299 AC
It had been 4 years since Jon Snow left Winterfell to journey the Unknown lands west of Westeros to find himself. The Stark Direwolves had been born early thus he made his trip with his Direwolf pup Ghost. During that time, he had managed to gain a lot of power and influence. The mages and Royal family in Azeroth the land to the west knew who he was, who he truly was, and they knew about the great calamity he had to overcome.
He had Now returned to Westeros with 22 000 men loyal to him. After helping Azeroth in their darkest hours the royal family of Azeroth gifted him with 8 million worth in gold to help him with his wars. Through the magic of green sight or through visions Jon had learned of his identity as Daeron Targaryen, son of Rhaegar and Lyanna stark. He was advised to keep that information to himself for he had no way to prove it without many doubting.
The mages of Azeroth had foreseen the great calamity that would befall Westeros which is why they advised the Royal family to give him so much. Through green sight he was already aware of the war which was happening. He had returned to prepare the North for the coming of the Others and he would not fail. He decided he would do this as Jon Snow the Bastard of Winterfell the truth would remain hidden beneath the snow until the time came for the dragon to reveal himself.
Jon Snow had arrived in Westeros ahead of a new Whitewolf Army. The banners of a white wolf on a black field were all over the place as they landed at sea dragon point. Azeroth made sure that the banners were on every ship, every shield and every armour worn by the soldiers he had. Through green sight he had learned of his cousin's betrayal and vow to avenge him.
Jon sent Ravens to all the lords of the North informing them of who he is and asking them to come and witness as he avenged his brother and their fallen loved ones, he did not ask them to fight but only to witness, but many wanted revenge they would march to witness with their armies. Jon wanted the entire North to Watch. With his Warging the ravens he had brought with him from Azeroth flew directly to were he wanted them to. delivered messages to all the lords of the North
It had been a moon now that the Boltons settled themselves in Winterfell. News of a Large Army marching to Winterfell had just reached Lord Boltons ears
'How many men' Roose asked
'Our scouts say 17 000 plus men father' Ramsey responded. Roose paled the writing was on the wall for them, he could not see a way out of this
Jon had sent 5000 to take Moat Cailin from the Greyjoys with the help of the 1000 Cronnigman. Word of the white wolf army taking the Moat had reached Roose Boltons ears adding to his despair.
Roose was now visibly worried he had received his own raven from the leader of this White wolf army. Roose knew full well that this was an enemy force. The entire North knew that a son of Lord Eddard had return to Westeros. They were outnumbered and no one would come to their rescue.
'Father we have 6 000 men here in Winterfell we should call for more men'
'Jon Snow sent ravens to all the lords of the North, many will side with him or remain neutral, less will risk battle against a force this big' Roose said
'Moat Cailin's been taken by Jon Snows forces, we can't escape to the south'
'What about the Karstarks' Ramsay asked
'The Karstarks might also remain neutral I have sent a raven'
'Let's ask the Lennisters for help'
'I have already sent a Raven to the Capital but it's pointless the Lennisters will never make it in time.
'What do we do than father'
'We fortify Winterfell and wait for our allies and our enemy to arrive'
The Boltons prepared the best they could, their newly found position was unsecure. Roose new most of the Lords would never fight for them. He was screwed. The days passed till the day he had dreading arrived, the day he saw the great white wolf army marching in the distance. It was a far superior army even at first glance. It didn't look like a northern army, but an army fit for a royalty. The army looked more organised, and the armours worn but soldiers looked more expensive, even tents looked more expensive navy-blue tents with White Wolf stitched all over them.
'Snow must have spent a lot of money on this army' Roose said
'it will be ours after we kill him' Ramsey said
'Don't be stupid boy there's no way we of winning this'
'Father, give me 20 good men' Ramsay said. He was clearly delusional thinking he could change the outcome of this Roose thought
The Capital had been mourning the death of King Joffrey who had just been poisoned. Tyrion Lannister was charge as the culprit and his wife escaping the Capital made him look even more guilty. Two days had passed since Joffrey's death and a small council meeting was called.
'Well then Varis tell us why you requested a meeting today' Tywin began
'Dark tidings' Pycelle spoke up before Varis
'This is a raven sent from the North by Lord Bolton' said Pycelle
Tywin took the scroll and read a message which he could not believe, this was not something any of them had foreseen.
'Jon Snow where did this boy come from who is he? Tywin asked after reading the scroll
'Ned starks bastard my lord, the boy disappeared 4 years ago so even I do not know where he has been the last 4 years' the spider said
'Over 20 000 men' Tywin asked in disbelief after reading the letter again
'What do your spies say about this army Varis? Oberyn asked. The prince of Dorne had just been appointed into the small council after Joffreys death.
