Reviews of Infinite Evolution in the Marvel universe by MythicForge - Webnovel



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  • Desenvolvimento de Histórias
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  • Antecedentes do mundo

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its a decent novel. don't know why people are so butt hurt about a single comment. people are quick to judge a novel they haven't even read 20-30 chapters of. sure there are some questionable comments in the ff but after maybe ch 15 no such comments are made. I've seen, read and dropped a lot of other ff's because of the hard racism but this ff is really not that bad lol. people are just to sensitive.

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Es pesima, se nota demasiado el china por aqui y por alla, porque no pueden hacer una novela normal y seria por al menos una vez. Ademas de las típicas decisiones y logica del autor que uno queda modo wtf, es la razon mas estúpida que he leido, sinceramente no recomiendo que lean esto

Ver 0 Respostas

Я устал от этих китайцев, которые везде и всегда хотят показать своё мнимое превосходство по расе. Плюс ко всему, автор явно не знает лор Марвела, из-за в сильных злодеях выделяет только самых ключевых персонажей по типу Таноса, а среди общего числа сильных персонажей только Древнюю и Одина, практически как и все китайцы в своих фанфиках.

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The author has a real issue with basic math. First, they don’t seem to know how to add or subtract large numbers. Secondly, they struggle to remember or keep track of values mentioned just a paragraph earlier. It’s really disappointing because it detracts from the story. For example, when the main character makes 30 billion dollars and spends 1 billion, he’s somehow left with only 2 billion. Can the author please explain what happened to the other 28 billion that just disappeared? This kind of bad math occurs throughout the story, and it’s both frustrating and distracting.

Ver 0 Respostas

Very good novel, there is nothing of reference that says anything about China other than a restaurant and that's it, from then on the MC is only in New York and Xandar, he never sets foot in China and has no Chinese patronism at all. I recommend reading, it is an interesting novel where the MC creates his own organization and they grow together

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forget about the racism it doesnt happen again and quickly forgetten but the problem is after a point this story is more about the tony stark than our mc. So it got boring

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The part in first chapter where mc states he would take any job except ones that include killing asians may push you away from the story. But I read it whole up to chapter 272, and it was the only show of nationalism in this entire novel, to the point that i belive it was mandatory to appear in order to make this novel legal in author country or something, becouse it literally never appears anymore. I literally forgot about it and didnt thought that author may be asian, till i read other revievs telling about it before writting my own. And its just asian, no specific country mentioned. Its not the best i ever read, but its smooth to read, dialogues are ok and the concept along with progress are interesting enought to get you throught. Its not 5 stars, but it does not have any big flaws to mention, from technical point of view its very solid 4 stars, maybe 4,5 . But considering that the author is asian, I give 5 stars, for writting effort, becouse if not for the no assian killing sentence that apears once in whole novel, I wouldnt notice it may be asian novel, and thats something very rare for asian novels, its 4 stars by my very strict standars, 5 for effort in writting it well enought to not notice its asian without that one sentence. I would belive its not asian and this sentence was a coinsidence if not for the fact that I do not belive in accidents. Mmm, it appears that the best compliment one can give to an asian author is that he writes soo well he does not seem to be asian.

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"I can kill anyone" "As long as they're asian" *Kills a Japanese man* Chinuh numbah juan syndrome, racism disguised as patriotism.

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La historia tiene un trasfondo interesante ya que el tema en el que apoya es algo nuevo explorador, el problema es que hay demasiado racismo por ejemplo en el primer capítulo se hace mención a que matara a cualquiera por dinero exepto a occidentales y hay demasiadas referencias chinas y diálogos tontos como " estás buscando la muerte" y " una rana en un poso" y todo eso es molesto leer esto constante mente así que en lo personal no lo recomiendo fin.....

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Most people just say that the racism is ruining it but it just apears in 1 or 2 chapters out of 200+ its really not that big of a deal . Story is really interesting and well paced.

