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14.28% Supreme artist system (new life old dreams) / Chapter 5: Chapter 5: 1 year birthday party and first system mission

Capítulo 5: Chapter 5: 1 year birthday party and first system mission

Today is my birthday I am now 1 year old I like the fact that I was born at the start of May the 3 of May to be exact, the sakura tree was still blooming the weather was neither too cold nor hot colors were starting to show in the gardens with multiple flowers blooming and the scent in the air was sweet I got up with the aid of the bars of my crib and looked at the window the sun was just about to rise and the sight was something else here (image here). I was happy with the progress I made while everyone here thought I was a genius only I know that I was still holding back some of my prowess like the fact that I already knew how to walk but I made it look like I was still struggling a bit but I won't keep this facade for long at most 3 months before ill start giving headache to Lena and Martha (giggles) I started showing interest in music 2 months ago when the old gardener was playing on his guitar I urged Lena to go close and I start clapping my hands in pace with the songs Lena asked me if I loved it I said to her with a smile -I want one pointing at the guitar I said. I hope I get it for my birthday if not I will have to get insistent and ask for it again!

I was still lost in thoughts when I heard the chiming sound of the system in my head

Ding !"Good morning and happy birthday Lotus"

"Thank you Alexa but isn't it your birthday too?"

"Ooohh your right ...)

"Hehehe happy birthday to you too then Alexa "

"Thank you, Lotus, anyway I was not just here for that you heard the chiming noise just now congratulation on getting your very first mission from the system Lotus "

"For real. wait I need to check this out "


Name: Ace Lotus Smith

Age: 1 years old







<talent stat>





Martial arts:1/100+


Music prodigy:1/10+

Mind space: level max

Steady hand:1/10+

Magic voice:1/10+




"Oh I do have a mission Alexa why did I gain stats without doing anything ?"

"Stats will grow by 0.1 each day until you get to 20 in said stats after 20 only by working out or with missions reward will it grow more "

" Ok thank you, Alexa, well let's see what this mission is about! Mission"


[1 year old is a big step so show them you can walk! take 1000 steps through the day ]

REWARD: +1 free skill point!

"Humm this is good I will for sure put it in music prodigy I think humm yup I have decided" Well now that I do not need to hide time to get out of this crib and give a little scare to my dear Lena, Lena! I love you I thought mischievously(giggles) so how do I get out of here without waking her up.. do right the curtain Lucky that my crib is right under the window I know the curtains rod won't budge because I saw with my own eyes how Uncle Anthony admonished the poor guy who installs them for not having screwed them and that this could fall and hit me when I sleep, well good for me since I'm sure it will support my weight!

So I reached out to take hold of the curtains from between the bars of my cribs and then make them go over the safety railing I twisted the curtain so it would resemble a rope then put my weight backward and my feet on the wall on the left side of my window and start climbing until I was past the safety railing I shifted my body to the left again "I am spider man I can walk on walls I thought hehehe" and then carefully a start going back down and finally I made it safely putting my two feet on the ground I look up a little exhaust "damn didn't realize it would be this hard, oo right I need to put back the curtains in place if I don't want my trick to be seen trough"

After looking around and making sure nothing was out of place I started walking out of the room good thing Lena never closed the door because that would have been game over for me," so where do I go now oh I know" and with a purpose in my steps I began walking at the back of the mansion I was being cautious to not make a sound and looking around me to be sure nobody saw me after 20 minutes ..because yes I got little legs I finally arrived in front of a big room with huge double glass doors then again thanks god they were opened I walked in and looked at my surrounding there was a giant blue and silver colored Steinway grand piano in the middle of the room some violins on the walls if somebody could see me right now they would see my eyes glowing with joy and excitement with a new pep in my steps I walk as fast as I could toward this beauty of musical instrument!

In Ace's room sometime later Helena opened her eyes to the sun shining through the curtains she put her hands on her face to wash away the last bit of fatigue she was having and yawned as she stretched and then .. froze all drowsiness went away in a heartbeat

-ACE yelled loud enough for Martha, Nigel, and a groggy Uncle Anthony to get out of their room and make their way toward Helena with panic clearly showing on their face "Has something happened to little Ace" they all thought!

-What is going on Helena asked Martha the first to arrive at the door panting a little bit

-Ace is missing sniff sniff! She said sobbing!

