We returned to Windhelm just as the gates were about to be closed for the night.
The gate guard tried to be an annoyance again, but my patience was wearing thin after a long day of fighting and scrounging through a stinky tomb, so a quick application of the fear spell had us entering the city while leaving behind the irritating Nord with soiled pants.
We made a beeline toward the White Phial shop and met Quintius who was just about to close the shop for the day.
"Is master Nurelion in?" I ask hastily.
He seems to recognize me and shakes his head sadly "He is, but he is not feeling too well..."
Before he can close the door I raise a hand asking him to wait "I retrieved the phial, even if it was damaged when I found it."
His eyes widen "Can I see it?"
I nod and hand it over to him.
He looks it over and sighs "If we give it to master Nurelion right now he will just be disappointed, I have an idea how to fix it but the materials would be almost impossible to get in time."
Pretending not to know I ask "And what do you need to fix the phial?"
He thinks for a bit and says "I would need a finely ground mammoth tusk, a briar heart and some never melting snow." but then sighs in realization "The mammoth tusk I already have in store, the briar heart we could get with some effort, but the snow would be impossible as it can only be found on the peak of the throat of the world."
I cup my chin "Hmmm, I have an idea on how to get both the heart and snow. Could you give me a couple of hours?"
He scoffs, disappointed in himself "As if I have any other options, please do go ahead and hurry. Master Nurelion doesn't have much time" and closes the door.
Turning to Davos I ask "You got a place where we could summon something just a tiny bit illegal?"
"Like what?"
"A Dremora merchant of course" I give him my brightest smile.
He shivers but nods "Yes, follow me and please make sure it doesn't kill us all"
"No promises!" I say in a cheery voice.
Davos stumbles glares at me, and turns back to our destination while grumbling in annoyance.
We finally stop in a back alley of a back alley in the Grey Quarter.
Davos points to the ground "There you go, summon your merchant pal."
Not really caring why he chose this place as I have already checked his motivations with my blessing and found he really just want to do some 'honest work' like a proper professional, I use a scroll to summon Xelzaz.
The Dremora appears with his usual calculating smile "Ah! My newest star customer, how delightful to see you again." He looks at Davos with a calculating look and turns to me while shaking his head in disappointment "I am sorry Reyvin but you can't trade your friend here, not enough meat on him unfortunately."
Davos pales and stares at us, we give him completely serious looks in return for a bit before breaking into laughter at his expense.
"Ah, that one always gets them" Xelzaz wheezes out.
Davos glares at us and gives me the finger.
Xelzaz then returns to his business mode "How can I help you this fine evening Reyvin?"
I list off the ingredients we need.
He takes out a comically long scroll and looks it over "Hmmm... I can get you the briar heart easily, but the snow is impossible I am afraid to say."
My shoulders slump slightly "I expected as much but it didn't hurt to ask. Just give me the heart then" before he can get to scrounging through his stall which appeared next to him I add "Oh and I have those rings you ordered last time"
Not looking back he says "Just toss them here, ill deduct the price from your pay."
I do as requested and throw five rings at his stall who then magically fall right into a specific shelf.
Finally after about a minute Xelzaz exclaims "Ah! Found you" and brings out a bloody briar heart.
"Is that sanitary?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.
He shrugs "Eh, the Thane that sold it to me says it retains its potency better with the blood or something, I dunno. Maybe he was just too lazy to clean it."
"So long as it works I really don't care" I shrug.
"That's the spirit!" he smiles and tosses me the heart with a couple of saphires.
He goes to continue our conversation but suddenly stills "It seems I have to go, another customer calling and all that. Enjoy your heart!" and disappears with a pop.
As soon as he is gone I hear Davos groan "I swear to all the gods, if you keep doing this I will get grey hairs"
"Heh, right. We wouldn't want you to become all monochromatic"
"Mono- what now?"
"Don't worry about it"
He shakes his head and wisely decides to ignore my shennanigans "How are you going to get the snow then? Not going to summon a bloody Prince are you?"