Ver 0 Respostas

Hello, author, tell me, have you thought about a story in which a person died and was reborn as a symbiote. And then he decided to merge with Parker from the Gwen Spider universe.

Ver 1 Respostas

Like the concept but the author constantly makes racist comments.

Ver 0 Respostas

Please stop with the chinese bs its really annoying and others think so too

Ver 0 Respostas

a good novel with a fresh new way for the mc to become strong unlike the other repetitive power up with almost same romance background and character development

Ver 0 Respostas

Very bad, grammer is bad, plot is inconsistent, and author has no situational awareness.... . ... .. .. . .. . .... ... . .... ...... .. . . .. ...... ....... ......

Revelar Spoiler
Ver 1 Respostas

If I could give less than 1, I would. This was a waste of minutes that I'll never get back.

Ver 0 Respostas

The novel is interesting, but wow, racism is thick in this novel. Frankly, I don't understand why Chinese authors don't write a neutral novel instead of these novels that are full of excessive racism. I can understand that they can't insult their country or their president, but why insult other countries? I'm not American and I don't like America, but the racism directed at any country makes me hate the novel and China with it because it shows me that the Chinese see themselves above the rest of the world, and this is pathetic and disgusting, and for this reason this novel is no go for me, it is one star for me if I could, I would give it zero stars if I could for the racism. This did not come from one novel, but from several disgusting novels.

Ver 2 Respostas

First of all ur copy pasting the already translated version here without giving any sort of creadit to the ORIGINALL AUTHOR. Now I don't mind anything about that its ur business but since ur doing this then u should at least remove the Racism from this but ur not doing anything no edits no nothing just copy pasting it here. At least remove the Racism part from this by editing this. I already read the ORIGINALL one and there are racism and other shit but u could edit those part it won't even take that much time man. At least u could do that since ur earning from here at least do something about the Racism part in this novel cuz the way I see it the moment MC reaches MULTIVERSAL LEVEL like the ORIGINAL one racism WILL BE ALL TIME HIGH in this NOVEL CUZ there is NOT much LEFT. So they FILLED those CHAPTERS with RACISM and BOY DO I TELL U IT WASN'T GREAT for ANYONE

Ver 0 Respostas

Another Racist Chinese author. Your better just moving on.

Ver 0 Respostas

Well this story is good if you ignore some shit at the start and becoz after I think ch 25 I have not read any shit so yeah this is a good story if you want to read

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Concept is good, grammar is good and if you can filter all political tropes that are filling this novel like locust... fortunately I am already numb to this kind of things or else I would rate it with one star...

Ver 0 Respostas

Chinese propaganda, not even the 1 chapter was without "I don't kill Asians".

Ver 0 Respostas

I'm hoping for romance ..............................................................................................................................

Ver 0 Respostas

people need to realize that nationalism is something Chinese authors must add if you don't like it then don't read the novel no one is forcing you also instead of ruining the reviews just don't read these novels god damn most of yall have been here for years and still can't get used to Racism now now that's Crazy.

Ver 37 Respostas

Another chinese author with racist and biased attitude. Concept was good though and would be great if some non Chinese author would pick it up or make similar fic.

Ver 1 Respostas
LV 4 Badge

so far so good i am enjoying a bit of a mistake here and there but its good

Ver 0 Respostas

Wow. A really good story I would say.

Ver 3 Respostas

People should understand that authors from China don't have a choice as they have to add nationalism to their works in order for them to earn money as there are many great quality novels in China getting axed because they would sometimes depict the government in a badlight or would secretly vent their frustrations in their works but they would end up getting caught with only a few getting away with it

Ver 2 Respostas

Its an excellent novel with an amazing reading experience 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽

Ver 0 Respostas

jsjsjsnsnksksnznsjekwkaknsxhjxjdndnsnw sjjx s s

Ver 0 Respostas

its a decent novel. don't know why people are so butt hurt about a single comment. people are quick to judge a novel they haven't even read 20-30 chapters of. sure there are some questionable comments in the ff but after maybe ch 15 no such comments are made. I've seen, read and dropped a lot of other ff's because of the hard racism but this ff is really not that bad lol. people are just to sensitive.