'My Latest birds report that a small fraction of the Army has taken Moat Calin the rest of the Army should have arrived outside Winterfell by now' Varis said
'All my birds report of Jon Snow's dire wolf which is said to be much bigger than the wolf the Young Wolf had'.
'Another dire wolf' Oberyn spoke
'Yes, the beast is said to stand as tall as a man and it is white which is why Jon Snow is called the white wolf. Some of the other Northern Lords seem to have answered Jon Snows call and are now moving towards Winterfell with what remains of their armies' the spider finished
'Then the is no way of helping Roose' Tywin said 'even if we marched, we'd never make it in time'
'And Moat Calin is garrisoned, the North is sealed off,' said Oberyn
'Yes, my lord it would seem Roose Boltons fate is sealed' Pycelle spoke 'all we can do is wait for the outcome' he finished.
'That Army is too far away to be a treat; Varis keep an eye on them send more spies North and find Peter Baelish and Sansa stark' Tywin said with a serious look in his face. He had thought everything was said and done, that there would be no more threats coming from the North.
'Yes, my Lord'
The meeting continue Varis spoke of the Targaryen girl to the East who ruled Meereen with an Army and 3 Dragons. They weren't really concerned about her as she was far away.
She was sitting with Margeary in one of the gardens of Kinglanding which overlook the ocean when her son Mace came to share the new development.
'What news from the small council Mace' she asked
'It would seem the Wolves aren't gone and dead yet mother' he said
'What do you mean father' asked Margeary
'Jon Snow the bastard of Winterfell landed in the North with an army of over 20 000 men, we are not sure about the exact number' he said surprising both women
'Jon Snow, the stark bastard who disappeared 4 years ago' Olenna asked Mace nodded
'Who is he, where has he been 'Margaery asked
'I don't know my child, bastards are usually of no concern' Mace said
'He feels like a concern now the North will rally behind him and the Lannisters lost Sansa Stark the only leverage they had' Margaery said worried
'It seems the is a new player in the great game, a player no one saw coming' Olenna said
'Mace find out more about this, we will be tied to the Lannister's soon, any treat to them is a treat to us' she said
'yes mother' he said
It would be weeks before they got any concrete information on what was happening in the North
The Manderlys were the first to arrive after Jon outside Winterfell with1000 men. The Manderlys had met up with Howland Reed, Maege Mormont, Dacey Mormont, the Greatjon Umber and 800 men, 400 were those who escaped the red wedding. They were witnessing what they couldn't believe, the ravens sent by Jon Snow had been hard to believe thinking it was a trick but given the banner of a white wolf seen all over the large host camped outside Winterfell they soon knew that it was no trick.
'Look at this army' Wynman said still shocked
'I don't believe it, could it truly be Neds boy' The Greatjon who had miraculously survived the red wedding spoke
'It looks like house Stark is not dead' said Maege
'It's a good thing King Rob named him his heir,' SAID Dacey
'I must say I was sceptical about him, someone who had disappeared for years as heir' Wyman said 'I mean someone who could've been dead'
'Where has the boy been how will we know its him' Wyman asked
'I've seen him before with a white wolf pup, I was here in Winterfell when the boy disappeared' Umber said
Horses approached them, 10 soldier of the white wolf army stopped right in front of them. The white wolf banner was visible on their navy-blue armours
'Greetings I am Lothar a captain serving under the white wolf, you are here to see him right'
'Yes, take us to Neds boy' Umber said harshly
Lothal who was a greater warrior than umber smiled 'Follow me my lords, your soldiers will remain outside the camp until the White wolf tells us otherwise. The Lords followed in amazement of the discipline and organisation of this army; it was beyond belief.
How did Neds boy get an army like this Wyman thought' he hadn't been to Moat Cailin thus he did not see the army Jon had sent there. They walked into the largest tent fit for giants and there he was, the boy was too pretty to be a Stark he thought looking at Jon.
'Welcome my lords' Jon spoke, as he did this ghost stood up from the Corner. The lords took a step back in shock and amazement this wolf much larger than grey wind.
'Do not worry ghost will not harm you, unless you are enemies' Jon said
'I must say we were not expecting your return Jon Snow' Maege said
'Your father had the entire North search for you after you disappeared' she finished
'We thought you were dead' Dacey Mormont said
'The gods have smiled upon me, I was returning to aid Rob in the war that broke out, the news of the war even reached as far as the West of Westeros where I was for the past 4 years' Jon said
'I see sorry about what happened to your brother' Lord Reed said
'Unforeseen turns are simply part of any path' Jon replied
'All we can do is move forward my lords, Revenge is one out many thing that I promise, winter is coming for the Boltons, Freys and Lannister's I swear by the old gods' Jon Said the lord hummed and nodded in agreement intensely. Maege took out a document.
