When Alex Riziero, a 24-year-old NEET with a passion for Pokémon, is suddenly transported into the world of his favorite franchise, he finds himself at the beginning of an adventure he only dreamed of. Armed with his starter Pokémon, a Pidgey named Ace, Alex must navigate the challenges of being a Pokémon Trainer while also adapting to the intricacies of this new world.
As he encounters familiar faces like Ash Ketchum and Gary Oak, Alex discovers he possesses unique knowledge of the Pokémon universe that could alter the course of events. However, with great power comes great responsibility; he must tread carefully to avoid disrupting the timeline and causing unforeseen consequences.
With a blend of humor, rivalry, and unexpected friendships, Alex embarks on a journey to prove himself, forge his own path, and perhaps even find love along the way. Will he rise to become a Pokémon Master, or will his interventions lead to chaos? Join Alex as he faces trials, challenges, and the ever-evolving world of Pokémon, where every decision could change the future.
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