Ver 0 Respostas

Es pesima, se nota demasiado el china por aqui y por alla, porque no pueden hacer una novela normal y seria por al menos una vez. Ademas de las típicas decisiones y logica del autor que uno queda modo wtf, es la razon mas estúpida que he leido, sinceramente no recomiendo que lean esto

Ver 0 Respostas

Я устал от этих китайцев, которые везде и всегда хотят показать своё мнимое превосходство по расе. Плюс ко всему, автор явно не знает лор Марвела, из-за в сильных злодеях выделяет только самых ключевых персонажей по типу Таноса, а среди общего числа сильных персонажей только Древнюю и Одина, практически как и все китайцы в своих фанфиках.

Ver 0 Respostas

The author has a real issue with basic math. First, they don’t seem to know how to add or subtract large numbers. Secondly, they struggle to remember or keep track of values mentioned just a paragraph earlier. It’s really disappointing because it detracts from the story. For example, when the main character makes 30 billion dollars and spends 1 billion, he’s somehow left with only 2 billion. Can the author please explain what happened to the other 28 billion that just disappeared? This kind of bad math occurs throughout the story, and it’s both frustrating and distracting.

Ver 0 Respostas

Very good novel, there is nothing of reference that says anything about China other than a restaurant and that's it, from then on the MC is only in New York and Xandar, he never sets foot in China and has no Chinese patronism at all. I recommend reading, it is an interesting novel where the MC creates his own organization and they grow together

Ver 0 Respostas

forget about the racism it doesnt happen again and quickly forgetten but the problem is after a point this story is more about the tony stark than our mc. So it got boring

Ver 0 Respostas

The part in first chapter where mc states he would take any job except ones that include killing asians may push you away from the story. But I read it whole up to chapter 272, and it was the only show of nationalism in this entire novel, to the point that i belive it was mandatory to appear in order to make this novel legal in author country or something, becouse it literally never appears anymore. I literally forgot about it and didnt thought that author may be asian, till i read other revievs telling about it before writting my own. And its just asian, no specific country mentioned. Its not the best i ever read, but its smooth to read, dialogues are ok and the concept along with progress are interesting enought to get you throught. Its not 5 stars, but it does not have any big flaws to mention, from technical point of view its very solid 4 stars, maybe 4,5 . But considering that the author is asian, I give 5 stars, for writting effort, becouse if not for the no assian killing sentence that apears once in whole novel, I wouldnt notice it may be asian novel, and thats something very rare for asian novels, its 4 stars by my very strict standars, 5 for effort in writting it well enought to not notice its asian without that one sentence. I would belive its not asian and this sentence was a coinsidence if not for the fact that I do not belive in accidents. Mmm, it appears that the best compliment one can give to an asian author is that he writes soo well he does not seem to be asian.

Ver 0 Respostas

"I can kill anyone" "As long as they're asian" *Kills a Japanese man* Chinuh numbah juan syndrome, racism disguised as patriotism.

Ver 0 Respostas

La historia tiene un trasfondo interesante ya que el tema en el que apoya es algo nuevo explorador, el problema es que hay demasiado racismo por ejemplo en el primer capítulo se hace mención a que matara a cualquiera por dinero exepto a occidentales y hay demasiadas referencias chinas y diálogos tontos como " estás buscando la muerte" y " una rana en un poso" y todo eso es molesto leer esto constante mente así que en lo personal no lo recomiendo fin.....

Ver 0 Respostas

Most people just say that the racism is ruining it but it just apears in 1 or 2 chapters out of 200+ its really not that big of a deal . Story is really interesting and well paced.