-WHAT! roared Anthony while taking a step toward Ace's little bed

He stood there stunned for 10 to 15 seconds before turning around with a very serious almost ferocious face and said

-I want everyone looking for him to search the whole mansion this instant!

Martha looked at Helena who was still shaken up by the situation took her hand in hers and said softly

-Don't worry we will find him!

Obvious to all the ruckus I had cause I was sitting in front of the piano with my feet dangling in the air, just climbing the little piano stool was a sport in itself I started playing well more like I was touching the keys and let the sounds imprint itself into me after doing this I start putting them together in a melody that you would found familiar yes I was playing scientist from Coldplay well a simplified version of it but I still could make it work I was so engrossed in playing that I never noticed a crowd starting to form outside of the room ...

When Martha found me she was stunned silly that the melody that she thought was coming from one of the workers slacking off in their search for little Ace was coming from little Ace himself she took out her mobile phone and sent a group message saying she found Ace and to come to the music room and in silence, the last part of the message left everyone wondering why was there a need to be silent but as they approached the musical room and heard the music flowing out of it with Martha not moving an inch with the gentlest smile she ever got except maybe the day she and Nigel got married they understood why she asked them to be silent since they could hear the music but there was little Ace? they all thought but they soon got their answer and if for not seeing it with their own eyes they would have never believed it.

Little Ace was playing the music was coming from those little hands you couldn't even see his leg under the stool only his feet and yet this little 1-year-old boy was playing music ...and it was good everyone was listening in silence when old gardener got through the door leading to the gardens he just came back from his morning routine when he saw all the staff of the mansion and Mr.Smith rotted on the door of the musical room so he shouted

-what are you all doing?

The music stopped and everybody turned toward Hector with eyes that could kill not knowing what he had done wrong he looked down feeling chills all over and ask

-W w what is going on?

When I heard Hector's voice I was surprised but not as much as seeing everyone at the door looking a me with their eyes shinning bright i could see Uncle Anthony puffing his chest in pride, and Martha was fondly looking at me like I was the son she never had, Helena was still trying to wipe her eyes but they didn't stop raining tears of joy and relief!

-what are you all doing here I ask knowing all too well they were looking for me and stumble upon me playing the piano!

When I made a move to disembark from the stool it woke up Helena's instinct and she tried to make a move toward me to catch me but she was way too far then again she stood there in shock like everyone else when they saw how much ease I made it look despite the short stature I began strolling toward them while smiling and then look at Lena and said

-Good morning Lena, Mammy (Martha's surname), and everyone!

-Hey what about me ask my Uncle while everyone was stifling their laughs

-hi uncle I didn't see you I said with a giggle and a more than evident mischievous glint in my eyes making everyone unable to hold it anymore causing another round of not-so-suppressed laughter!

-Hummpphh as if I'd believe you when you make this face anyway that's not the most important what were you doing here alone you know you made us worried sick?

-hmm I was playing with this pointing at the piano Lena was sleeping and Lena was always saying you to be quiet so as not to wake me up so I did the same, puffing my chest as a way to say praise me I did good, of course, all this was me acting out and I am pretty sure Mammy saw through me but she stifles a laugh and looks elsewhere while Uncle was stunned on the spot not knowing what to say anymore, of course, Lena was laughing so hard she started crying again!

-humph you little smartass don't do this again if you want to play the piano there must but someone with you Martha from tomorrow onward every morning you will teach this little monster to play and read music

-Yes Anthony I will do so we got a little genius here she said looking at me

"Yes that went better than expected I will be able to practice and get lessons on music every morning it sure gonna help me a lot"

-Alright everyone can return to their morning tasks Helena takes little Ace to eat his breakfast

-ok here let me pick you up Ace she said while extending her arms toward me

-I can walk look Lena I said while dodging her and getting past her while she was still looking lost it was just now that everybody finally noticed that I could walk they were probably too shocked before and never asked themself how I was able to come here alone in the first place well I couldn't blame them as if it was me in my last life I would have been just as a shock if not more since I still showed that compare to other children my age I was much more advanced in pretty much everything the shock must have been a little less than it would have been if I had showed everything all at once!