I scratch my chin in thought "Hmm, an interesting proposal. But I don't think Mephala trades in snow unfortunately"
He pales for a second "Please just do your thing now I apologize for whatever I did to you just have mercy"
I laugh "Ah she was right, fucking with people is quite fun... although I don't think that is the exact thing she meant" he lets out another sigh, probably preparing for more but I clap my hands "Alright, alright ill get to it. Oi Scorch come out"
At my words my large hawk friend pops up next to me and gives me a curious look.
I smile at him "Could you please fly to the throat of the world and get me some snow from the peak?"
The bird gives me a deadpan stare and the equivalent of a middle finger with his claw.
"Aww, don't be like that! I will give you a bunch of treats tomorrow."
His head twitches cutely before he returns to glaring at me, I can see a calculating gaze in his eyes 'I am so proud right now!'
"Fine, fine I will give you a bunch for a week. Happy now?"
Scorch seems to mull it over for a bit before 'reluctantly' agreeing and flying off.
"You are one weird mer Reyvin, I hope you know that."
I spread my arms and declare to the skies "Better weird than boring!"
(Scorch's pov)
He is so getting pecked when I get back...
Fly to the tallest mountain in the land he said!
Ill give you treats he said!
It will be simple he said!
I am so going to bankrupt his grey ass! As soon as I manage to exit this storm that is...
I keep on gliding around the icy winds and after getting bored call my 'firecloak' as pops called it, the ice splits around me and I rush to the mountain peak I see below me.
Finally I break through the massive snowstorm and what awaits on the other side is a surprisingly calm mountain peak covered in what feels like a warm embrace.
I think he refers to this as magic fuckery.
I look around and notice a suspiciously glowy bunch of snow, I grab the little pouch tied to my claw and try and put some inside.
That is cold, but the treats wont earn themselves! You can do this scorchy boy, just think of the nuts!
After a glorious battle with the wicked snow I finish my conquest... and whimper like a chick.
No one must know!
Just as I am about to fly off again I hear the sound of air being moved and turn around...
Why is there a massive scaly bird standing on the big rock?!
Is he here to take my secret?!
You will not have me!
To take your snow you dumb scaled bird! What kind of bird even has scales? Are you deficient?!
Hearing my mighty battle cry the scaled degenerate chuckles "TRULY, THE WONDERS OF MUNDUS NEVER CIESE TO AMAZE ME. IT IS A SHAME WE CANNOT SPEAK." it sighs.
I give him the middle finger, same as pops taught me. Can't speak eh? Are you even a bird!? Fucking n'wahs....
I grab my pouch and fly off before more of its degeneracy can touch me.
Just as I am about to enter the storm again I hear "LOH VAH KOR!" and the storm disappears.
As I am flying away the scaled thing chuckles again "SAFE TRAVELS LITTLE ONE."
(Reyvin's pov)
About three hours later Scorch returns with a pouch filled with never melting snow, I am about to tease him about flying through a storm but he just huffs and disappears into my Magicka reserve.
Shrugging my shoulders at my grouchy hawk boi I clap my hands "Come Davos, we have a bottle to yoink!"
My companion wakes from his impromptu nap and grunts in affirmation.
Soon we are at the shop again, knocking at the door.
I hear rushing footsteps and Quintus opens the door with a frantic look on his face "Do you have it?"
I smile "Yes we do. One briar heart and unmelting snow, just as requested."
He grabs the components from my hands and rushes back inside, we follow him slowly and find him already hard at work in front of an alchemy table.
We stand around waiting for an hour before Quintus lets out an excited breath and rushes upstairs, sharing a look me and Davos shrug and follow him again into the alchemy Masters private room.
The old elf seems to be barely conscious, but still seems to have a tiny bit of life left in him.
Quintus brings out the now glowing white phial and shows it to him "Master, look! It is the phial."