Ver 0 Respostas

Hello, author, tell me, have you thought about a story in which a person died and was reborn as a symbiote. And then he decided to merge with Parker from the Gwen Spider universe.

Ver 1 Respostas

Like the concept but the author constantly makes racist comments.

Ver 0 Respostas

Please stop with the chinese bs its really annoying and others think so too

Ver 0 Respostas

a good novel with a fresh new way for the mc to become strong unlike the other repetitive power up with almost same romance background and character development

Ver 0 Respostas

Very bad, grammer is bad, plot is inconsistent, and author has no situational awareness.... . ... .. .. . .. . .... ... . .... ...... .. . . .. ...... ....... ......

Revelar Spoiler
Ver 1 Respostas

If I could give less than 1, I would. This was a waste of minutes that I'll never get back.

Ver 0 Respostas

The novel is interesting, but wow, racism is thick in this novel. Frankly, I don't understand why Chinese authors don't write a neutral novel instead of these novels that are full of excessive racism. I can understand that they can't insult their country or their president, but why insult other countries? I'm not American and I don't like America, but the racism directed at any country makes me hate the novel and China with it because it shows me that the Chinese see themselves above the rest of the world, and this is pathetic and disgusting, and for this reason this novel is no go for me, it is one star for me if I could, I would give it zero stars if I could for the racism. This did not come from one novel, but from several disgusting novels.

Ver 2 Respostas

First of all ur copy pasting the already translated version here without giving any sort of creadit to the ORIGINALL AUTHOR. Now I don't mind anything about that its ur business but since ur doing this then u should at least remove the Racism from this but ur not doing anything no edits no nothing just copy pasting it here. At least remove the Racism part from this by editing this. I already read the ORIGINALL one and there are racism and other shit but u could edit those part it won't even take that much time man. At least u could do that since ur earning from here at least do something about the Racism part in this novel cuz the way I see it the moment MC reaches MULTIVERSAL LEVEL like the ORIGINAL one racism WILL BE ALL TIME HIGH in this NOVEL CUZ there is NOT much LEFT. So they FILLED those CHAPTERS with RACISM and BOY DO I TELL U IT WASN'T GREAT for ANYONE

Ver 0 Respostas

Another Racist Chinese author. Your better just moving on.

Ver 0 Respostas

Well this story is good if you ignore some shit at the start and becoz after I think ch 25 I have not read any shit so yeah this is a good story if you want to read

Ver 0 Respostas

Concept is good, grammar is good and if you can filter all political tropes that are filling this novel like locust... fortunately I am already numb to this kind of things or else I would rate it with one star...

Ver 0 Respostas

Chinese propaganda, not even the 1 chapter was without "I don't kill Asians".

Ver 0 Respostas

I'm hoping for romance ..............................................................................................................................

Ver 0 Respostas

people need to realize that nationalism is something Chinese authors must add if you don't like it then don't read the novel no one is forcing you also instead of ruining the reviews just don't read these novels god damn most of yall have been here for years and still can't get used to Racism now now that's Crazy.

Ver 37 Respostas

Another chinese author with racist and biased attitude. Concept was good though and would be great if some non Chinese author would pick it up or make similar fic.

Ver 1 Respostas
LV 4 Badge

so far so good i am enjoying a bit of a mistake here and there but its good

Ver 0 Respostas

Wow. A really good story I would say.

Ver 3 Respostas

People should understand that authors from China don't have a choice as they have to add nationalism to their works in order for them to earn money as there are many great quality novels in China getting axed because they would sometimes depict the government in a badlight or would secretly vent their frustrations in their works but they would end up getting caught with only a few getting away with it

Ver 2 Respostas

Its an excellent novel with an amazing reading experience 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽

Ver 0 Respostas

jsjsjsnsnksksnznsjekwkaknsxhjxjdndnsnw sjjx s s

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