As we were on the way to the kitchen I noticed that Lena was especially quiet I think me not needing to be carried around all the time anymore makes her sad a bit so I approached her and held the hem of her long skirt which made her smile a little the chefs of the mansion were still following us since everyone was with me not even 2 minutes ago they could have passed by us to go faster but they didn't and I was grateful for it Lena was matching my pace so it took us 15 minutes to get to the dining room she asked me what I wanted to eat and as usual since I could eat hard food I ask for waffles!

After stuffing myself with as much food as I could which was 4 strawberries and 1 waffle I can't wait to grow older so I can eat more because the chefs here could turn a vegan into a carnivore with how good their food is. When I saw that Lena wasn't done with her breakfast I asked her to put me down from my high chair she sternly reminded me not to run around without her so I just started walking around the table while being rougher than I thought I still needed to do my 1000-step mission 

After Lena was done eating I asked her to take me to see the gardens so we made our way outside I always wanted to look at the gardens more than just what I could see from inside the house and since 'I could walk now ' it was the perfect time to explore a little bit more after 2 hours of exploration I was so exhaust that Lena had to carry me back into the house as soon as she picked me up I fell asleep.

I woke up smelling something sweet in the house my stomach was crying for food and this marvelous odor that I recognized as a cake baking was not helping me at all Lena immediately reached out to me to take me out of the crib ... I bet she didn't rest, this morning episode was still fresh in her mind she took me in her arm and I didn't ask her to put me down she deserves a little hug from the handsome me I thought to myself

"Modesty is a virtue Lotus"

"Cough cough cut it out already I am just joking"

"Sure sure giggled Alexa"

The closer we got to the dining room the louder the sound coming from my stomach grew to make Lena smile at me with a knowing glance making the situation a little embarrassing my cheeks became a little redder than usual prompting Lena to kiss my cheeks again and again I let her be but I will for sure get my revenge and get her blush in embarrassment someday

Arriving at the dining room everyone was present there was a big blue and silver cake at the center of the table "They like those colors maybe this is the family color like an emblem or something" Well I do also like those colors coming out of my thought they start singing me happy birthday while goofing around after the song we began eating I was the first to finish of course Lena who didn't kept her eyes off me for a minute saw this and took me out of my chair without me asking I kissed her on the cheek which made her smile like never before I start walking around the table as I did after my breakfast this morning after 15 minutes of walking around the room I finally heard a chiming sound in my head I stop on the spot sit on the ground then thought

"Alexa, can you show me the mission description?"

"Yes, lotus!"



[1 year old is a big step so show them you can walk! take 1000 steps through the day ]

REWARD: +1 free skill point

HIDDEN REWARD: For having cleared your first task mission in less than 12 hours you got 3 free stat points!

"Alexa, are you sure there is no mistake here what about this hidden reward?  Show me my status please"

"Yes there is no mistake sometimes there will be hidden rewards but not always also condition for unlocking that hidden reward would never be the same so don't count on that and here is your status Lotus"


Name: Ace Lotus Smith

Age: 1 years old







Free stats point : 3

<talent stat>





Martial arts:1/100+


Music prodigy:1/10+

Mind space: level max

Steady hand:1/10+

Magic voice:1/10+

Free skill point: 1




"Humm thanks Alexa"

"No need Lotus"

Opening my eyes feeling someone had picked me up I saw my Uncle Anthony looking at me with a big smile on his face and fondness in his eyes he looked at me for a second then turned his head toward Lena and said

-Lena I think it is time for little Ace to sleep you can take your time I will go put him in his bed, swaddle him, and sing him a lullaby

"Ohh god please don't sing I don't want my ears to bleed I am still so young Uncle"

"Hehe this is karma Lotus"

Sigh well with how tired I am I should fall asleep pretty soon right.... wishful thinking his voice kept me awake for the entire song at least when he stopped I was able to drift into the land of dreams!

Anthony looked at Ace and was struggling to keep his emotions in check they grow so fast he thought with a creaking sound the door of the room opened and Helena came in

-Did Ace is sleeping she asked in a low voice

-Yes he is i will go wrap things up in the kitchen i wish you a good night Helena!

-Thank you and you too Anthony have a good sleep!

-Will do

Helena waited for Anthony to leave before creeping close to the crib and with the same struggle that Anthony just had she sighed before turning around thinking 'They grow up so fast....'

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