Nurelion looks at it longingly, tears soon leave his eyes as he whispers his final words "Marvelous"
We are all silent for a minute before Quintus turns to me, I sense his motivations and it seems he wants to use the phial to become powerful and surpass his teacher.
Now that wont do at all.
I stealthily signal Davos and he nods, as he does so I distract Quintus by asking "What do you plan on doing now?"
He smiles at me "I will follow my masters teachings and become a better alchemist than Curalmil himself." Giving me a bow he says "Thank you for your help, truly."
I smirk and Quintus is grabbed from behind as Davos forces a vial of poison down his throat "Truly, a shame to have such a young and talented alchemist become so distraught at his master's death that he chose to follow him into the afterlife."
His eyes widen, but the potent poison cares very little for his feeble defiance.
As the life leaves Quintus' eyes I turn to Davos who has a 'business as usual' expression on his face "That won't leave any traces will it?"
He scoffs "What do you take me for?"
I shrug "Just make sure to copy his handwriting from a ledger and write down a suicide note. The guard probably won't care all that much for an Imperial, but I don't want loose ends."
He nods and gets to work.
I grab the white phial and hear [Quest completed] "Well hello there beautiful"
As I smile at my newest artifact I swear I can hear Mephala's gleeful laughter in the back of my head.
[The White Phial: The work of the ancient Nord alchemist Curalmil, it is said to refill the liquid placed into it from pure Magicka once every day. The phial has been empowered by a mysterious force, making every potion it creates more powerful.]
If you have enjoyed reading this you should earn the favor of Lord Dagoth by donating your stones of power to his house.
If you want to support me directly and get access to over 20 chapters in advance visit my patreon page patreon .com/Rastislav156
If you want to discuss the story or just meme about join my discord server: https://discord. gg/rgk9U3HP
After carefully setting up the crime scene and making sure Davos got the handwriting right we left the shop through a side window just in case and headed for the corner club to get some drinks in celebration.
In the meantime, I poured the most powerful potion of regeneration into the white phial. Just because I might not use it personally there was no reason not to earn some extra cash for basically no effort.
We greeted the owner, took our seats, and ordered some hearty stew and sujaama.
While I was relaxing Davos decides to ask "So, mister junior... what are you doing in Skyrim anyway? From what I know of your house I am surprised you aren't in Morrowind plotting to take over or something" he finishes humorously.
I chuckle into my drink "Well while my grandfather was rather wild with his goals, my father decided 'fuck that' and just left for Cyrodiil and joined up with the legion out of spite"
Davos raises an eyebrow "Who was your grandfather anyway? Some kind of higher-up in the cult or something?"
The smile I give him shakes him to his core.
He pales a bit "No fooking way..."
I cackle "Yes fooking way."
He palms his face slowly "I thought you were just the last member of the house, not an actual descendant"
I guess my existence really is that unbelievable to some people.
"Did you really think just anyone gets to become this powerful this quickly" I retort with a raised eyebrow.
He takes a long swig of his drink and asks with hope in his voice "Alright then, from your story I guess you and your father didn't really agree with what 'he' was doing then?"
I shrug "My father stopped caring after some time and I was born two centuries after he died so no real connection to be honest. The nobility and magical talent are nice to have, but that is just about the extent of my relation to him."
We were careful not to mention who we were talking about out loud just in case.
Davos lets out a relieved sigh "Ok, good. I thought I might have gotten myself into something I really wouldn't want to get myself into."
"Relax Davos, all I do is for my own personal greed and desires. No world conquest or religious warfare, just good old mortal wants." I make a show of enjoying my drink.
He chuckles, a lot less nervous "Aye, I can drink to that." after a short break he asks again "You still didn't answer my question though, what are you doing in Skyrim"
I look around just in case someone is listening before answering "My father got himself and my mother assassinated by Thalmor for some plot that he discovered. The Imperials just rolled over and pretended nothing happened so I left the place in disgust."
I take another swig of my drink "I was wondering aimlessly for a bit, but then decided to just pursue what I always wanted to and become a mage. So I traveled up to Winterhold and a year later... here we are."
