From now on there won't be any extra information on Stats and further more I will stop asking you guys for gifts. Because even though I need them so godda* much. The gifts should come from your own wishes to actually gift me or not.
But a brother always appreciates a Gachapon here and there you know.
It doesn't need to be a Gachapon it can all be a Spacecraft or a Castle or a Car or anything actually as long as it comes from your pocke- HEART I meant heart.
I know that for the past few chapters I have been writing too many info, fear not I am trying to cut it from the chapter 66 and from there on we will quickly process through the story. So I ask you guys to please be patient with me as I am only a noob in writing.
Ashe Understanding that I understood his underlying meaning he smiled even more as he put five fingers in front of my face as he gave me a number that resembled at least a five number count.
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