately closed net. Shu XinYi had already put everything he had in the space except for a small knife. Even the rabbit like thing, that was still unccoked.

Shu XinYi told Mira to not speak, since all the regular hunters couldn't speak, only the more powerful ones could. Shu XinYi also didn't fight back since he wanted to asses the situation before showing his true power.

Shu XinYi heard footsteps of multiple people closing in and finally saw a crowd of 5 people. One of them was a beautiful looking man in his 20's, and the others seemed to be his lackeys.

Oh hello Mr.Protagosnist, we finally meet. Shu XinYi thought from inside the fish net.

"Oyi, we got a human this time. Hey you, You bout to become my food real quick." A pig looking man said. He had a huge build, his head and legs below his calf were that of a pig. But he could speak well, which meant that he was a powerful beast.

Shu XinYi said in a small scared voice "No, no please don't kill me. I have forms of metal, I can make weapons. I may be of use to you."

Forms of metal are different from the black moon form. It can create different metals, then just black metal. Although black metal is the strongest, if a person with forms of metal can only make black metal, they would be considered weak. Since they can't make gold or silver. Saying the metal form was not only for the reason to make him seem weak but also because he would not need to use the metal form a lot, so he can waste a little bit of it.

Saying his form would also signify that Shu XinYi is weak and can trust people easily, Exactly the kind of people Luxin was looking for.

Sure enough, Luxin, Although didn't speak but he signed to the pig man. The pig man gruted in contempt but he still dragged both Shu XinYi and Mira through the ground, to bring them somewhere. Mira was obediently silent through all this. Being dragged through the forest floor was no easy feat since everything sharp just dug through your skin. Shu XinYi used a little of his blue form to make a protective barrier over himself and Mira, that way nothing hurt them.

They were dragged for 15 minutes when they finally arrived in a caved camp. The openings of the cave were covered with bushes so it was not easily accessible, but the inside of the cave was very well maintained. A lot of people were residing inside, doing their daily tasks. Although most of them were beasts, there were many humans present too.

The pig man cut the net Shu XinYi and Mira were bound in, and tightly clasped a rope around their hands. He gave the rope to Luxin, then the pig man went away with his men.

Luxin patiently bought them over to a secluded room. Inside was a man with claws for hands, torturing a creature hung from the cave ceiling. The room was separated from the rest of the cave by walls, even some curtains and strangely enough, the screams of that creature didn't escape this area. Shu XinYi saw that although the creature looked nothing like Mira, it still had wings of a bird. It's body was not fully human, unlike Mira.

It had long black hair, pointed ears and nose. Apart from the head, the whole body was wrapped up in a cocoon which was blooded, and scratched open right now.

Shu XinYi felt Mira beside him tense up. Not only her but Shu XinYi also felt Xiao B react. The man with claws turned his hand back to normal and turned around to face them.

"Eclipse, This man has metal form. Will he work?" Luxin said with crossed hands.

Eclipse, the second protagonist, walked forward ignoring the struggling beast behind him and said, "Light it up, let's test it now."

next chapter
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