Davos smiles wrily "Still can't believe it took you only a year to get this powerful"
"I actually am not that strong really" I shrug.
"Yup, I just got so good at enchanting that my robes and jewelry almost double my power" I summon my Magicka rings as a demonstration.
"Ah, so that is why that Dremora was so eager when you called" He scratches his chin in wonder.
I nod "Apparently I am very rare among enchanters in the sense that I really don't care who buys my things, and don't underestimate how useful having a merchant a scroll away truly is."
"You won't see me complaining about that." He says before shaking his head "Still Dremora are right terrifying."
I nod seriously "That they are, during our first meeting I was prepared to blow up the entire summoning chamber at a moment's notice in case he tried something."
I continue recounting some of my adventures, naturally leaving out any details that are too important.
When we are ready to depart Davos asks me about getting himself some enchanted gear and I tell him that I will give him a big discount but that is about it. He grumbled but accepted in the end as we did get a bunch of loot from the crypt we raided.
We got up early in the morning and headed toward the gates completely refreshed and calm, almost as if we didn't murder a man in cold blood yesterday. In truth, this world treated killing someone with far less weight than what I was used to before, this was even more true for my new race.
But after over a full year and all my experiences, it didn't bother me. That one item I killed for could save my life or the life of a loved one in the future and I will never regret committing murder for it.
My musing was stopped as we reached the gate of the city and unfortunately, that same guard I made piss himself yesterday was on duty right now.
I could feel his glare through the helmet he wore and knew that he was going to be an annoyance.
"Well, well, well. Look who it is, want to leave the city eh elf?" He asks in a spiteful tone.
I roll my eyes and say "I will give you ten septims to fuck off"
If his voice is anything to go by he has a cruel smile behind his helmet "That will be two hundred for your tone elf"
I quickly look around and notice that he is alone 'Well Nordling looks like it is my lucky day'
I look back at him and sigh in a pretend-defeated tone "Fine, I just want to leave this shithole anyways."
I can feel his smirk widening "Just for that I am raising it to three hundred elf." he practically spits out the 'elf'
I pretend to go for my money pouch and he opens his palm to receive it, but instead of gold in his hands, he gets a magically empowered fist to the face.
He slams against the wall and slumps down, I made sure to hold back just enough not to break his neck but he will feel this for months.
I quickly search him and take his money purely out of spite. Just to add insult to injury I grab a bottle of mead from my inventory and spill it all over him. 'That will teach you to annoy me you little shit'
I finally leave behind the suffocating city, followed by a gleeful Davos.
(Durrak's pov)
It has been an entire year since I joined the honorable companions of Ysgramor... And what a glorious year it was!
I got to fight strong beasts, dishonorable bandits, and even a necromancer.
Although sadly most of the work I got was grunt work.
It was all 'Hey Durrak go beat up this asshole who pissed off another asshole' or 'Hey Durrak go kill a saber cat that some-fucking-how got into someone's house'
Seriously how do you let a saber cat into your own home and not die in the process?
At least the pelt went for a good bit of coin...
I have grown greatly during this year, both in body and skill. No longer was I a lanky orc pup, now I was a true warrior of Malakath! I now towered over most of the humans in Whiterun, and I also looked at the part with the new traditional orc plate mail I ordered from Eourlund.
My fellow companions seemed to agree as I was finally about to go on a real quest for once. Indeed, Farkas and I were on our way to a Nord crypt known as the Dustman's cairn to retrieve another fragment of the axe of Ysgramor, Wuuthrad.
I was honored they would allow me to take on such a task, even if I was being babysat as some pointed out in good humor.
We walked half a day away from Whiterun to our destination, Farkas armed with his great sword and me with my father's trusty spear.
The cairn was out in the open noticeable from all around, using only the Nord's own honor to protect the death rest of its inhabitants.
We descended into the crypt with fire in our hearts, cleaving through its guardians and leaving them to rest once more.