'This is a final testament from King Rob, he legitimized you as a Stark and named you his heir she said the lords bowed, he was shocked stunned
'I've been gone for years; he named me his heir even though he didn't know where I was or if I was alive' he asked wide eyed
'You were the only choice, the best choice from what we are seeing, Sansa is a Lannister, we and the North would Never allow a Lannister's to have the North. The other of your half siblings are dead and Arya Stark is dead or missing.
'I see stand my lords, I think we should wait for all the Northan Lords before this decision is made decree or not. I will only accept being king if all the lords approve of it. They nodded in agreement and went to settle themselves. Jon was patient he had the supplies to be patient the wait went on for another day as the rest of the lords arrived, first the Cerwins with 200 men, the Hornwoods with 800 men, Smalljon arrived with arrived with 300 men, the Tallharts with 600 men and the Ryswells in 300 men and to Jon surprise the Flints and Norrys came down for the mountain with 2000 . The Glovers, Dustin's and the Karstarks were MIA. They weren't stupid enough to face off against Jon Snow given his numbers, to them Roose was done for.
Jon saw how depleted the North was when it came to fighting men and was glad, he came back with an army as large as the one he brought. On night two the attack of Winterfell began Jon did not care to negotiate with the lich lord he just wanted him to surrender which he had refused when a messenger was sent. 18 000 men created a distraction by attacking the front gate while the rest entered Winterfell through the secrete tunnel into Winterfell. Knowledge of the tunnels were Known only to the starks
He could not believe what was going on the, Starks had breached the castle where did they enter, he thought.
'They are coming from the crypts my lord'' said a soldier
He did not respond he watched the battle transpire, he saw Jon Snows wolf killing dozens of men and he watched as the wolf killed Ramsay. Jon and the Greatjon progressed to the gate cutting through men like butter. The thousand Soldiers led by Jon into the castle vi secrete passage successfully opened the gates of Winterfell to Rooses despair the army outside entered Winterfell cutting every Bolton man they could see, it was a slaughter
The Bolton men started to surrender laying their Weapons on the ground. The GreatJon dragged Roose to Jon's side
'Lord Bolton it is nice to finally meet you' said Jon. Roose did not replied he had been beaten badly by Umber after he had surrendered.
'Lock him up, his sentence will be carried when the other Lords get here'.
Roose was locked up and all the men cheered in victory. 3 days past and the rest of the Northan lords got to Winterfell.
The Northern Lords had gathered in great hall of Winterfell. The Stark banners of a grey wolf on a white field flew over Winterfell accompanied by the banner of a White wolf on a black field. Reckon Stark had been missing, to the entire North he was dead.
The Lords of the North deliberated and all of them knelt and named Jon Snow king in the North
'The king in North! The king in North! The king in the North! The king in North! The king in the North! The king in North! The king in the North! The king in the North! The king in the North!
They all stood after kneeling and shouted those words in unisons.
A day passed and the new King in the North was holding his fast meeting detailing his plans on the future.
'Right my Lords welcome'
'What are your plans your grace' Lord Reed ask
'The future that is why we are here' he said ' I had 22 000 men fighting for me I lost 400. For now we will sure up the North in time we will move on the Twins'
'Why wait your grace' asked the GreatJon
'I don't make rash decisions lord Umber' such decisions get people killed' he said ' make no mistake going South will mean an all out confrontation with the Lannister's who have united with the Tyrells meaning they have more men'
'Do not worry Lord Umber we will march south 3/4 moons from now after all the Riverlands sided with the North in the war, we owe them'.
'My spies say the blackwood's still hold their castle in Rob's Name, the black fish holds Riverrun but is under siege from the Frey's 'Manderly spoke
'I'm sure they hold Riverrun for 2years before running out of food' Reed said
'And your son? He asked
'He is fine at White Habour, he was rescued by the brother hood without banners while the Freys were transporting him' Manderly replied
The discussion continued, Lord Manderly was given 2 million worth in gold to buy as much food for the North and another million to purchase sale swords and bring them to Westeros. Jon's fleet that landed at sea dragon point was currently sailing around the continent, to Essos. They would meet the Manderlys there and ship the sell swords to Westeros for him. He sent Lothal and 6000 of his personal soldiers to the Dredford which was well stocked with supplies, 2000 Remained at Moat Calin.
He would travel with the Greatjon and Lord Reed alongside 5 600 soldiers of the white wolf army plus 1400 mountain clansmen to Castle Black to help defend the wall. A raven from Castle Black asking for aid had come before they took Winterfell. The raven warns of an army of Wildings marching to castle black. The remaining 3000 of his men with would remain in Winterfell with Lord Cerwin who was given temporary command of the Castle. The rest of the Lords had 3/4 Moons to rest and they returned to their Castles to preparing themselves for the coming war.
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