Many wights were cut apart by Farkas or crushed and pierced by my spear until finally, we reached a circular chamber.
The door leading forward seemed to be locked so my shield brother and I searched around. Most we found were urns with burial coins inside which we left alone or wrappings and tools for embalming the dead.
Finally, I found a lever and excitedly pulled it.
The passage behind me was shut suddenly with an iron gate and my Shield brother turned abruptly.
Shaking his head he said "Now look what you've gotten yourself into." and then gave me a reassuring smile "No worries. Just sit tight. I'll find the release."
Just as he was about to head forward to do so a group of mostly humans wearing wolf pelts and armed with what looked like silver weapons surrounded him.
Their leader shouted "It's time to die dog!"
Another added "Truly, only an animal could be tricked into coming here alone" then turns to me with a disdainful look "Well, mostly alone" My blood burned in fury at his words.
They started inching toward my shield brother, words of mockery leaving their mouths.
As they were about to attack one said "Killing you will make for a great story."
Farkas smirked "None of you will be alive to tell it!" and as the words left his mouth he started twitching at unnatural angles, fur growing from his skin.
The ambushers tried to attack him with their silver blades but he lashed out quickly and pushed them off.
A massive werewolf now stood where Farkas once was.
There were about a dozen of them and while my shield brother fought valiantly their blades managed to cut him, every cut looked as if it had burned him making him roar in pain.
I tried everything to get out of my prison, I pushed the gate with my spear and it didn't budge.
I struck the metal with all my fury but all it did was hurt me.
The number of cuts on Farkas increased, as the number of foes was reduced to only five.
Finally, my shield brother could stand no longer and sat down in a corner, surrounded and waiting for death.
My heart was filled with both despair and fury, and I forced my eyes open and met them with my friend, hoping to honor his final moments.
Just as the leader was about to end him a sudden explosion of noise came from the entrance and a bolt of burning red lightning struck the attacker turning him into dust.
Another tried to finish Farkas but a crossbow bolt hit his head.
All of us turned toward the new arrivals and were met with a chilling sight.
A tall figure with imposing black and purple robes wielding a glowing bladed staff stood there, followed by another shorter figure bearing the crossbow that had just ended a man.
One of our attackers said in anger "This is no business of your sorcerer! Why do you attack the silver hand?"
The silver hand huh? I will remember this.
The sorcerer responds In a mocking tone I feel is familiar for some reason "Dumbass about to be disintegrated says what?"
"Wha-" and the dumbass was indeed disintegrated with another bolt thrown by the mage.
"Gets them every time." chuckled a voice I felt was familiar for some reason.
The two remaining ones charged at him in anger, but with a wave of his hand they were thrown against the wall, and with a wet crunch, dead.
The sorcerer approached my wounded shield brother and I feared the worst, as he was fiddling with something in his robes he said to his companion "Davos, go and find a way to open that gate while I deal with the puppy here."
Farkas looked insulted but could barely even glare.
I prepared to see my brother die once more only for the sorcerer to pull out a glowing red potion and quickly force-feed it to him.
"This should keep you alive until you transform back, then I can heal you properly" I hear him mutter, and see Farkas give a tired nod.
Finally, the mysterious sorcerer that seemed here to save us approached me and looked at me with the two burning embers that were the only thing I could see under his hood.
He stared for a good minute before chuckling "Holy shit Durrak you almost doubled in size. What do they feed you in Jorrvaskr?"
FInally it clicked and my eyes widened "Reyvin?"
His mask and hood disappeared and I saw the face of my friend "You got it buddy" he winked with a smile.
"What are you doing here?" I ask in confusion.
"Weeeel... That is a bit of a story."
If you have enjoyed reading this you should earn the favor of Lord Dagoth by donating your stones of power to his house.
If you want to support me directly and get access to over 20 chapters in advance visit my patreon page patreon .com/Rastislav156
If you want to discuss the story or just meme about join my discord server: https://discord. gg/rgk9U3HP
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